234 research outputs found

    Adequacy of protein and calorie delivery according to the expected calculated targets: a day-by-day assessment in critically ill patients undergoing enteral feeding

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    In critically ill patients requiring mechanical ventilation for longer than 48-72 h enteral nutrition (EN) should be started early. Because EN alone may be unable to reach the target nutritional requirement, supplemental parenteral nutrition (PN) should be administered. This study aimed at describing the daily rate of administered calories and proteins according to the expected calculated targets. The impact of calorie adequacy, deficit or excess on relevant clinical outcomes was explored

    Altered fronto-striatal functions in the Gdi1 -null mouse model of X-linked Intellectual Disability

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    RAB-GDP dissociation inhibitor 1 (GDI1) loss-of-function mutations are responsible for a form of non-specific X-linked Intellectual Disability (XLID) where the only clinical feature is cognitive impairment. GDI1 patients are impaired in specific aspects of executive functions and conditioned response, which are controlled by fronto-striatal circuitries. Previous molecular and behavioral characterization of the Gdi1-null mouse revealed alterations in the total number/distribution of hippocampal and cortical synaptic vesicles as well as hippocampal short-term synaptic plasticity, and memory deficits. In this study, we employed cognitive protocols with high translational validity to human condition that target the functionality of cortico-striatal circuitry such as attention and stimulus selection ability with progressive degree of complexity. We previously showed that Gdi1-null mice are impaired in some hippocampus-dependent forms of associative learning assessed by aversive procedures. Here, using appetitive-conditioning procedures we further investigated associative learning deficits sustained by the fronto-striatal system. We report that Gdi1-null mice are impaired in attention and associative learning processes, which are a key part of the cognitive impairment observed in XLID patients

    Predictors of prosocial behavior during the COVID-19 national lockdown in Italy: Testing the role of psychological sense of community and other community assets

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    There is growing support for viewing communities as a multilevel construct in which the interdependence between individuals and community systems contributes to the promotion of individual responsibilities in thinking and enacting changes to respond to people’s and community’s needs. However, there is currently scant evidence regarding the influence of psychological sense of community and the role of community assets on prosocial behavior during the COVID-19 national lockdown. The main aim of the current study was to test a conceptual model of community assets as predictors of prosocial behavior during Italy’s COVID-19 national lockdown. A sample of 3,964 Italian adults was involved in the current study. We collected data using an online questionnaire, between April 12 and May 21, 2020, during the nationwide lockdown restrictions. To collect data, we employed convenience and virtual snowball sampling strategies (i.e., email, social networks, and online channels). Using structural equation modeling, we found that prosocial behavior was predicted by sense of community responsibility but not by sense of community. Moreover, sense of community and sense of community responsibility were predicted by community members’ perception of its assets, in particular collective resilience and adequate information. Finally, trust in the institutional response to the pandemic predicted community members’ perception of collective resilience and receiving adequate information through the community. The present study suggests that community qualities, positively perceived by community members, are crucial in promoting prosocial behaviors and producing collective goods during a pandemic

    Psoriasis induced by first‑line pembrolizumab in metastatic non‑small cell lung cancer: a case report

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    : Therapeutic options for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) have changed with the introduction of immune checkpoint inhibitors. Immunotherapy is generally well tolerated, but can also be associated with severe adverse events, such as the development of new autoimmune diseases. In patients without a history of autoimmune diseases, psoriasis caused by immunotherapy treatment is rarely described in the literature. The present study describes the case of a 68-year-old man with metastatic NSCLC that started chemoimmunotherapy with carboplatin plus pemetrexed plus pembrolizumab. After two cycles of therapy, the patient developed a G3 maculopapular rash. Biopsy confirmed psoriasis and pembrolizumab treatment was discontinued. At the last follow up, the patient was still on maintenance therapy with pemetrexed alone, which is well tolerated. Psoriasis has rarely been reported as an immune-related adverse event. Although the patient had to stop the immunotherapy treatment, the patient is still exhibiting a response to it. Notably, it has previously been described how skin toxicities are associated with a better outcome. Other studies need to be conducted to identify the risk and predictive factors associated with severe immune adverse events and objective response

    The selective effect of lockdown experience on citizens' perspectives: A multilevel, multiple informant approach to personal and community resilience during COVID-19 pandemic

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    In the face of the first wave of COVID-19 contagion, citizens all over the world experienced concerns for their safety and health, as well as prolonged lockdowns – which brought about limitations but also unforeseen opportunities for personal growth. Broad variability in these psychological responses to such unprecedented experiences emerged. This study addresses this variability by investigating the role of personal and community resilience. Personal resilience, collective resilience, community disaster management ability, provided information by local authorities, and citizens' focus on COVID-19-related personal concerns and lockdown-related opportunities for personal growth were detected through an online questionnaire. Multilevel modelling was run with data from 3,745 Italian citizens. The potential of personal resilience as a driver for individuals to overcome adverse situations with positive outcomes was confirmed. Differently, the components of community resilience showed more complex paths, highlighting the need to pay more attention to its role in the face of far-reaching adverse events which hardly test individuals' as well as communities' adaptability and agency skills. The complexities linked to the multi-component and system-specific nature of resilience, as well as potential paths towards making the most out of citizens' and communities' ones, emerge. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    Emergency online school learning during COVID-19 lockdown: A qualitative study of adolescents' experiences in Italy

