22 research outputs found

    Women's sexual control within conjugal union

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    This study attempts to examine the extent to which women have control over their sexuality within marriage and its implication for the spread of HIV/AIDS. The survey was carried out in metropolitan Lagos. The study shows that women have some control over their sexuality especially during certain occasions such as during menstruation, breastfeeding, pregnancy and when they are sick. However, only few women could negotiate with their husbands especially by insisting on safe sexual practices. The study therefore shows that women need to be educated on the need for safer sex practices, especially in this era of HIV/AIDS. They should also be economically empowered so as to practice safer sex. Again, men should be educated on the safer sex practices in other to control the spread of HIV/AIDS.conjugal, extramarital, menstruation, safe-sex, sex behavior, sexuality


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    This study examines from service design perspectives to what extent designers understand the term “Servitization” and who is responsible for value definition. The study also dives into looking the impact and role of customers’ involvement in value definition and values co-creation. Further in the prevalent influence of current social media to what extent has social media impact and influence customers’ involvement for idea generation (Idealization process) in design process. Qualitative research method is applied to compare three case study organizations in service and manufacturing industries for proper persecutions. Results of study indicate that lack of understanding of servitization mainly by service and products designers limits service innovation and leads to customers’ hostility. And design with the market rather for the market can only be achieved without limiting customer involvement. So, in order to reduce customers’ hostility and design with the market, social media creates a platform to reduce information alteration, cycle time, and increase customers’ involvement in design process by co-creating and transferring values definition from customers to designers. However, it also poses some threat if organizations cannot exercise active control. Finally, the study also establishes the difference between design and service design that when organization get proper understanding of, will improve design process significantly.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Development of an External Ultrasonic Sensor Technique to Measure Interface Conditions in Metal Rolling

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    Metal rolling is by friction which develops at metal-to-roll interfaces during the rolling process. But, friction at the metal-to-roll interface during the metal rolling process can cause roll surface damage if not controlled. Over time, friction results in downtime and repair of the mill. Therefore, lubrication is essential to control the metal-to-roll interface coefficient of friction. It is important to understand the conditions at the metal-to-roll interface to minimize energy loss and improve the strip surface finish. In this work, a new method for measurement of metal-to-roll interface conditions, based on the reflection of ultrasound, is evaluated during the cold metal rolling operation. The method is a pitch-catch sensor layout arrangement. Here, a piezoelectric element generates an ultrasonic pulse which is transmitted to the metal-to-roll contact interface. This method is non-invasive to both roll and strip during the process. The wave reflection from the metal-to-roll interface is received by a second transducer. The amplitude of the reflected waves is processed in the frequency domain. The reflection coefficient values are used to study the metal-to-roll interface conditions at different rolling parameters like, roll speeds and rolling loads. The results show that the reflection coefficient increases with increasing roll speed. This is because of reduction in the roll-bite contact area or increase in the frictional resistance of interface during the roll speed increment. However, the reflection coefficient decreases with increasing rolling load due to either increase in the roll-bite contact area or pressure. The reflection coefficient determines the oil film thickness formation at the metal-to-roll interface. In-addition, the Time-of-Flight of the reflected wave obtained from this technique is used to estimate strip thickness and roll-bite length during the rolling process. The oil film thickness in the range of 1.25µm to 3.05µm was measured during the rolling process. The film thickness increases with increasing roll speed and reduces with increasing rolling load. The roll-bite value of 5.5mm was measured during the process. The results from this study show that this ultrasonic technique can measure the metal-to-roll interface conditions (roll-bite, oil film and strip thickness) during the rolling process. This ultrasonic technique has the advantage of minor roll modification. Additionally, the experimental roll condition values obtained from the ultrasonic reflection method agree with theoretical values. The technique shows promising results as a research tool, and with further development, could be used for lubricant monitoring. Also, it can be utilized in the control system of a working mill for reduction of friction losses in the metal rolling process

    Mathematical Modeling of River Blindness Disease with Demography Using Euler Method

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    The study focused on the mathematical modelling of river blindness (Onchocerciasis) infectious disease using SIR model with demography and Euler method as the analytical procedure in Excel programming. Onchocerciasis is discussed, assumptions are made and basic deterministic features are studied. The interaction between the susceptibility and infection decline drastically to 0.01%, in the 90 days simulated diseases about 52% of the population are susceptible to the disease and 50% on average infection rate is recorded within the 14 dyas before the infection starts decreasing from 55% and dies out. The recovery rate is 0.37(37%) and seemingly constant. Keywords: Euler method, Simulation, Infectious disease, SIR, Demograph

    Impact of pre-exposure and post-exposure prophylaxes prevention programme on HIV burden and services in a low-resource setting: a simulation modelling approach

