152 research outputs found

    Optomechanically induced transparency

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    Coherent interaction of laser radiation with multilevel atoms and molecules can lead to quantum interference in the electronic excitation pathways. A prominent example observed in atomic three-level-systems is the phenomenon of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), in which a control laser induces a narrow spectral transparency window for a weak probe laser beam. The concomitant rapid variation of the refractive index in this spectral window can give rise to dramatic reduction of the group velocity of a propagating pulse of probe light. Dynamic control of EIT via the control laser enables even a complete stop, that is, storage, of probe light pulses in the atomic medium. Here, we demonstrate optomechanically induced transparency (OMIT)--formally equivalent to EIT--in a cavity optomechanical system operating in the resolved sideband regime. A control laser tuned to the lower motional sideband of the cavity resonance induces a dipole-like interaction of optical and mechanical degrees of freedom. Under these conditions, the destructive interference of excitation pathways for an intracavity probe field gives rise to a window of transparency when a two-photon resonance condition is met. As a salient feature of EIT, the power of the control laser determines the width and depth of the probe transparency window. OMIT could therefore provide a new approach for delaying, slowing and storing light pulses in long-lived mechanical excitations of optomechanical systems, whose optical and mechanical properties can be tailored in almost arbitrary ways in the micro- and nano-optomechanical platforms developed to date

    Octave Spanning Frequency Comb on a Chip

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    Optical frequency combs have revolutionized the field of frequency metrology within the last decade and have become enabling tools for atomic clocks, gas sensing and astrophysical spectrometer calibration. The rapidly increasing number of applications has heightened interest in more compact comb generators. Optical microresonator based comb generators bear promise in this regard. Critical to their future use as 'frequency markers', is however the absolute frequency stabilization of the optical comb spectrum. A powerful technique for this stabilization is self-referencing, which requires a spectrum that spans a full octave, i.e. a factor of two in frequency. In the case of mode locked lasers, overcoming the limited bandwidth has become possible only with the advent of photonic crystal fibres for supercontinuum generation. Here, we report for the first time the generation of an octave-spanning frequency comb directly from a toroidal microresonator on a silicon chip. The comb spectrum covers the wavelength range from 990 nm to 2170 nm and is retrieved from a continuous wave laser interacting with the modes of an ultra high Q microresonator, without relying on external broadening. Full tunability of the generated frequency comb over a bandwidth exceeding an entire free spectral range is demonstrated. This allows positioning of a frequency comb mode to any desired frequency within the comb bandwidth. The ability to derive octave spanning spectra from microresonator comb generators represents a key step towards achieving a radio-frequency to optical link on a chip, which could unify the fields of metrology with micro- and nano-photonics and enable entirely new devices that bring frequency metrology into a chip scale setting for compact applications such as space based optical clocks

    Optomechanical sideband cooling of a micromechanical oscillator close to the quantum ground state

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    Cooling a mesoscopic mechanical oscillator to its quantum ground state is elementary for the preparation and control of low entropy quantum states of large scale objects. Here, we pre-cool a 70-MHz micromechanical silica oscillator to an occupancy below 200 quanta by thermalizing it with a 600-mK cold 3He gas. Two-level system induced damping via structural defect states is shown to be strongly reduced, and simultaneously serves as novel thermometry method to independently quantify excess heating due to the cooling laser. We demonstrate that dynamical backaction sideband cooling can reduce the average occupancy to 9+-1 quanta, implying that the mechanical oscillator can be found (10+- 1)% of the time in its quantum ground state.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Negative oxygen vacancies in HfO2_2 as charge traps in high-k stacks

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    We calculated the optical excitation and thermal ionization energies of oxygen vacancies in m-HfO2_2 using atomic basis sets, a non-local density functional and periodic supercell. The thermal ionization energies of negatively charged V^- and V2^{2-} centres are consistent with values obtained by the electrical measurements. The results suggest that negative oxygen vacancies are the likely candidates for intrinsic electron traps in the hafnum-based gate stack devices.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Modelling charge self-trapping in wide-gap dielectrics: Localization problem in local density functionals

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    We discuss the adiabatic self-trapping of small polarons within the density functional theory (DFT). In particular, we carried out plane-wave pseudo-potential calculations of the triplet exciton in NaCl and found no energy minimum corresponding to the self-trapped exciton (STE) contrary to the experimental evidence and previous calculations. To explore the origin of this problem we modelled the self-trapped hole in NaCl using hybrid density functionals and an embedded cluster method. Calculations show that the stability of the self-trapped state of the hole drastically depends on the amount of the exact exchange in the density functional: at less than 30% of the Hartree-Fock exchange, only delocalized hole is stable, at 50% - both delocalized and self-trapped states are stable, while further increase of exact exchange results in only the self-trapped state being stable. We argue that the main contributions to the self-trapping energy such as the kinetic energy of the localizing charge, the chemical bond formation of the di-halogen quasi molecule, and the lattice polarization, are represented incorrectly within the Kohn-Sham (KS) based approaches.Comment: 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Atomistic modelling of radiation effects: Towards dynamics of exciton relaxation

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    This brief review is focused on recent results of atomistic modelling and simulation of exciton related processes in ionic materials. We present an analysis of thermal fluctuations of the electrostatic potential in cubic ionic crystals and their relation to formation of a tail in the electron density of states and localisation of electronic states. Then the possible 'fast' mechanism of formation of F-H pairs in KBr as a result of decomposition of relaxing excitons is discussed. We briefly describe some ideas related to the possibility of coherent control of exciton decomposition into Frenkel defects in alkali halides. Next we turn to the results of modelling of exciton excitation and localisation at the low-coordinated surface sites of MgO. And finally, we present the results of quantum-mechanical simulation of peroxy linkages and their reaction which creates oxygen molecules in silica. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    A chip-scale integrated cavity-electro-optomechanics platform

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    We present an integrated optomechanical and electromechanical nanocavity, in which a common mechanical degree of freedom is coupled to an ultrahigh-Q photonic crystal defect cavity and an electrical circuit. The sys- tem allows for wide-range, fast electrical tuning of the optical nanocavity resonances, and for electrical control of optical radiation pressure back-action effects such as mechanical amplification (phonon lasing), cooling, and stiffening. These sort of integrated devices offer a new means to efficiently interconvert weak microwave and optical signals, and are expected to pave the way for a new class of micro-sensors utilizing optomechanical back-action for thermal noise reduction and low-noise optical read-out.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure