282 research outputs found

    Whole genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of \u3ci\u3eBluetongue virus\u3c/i\u3e serotype 2 strains isolated in the Americas including a novel strain from the western United States

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    Bluetongue is a potentially fatal arboviral disease of domestic and wild ruminants that is characterized by widespread edema and tissue necrosis. Bluetongue virus (BTV) serotypes 10, 11, 13, and 17 occur throughout much of the United States, whereas serotype 2 (BTV-2) was previously only detected in the southeastern United States. Since 1998, 10 other BTV serotypes have also been isolated from ruminants in the southeastern United States. In 2010, BTV-2 was identified in California for the first time, and preliminary sequence analysis indicated that the virus isolate was closely related to BTV strains circulating in the southeastern United States. In the current study, the whole genome sequence of the California strain of BTV-2 was compared with those of other BTV-2 strains in the Americas. The results of the analysis suggest co-circulation of genetically distinct viruses in the southeastern United States, and further suggest that the 2010 western isolate is closely related to southeastern strains of BTV. Although it remains uncertain as to how this novel virus was translocated to California, the findings of the current study underscore the need for ongoing surveillance of this economically important livestock disease

    Comparison of Rift Valley fever virus replication in North American livestock and wildlife cell lines

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    Citation: Gaudreault, N. N., Indran, S. V., Bryant, P. K., Richt, J. A., & Wilson, W. C. (2015). Comparison of Rift Valley fever virus replication in North American livestock and wildlife cell lines. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6(JUN). doi:10.3389/fmicb.2015.00664Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) causes disease outbreaks across Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, resulting in high morbidity and mortality among young domestic livestock, frequent abortions in pregnant animals, and potentially severe or fatal disease in humans. The possibility of RVFV spreading to the United States or other countries worldwide is of significant concern to animal and public health, livestock production, and trade. The mechanism for persistence of RVFV during inter-epidemic periods may be through mosquito transovarial transmission and/or by means of a wildlife reservoir. Field investigations in endemic areas and previous in vivo studies have demonstrated that RVFV can infect a wide range of animals, including indigenous wild ruminants of Africa. Yet no predominant wildlife reservoir has been identified, and gaps in our knowledge of RVFV permissive hosts still remain. In North America, domestic goats, sheep, and cattle are susceptible hosts for RVFV and several competent vectors exist. Wild ruminants such as deer might serve as a virus reservoir and given their abundance, wide distribution, and overlap with livestock farms and human populated areas could represent an important risk factor. The objective of this study was to assess a variety of cell lines derived from North American livestock and wildlife for susceptibility and permissiveness to RVFV. Results of this study suggest that RVFV could potentially replicate in native deer species such as white-tailed deer, and possibly a wide range of non-ruminant animals. This work serves to guide and support future animal model studies and risk model assessment regarding this high-consequence zoonotic pathogen. © 2015 Gaudreault, Indran, Bryant, Richt and Wilson

    A Recombinant Rift Valley Fever Virus Glycoprotein Subunit Vaccine Confers Full Protection against Rift Valley Fever Challenge in Sheep

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    Citation: Faburay, B., Wilson, W. C., Gaudreault, N. N., Davis, A. S., Shivanna, V., Bawa, B., . . . Richt, J. A. (2016). A Recombinant Rift Valley Fever Virus Glycoprotein Subunit Vaccine Confers Full Protection against Rift Valley Fever Challenge in Sheep. Scientific Reports, 6, 12. doi:10.1038/srep27719Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is a mosquito-borne zoonotic pathogen causing disease outbreaks in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The virus has great potential for transboundary spread due to the presence of competent vectors in non-endemic areas. There is currently no fully licensed vaccine suitable for use in livestock or humans outside endemic areas. Here we report the evaluation of the efficacy of a recombinant subunit vaccine based on the RVFV Gn and Gc glycoproteins. In a previous study, the vaccine elicited strong virus neutralizing antibody responses in sheep and was DIVA (differentiating naturally infected from vaccinated animals) compatible. In the current efficacy study, a group of sheep (n=5) was vaccinated subcutaneously with the glycoprotein-based subunit vaccine candidate and then subjected to heterologous challenge with the virulent Kenya-128B-15 RVFV strain. The vaccine elicited high virus neutralizing antibody titers and conferred complete protection in all vaccinated sheep, as evidenced by prevention of viremia, fever and absence of RVFV-associated histopathological lesions. We conclude that the subunit vaccine platform represents a promising strategy for the prevention and control of RVFV infections in susceptible hosts