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    Introduction: sub-Saharan African countries contribute substantially to the global HIV disease burden. Despite this burden, and the promises that prevention could deliver, the implementation and uptake of HIV prevention programmes are still low. The study used the decision support system model to explore the potential impacts of prevention implementation on HIV burden (incidence) and service delivery. Methods: an operational research technique known as discrete event simulation model was used to capture an individual patient´s pathways through the HIV care process from diagnosis to treatment and monitoring. The regular monitoring, over a 5-year period, including all the activities and resources utilized at each stage of the pathway were analysed, and the impact of increasing prevention measures for an HIV treatment service in a treatment centre in Nigeria was tested using the simulation model. Results: forty-three patients currently access the Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) annually, with a 20% and 80% split in the number of patients offered PrEP and PEP, respectively. Scenarios-based on increasing the number of people offered PrEP and PEP from 43 to 250 with a 50/50 split were tested. The outputs revealed improved preventive care by averting new HIV cases, reduction in service demand and utilization, but an increase in the required human resource as well as financial burden. In the next 5 years, the cumulative averted HIV cases are expected to increase from 2 and 5 people (baseline) to 24 and 20 people for PrEP and PEP, respectively. The potentially averted 2 cases per infected persons based on the basic reproductive number of HIV. Conclusion: the effective implementation of PrEP/PEP programme offers an additional safety measure to prevent HIV transmission in at-risk individuals and possibility of ending HIV epidemic

    SmartHIV Manager: a web-based computer simulation system for better management of HIV services

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    © Journal of Public Health and Emergency. All rights reserved. This work is licensed under CC-BY-NC_ND 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)Background: Life-changing developments enabled people living with HIV/AIDS (human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) to live a relatively normal life like the general population. However, there is not any user-friendly platform that enables key decision-makers to assess scenarios for improvement. Therefore, the objective of this study is to demonstrate the potentials of a web-based simulation system for effective and efficient management of HIV services. Methods: SmartHIV Manager is a web-based interactive planning platform for management of HIV services. Discrete event simulation technique is used to capture real-life HIV patients through HIV care continuum and all the resources needed. Patient flow information from HIV caregivers in three HIV treatment centres in Kenya and Nigeria was tested and validated. A total of 93 input parameters were established in the HIV pathway of care. Dashboards, which are fed by the simulation outcomes, were prepared to assess the impact of several interventions. The dashboard components include graphs and tables on service demand and utilization, preventive strategies, UNAIDS (the joint United Nations programme on HIV/AIDS) 90-90-90 goals, human resource management, budgeting and financial planning. Results: The usefulness and functionalities of the system is demonstrated on capacity planning in prevention programmes and UNAIDS 90-90-90 target. We ran scenarios based on increasing prevention measures and increasing the number of people on treatment to reach UNAIDS 90-90-90 target for a service in Nigeria. More cases are expected to be averted, where naïve patients reduced due to prevention measures. As the service struggled to achieve UNAIDS target, necessary outputs were generated, in the form of required resources to reach the target by 2025 and assessed the overall impact on service outcomes. Conclusions: A novel simulation powered technology is developed for effective HIV/AIDS management and control. This would give a robust patient care which can be properly evaluated and predicted in interventional implementation for appropriate policy directions.Peer reviewe

    The Cytoarchitectural alterations in the neocortex of Wistar rats: Effects of aqueous tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaves extract exposure

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    This study investigated the effects of corresponding 11.7 mg/kg body weight and 5.8 mg/kg body weight/day of the tobacco leaves aqueous extract for a period of 20 days on the functions of rats’ brain after extract administration. Nicotiana tabacum is the scientific name of the tobacco plant grown in several countries of the world. It has been used in variables ways such as smoking, snuffing, even chewing, etc. 24 young rats of both sexes were used. They were divided into 3 groups, A, B, C of 8 rats each (Female (n = 4) and male (n = 4)). Group A were given 11.7 mg of the extract per kg body weight, group B 5.8 mg of the extract per kg body weight in 0.5 ml of distilled water per day throughout the 20 experimental days while group C were given equal volume (0.5 ml) of distilled water as well. The rats were sacrificed at day 21 by cervical dislocation and the brains were excised and fixed in formol calcium for 4 days and processed using Haematoxylin and Eosin staining method and Cresyl Fast Violet (CFV) staining technique. There was a statistical significant decrease in the body weight, brain weight and relative brain weight between groups A and B compared to the control group (p < 0.05). There was enlargement of the somata in the group A administered with 11.7 mg/kg B.Wt per day of the extract while those in group B appeared more spindle compared to those cells in group C. Also, the non – homogenous appearance of myelinated neocortex of the neuropil appear clearly in the treated groups compared to control (Figure 3). Therefore, the results suggested that the consumption of the aqueous extract of N. tabacum leaves may alter the normal functions of the brain which may lead to brain dysfunction, despite its “pleasant” effects and also help in reduction in weight gain

    Qualitative analysis, total phenolic content, FT-IR and GCMS characterisation of Canna indica: bioreducing agent for nanoparticles synthesis