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    The COVID-19 pandemic caused abrupt and profound changes to teaching and learning. The present study seeks to understand adolescents' experiences of the emergency adoption of online school learning (OSL) during the first national lockdown in Italy. Sixty-four students in their final two years of high school were interviewed and content analysis was performed. The findings describe students' views of the changes related to OSL according to structural, individual and relational dimensions. Schools' lack of organization, overwhelming demands, as well as experience of difficulties in concentration, stress and inhibited relationships with teachers and classmates were among the challenges evidenced in the transition. OSL, however, has also made it possible to experience a new flexibility and autonomy in the organization of learning. The study stresses the importance of fostering adaptation of teacher-student relationships and collaborative learning in order to improve schools' preparedness for digital transitions in and out of emergencies

    Identification of Drosophila Mitotic Genes by Combining Co-Expression Analysis and RNA Interference

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    RNAi screens have, to date, identified many genes required for mitotic divisions of Drosophila tissue culture cells. However, the inventory of such genes remains incomplete. We have combined the powers of bioinformatics and RNAi technology to detect novel mitotic genes. We found that Drosophila genes involved in mitosis tend to be transcriptionally co-expressed. We thus constructed a co-expression–based list of 1,000 genes that are highly enriched in mitotic functions, and we performed RNAi for each of these genes. By limiting the number of genes to be examined, we were able to perform a very detailed phenotypic analysis of RNAi cells. We examined dsRNA-treated cells for possible abnormalities in both chromosome structure and spindle organization. This analysis allowed the identification of 142 mitotic genes, which were subdivided into 18 phenoclusters. Seventy of these genes have not previously been associated with mitotic defects; 30 of them are required for spindle assembly and/or chromosome segregation, and 40 are required to prevent spontaneous chromosome breakage. We note that the latter type of genes has never been detected in previous RNAi screens in any system. Finally, we found that RNAi against genes encoding kinetochore components or highly conserved splicing factors results in identical defects in chromosome segregation, highlighting an unanticipated role of splicing factors in centromere function. These findings indicate that our co-expression–based method for the detection of mitotic functions works remarkably well. We can foresee that elaboration of co-expression lists using genes in the same phenocluster will provide many candidate genes for small-scale RNAi screens aimed at completing the inventory of mitotic proteins

    Predictors of prosocial behavior during the COVID-19 national lockdown in Italy: Testing the role of psychological sense of community and other community assets

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    There is growing support for viewing communities as a multilevel construct in which the interdependence between individuals and community systems contributes to the promotion of individual responsibilities in thinking and enacting changes to respond to people’s and community’s needs. However, there is currently scant evidence regarding the influence of psychological sense of community and the role of community assets on prosocial behavior during the COVID-19 national lockdown. The main aim of the current study was to test a conceptual model of community assets as predictors of prosocial behavior during Italy’s COVID-19 national lockdown. A sample of 3,964 Italian adults was involved in the current study. We collected data using an online questionnaire, between April 12 and May 21, 2020, during the nationwide lockdown restrictions. To collect data, we employed convenience and virtual snowball sampling strategies (i.e., email, social networks, and online channels). Using structural equation modeling, we found that prosocial behavior was predicted by sense of community responsibility but not by sense of community. Moreover, sense of community and sense of community responsibility were predicted by community members’ perception of its assets, in particular collective resilience and adequate information. Finally, trust in the institutional response to the pandemic predicted community members’ perception of collective resilience and receiving adequate information through the community. The present study suggests that community qualities, positively perceived by community members, are crucial in promoting prosocial behaviors and producing collective goods during a pandemic.

    Antibiotic Resistance in Paediatric Febrile Urinary Tract Infections

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    : Febrile urinary tract infection (UTI) is currently considered the most frequent cause of serious bacterial illness in children in the first 2 years of life. UTI in paediatrics can irreversibly damage the renal parenchyma and lead to chronic renal insufficiency and related problems. To avoid this risk, an early effective antibiotic treatment is essential. Moreover, prompt treatment is mandatory to improve the clinical condition of the patient, prevent bacteraemia, and avoid the risk of bacterial localization in other body sites. However, antibiotic resistance for UTI-related bacterial pathogens continuously increases, making recommendations rapidly outdated and the definition of the best empiric antibiotic therapy more difficult. Variation in pathogen susceptibility to antibiotics is essential for the choice of an effective therapy. Moreover, proper identification of cases at increased risk of difficult-to-treat UTIs can reduce the risk of ineffective therapy. In this review, the problem of emerging antibiotic resistance among pathogens associated with the development of paediatric febrile UTIs and the best potential solutions to ensure the most effective therapy are discussed. Literature analysis showed that the emergence of antibiotic resistance is an unavoidable phenomenon closely correlated with the use of antibiotics themselves. To limit the emergence of resistance, every effort to reduce and rationalise antibiotic consumption must be made. An increased use of antibiotic stewardship can be greatly effective in this regard
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