    Evaluation of a viral DNA-protein immunization strategy against African swine fever in domestic pigs

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    African swine fever virus (ASFV) causes serious disease in domestic pigs for which there is no vaccine currently available. ASFV is a large DNA virus that encodes for more than 150 proteins, thus making the identification of viral antigens that induce a protective immune response difficult. Based on the functional roles of several ASFV proteins found in previous studies, we selected combinations of ASFV recombinant proteins and pcDNAs-expressing ASFV genes, to analyze their ability to induce humoral and cellular immune responses in pigs. Pigs were immunized using a modified prime-boost approach with combinations of previously selected viral DNA and proteins, resulting in induction of antibodies and specific cell-mediated immune response, measured by IFN-γ ELISpots. The ability of antibodies from pigs immunized with various combinations of ASFV-specific antigens to neutralize infection in vitro, and antigen-specific activation of the cellular immune response were analyzed.U.S. Department of Homeland Security under Grant Award Number DHS-2010-ST-061-AG0001 for the Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Disease (CEEZAD) and the State of Kansas National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF

    Muscle activation during gait in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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    The aim of this prospective study was to investigate changes in muscle activity during gait in children with Duchenne muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Dynamic surface electromyography recordings (EMGs) of 16 children with DMD and pathological gait were compared with those of 15 control children. The activity of the rectus femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL), medial hamstrings (HS), tibialis anterior (TA) and gastrocnemius soleus (GAS) muscles was recorded and analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The overall muscle activity in the children with DMD was significantly different from that of the control group. Percentage activation amplitudes of RF, HS and TA were greater throughout the gait cycle in the children with DMD and the timing of GAS activity differed from the control children. Significantly greater muscle coactivation was found in the children with DMD. There were no significant differences between sides. Since the motor command is normal in DMD, the hyper-activity and co-contractions likely compensate for gait instability and muscle weakness, however may have negative consequences on the muscles and may increase the energy cost of gait. Simple rehabilitative strategies such as targeted physical therapies may improve stability and thus the pattern of muscle activity

    Experimental infection of calves by two genetically-distinct strains of rift valley fever virus

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    Citation: Wilson, W. C., Davis, A. S., Gaudreault, N. N., Faburay, B., Trujillo, J. D., Shivanna, V., . . . Richt, J. A. (2016). Experimental infection of calves by two genetically-distinct strains of rift valley fever virus. Viruses, 8(5). doi:10.3390/v8050145Additional Authors: McVey, D. S.Recent outbreaks of Rift Valley fever in ruminant livestock, characterized by mass abortion and high mortality rates in neonates, have raised international interest in improving vaccine control strategies. Previously, we developed a reliable challenge model for sheep that improves the evaluation of existing and novel vaccines in sheep. This sheep model demonstrated differences in the pathogenesis of Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) infection between two genetically-distinct wild-type strains of the virus, Saudi Arabia 2001 (SA01) and Kenya 2006 (Ken06). Here, we evaluated the pathogenicity of these two RVFV strains in mixed breed beef calves. There was a transient increase in rectal temperatures with both virus strains, but this clinical sign was less consistent than previously reported with sheep. Three of the five Ken06-infected animals had an early-onset viremia, one day post-infection (dpi), with viremia lasting at least three days. The same number of SA01-infected animals developed viremia at 2 dpi, but it only persisted through 3 dpi in one animal. The average virus titer for the SA01-infected calves was 1.6 logs less than for the Ken06-infected calves. Calves, inoculated with either strain, seroconverted by 5 dpi and showed time-dependent increases in their virus-neutralizing antibody titers. Consistent with the results obtained in the previous sheep study, elevated liver enzyme levels, more severe liver pathology and higher virus titers occurred with the Ken06 strain as compared to the SA01 strain. These results demonstrate the establishment of a virulent challenge model for vaccine evaluation in calves. © 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Rift Valley Fever Phlebovirus Reassortment Study in Sheep