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    Within the framework of determining capping and stabilizing bioactive components present in Canna indica towards nanoparticles synthesis, phytochemical screening, total phenolic content, infrared spectroscopy and chromatographic characterisation were carried out on the locally sourced plant. Extracts were prepared from C. indica leaves using ethanol, deionised water (DW) and ethanol/DW in ratio 1:1. Qualitative screening showed the presence of saponins, alkaloids, terpenoids, phenols and coumarins. Highest total phenolic content (TPC) was observed in the aqueous fraction and least in ethanol fraction. Characterisation was carried out using Fourier Transform - Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Absorption bands observed from FT-IR analysis showed presence of aromatic O-H stretch (3300 cm-1) and aromatic C=C stretch (1451 and 1640 cm-1) respectively. GC-MS analysis of ethanolic extract indicated the presence of dl-.alpha.-tocopherol – a phenolic compound

    Development and Performance Evaluation of a Solar Powered Tomatoes Storage Chamber

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    Fresh vegetables and fruits, most of which are perishable, are known to be good sources of nutrients supplements with health benefits. Tomatoes fruits fall into this category of food supplements. However, the post-harvest losses associated with tomatoes fruits have greatly reduced the profitability of its farming and have even scared some farmers away from producing it. To reduce the losses and encourage tomatoes farming, this study designed, constructed, and evaluated the performance of a solar-powered electronic storage chamber for tomatoes fruits. In the performance evaluation, the weight, firmness, ripening index, and rate of spoilage of tomatoes fruits stored, within six weeks, at room temperature and atmospheric humidity and in the storage chamber were analyzed and compared per week. The results showed that the weight and firmness of the test experiment deteriorated by 24.87% and 20.83% respectively while that of the control experiment deteriorated by 50.59% and 79.68% respectively. Also, the percentage of cumulative spoilage for the test and control experiment was estimated to be 23.32 and 68.84 respectively showing a significant reduction in the rate of spoilage when the tomatoes were stored in the chamber

    Experiences of foreign entrepreneurs in Vaasa region

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    Entrepreneurship has been the most available means for economical and social survival for foreigners who are faced with different challenges in a new geographical location; in-spite of these challenges, the numbers of foreigners migrating to Finland is on the increase. This project examines the determinants factors which are responsible for motivating foreigners to becoming entrepreneurs and as well as factors that determines the success or failure of business start-up. The understanding of external, internal and motivational factors, barriers facing small business in all entrepreneurship stages and assistance or advices available to foreign entrepreneurs is very important and plays crucial role. This project is aiming at exploring the experiences of successful foreign entrepreneurs in determining factors that are responsible for their motivation and successful business operation in Vaasa region of Finland. Seven successful foreign-entrepreneurs were chosen as sampling size from which data were collected by interview and observation. The result analysis shows that most foreign entrepreneurs were pull into entrepreneurship by their background and few were push as a result of economic disadvantages. And most of the barriers facing business start-up can be overcome by acquiring basic style skill such as knowing, planning and cognitive skill.Yrittäjyys on tarjonnut maahanmuuttajille eniten keinoja taloudelliseen ja sosiaaliseen selviytymiseen tilanteessa, jossa he ovat törmänneet erilaisiin haasteisiin uudessa maantieteellisessä sijainnissaan. Näistä haasteista huolimatta Suomeen muuttavien ulkomaalaisten määrä on kasvussa. Tässä työssä tutkitaan niitä vaikuttimia, jotka motivoivat maahanmuuttajia ryhtymään yrittäjiksi, sekä niitä tekijöitä, jotka ratkaisevat uuden yrityksen menestymisen tai epäonnistumisen. Sisäisten, ulkoisten ja motivationaalisten tekijöiden, sekä pientä yritystä sen eri vaiheissa kohtaavien esteiden ymmärtäminen on tärkeää. Samoin maahanmuuttajille tarjottava apu ja neuvot ovat tärkeässä roolissa. Tässä työssä pyritään tutkimaan Vaasan seudulla menestyneiden maahanmuuttajayrittäjien kokemuksia määrittelemällä ne ratkaisevat tekijät, jotka ovat heidän motivaationsa sekä menestyksellisen yrittäjyyden takana. Otokseksi valittiin seitsemän menestyvää maahanmuuttajayrittäjää, joita haastattelemalla ja tarkkailemalla tutkimusdata kerättiin. Analyysin tuloksena voidaan todeta, että suurempi osa yrittäjistä ryhtyi yrittäjäksi taustansa perusteella, ja pienempi osa pakon sanelemana taloudellisista syistä. Suurin osa uutta yritystä kohtaavista haasteista voidaan voittaa yrittäjän päättäväisyydellä, joten sisäiset tekijät vaikuttavat menestykseen enemmän kuin ulkoiset. Menestyvät maahanmuuttajayrittäjät hallitsevat myös hyvin monet perustaidot, kuten tietotaidon, suunnittelutaidon ja kognitiivisen ajattelun taidon