918 research outputs found

    SUSY radiative corrections on mu-tau neutrino refraction including possible R-parity breaking interactions

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    In this paper we investigate the one-loop radiative corrections to the neutrino indices of refraction from supersymmetric models. We consider the Next-to Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (NMSSM) which happens to be a better supersymmetric candidate than the MSSM for both theoretical and experimental reasons. We scan the relevant SUSY parameters and identify regions in the parameter space which yield interesting values for V_{mu tau}. If R-parity is broken there are significant differences between MSSM and NMSSM contributions contrary to the R-parity conserved case. Finally, for a non-zero CP-violating phase, we show analytically that the presence of V_{mu tau} will explicitly imply CP-violation effects on the supernova electron (anti-) neutrino fluxes.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures; v2: typos and 5 figures correcte

    Possible CP-Violation effects in core-collapse Supernovae

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    We study CP-violation effects when neutrinos are present in dense matter, such as outside the proto-neutron star formed in a core-collapse supernova. Using general arguments based on the Standard Model, we confirm that there are no CP-violating effects at the tree level on the electron neutrino and anti-neutrino fluxes in a core-collapse supernova. On the other hand significant effects can be obtained for muon and tau neutrinos even at the tree level. We show that CP violating effects can be present in the supernova electron (anti)neutrino fluxes as well, if muon and tau neutrinos have different fluxes at the neutrinosphere. Such differences could arise due to physics beyond the Standard Model, such as the presence of flavor-changing interactions.Comment: 11 pages, 18 figure

    Superspace WZW Models and Black Holes

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    We show how to write an off-shell action for the SU(2)×U(1)SU(2)\times U(1) supersymmetric WZW model in terms of N=2N=2 chiral and twisted chiral multiplets. We discuss the N=4N=4 supersymmetry of this model and exhibit the N=4N=4 superconformal current algebra. Finally, we show that the off-shell formulation makes it possible to perform a duality transformation, which leads to a supersymmetric sigma model on a manifold with a black hole type singularity.Comment: 12 page

    Core-collapse supernova neutrinos and neutrino properties

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    Core-collapse supernovae are powerful neutrino sources. The observation of a future (extra-)galactic supernova explosion or of the relic supernova neutrinos might provide important information on the supernova dynamics, on the supernova formation rate and on neutrino properties. One might learn more about unknown neutrino properties either from indirect effects in the supernova (e.g. on the explosion or on in the r-process) or from modifications of the neutrino time or energy distributions in a detector on Earth. Here we will discuss in particular possible effects of CP violation in the lepton sector. We will also mention the interest of future neutrino-nucleus interaction measurements for the precise knowledge of supernova neutrino detector response to electron neutrinos.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings to "Three days of Strong Interactions & Astrophysics HLPW08", 6-8 March 2008, SP

    A dynamical collective calculation of supernova neutrino signals

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    We present the first calculations with three flavors of collective and shock wave effects for neutrino propagation in core-collapse supernovae using hydroynamical density profiles and the S matrix formalism. We explore the interplay between the neutrino-neutrino interaction and the effects of multiple resonances upon the time signal of positrons in supernova observatories. A specific signature is found for the inverted hierarchy and a large third neutrino mixing angle and we predict, in this case, a dearth of lower energy positrons in Cherenkov detectors midway through the neutrino signal and the simultaneous revelation of valuable information about the original fluxes. We show that this feature is also observable with current generation neutrino detectors at the level of several sigmas.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Caracterização parcial e avaliação da maturidade de composto e biofertilizante para a aplicação em áreas de produção orgânica.

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo acompanhar o desenvolvimento e a determinação da maturidade de compostos e biofertilizantes

    Produção de toxinas inseticidas por isolados de Fusarlum spp. patogênicos a Dactylopius opuntiae Cockerel.

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    Neste trabalho buscou-se avaliar a produção de toxinas por seis isolados de Fusarium spp. obtidos em diferentes regiões do Agreste e Sertão pernambucano.Resumo 1733-2

    Produção de mudas de palma-forrageira utilizando fragmentos de cladódios.

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    A palma (Opuntia ficus-indica L.) é uma das principais alternativas para alimentação de caprinos, ovinos e bovinos no Semiárido brasileiro. Contudo, o ataque da cochonilhado-carmim (Dactylopius opuntiae Cockerel) erradicou grande parte da área plantada, já que a maioria das variedades cultivadas são suscetíveis à praga. Três novas variedades resistentes à praga foram identificadas: Orelha-de-elefante mexicana, Miúda ou Doce e a variedade Mão-de-moça (clones IPA-Sertânea e PALMEPA-PB1). Contudo, a disponibilidade de material propagativo (cladódios ou raquetes) ainda é baixa, aumentando o preço da palma-semente. Assim, desenvolveu-se uma metodologia utilizando-se fragmentos (pedaços) de raquetes para a obtenção de novas mudas

    Applications of the Ashtekar gravity to four dimensional hyperk\"ahler geometry and Yang-Mills Instantons

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    The Ashtekar-Mason-Newman equations are used to construct the hyperk\"ahler metrics on four dimensional manifolds. These equations are closely related to anti self-dual Yang-Mills equations of the infinite dimensional gauge Lie algebras of all volume preserving vector fields. Several examples of hyperk\"ahler metrics are presented through the reductions of anti self-dual connections. For any gauge group anti self-dual connections on hyperk\"ahler manifolds are constructed using the solutions of both Nahm and Laplace equations.Comment: 9pages, Figures are not include