2,384 research outputs found

    Statistical properties of states in QED with unstable vacuum

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    We study statistical properties of states of massive quantized charged Dirac and Klein-Gordon fields interacting with a background that violates the vacuum stability, first in general terms and then for a special electromagnetic background. As a starting point, we use a nonperturbative expression for the density operators of such fields derived by Gavrilov et al. [Gavrilov, Gitman, and Tomazelli, Nucl. Phys. B 795, 645 (2008)]. We construct the reduced density operators for electron and positron subsystems and discuss a decoherence that may occur in the course of the evolution due to an intermediate measurement. By calculating the entropy we study the loss of the information in QED states due to partial reductions and a possible decoherence. We consider the so-called T-constant external electric field as an external background. This exactly solvable example allows us to calculate explicitly all statistical properties of various quantum states of the massive charged fields under consideration

    Protest Activity of Modern Youth in the Context of Institutionalization of Digital Policy

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    Introduction. The article is devoted to identifying and interpreting the reasons and forms of protest activity of representatives of the youth cohort in the context of the institutionalization of modern digital society and digital policy. The common and specific features of the protest activity of Russian and foreign youth in the context of the content and level of their digital culture are characterized. The attention is focused on the dominant trends in the transformation of the practices of protest behavior in online and offline formats, taking into account the restrictive measures caused by the spread of COVID-19. \ud Methods. The work was prepared within the framework of political science discourse using modern scientific theories and concepts. The authors rely on the main provisions of the activity-activist approach (A. Giddens, V. Yadov), the concept of “traumatic changes” (P. Sztompka) and “network society” (M. Castells). At the same time, the characterization of digital transformations and innovations (society, politics, culture) is carried out in the context of the ideas of “digital counterculture” (C. Gere), domestic researchers analyzing the consumer behavior of youth in the digital environment (T. Beregovskaya, S. Grishaeva). The work uses theoretical and empirical methods for analyzing the results obtained by leading domestic and foreign research centers, as well as with the direct participation of the authors in the implementation of grant activities. Results. An attempt is made to conduct political science analysis of the modern approaches to understanding the phenomenon of youth protest activity, its dominant forms in the context of the institutionalization of digital policy and the transformation of value orientations in the new structure of “digital culture”. The relationship between the protest activity of representatives of domestic and foreign youth, the practices of their destructive/constructive protest behavior using digital technologies in order to legitimize/ delegitimize the political regime is traced. Highlighted the real and potential resources of the authorities and administration, civil society institutions to minimize destructive factors that contribute to the strengthening of protest (civil, political, etc.) activity of various groups of young people in the context of the spread of the global pandemic. The results of theoretical and empirical studies that reveal the regional specifics of institutional forms of protest activity in modern Russia are interpreted. Discussion. The question of the forms and technologies of transformation of protest activity, taking into account the substantive characteristics of the digital culture of youth, its inclusion in the system for ensuring the stable and safe development of the Russian Federation, remains poorly studied. Authors’ contributions. S.A. Pankratov developed the theoretical basis of the research and carried out the general scientific edition of the article. S.I. Morozov analyzed the dominant tendencies of youth protest activity. S.D. Gavrilov interpreted the results of theoretical and empirical studies characterizing the process of institutionalization of digital policy

    Integration of Public Government Institutions in the Process of the State Social Policies Formation in the South of Russia

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    Introduction. The study is devoted to the analysis of modern integration processes in the context of the state social policy implementation, taking the specifics of the public policy space in the macroregional dimension into account. The research problem is to clarify the optimal predictive scenarios for the development of the integration of public government institutions in the decision-making process aimed at the formation of social policy in the South of Russia. Methodology and methods. The study was conducted in the context of two methodological foundations (structural functionalism as interpreted by T. Parsons and M. Olson’s theory of collective action). The choice of methodological tools is due to the presence of two components in the object of analysis – the functional process of implementing social policy and the communicative nature of institutional integration. Quantitative content analysis is used to clarify the priorities of the socio-political development of the southern Russia regions. The sources and materials of the study were official documents (strategies for the socio-economic development of the southern Russia regions), reports on the implementation of state programs, as well as materials of state statistics of the Russian Federation. Analysis. The modern political and communicative environment in Russia is characterized by the public sphere transformation in the context of constitutional changes and modernization reforms. Social policy is presented as a product that addresses a fundamental function – the achievement of social welfare. Regionalization of Russia determines the direction and form of communications regarding the implementation of social policy. At the same time, in the southern Russia regions, a positive practice of integration interaction is recorded in the form of the adoption of a fundamentally new document “social code”, which unites many social practices. Results. Based on the results of the study, it was revealed that the existing practices of regional integration are based on replicating the best practices in the South of Russia. The formation of state social policy in the macro-regional dimension is based on the implementation of federal target programs and state projects. At the same time, each of the regions has its own request for the formation of social policy priorities, which allows them to be segmented into two groups: regions with existing infrastructure for the development of the social sphere, as well as regions that systematize the best practices of social project management in order to form their own development infrastructure

    Statistical and Fractal Analysis of Particle Data from Two-Dimensional Video Disdrometer

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    13301甲第4234号博士(工学)金沢大学博士論文本文Full 以下に掲載:Advances in Remote Sensing 4(1) pp.1-14 2015. Scientific Research. 共著者:Sergey Gavrilov, Mamoru Kubo, Vu Anh Tran, Duc Luu Ngo, Ngoc Giang Nguyen, Lan Ahn T. Nguyen, Favorisen Rosyking Lumbanraja, Dau Phan, Kenji Sato

