83 research outputs found

    Characterization and migration of atmospheric REE in soils and surface waters

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    Rainwater and snow collected from three different sites in France (Vosges Mountains, French Alps and Strasbourg) show more or less similar shapes of their REE distribution patterns. Rainwater from Strasbourg is the most REE enriched sample, whereas precipitations from the two mountainous, less polluted catchments are less REE enriched and have concentrations close to seawater. They are all strongly LREE depleted. Different water samples from an Alpine watershed comprising snow, interstitial, puddle and streamwater show similar REE distributions with LREE enrichment (rainwater normalized) but MREE and HREE depletion. In this environment, where water transfer from the soil to the river is very quick due to the low thickness of the soils, it appears that REE in streamwater mainly originate from atmospheric inputs. Different is the behaviour of the REE in the spring- and streamwaters from the Vosges Mountains. These waters of long residence time in the deep soil horizons react with soil and bedrock REE carrying minerals and show especially significant negative Eu anomalies compared to atmospheric inputs. Their Sr and Nd isotopic data suggest that most of the Sr and Nd originate from apatite leaching or dissolution. Soil solutions and soil leachates from the upper soil horizons due to alteration processes strongly depleted in REE carrying minerals, have REE distribution patterns close to those of lichens and throughfall. Throughfall is slightly more enriched especially in light REE than filtered rainwater probably due to leaching of atmospheric particles deposited on the foliage and also to leaf excretion. Data suggest that Sr and Nd isotopes of the soil solutions in the upper soil horizons originate from two different sources: 1) An atmospheric source with fertilizer, dust and seawater components and 2) A source mainly determined by mineral dissolution in the soil. These two different sources are also recognizable in the Sr and Nd isotopic composition of the tree’s throughfall solution. The atmospheric contributions of Sr and Nd to throughfall and soil solution are of 20 to 70 and 20%, respectively. In springwater, however, the atmospheric Sr and REE contribution is not detectable

    d13C tracing of dissolved inorganic carbon sources in Patagonian rivers (Argentina)

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    The main Patagonian rivers (Colorado, Negro, Chubut, Deseado, Coyle, Chico, Santa Cruz and Gallegos) were sampled between September 1995 and November 1998 to determine their chemical and isotopic compositions, the origins of the suspended and dissolved river loads and their inputs to the South Atlantic Ocean. This paper focuses on the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) transport and its υ13C isotopic signature. The υ13CDIC values vary between 12Ð8 and 1Ð8‰ and allow one to distinguish two river groups: (i) the Colorado, Negro, Chubut and Santa Cruz, which display the highest values and the lowest seasonal variations; (ii) the Deseado, Coyle, Chico and Gallegos, which show the lowest values and the highest seasonal variations. For the first group, υ13CDIC is mainly controlled by important exchanges between the river waters and atmospheric CO2, due to the presence of lakes and dams. For the second group, υ13CDIC also appears to be controlled by the oxidation of organic carbon, showing a negative relationship between υ13CDIC and the dissolved organic carbon. These biogeochemical processes interfere with the contribution of carbonate and silicate weathering to the riverine DIC and do not allow use of υ13CDIC alone to distinguish these contributions. The annual DIC flux exported by Patagonian Rivers to the South Atlantic Ocean averages 621 ð 109 g. of C, i.e. a specific yield of 2Ð7 g m2 year1. The mean υ13CDIC can be estimated to 4Ð9‰, which is high compared with other rivers of the world

    d13C pattern of dissolved inorganic carbon in a small granitic catchment: the Strengbach case study (Vosges mountains, France)

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    The transfers and origins of dissolved inorganic carbon DIC. were studied for a year in a soil–spring–stream system in the Strengbach catchment, Vosges mountains, France. This 80 ha experimental research basin is located on the eastern side of the mountains, at an altitude ranging from 883 to 1146 m.a.s.l. and is mainly covered by spruce 80%.. Brown acid and podzolic soils developed on a granitic basement, and, as a result, the DIC originates solely from CO2 generated by oxidation of soil organic matter. The d13CDIC. in catchment waters is highly variable, from about y22‰ in the springs and piezometers to about y12‰ in the stream at the outlet of the catchment. In the springs, pronounced seasonal variations of d13C exist, with the DIC in isotopic equilibrium with the soil CO that has estimated d13DIC 2 C of about y24‰ in winter and y20‰ in summer. These seasonal variations reflect an isotopic fractionation that seems only induced by molecular diffusion of soil CO2 in summer. In stream water, seasonal variations are small and the relatively heavy DIC y12‰ on average. is a result of isotopic equilibration of the aqueous CO2 with atmospheric CO2

