73 research outputs found

    Taxonomy and phylogeny of the Xeranthemum group (Asteraceae) - morphological, anatomical, phytochemical and molecular aspects

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    Xeranthemum grupu čine rodovi Shangwua, Amphoricarpos, Chardinia, Xeranthemum i Siebera, anatomski, mikromorfološki i fitohemijski gotovo neistraženi. Taksonomija čitave grupe, posebno roda Amphoricarpos je veoma komplesna. U ovom istraživanju je pokazano da mikromorfološke osobine povezuju višegodišnje vrste, određene povezuju jednogodišnje, određene su specifične za vrste, a određene zajedničke za sve taksone. Taksoni roda Amphoricarpos pokazuju slične anatomske karakteristike, dok su odabrani anatomski karakteri taksonomski značajni za diferencijaciju vrsta roda Xeranthemum. U cipselama taksona roda Amphoricarpos detektovano je osam masnih kiselina, od kojih je linolna dominantna, a u cipselama X. cylindraceum 12, od kojih je dominantna oleinska. Dominantan seskviterpenski lakton kod A. elegans je 3-deoksiamforikarpolid. Kod istraživanih taksona roda Amphoricarpos identifikovano je 30 fenolnih jedinjenja, gde je hrizoeriol dominantan među površinskim jedinjenjima svih taksona, a 5-O-kafeoilhinska kiselina među vakuolarnim, osim kod A. neumayerianus subsp. neumayerianus. Biološka aktivnost taksona roda Amphoricarpos pokazala je veoma dobar ili umeren efekat. Određeni mikromorfološki, anatomski i molekularni markeri podržavaju filogeniju Xeranthemum grupe. Morfološki karakteri vegetativnih struktura i glavice najbolje su razdvojili četiri balkanska taksona roda Amphoricarpos. Mikromorfološki karakteri involukralne brakteje posebno izdvajaju bosansko-hercegovački takson. Fitohemijske razlike evidentne su između balkanskih taksona. Molekularne analize su pokazale da je rod Amphoricarpos monofiletski i da su balkanski taksoni podeljeni na dve klade: bosansko-hercegovačku i crnogorsku. Rezultati podržavaju podizanje taksonomskog ranga Xeranthemum grupe na nivo podtribusa.The Xeranthemum group includes Shangwua, Amphoricarpos, Chardinia, Xeranthemum and Siebera, anatomically, micromorphologically and phytochemically almost unexplored. The taxonomy of the whole group, especially of the Amphoricarpos is very complex. In this study, it was shown that micromorphological traits link together perennial species, some link annual ones, some are species-specific, and some are common to all taxa. Amphoricarpos taxa showed similar anatomical features, while selected anatomical characters differentiated Xeranthemum species. Eight fatty acids were found in the Amphoricarpos taxa cypselae, of which linoleic was dominant, while 12 fatty acids were found in X. cylindraceum cypselae, of which oleic was dominant. The dominant sesquiterpene lactone in the A. elegans is 3-deoxyamphoricarpolide. In Amphoricarpos taxa 30 phenolic compounds were identified, where chryzoeriol was dominant among the surface compounds of all taxa, and 5-O-caffeoylcholic acid among vacuolar ones, except for A. neumayerianus subsp. neumayerianus. The biological activity of Amphoricarpos showed a very good or moderate effect. Certain micromorphological, anatomical and molecular markers support the phylogeny of the Xeranthemum group. The morphological characters of the vegetative structures and the capitulum best separated four Balkan Amphoricarpos taxa. The micromorphological characters of the involucral bract particularly distinguished the Bosnian-Herzegovinian taxon. Phytochemical differences are evident between Balkan taxa. Molecular analyzes have shown that the genus Amphoricarpos is monophyletic and that the Balkan taxa are divided into two clades: Bosnian-Herzegovinian and Montenegrin. The results support raising the taxonomic rank of the Xeranthemum group on subtribal level

    Heavy Metals Content in Selected Medicinal Plants Produced and Consumed in Serbia and Their Daily Intake in Herbal Infusions

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    The heavy metals content (HMs) was investigated in 14 different medicinal plants collected from the three regions in Central Serbia, Zlatar, Sokobanja, and Kopaonik. The concentrations of Cd, Cr, Ni, Hg and Pb were determined: Cd (<0.03–2.72 mg/kg); Cr (<0.08–12.1 mg/kg); Ni (<0.08–12.2 mg/kg); Pb (0.6–49.0 mg/kg); the Hg concentration was below the detection limit of 0.06 mg/kg in all samples. The daily intake of HMs due to ingestion of 200 mL of herbal infusion was in all cases below the recommended limit prescribed by the World Health Organization. The estimated daily intake values were below the values for the oral reference dose regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USA EPA). The target hazard quotient and hazard index for Cd, Cr Ni, and Pb were below 1. Nevertheless, due to the tendency of heavy metals to accumulate in the organism, attention should be paid to the daily intake of herbal infusion during long-term usage. Specifically, it is recommended to consume not more than one cup (200 mL) of infusion per day made from thyme (Mt. Zlatar) and blueberry (Mt. Kopaonik), and not more than two cups per day for other herbs