    Peculiarities of pair creation by a peak electric field

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    Exact, numerical, and asymptotic calculations concerning the vacuum instability by the so-called peak electric field are explored in detail. Peculiarities discussed in this article are complementary to those published recently by us in Eur. Phys. J. C, 76, p. 447 (2016), in which the effect was studied in the framework of QED with t -electric potential steps. To discuss features beyond the asymptotic regime, we present numerical details of exact and asymptotic expressions inherent to the peak field and discuss differential and total quantities. The results show wider distributions, with respect to the longitudinal momentum, as the phases k1 and k2 of the electric field decrease and larger distributions as the amplitude E increases. Moreover, the total density of pairs created decreases as k1 and k2 increase, its dependence being proportional to k1 –1 and k2 –1. The latter result is more accurate as k1 and k2 decrease and confirms, in particular, our asymptotic estimates obtained previously

    Синтез, розрахунок функціональних властивостей, оцінка надійності планетарних передач і їх діагностика в процесі експлуатації

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    Developed models and computer methods cover the stages of synthesis, kinematic, quasi-static and dynamic calculations, prediction and monitoring the dependability of planetary transmissions. Method for constructing no isomorphic structures using canonical matrixes was developed, as well as a modular analytical method for obtaining a family of gearboxes based on a unified reliable core module. Under kinematic and quasi-static calculations, the transmission is represented by a kinematic diagram formed in an automated mode. Its equations are made by means of a structure-distributive matrix. The concept of a regular mechanical system provides a correct dynamic calculation of the transmission as a multibody system with variable states. In calculating transmission dependability, the principle of dependent behaviour of components in a loaded mechanical system is used. Variation in operation conditions is taken into account. The complex logic of limiting states is reproduced in a hierarchical system: constructional elements, parts, units, transmission. Monitoring the transmission dependability in operation is based on diagnostic models that link the vibration level and the degree of components damages. Diagnostic system analyses the vibroimpulses produced by gears. Some presented methods are used in state standards and at enterprises of Belarus.Розроблені моделі та комп'ютерні методи охоплюють етапи синтезу, кінематичні, квазістатичні і динамічні розрахунки, прогнозування і моніторинг надійності планетарних передач. Розроблено метод побудови ізоморфних структур з використанням канонічних матриць, а також модульний аналітичний метод отримання сімейства коробок передач на основі єдиного надійного базового модуля. При кінематичних і квазістатичних розрахунках трансмісія представлена кінематичною схемою, що сформована в автоматичному режимі. Її рівняння виробляються за допомогою структурно-розподільчої матриці. Поняття регулярної механічної системи забезпечує коректний динамічний розрахунок трансмісії як багаторівневої системи зі змінними станами. При розрахунку надійності трансмісії використовується принцип залежної поведінки компонентів у навантаженої механічної системі і враховується зміна умов експлуатації. Комплексна логіка граничних станів відтворюється в ієрархічній системі: конструктивні елементи, деталі, вузли, трансмісія. Моніторинг залишкового ресурсу передачі в роботі заснований на діагностичних моделях, які пов'язують рівень вібрації і ступінь пошкодження компонентів. Діагностична система аналізує віброімпульсів, які є проявом в вібрації механізму ударних процесів, що виникають при переспряжені зубів. Ряд представлених методів використовується в державних стандартах і на підприємствах Білорусі

    Character of Protest Political Mobilization in the Regional Public Space of Volgograd Region

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    Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of the protest political mobilization in the regional political space of Volgograd region. Particular attention is paid to the study of the main conditions and causes of protest activity in the context of implementing public policy in Volgograd region. The relevance of the problem field is due to the need for a political analysis of the characteristics of the population mobilization at the regional level, including their comparison with federal trends. Methodology and methods. The authors conceptualize political mobilization on the basis of the theoretical principles of the theory of collective behavior of G. Blumer, E. Hoffer, T. Garr and the rational basis for the mobilization of D. Gupt. The methodological basis of the study is the theory of collective action (Ch. Tilly), on the basis of which it is concluded that political mobilization is defined as a combination of institutional and social conditions that allow actors to rationally evaluate transaction costs and possible gains from mobilization actions. The analysis of the regional public policy system is based on the conclusions contained in the works of Yu.O. Gaivoronsky, S.I. Morozov, S.A. Pankratov. The empirical basis of the study is the public opinion polls of the Levada Center, expert and analytical materials on the state of protest activity of the Institute of Regional Expertise, as well as the results of monitoring data from Internet resources obtained with the direct participation of the authors in March 2020. Analysis. The modern Russian socio-political system is a synthesis of two opposites: a hermetically “closed” institutional political structure, which is determined by the situation of internal uncertainty, and an active social component. At the same time, the specifics of the regional public space of Volgograd Region is a combination of the subject composition of the institutional design of the regional political regime based on copying the features of the federal regime, as well as the diversity of the regional themes of socio-political protest. Based on the results obtained by the case-study method, it was found that the protest dynamics in Volgograd region show a downward trend, however, any manifestations of public protest activity in the region implicitly imply a political nature in direct proportion to the number of participants: the greater the number of participants in the protest stocks, the higher the degree of its politicization. Results. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that the protest political mobilization in the public space of Volgograd region is characterized by: firstly, the prevalence of regional problems over federal ones in the protest discourse; secondly, the lack of strong institutional structures that can mobilize material and organizational resources; thirdly, a critically low number of protesters; fourthly, the spontaneous nature of mobilization. A special feature of political mobilization in the regional dimension is the low social potential of the protest and the lack of effective mechanisms for political and communicative interaction between government institutions and the population of Volgograd region on a specific range of problems of a public nature. In order to overcome the shortcomings of dialogue communication, within the framework of representative democracy, the authors propose recommendations for the main actors of the public political space (regional authorities, expert community and civil society institutions)