559 research outputs found

    Corpus-Based Research on Chinese Language and Linguistics

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    This volume collects papers presenting corpus-based research on Chinese language and linguistics, from both a synchronic and a diachronic perspective. The contributions cover different fields of linguistics, including syntax and pragmatics, semantics, morphology and the lexicon, sociolinguistics, and corpus building. There is now considerable emphasis on the reliability of linguistic data: the studies presented here are all grounded in the tenet that corpora, intended as collections of naturally occurring texts produced by a variety of speakers/writers, provide a more robust, statistically significant foundation for linguistic analysis. The volume explores not only the potential of using corpora as tools allowing access to authentic language material, but also the challenges involved in corpus interrogation, analysis, and building

    Optimal Geometry of CMOS Voltage-Mode and Current-Mode Vertical Magnetic Hall Sensors

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    Four different geometries of a vertical Hall sensor are presented and studied in this paper. The current spinning technique compensates for the offset and the sensors, driven in current-mode, provide a differential signal current for a possible capacitive integration over a defined time-slot. The sensors have been fabricated using a 6-metal 0.18-μm CMOS technology and fully experimentally tested. The optimal solution will be further investigated for bendable electronics. Measurement results of the four structures over the 10 available samples show for the best geometry an offset of 41.66 ± 8 μT and a current-mode sensitivity of 9 ± 0.1 %/T. Since the figures widely change with geometry, a proper choice secures optimal performance

    Positronium signature in organic liquid scintillators for neutrino experiments

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    Electron anti-neutrinos are commonly detected in liquid scintillator experiments via inverse beta decay, by looking at the coincidence between the reaction products, neutron and positron. Prior to positron annihilation, an electron-positron pair may form an orthopositronium (o-Ps) state, with a mean life of a few ns. Even if the o-Ps decay is speeded up by spin flip or pick off effects, it may introduce distortions in the photon emission time distribution, crucial for position reconstruction and pulse shape discrimination algorithms in anti-neutrino experiments. Reversing the problem, the o-Ps induced time distortion represents a new signature for tagging anti-neutrinos in liquid scintillator. In this paper, we report the results of measurements of the o-Ps formation probability and lifetime, for the most used solvents for organic liquid scintillators in neutrino physics (pseudocumene, linear alkyl benzene, phenylxylylethane, and dodecane). We characterize also a mixture of pseudocumene +1.5 g/l of 2,5-diphenyloxazole, a fluor acting as wavelength shifter. In the second part of the paper, we demonstrate that the o-Ps induced distortion of the scintillation photon emission time distributions represent an optimal signature for tagging positrons on an event by event basis, potentially enhancing the anti-neutrino detection.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure


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    In this paper we try to show the relationships between corruption and the discourse of rights; how this link is articulated within the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to comply with the proposed object, the semantic scope of the voice “corruption” will be addressed. The main concerns regarding integrity and the fight against corruption in emergency contexts will be determined, finally, the essay will stop in the notion of “reasonableness¨ understanding it like a space capable of articulating the certainty and juridical stability.En este trabajo se pretende exhibir las relaciones entre la corrupción y el discurso de los derechos; el modo en que este vínculo se articula en el marco de la pandemia de covid-19. En cause de cumplir con el objeto propuesto, se abordarán, los alcances semánticos de la voz “corrupción”. Se determinarán cuáles son las principales preocupaciones en materia de integridad y lucha contra la corrupción en contextos de emergencia, Finalmente, el ensayo se detendrá en la noción de “razonabilidad” entendiéndola como un espacio capaz de articular la certeza y estabilidad jurídica


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    This work discusses the impact of reasonability in law, focusing in the ways that it influences the configuration of a model of a subject of law. From this analysis, and considering its variable nature, we will go through the role that the judges plays in assigning it a meaning.In particular, we will put our attention on the different ways that courts have used the reasonability category to answer to circumstances unexpected by the legislation and that change the historical debate between the preservation of juridical stability and the necessary flexibility of courtdecision.El presente trabajo tiene por objeto discutir las implicancias que adquiere la noción de razonabilidad en el derecho, deteniéndose especialmente en los modos en que impacta en la configuración de un modelo de sujeto de derecho. A partir de este análisis, y considerando el carácter “poroso” del concepto estudiado, se abordará el rol que desempeña la judicatura para atribuirle una significación. Específicamente, la investigación profundizará en las diversas formas en que los tribunales han utilizado la categoría de la “razonabilidad” para responder a circunstancias imprevistas por la legislación y que reeditan el histórico debate entre la preservación de la estabilidad jurídica y la necesaria flexibilidad de las decisiones judiciales

    I diciannove Canti per calcare il vuoto (buxuci 步虛詞) di Wei Qumou 韋渠牟 (749-801)

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    The essay aims to present part of the poetic work of the Tang dynasty 唐朝 (618-907) poet Wei Qumou 韋渠牟 (749-801). Nineteen poems of the buxu 步虛 genre are translated here, representing almost entirely what has been handed down to us of his poetic production. This kind of poetry is distinguished by the theme: a description of the poet’s journey beyond the world of mortals, which ends by visiting the deities that reside in the constellation of Ursa Major, thanks to meditation, alchemical practices and knowledge of sacred text

    Las bases conceptuales de los derechos humanos: Hacia una teoría crítica

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    Los derechos humanos, como discurso de la dignidad humana, han sido históricamente identificados con la naturaleza humana y calificados como innatos, universales, imprescriptibles e inderogables. Sin embargo, las conquistas más sustanciosas de nuestros tiempos demuestran que solo desde una perspectiva crítica es posible desafiar a las estructuras teóricas tradicionales y conservadoras. En efecto, resulta imperioso colocar el énfasis en los necesarios debates que deben librarse alrededor del concepto y los fundamentos de los derechos humanos, incluso desde la propia óptica del Sistema Interamericano de Protección


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    The objective of This article is to deal with the characteristics of the so-called «New Latin American Constitutionalism», whose germ is found in the constitutional processes of the States Ecuador, Bolivia and Venezuela, without prejudice to the antecedent that the Colombian Constitution of 1991 meant.Considering the insistent criticisms that have been made in this new paradigm, a comparison will be drawn with the Constitutional Democracy Model, seeking to underline the main aspect that have those proposal.El presente artículo tiene por objeto abordar las características del denominado «Nuevo Constitucionalismo Latinoamericano», cuyo germen se encuentra en los procesos constitucionales de los Estados Ecuador, Bolivia y Venezuela, sin perjuicio del antecedente que significó la Constitución colombiana de 1991. Considerando las insistentes críticas que se han formulado respecto de este nuevo paradigma, se concretará una comparación con el Modelo de Democracia Constitucional, procurando subrayar los aspectos centrales que distancian a estas propuestas

    Indagine preliminare su caratteristiche lessicali e stilistiche del Xuanshi zhi 宣室志 (Cronache della Sala della proclamazione)

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    The ninth century collection by Zhang Du (834-886?) entitled Xuanshi zhi (Chronicles of the proclamation pavilion) is a vast miscellanea of more than two hundred entries, written in a co- herent and elegant wenyan prose. In an attempt to analyse in detail the writing of the author and as a proposal for further studies, an excursion on some lexical and grammatical aspect of the text focusing on lexical innovation and use of the direction complement is provided. In the Appendix an extensive list of examples of direction complement drawn from the entire collection is given