495 research outputs found

    Elementary/Special Education Lesson Plan Description Lesson Plan Format

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    Farm Animal Welfare: In Legislatures, Corporate Boardrooms, and Private Kitchens

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    According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, globally, approximately 56 billion land animals—including nearly 48 billion broiler chickens— are slaughtered for human consumption in a single year (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2004), in addition to an untold number of aquatic animals. The numbers of individual animals raised and killed by the meat, egg, and dairy industries far surpass the number of animals with whom human beings have any other relationship—whether they be those seen as fabric, target practice, test tubes, companions, or sideshow spectacles

    RĂ©union GEMOS

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    One belt one road : la riapertura delle Vie della Seta o un nuovo percorso geopolitico per la Cina?

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    With increasing frequency we talk about giving new impulse to the path that, for centuries, has marked the trade between East and West. This New Silk Road would open up not only new socio-economic, geo-political and strategic scenarios but also interesting local development processes in the regions involved. In particular, it would represent an undoubted opportunity for China (now the second economic power in the world), for Europe (in search of new projects) and for Africa (on the fringe of the \u2018world system\u2019). The contribution aims to highlight the challenges and opportunities that the different territories and actors involved, first and foremost China, will be called to seize with the revival of the old connections and the opening of new routes through Asia, Europe and Africa

    Donne, agricoltura e paesaggio: una geografia storico-culturale delle pianure risicole del Nord-Ovest italiano

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    Il paesaggio della subregione risicola della Pianura Padana, caratterizzato dalla riduzione progressiva della superficie dei boschi planiziali, da interventi di bonifica, da opere di livellamento e costipazione dei suoli e dalla realizzazione di una fitte rete di canalizzazione, al fine di limitare i consumi idrici e la dispersione dell'acqua per lasciare spazio alle risaie, a partire dalla seconda met\ue0 dell'Ottocento e sino alla soglia degli anni '60 del Novecento, ospitava oltre alla popolazione stabilmente insediata tutto l'anno anche migliaia di donne che, con cadenza stagionale arrivavano dall'esterno del territorio per svolgere attivit\ue0 di manovalanza agricol

    Formazione, innovazione e imprese turistiche nel Lazio, Paola Morelli (a cura di), Roma, UniversItalia, 2017, pp. 273

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