Qualitative analysis, total phenolic content, FT-IR and GCMS characterisation of Canna indica: bioreducing agent for nanoparticles synthesis


Within the framework of determining capping and stabilizing bioactive components present in Canna indica towards nanoparticles synthesis, phytochemical screening, total phenolic content, infrared spectroscopy and chromatographic characterisation were carried out on the locally sourced plant. Extracts were prepared from C. indica leaves using ethanol, deionised water (DW) and ethanol/DW in ratio 1:1. Qualitative screening showed the presence of saponins, alkaloids, terpenoids, phenols and coumarins. Highest total phenolic content (TPC) was observed in the aqueous fraction and least in ethanol fraction. Characterisation was carried out using Fourier Transform - Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Absorption bands observed from FT-IR analysis showed presence of aromatic O-H stretch (3300 cm-1) and aromatic C=C stretch (1451 and 1640 cm-1) respectively. GC-MS analysis of ethanolic extract indicated the presence of dl-.alpha.-tocopherol – a phenolic compound

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