    Methods for share values assessment and shareholder value creation

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    This paper analyzes the methods of determining the value of the shares, which are among the most used financial instruments. The company's shares are transferable in the capital market, according to the regulations of a particular state, where the price is formed according to the principles of supply and demand. The interest of the investor will depend on a number of parameters-the length of the stock owning, its affinity to the shares of renowned companies that give stable dividends, the tendency to risk with new, growing companies, and the affinities for the shares of companies that are planning serious investment ventures, etc. Despite the fact that there are certain visible value parameters, such as bookkeeping or market price, they are often insufficient to properly evaluate the value and possible profit for investors who opt for their purchase. Therefore, models for evaluating higher or lesser complexity of the discounting dividends, discounting cash flows, as well as series of relative valuation models have been developed. These valuations are important during the life of a joint stock company, during the first emission, subsequent recapitalization, as well as when making investment decisions on the secondary stock market

    Analysis of Climate Change in the Area of Vojvodina-Republic of Serbia and Possible Consequences

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    Climate change conditions a wide range of impacts such as the impact on weather, but also on ecosystems and biodiversity, agriculture and forestry, human health, hydrological regime and energy. In addition to global warming, local factors affecting climate change are being considered. Presentation and analysis of the situation was carried out using geoinformation technologies (radar recording, remote detection, digital terrain modeling, cartographic visualization and geostatistics). This paper describes methods and use of statistical indicators such as LST, NDVI and linear correlations from which it can be concluded that accelerated construction and global warming had an impact on climate change in period from 1987 to 2018 in the area of Vojvodina – Republic of Serbia. Also, using the global SRTM DEM, it is shown how the temperature behaves based on altitude change. Conclusions and possible consequences in nature and society were derived

    Karakterizacija i diverzitet populacije sojeva Erwinia amylovora poreklom iz jabučastih voćaka gajenih u Srbiji

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    The diversity of 30 Erwinia amylovora strains, isolated from quince, pear and apple trees on 14 localities in Serbia, was studied using bacteriological and molecular methods. In pathogenicity tests, all strains caused necrosis and oozing of bacterial exudate on inoculated immature pear, cherry and plum fruits, and induced hypersensitive reaction in tobacco leaves. The studied strains were Gram and oxidase negative, non-fluorescent, levan and catalase positive and facultatively anaerobic. The strains did not reduce nitrates, but utilized citrate and produced acid from sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatine, produced reducing substances from sucrose and grew in the presence of 5% NaCl, but not at 36oC. Identity of the strains was confirmed by conventional and nested PCR methods. Rep-PCR with REP, ERIC and BOX primers resulted in amplification of several DNA fragments respectively, but showed no variation within the strains. However, different genetic profiles were obtained with RAPD-PCR by using six primers which enabled differentiation of the strains into four groups. Genetic differences between the studied strains did not correlate with the host plants, geographical origin or year of isolation.Primenom standardnih bakterioloških i molekularnih metoda proučen je diverzitet 30 sojeva Erwinia amylovora izolovanih iz dunje, kruške i jabuke, poreklom iz 14 lokaliteta u Srbiji. Svi proučavani sojevi izazvali su nekrozu i pojavu bakterijskog eksudata na nesazrelim plodovima kruške, trešnje i šljive, kao i hipersenzitivnu reakciju duvana. Proučavani sojevi bili su Gram i oksidaza negativni, fakultativno anaerobni, levan i katalaza pozitivni i nisu stvarali fluorescentni pigment na Kingovoj podlozi B. Svi sojevi hidrolizuju želatin, koriste citrate i stvaraju kiselinu iz sorbitola, proizvode redukujuće supstance iz saharoze, ne redukuju nitrate, razvijaju se u prisustvu 5% NaCl, ali ne i pri 36°C. Identitet sojeva potvrđen je konvencionalnim PCR i nested PCR metodama. Rep-PCR metodom korišćenjem REP, ERIC i BOX prajmera umnoženo je više fragmenata DNK čiji broj i veličina su se podudarali kod svih proučavanih sojeva. Za razliku od Rep-PCR, primenom RAPD-PCR metode uz korišćenje šest prajmera došlo je do izdvajanja različitih genetičkih profila i diferencijacije sojeva u četiri grupe. Genetičke razlike među proučavanim sojevima nisu bile u korelaciji sa domaćinima iz kojih su izolovani, niti sa njihovim geografskim poreklom i godinom izolacije