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    Rift Valley fever (RVF) in ungulates and humans is caused by a mosquito-borne RVF phlebovirus (RVFV). Live attenuated vaccines are used in livestock (sheep and cattle) to control RVF in endemic regions during outbreaks. The ability of two or more different RVFV strains to reassort when co-infecting a host cell is a significant veterinary and public health concern due to the potential emergence of newly reassorted viruses, since reassortment of RVFVs has been documented in nature and in experimental infection studies. Due to the very limited information regarding the frequency and dynamics of RVFV reassortment, we evaluated the efficiency of RVFV reassortment in sheep, a natural host for this zoonotic pathogen. Co-infection experiments were performed, first in vitro in sheep-derived cells, and subsequently in vivo in sheep. Two RVFV co-infection groups were evaluated: group I consisted of co-infection with two wild-type (WT) RVFV strains, Kenya 128B-15 (Ken06) and Saudi Arabia SA01-1322 (SA01), while group II consisted of co-infection with the live attenuated virus (LAV) vaccine strain MP-12 and a WT strain, Ken06. In the in vitro experiments, the virus supernatants were collected 24 h post-infection. In the in vivo experiments, clinical signs were monitored, and blood and tissues were collected at various time points up to nine days post-challenge for analyses. Cell culture supernatants and samples from sheep were processed, and plaque-isolated viruses were genotyped to determine reassortment frequency. Our results show that RVFV reassortment is more efficient in co-infected sheep-derived cells compared to co-infected sheep. In vitro, the reassortment frequencies reached 37.9% for the group I co-infected cells and 25.4% for the group II co-infected cells. In contrast, we detected just 1.7% reassortant viruses from group I sheep co-infected with the two WT strains, while no reassortants were detected from group II sheep co-infected with the WT and LAV strains. The results indicate that RVFV reassortment occurs at a lower frequency in vivo in sheep when compared to in vitro conditions in sheep-derived cells. Further studies are needed to better understand the implications of RVFV reassortment in relation to virulence and transmission dynamics in the host and the vector. The knowledge learned from these studies on reassortment is important for understanding the dynamics of RVFV evolution

    Evaluating the Distribution of African Swine Fever Virus Within a Feed Mill Environment Following Manufacture of Inoculated Feed

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    With the global spread of African swine fever virus (ASFV) and evidence that feed and/or ingredients may be potential vectors for pathogen transmission, it is critical to understand the role the feed manufacturing industry may have in regard to potential distribution of this highly virulent virus. A pilot-scale feed mill consisting of a mixer, bucket elevator, and relevant spouting was constructed in the Biosafety Level-3 Ag animal room at the Biosecurity Research Institute at Kansas State University. A total of 18 different sites on the equipment and in the room were swabbed to evaluate environmental contamination before and after introduction of ASFV-inoculated feedstuff. First, a batch of feed was manufactured through the system to confirm the feed mill was ASFV negative; then a feedstuff inoculated with ASFV was added into the mixer and manufactured with other, non-infected ingredients. Ingredients were mixed and discharged through the bucket elevator. Subsequently, four additional ASFV-free batches of feed were manufactured. Environmental swabs were collected after each batch of feed was discharged with locations categorized into four zones: A) feed contact surface, B) non-feed contact surface but \u3c 3.2 feet away from feed, C) non-feed contact surface \u3e 3.2 feet from feed, and D) transient surfaces such as worker shoes. Environmental swabs were analyzed using qPCR analysis for the P72 ASFV gene in a BSL-3 laboratory setting to detect ASFV-specific DNA. Environmental swabs collected prior to ASFV inoculation of feed were negative for ASFV DNA. Environmental swabs collected after the manufacture of ASFV-inoculated feed resulted in contamination of zones A-D. Contamination levels with ASFV-DNA are reported as Ct value or genomic copy number (CN) per mL. In this setup, there was no evidence of sampling zone × batch interaction and no difference in the proportion of ASFV positive reactions between sampling location or batch of feed throughout the experiment. This indicates that once ASFV contamination entered the facility, the contamination quickly becomes widespread and persists on the environmental surfaces, even during manufacturing of subsequent batches of ASFV non-inoculated feed. Samples from transient surfaces (Zone D) had more detectable ASFV (a lower Ct value) compared to all other surfaces (P \u3c 0.05), indicating high level of ASFV contamination (high CN values). Samples collected after manufacturing sequence 3 had less detectable ASFV (a greater Ct value) compared to samples collected immediately following manufacture of the ASFV-inoculated batch of feed (P \u3c 0.05), indicating lower levels of ASFV contamination (low CN values) in subsequent repeats of the feed production process. There was evidence of a sampling zone × batch interaction for the number of genomic copies/mL (P = 0.002). For samples collected after manufacture of the ASFV-inoculated batch of feed, a lower number of ASFV genomic copies/mL (higher Ct) was observed for swabs collected from non-feed contact surfaces \u3e 3.2 feet from feed (Zone C) compared to feed contact surfaces (zone A) (P \u3c 0.05), with other surfaces (zone B and D) having no evidence of a significant difference. Following manufacturing sequences 1, 2, and 3, samples collected from the transient surfaces (zone D) had a greater number of ASFV genomic copies/mL (low Ct) detected compared to other sampling locations (P \u3c 0.05). After manufacturing sequence 4, there was no evidence of a difference in the number of detected ASFV genomic copies/mL between sampling locations (P \u3e 0.05). In summary, once ASFV was experimentally introduced into a feed manufacturing environment, the virus became widely distributed throughout the facility with only minor changes in detection frequency as subsequent batches of feed were produced

