1,676 research outputs found

    Impacts of free-floating objects: Unique space station experiments

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    The transfer of momentum and kinetic energy between planetary bodies forms the basis for wide ranging problems in planetary science ranging from the collective long term effects of minor perturbations to the catastrophic singular effect of a major collision. Although the collisional transfer of momentum and energy was discussed over the last two decades, major issues remain that largely reflect current limitations in Earth based experimental conditions and 3-D numerical codes. Two examples with potential applications in a Space Station laboratory, are presented: asteroid spin rates and orientations, and planetary disruption/spin rates. Asteroid spin rate and orientation experiments are needed wherein free floating nonspining and spining objects of varying strength, porosity, and volatility are impacted at varying velocities and angles. A space station platform also could provide an opportunity to test important facets of planetary disruption/spin rate models by allowing freely suspended spherical targets of varying viscosities, internal density gradients, and spin rates

    Seismic effects from major basin formation on the Moon and Mercury

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    Grooved and hilly terrains are reported which occur at the antipode of major basins on the Moon (Imbrium, Orientale) and Mercury (Caloris). Order-of-magnitude calculations, for an Imbrium-size impact on the Moon, indicate P-wave-induced surface displacements of 10 m at the basin antipode that would arrive prior to secondary ejecta. Comparable surface waves are reported which would arrive subsequent to secondary ejecta impacts and would increase in magnitude as they converge at the antipode. Other seismically induced surface features include: subdued, furrowed crater walls produced by landslides and concomitant secondary impacts; emplacement and leveling of light plains units owing to seismically induced "fluidization" of slide material; knobby, pitted terrain around old basins from enhancement of seismic waves in ancient ejecta blankets; and the production and enhancement of deep-seated fractures that led to the concentration of farside lunar maria in the Apollo-Ingenii region

    Impact decapitation from laboratory to basin scales

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    Although vertical hypervelocity impacts result in the annihilation (melting/vaporization) of the projectile, oblique impacts (less than 15 deg) fundamentally change the partitioning of energy with fragments as large as 10 percent of the original projectile surviving. Laboratory experiments reveal that both ductile and brittle projectiles produce very similar results where limiting disruption depends on stresses proportional to the vertical velocity component. Failure of the projectile at laboratory impact velocities (6 km/s) is largely controlled by stresses established before the projectile has penetrated a significant distance into the target. The planetary surface record exhibits numerous examples of oblique impacts with evidence fir projectile failure and downrange sibling collisions

    Debris-cloud collisions: Accretion studies in the Space Station

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    The growth of planetesimals in the Solar System reflects the success of collisional aggregation over disruption. It is widely assumed that aggregation must represent relatively low encounter velocities between two particles in order to avoid both disruption and high-ejecta velocities. Such an assumption is supported by impact experiments and theory. Experiments involving particle-particle impacts, however, may be pertinent to only one type of collisional process in the early Solar System. Most models envision a complex protoplanetary nebular setting involving gas and dust. Consequently, collisions between clouds of dust or solids and dust may be a more relistic picture of protoplanetary accretion. Recent experiments performed at the NASA-Ames Vertical Gun Range have produced debris clouds impacting particulate targets with velocities ranging from 100 m/s to 6 km/s. The experiments produced several intriguing results that not only warrant further study but also may encourage experiments with the impact conditions permitted in a microgravity environment. Possible Space Station experiments are briefly discussed

    Impacts of hemispherical granular targets: Implications for global impacts

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    As impact excavation diameters subtend a nontrivial fraction of a planetary body, both the excavation process and ejecta emplacement may depart form the classical description of impacts into a planar surface. Hemispherical particulate targets were impacted at the NASA-Ames Vertical Gun Range in order to trace the evolution of the ejecta curtain and to document the effects of slope and surface curvature on crater shape and cratering efficiency. The experiments suggest that basin size impacts or large craters on small bodies may be shallower than their counterparts on a planar surface but may have displaced a larger relative mass. Moreover, the increased ejecta curtain angle with distance may result in a change in ejecta emplacement style with distance. Although the ejecta curtain is vertical, ejecta within the curtain impact the surface at 45 deg and the time between first and last arrival within the curtain increases. This increased interaction time as the ejecta curtain density decreases should result in a more chaotic style of implacement