    The impact of vegetation on fractionation of rare earth elements(REE) during water–rock interaction

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    Previous studies on waters of a streamlet in the Vosges mountains (eastern France) have shown that Sr and rare earth elements (REE) principally originate from apatite dissolution during weathering. However, stream water REE patterns normalized to apatite are still depleted in light REE (LREE, La–Sm) pointing to the presence of an additional LREE depleting process. Speciation calculations indicate that complexation cannot explain this additional LREE depletion. In contrast, vegetation samples are strongly enriched in LREE compared to water and their Sr and Nd isotopic compositions are comparable with those of apatite and waters. Thus, the preferential LREE uptake by the plants at the root–water–soil (apatite) interface might lead to an additional LREE depletion of the waters in the forested catchment. Mass balance calculations indicate that the yearly LREE uptake by vegetation is comparable with the LREE export by the streamlet and, therefore, might be an important factor controlling the LREE depletion in river waters

    Stable Carbon Isotopes δ13C as a Proxy for Characterizing Carbon Sources and Processes in a Small Tropical Headwater Catchment: Nsimi, Cameroon

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    Stream carbon fluxes are one of the major components in the global C cycle, yet the discrimination of the various sources of stream carbon remains to a large extent unclear and less is known about the biogeochemical transformations that accompany the transfer of C from soils to streams. Here, we used patterns in stream water and groundwater δ13C values in a small forested tropical headwater catchment to investigate the source and contribution from the soil carbon pools to stream organic and inorganic carbon behavior over seasonal scales. Stream organic carbon (DOC and POC) comes mainly from the upper rich soil organic carbon horizons and derived from total organic carbon (TOC) of biogenic source. The isotopic compositions δ13CTOC, δ13CDOC and δ13CPOC of these carbon species were very close (− 30‰ to − 26‰) and typical of the forested C3 vegetation. The relationship observed between DOC and log pCO2 and δ13CDIC indicated that besides the considerable CO2 evasion that occurs as DIC is transported from soils to streams, there were also other processes affecting the stream DIC pool. In-stream mineralization of DOC and mixing of atmospheric carbon had a significant influence on the δ13CDIC values. These processes which varied seasonally with hydrological changes represent the main control on DOC and DIC cycling in the wet tropical milieu. The rapid turnover of carbon on hillside soils, the transformation of TOC to DOC in wetland soils and further mineralization of stream DOC to DIC favor the evasion of C, making the zone a source of carbon to the atmosphere

    Standards for Libraries in Higher Education

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    The Standards for Libraries in Higher Education are designed to guide academic libraries in advancing and sustaining their role as partners in educating students, achieving their institutions’ missions, and positioning libraries as leaders in assessment and continuous improvement on their campuses. Libraries must demonstrate their value and document their contributions to overall institutional effectiveness and be prepared to address changes in higher education. These Standards were developed through study and consideration of new and emerging issues and trends in libraries, higher education, and accrediting practices. These Standards differ from previous versions by articulating expectations for library contributions to institutional effectiveness. These Standards differ structurally by providing a comprehensive framework using an outcomes-based approach, with evidence collected in ways most appropriate for each institution

    Les gisements d'uranium du Gabon et les réacteurs d'Oklo. Modèle métallogénique de gîtes à fortes teneurs du Protérozoïque inférieur

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    Gauthier-Lafaye François. Les gisements d'uranium du Gabon et les réacteurs d'Oklo. Modèle métallogénique de gîtes à fortes teneurs du Protérozoïque inférieur. Strasbourg : Institut de Géologie – Université Louis-Pasteur, 1986. 226 p. (Sciences Géologiques. Mémoire, 78

    Les gisements d'uranium du Gabon et les réacteurs d'Oklo. Modèle métallogénique de gîtes à fortes teneurs du Protérozoïque inférieur

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    Gauthier-Lafaye François. Les gisements d'uranium du Gabon et les réacteurs d'Oklo. Modèle métallogénique de gîtes à fortes teneurs du Protérozoïque inférieur. Strasbourg : Institut de Géologie – Université Louis-Pasteur, 1986. 226 p. (Sciences Géologiques. Mémoire, 78