    ISRCTN12125882 - Influence of topical anti-VEGF (Ranibizumab) on the outcome of filtration surgery for glaucoma - Study Protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Excessive wound healing, with scarring of the episcleral tissue or encapsulation of the filtering bleb is the main reason for failure in trabeculectomy. Ranibizumab, an inhibitor of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), is seen as a promising candidate to prevent or treat extensive wound healing. We describe the design of a two phased study, i) assessing the local tolerability and safety of topical ranibizumab and ii) assessing the efficacy of topical ranibizumab against placebo in patients who underwent trabeculectomy with mitomycin C combined with phacoemulsification and intra ocular lens (IOL) implantation.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>In the first phase five patients that had trabeculectomy with mitomycin C combined with phacoemulsification and IOL implantation will be treated with topical ranibizumab (Lucentis<sup>®</sup>) eye drops (2 mg/ml) four times daily for one month. The treatment will be started at the first postoperative day. Patients will be assessed for local and systemic side effects using a standardised schedule. In the second phase, after successful completion of phase 1, consenting eligible patients who underwent trabeculectomy with mitomycin C combined with phacoemulsification and IOL implantation will be randomised to either receive topical ranibizumab eye drops (2 mg/ml) four times daily for 1 month or placebo (BSS 4x/d for 1 month). Patients will be reviewed weekly for 4 weeks until conjunctival sutures are removed. Further follow up examinations are planned after 3 and six months. Assessment of differences in the intraocular eye pressure will be considered primary, and bleb appearance/vascularisation using a standardized photography and the Moorfields bleb grading system, postoperative intraocular pressure and conjunctival wound healing problems will be considered secondary outcome parameters.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Anti-VEGF-antibodies might be more effective in preventing scaring and might have fewer toxic side effects than the currently used anti-metabolites and may replace them in the long term.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ISRCTN: <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN12125882">ISRCTN12125882</a></p

    Involvement of TLR2 in Recognition of Acute Gammaherpesvirus-68 Infection

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play a crucial role in the activation of innate immunity in response to many viruses. We previously reported the implication of TLR2 in the recognition of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) by human monocytes. Because murine gammaherpesvirus-68 (MHV-68) is a useful model to study human gammaherpesvirus pathogenesis in vivo, we evaluated the importance of mouse TLR2 in the recognition of MHV-68.In studies using transfected HEK293 cells, MHV-68 lead to the activation of NF-κB reporter through TLR2. In addition, production of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interferon-α (IFN-α) upon MHV-68 stimulation was reduced in murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from TLR2-/- and MyD88-/- mice as compared to their wild type (WT) counterpart. In transgenic mice expressing a luciferase reporter gene under the control of the mTLR2 promoter, MHV-68 challenge activated TLR2 transcription. Increased expression levels of TLR2 on blood granulocytes (CD115(-)Gr1(+)) and inflammatory monocytes (CD115(+)Gr1(+)), which mobilized to the lungs upon infection with MHV-68, was also confirmed by flow cytometry. Finally, TLR2 or MyD88 deficiency was associated with decreased IL-6 and type 1 IFN production as well as increased viral burden during short-term challenges with MHV-68.TLR2 contributes to the production of inflammatory cytokines and type 1 IFN as well as to the control of viral burden during infection with MHV-68. Taken together, our results suggest that the TLR2 pathway has a relevant role in the recognition of this virus and in the subsequent activation of the innate immune response