    Deforestation monitoring with Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 images – the case study of Fruška gora (Serbia)

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    Poznavanje točnih i ažurnih geoprostornih podataka o šumama i šumskim površinama dobivenih interpretiranjem podataka metodama daljinskih istraživanja, ima veliko značenje na pravovremenu intervenciju i upravljanje šumskim površinama, dok odluke temeljene na zastarjelim i nedovoljno preciznim podacima mogu imati vrlo negativne posljedice. U ovome radu prezentirana je metoda analize radarskih Sentinel 1 SAR satelitskih snimaka, zajedno s kombinacijom multispektralnih Sentinel 2 snimaka, s ciljem identifikacije nestalih i novo nastalih šumskih površina, kao i ocjenom uporabljivosti besplatnih, svima dostupnih radarskih satelitskih snimaka za promatranje šumskih površina. Klasifikacija radarskih snimaka obavljena je pomoću Random Forest klasifikacijskog algoritma na Cloud platformi. Provedena studija pokazala je da je u svakom analiziranom periodu od 2016. do 2019. godine veća površina pod nestalom šumom u odnosu na novonastalu površinu pod šumama. Procjena točnosti klasifikacije za svaki promatrani period izvršena je računanjem matrice grešaka i Kappa statistike, a prosječna točnost klasifikacije je oko 97%. Vizualnom analizom i usporedbom dobivenih rezultata s povijesnim podacima potvrđena je visoka točnost identifikacije nestalih šumskih površina. Prezentirana metoda je pokazala da se vrlo brzo, na osnovi slobodno dostupnih satelitskih snimaka može doći do pouzdanih i ažurnih podataka zadovoljavajuće kvalitete.Forest and forest ecosystems have a big importance for the whole living world on the earth. Rapid deforestation poses a great danger and increases the effects of climate change. Large forest areas are cut down every year around the world and these activities need to be closely monitored to reduce their negative impact. Knowledge of valid and current geospatial data on forests and forest areas, obtained by interpreting the data by remote sensing methods has great importance for rapid response and management of forest areas. Decisions that are based on outdated and insufficiently precise data can have negative consequences.The researched area of Fruška gora is located in Vojvodina and occupies the northern part of Srem. Due to its natural properties, it enjoys the status of a special nature reserve. Pastures and fertile land, vineyards and orchards, decorate the slopes and lower parts of Fruška gora, while the areas above 300 meters above sea level are covered with dense, deciduous forests.This paper presents a method of analysis of radar Sentinel 1 SAR satellite images, together with a combination of multispectral Sentinel 2 images, with the aim of identifying missing and newly formed forest areas, as well as assessing the usability of free, for everyone available radar satellite images for forest observation.The described methodology is based on the selection of areas of interest, the selection of radar images for the chosen time epoch, image processing, the selection of training sets by combining radar and multispectral images. The classification of radar images was performed on the Cloud platform using the Random Forest classification algorithm. The study showed that in each analysed period from 2016 to 2019, the area under missing forest is larger in relation to the newly created area under forests, as well as the growing trend of new forest areas.Estimation of classification accuracy for each observed time epoch was performed by calculating the error matrix and Kappa statistics, and the average classification accuracy was about 97%. Visual analysis and comparison of the obtained results with historical data confirmed the high accuracy of identification of missing forest areas.The presented method showed that RF classification of free Sentinel 1 and 2 satellite images, can be used as a reliable and up-to-date data for forest monitoring with satisfactory quality and very quickly

    Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. Carotovorum - prouzrokovač vlažne truleži biljaka kale u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori

