670 research outputs found

    A microstructural lattice model for strain oriented problems: A combined Monte Carlo finite element technique

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    A specialized, microstructural lattice model, termed MCFET for combined Monte Carlo Finite Element Technique, was developed which simulates microstructural evolution in material systems where modulated phases occur and the directionality of the modulation is influenced by internal and external stresses. In this approach, the microstructure is discretized onto a fine lattice. Each element in the lattice is labelled in accordance with its microstructural identity. Diffusion of material at elevated temperatures is simulated by allowing exchanges of neighboring elements if the exchange lowers the total energy of the system. A Monte Carlo approach is used to select the exchange site while the change in energy associated with stress fields is computed using a finite element technique. The MCFET analysis was validated by comparing this approach with a closed form, analytical method for stress assisted, shape changes of a single particle in an infinite matrix. Sample MCFET analytical for multiparticle problems were also run and in general the resulting microstructural changes associated with the application of an external stress are similar to that observed in Ni-Al-Cr alloys at elevated temperature

    The fracture morphology of nickel-base superalloys tested in fatigue and creep-fatigue at 650 C

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    The fracture surfaces of compact tension specimens from seven nickel-base superalloys fatigue tested at 650 C were studied by scanning electron microscopy and optical metallography to determine the nature and morphology of the crack surface in the region of stable growth. Crack propagation testing was performed as part of an earlier study at 650 C in air using a 0.33 Hz fatigue cycle and a creep-fatigue cycle incorporating a 900 second dwell at maximum load. In fatigue, alloys with a grain size greater than 20 micrometers, HIP Astroloy, Waspaloy, and MERL 76, exhibited transgranular fracture. MERL 76 also displayed numerous fracture sites which were associated with boundaries of prior powder particles. The two high strength, fine grain alloys, IN 100 and NASA IIB-7, exhibited intergranular fracture. Rene 95 and HIP plus forged Astroloy displayed a mixed failure mode that was transgranular in the coarse grains and intergranular in the fine grains. Under creep-fatigue conditions, fracture was found to be predominantly intergranular in all seven alloys

    Isothermal fatigue behavior of a (90)(sub 8) SiC/Ti-15-3 composite at 426 C

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    The transverse fatigue behavior of a unidirectional, SiC/Ti-15-3 composite (35 v/o SiC, (90)(sub 8)) was evaluated at 426 C. The fatigue behavior of the composite along the fiber direction (0)(sub 8) and of unreinforced Ti-15-3 alloy were also studied for comparison purposes. The (90)(sub 8) composite fatigue life was much shorter then (0)(sub 8) life. Further, (90)(sub 8) fatigue life was also found to be far lower than that of the unreinforced Ti-15-3 alloys. A simple one-dimensional model for (90)(sub 8) fatigue behavior indicated that the short life of the composite in this orientation resulted, in large part, from weak fiber-matrix bond strength. This conclusion was supported by fractographic evidence showing numerous initiation sites along the fiber-matrix interfaces

    Creep and fatigue research efforts on advanced materials

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    Two of the more important materials problems encountered in turbine blades of aircraft engines are creep and fatigue. To withstand these high-temperature phenomena modern engines utilize single-crystal, nickel-based superalloys as the material of choice in critical applications. Recent research activities at Lewis on single-crystal blading material as well as future research initiatives on metal matrix composites related to creep and fatigue are discussed. The goal of these research efforts is improving the understanding of microstructure-property relationships and thereby guide material development

    Refleksi Nilai-nilai Kultural Dan Linguistik Dalam Situs Haji

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    A hidden value reflection in pilgrim ritual texts and pilgrim sites is the creation of the clearest thinking pattern and human behavior through liturgy domain. This is very potential and strategic in the framework of spreading, enlightenment, consolidation and full experience of religious value actualization and faith in life. This research was limited to internal and external linguistic aspects. These two elements were studied and traced through verbal messages (prayer texts). Qualitative method was used through eclectic application, Arabic language theory combination, and semiotics. Research findings indicate there are insya‟thalabi and insya‟ ghairi thalabi category forms. Insya‟ thalabi consists of 124 lexical requests in the form of imperative and prohibition. Insya‟ ghairi thalabi consists of 201 words of admiration, greatness, and adoration to the Creator. Through Badi‟ science approach, 103 beautiful rhyming forms and 7 repetitive words are found. There are also pledge and promise sentences in the form of declarative, imperative and oath taking in the name of God. The site historical contemplation reflects the values of self-correction, servitude and self-control. The cultural values of the site historical reflection results experienced by the ritual agents are ethics, moral, selfawarwnrss, self–correction, servitude, self-control, spiritual cleansing from disavowal, faith, and spitefulness. Human social valued are democratization, equality, and philosoph

    Creep-fatigue behavior of NiCoCrAlY coated PWA 1480 superalloy single crystals

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    Single crystal specimens of a Ni base superalloy, PWA 1480, with a low pressure plasma sprayed NiCoCrAlY coating were tested in various 0.1 Hz fatigue and creep fatigue cycles both at 1015 and 1050 C. Creep fatigue tests of the cp, pc, and cc types were conducted with various constant total strain ranges employing creep dwells at various constant stresses. Considerable cyclic softening occurred as was evidenced particularly by rapidly increasing creep rates in the creep fatigue tests. The cycle time in the creep fatigue tests typically decreased by more than 80 percent at 0.5 N sub f. Though cyclic life did correlate with delta epsilon sub in a better correlation existed with sub f for both the fatigue and creep fatigue tests, and poor correlations were observed with either sigma sub max or the average cycle time. A model containing both delta sigma and delta sigma (sub in), N sub f = alpha delta sigma (sub in) beta delta sigma gamma, with best fit values of sigma for each cycle type, but the same values of beta and gamam, was found to provide good correlations. Life lines were not greatly different among the cycle types, differing only by a factor of about three. The cp cycle life line was lowest for both test temperatures, however among the other three cycle types there was no consistent ranking. For all test types failure occurred predominately by multiple internal cracking originating at pores. The strong correlation of life with delta sigma may reflect a significant crack growth period in the life of the specimens

    The effect of porosity and gamma-gamma' eutectic content on the low cycle fatigue behavior of hydrogen-charged PWA-1480

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    Single crystal superalloys such as PWA 1480 are considered for turbopump blades in the main engines of the space shuttle. As fatigue resistance in a hydrogen environment is a key issue in this application, a study of the effect of porosity and gamma-gamma' eutectic content on the fatigue life of a hydrogen-charged PWA 1480 was performed. Porosity and eutectic were linked to fatigue initiation, and therefore reduction of either of both may be one means to improve fatigue life of PWA 1480 when hydrogen is present

    Fatigue crack propagation of nickel-base superalloys at 650 deg C

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    The 650 C fatigue crack propagation behavior of two nickel-base superalloys, Rene 95 and Waspaloy, is studied with particular emphasis placed on understanding the roles of creep, environment, and two key grain boundary alloying additions, boron and zirconium. Comparison of air and vacuum data shows the air environment to be detrimental over a wide range of frequencies for both alloys. More in-depth analysis on Rene 95 shows at lower frequencies, such as 0.02 Hz, failure in air occurs by intergranular, environmentally-assisted creep crack growth, while at higher frequencies, up to 5.0 Hz, environmental interactions are still evident but creep effects are minimized. The effect of B and Zr in Waspaloy is found to be important where environmental and/or creep interactions are presented. In those instances, removal of B and Zr dramatically increases crack growth and it is therefore plausible that effective dilution of these elements may explain a previously observed trend in which crack growth rates increase with decreasing grain size