    Impacts of free-floating objects: Unique Space Station experiments

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    The transfer of momentum and kinetic energy between planetary bodies forms the basis for wide-ranging problems in planetary science ranging from the collective long-term effects of minor perturbations to the catastrophic singular effect of a major collision. In the former case, the evolution of asteroid spin rates and orientations and planetary rotation rates are cited. In the latter case, the catastrophic angular momenta and the near-global disruption of partially molten planets are included. Although the collisional transfer of momentum and energy were discussed over the last two decades, major issues remain that largely reflect current limitations in earth-based experimental conditions and 3-D numerical codes. Two examples with potential applications in a Space Station laboratory are presented

    Lunar rocks as meteoroid detectors

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    About 5000 microcraters on seven lunar rocks recovered during the Apollo 12 mission have been systematically studied using a stereomicroscope. Based on comparisons with laboratory cratering experiments, at least 95 percent of all millimeter sized craters observed were formed by impacts in which the impact velocity exceeded 10 km/s. The dynamics of particle motion near the moon and the distribution of microcraters on the rocks require an extralunar origin for these impacting particles. The microcrater population on at least one side of all rocks studied was in equilibrium for millimeter sized craters; i.e., statistically, craters a few millimeters in diameter and smaller were being removed by the superposition of new craters at the same rate new craters were being formed. The population of craters on such a surface is directly related to the total population of particles impacting that surface. Crater size distribution data together with an experimentally determined relationship between the crater size and the physical parameters of the impacting particle, yield the mass distribution of interplanetary dust at 1 AU

    Spray Ejected from the Lunar Surface by Meteoroid Impact

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    Fragments ejected from lunar surface by meteoroid impact analyzed on basis of studies of hypervelocity impact in rock and san

    Verifying timestamps of occultation observation systems

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    We describe an image timestamp verification system to determine the exposure timing characteristics and continuity of images made by an imaging camera and recorder, with reference to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The original use was to verify the timestamps of stellar occultation recording systems, but the system is applicable to lunar flashes, planetary transits, sprite recording, or any area where reliable timestamps are required. The system offers good temporal resolution (down to 2 msec, referred to UTC) and provides exposure duration and interframe dead time information. The system uses inexpensive, off-the- shelf components, requires minimal assembly and requires no high-voltage components or connections. We also describe an application to load FITS (and other format) image files, which can decode the verification image timestamp. Source code, wiring diagrams and built applications are provided to aid the construction and use of the device.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted to Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA

    Influence of composition and precipitation evolution on damage at grain boundaries in a crept polycrystalline Ni-based superalloy

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    © 2018 Acta Materialia Inc. The microstructural and compositional evolution of intergranular carbides and borides prior to and after creep deformation at 850 °C in a polycrystalline nickel-based superalloy was studied. Primary MC carbides, enveloped within intergranular γ′ layers, decomposed resulting in the formation of layers of the undesirable η phase. These layers have a composition corresponding to Ni3Ta as measured by atom probe tomography and their structure is consistent with the D024 hexagonal structure as revealed by transmission electron microscopy. Electron backscattered diffraction reveals that they assume various misorientations with regard to the adjacent grains. As a consequence, these layers act as brittle recrystallized zones and crack initiation sites. The composition of the MC carbides after creep was altered substantially, with the Ta content decreasing and the Hf and Zr contents increasing, suggesting a beneficial effect of Hf and Zr additions on the stability of MC carbides. By contrast, M5B3 borides were found to be microstructurally stable after creep and without substantial compositional changes. Borides at 850 °C were found to coarsen, resulting in some cases into γ′- depleted zones, where, however, no cracks were observed. The major consequences of secondary phases on the microstructural stability of superalloys during the design of new polycrystalline superalloys are discussed