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    Bacterial strains were isolated from above- and underground parts of diseased calla plants originating from different localities in Serbia and one locality in Montenegro. They were characterized by studying their pathogenic, cultural, biochemical and physiological characteristics. All investigated strains caused soft rot of calla leaf stalks, potato slices and aloe leaves, and induced hypersensitive reaction on tobacco. Bacteriological properties of the strains indicated that symptoms on calla plants were caused by Gram-negative, nonfluorescent, oxidase negative, catalase positive and facultatively anaerobic bacterium belonging to the genus Pectobacterium. The investigated strains grew at 37ºC and in 5% NaCl, utilised lactose and trechalose, and produced neither indol nor lecitinase. These results, as well as the characteristic growth on Logan's differential medium indicated that soft rot of tuber and stem base of calla plants was caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum. This is the first report of this pathogen affecting calla plants in Serbia.Proučene su patogene, odgajivačke i biohemijsko-fiziološke odlike sojeva izolovanih iz nadzemnih i podzemnih delova obolelih biljaka kale gajene u različitim lokalitetima u Srbiji i jednom lokalitetu u Crnoj Gori. Svi proučavani sojevi ispoljili su izraženu pektolitičku aktivnost prouzrokujući vlažnu trulež lisnih drški kale, kriški krompira, liski aloje ili sanseverije, a prouzrokovali su i hipersenzitivnu reakciju duvana. Proučavanjem bakterioloških karakteristika utvrđeno je da promene na biljkama kale prouzrokuju Gram-negativni, nefluorescentni, oksidaza-negativni, katalaza-pozitivni i fakultativno-anaerobni sojevi bakterije, koja prema navedenim karakteristikama pripada rodu Pectobacterium. Proučavani sojevi se razvijaju pri 37ºC i u prisustvu 5% NaCl, razlažu laktozu i trehalozu, ne stvaraju indol i lecitinazu. Navedeni rezultati, kao i karakterističan razvoj na Loganovoj diferencijalnoj podlozi ukazuju da je vlažnu trulež korena i prizemnog dela biljaka kale prouzrokovala bakterija Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum. Ovo je prvo saopštenje o pojavi P. c. ssp. carotovorum kao patogena kale u Srbiji

    Comparative anatomical investigation of five Artemisia L. (Anthemideae, Asteraceae) species in view of taxonomy

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    Comparative anatomical analysis of vegetative organs has been conducted on Artemisia campestris L., A. absinthium L., A. arborescens L., A. judaica L. and A. herba-alba Asso, using light microscopy, in order to examine the most important anatomical features and to find new valid taxonomic characters. Results have shown that general root, stem and leaf anatomical features and nonglandular and glandular trichomes are shared by all species. However, some characters (parenchyma sheath, which surrounded vascular bundle and extended to both epidermises, subepidermal collenchyma and the absence of secretory canals in the leaves) link together A. absinthium and A. arborescens from the same section. Some characters, as periderm and lignified pith parenchyma cells (A. campestris and A. arborescens), nonendodermal secretory canals in root cortex (A. absinthium and A. judaica) and secretory canals in the leaf phloem (A. judaica and A. herba-alba), connect species belonging to different sections. Moreover, some characters could be considered as species-specific, nonendodermal secretory canals in the root secondary phloem, triangular leaf shape on the cross section and secretory canals in the leaf parenchyma for A. campestris, secretory canals in the stem pith for A. absinthium, crystals in the pith parenchyma cells for A. arborescens and the absence of root secretory canals for A. herba-alba. Given results revealed qualitative characters, on the basis of which the studied species are anatomically distinguishable between each other, provide valuable features for better species identification and contribute to the anatomy of the genus Artemisia

    The activity concentrations 40-K, 137-Cs, 210-Pb and effective dose of ingestion of the radionuclides in selected medicinal herbs from the region of Majdanpek

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    Lekovite biljke imaju dugu istoriju upotrebe širom sveta u tradicionalnoj medicini. MeĎutim, njihova upotreba, kao i upotreba biljnih proizvoda mora se kontrolisati,kako bi se izbegla pojava neţeljenih efekata na zdravlje ljudi. Specifične aktivnosti radionuklida 40K, 137Cs i 210Pb u uzorcima lekovitih biljaka izmerenesu pomoću poluprovodničkog HPGe spektrometarskog sistema, na osnovu čega je odreĎena prosečna godišnja efektivna doza ingestije za odrasle koji piju dnevno 200 ml čaja pripremljenog od lekovitih biljaka. U radu je prikazana radiološka analiza 7 odabranih lekovitih biljaka sa područja Majdanpeka. Dobijene vrednosti za efektivnu dozu ingestije slične su vrednostima objavljenim u drugim studijama i manje su od 100 μSv, što upućuje na zaključak da svakodnevna upotreba čajeva od analiziranih lekovitih biljaka sa područja Majdanpeka ne predstavlja značajan radiološki rizik po zdravlje.Medicinal plants have a long history in traditional medicine worldwide. However, their use, as well as the use of plant products, must be controlled in order to avoid the occurrence of undesirable effects on human health. Specific activities of radionuclides 40K, 137Cs and 210Pb in samples of medicinal plants were measured using a semi-conductor HPGe spectrometer system. The average annual effective dose for adults due to daily ingestion of 200 ml herbal infusion prepared from medicinal plants is determined. In this paper a radiological analysis of 7 selected medicinal plants from the area of Majdanpekis presented. The values obtained for an effective dose of ingestion are similar to the values published in other studies and are less than 100 μSv, suggesting that the daily use of herbal infusions from analyzed medicinal plants from the Majdanpek area does not represent a significant radiological health riskProceedings: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8681]XXX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ (Друштва за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе), 2- 4. октобар 2019. године, Дивчибаре, Србиј