7 research outputs found

    Improving the accuracy of lattice energy calculations in crystal structure prediction using experimental data

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    Crystal structure prediction (CSP) has been a problem of great industrial interest but also a fundamental challenge in condensed matter science. The problem involves the identification of the stable and metastable crystals of a given compound at certain temperature and pressure conditions. Computational CSP methods based on the lattice energy minimization have been successful in identifying experimentally observed crystals of an organic compound as local minima of the lattice energy landscape but not always with the correct relative stability. This is primarily controlled by the lattice energy model. The lattice energy model adopted in this work is based on the assumption that molecules are rigid, electrostatic interactions are modelled via distributed multipoles derived from the ab initio charge density of the gas phase conformation and an empirical pairwise exp-6 potential for the repulsion dispersion interactions. Based on the fact that the reliability of all computational models is based on their agreement with experimental evidence, the use of available experimental data for improving the lattice energy model is the main focus of this work. First the impact of different modelling choices -- choice of level of theory for electrostatics and parameters for the repulsion-dispersion term -- in the modelling of experimental structures, energies and relative stabilities is investigated. Results suggest that a reestimation of the repulsion-dispersion parameters is expected to produce parameters consistent with changes in the other lattice energy terms and bring the model closer to experiment, consequently improving predictions. An algorithm, CrystalEstimator, for fitting the exp-6 potential parameters by minimizing the sum of squared deviations between experimental structures and energies and the corresponding relaxed structures and energies is developed. The lattice energy of the experimental structures is minimized by the program DMACRYS. The solution algorithm is based on the search of the parameter space using deterministic low discrepancy sequences; and the use of an efficient local minimization algorithm. The proposed method is applied to derive transferable exp-6 potential parameters for hydrocarbons, organosulphur compounds, azahydrocarbons, oxohydrocarbons and organosulphur compounds containing nitrogen. Three different sets of parameters are developed, suitable for use in conjunction with three different models of electrostatics derived at the HF/6-31G(d,p), M06/6-31G(d,p) and MP2/6-31g(d,p) levels. A good fit is achieved for all the new sets of parameters with a mean absolute error in sublimation enthalpies less than 3.5 kJ/mol and an average rmsd15 less than 0.35 Å. Prediction studies are performed for acetylene, tetracyanoethylene and blind test molecule XXII and the generated lattice energy landscapes are refined with the new models. The observed experimental structures are predicted with better structural agreement but the same or higher ranking than those obtained by the previously used FIT parameter set.Open Acces

    Study of Benzene Diffusion in Silicalite-1 through Stochastic Simulations

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    65 σ.Ο σκοπός της συγκεκριμένης διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η μελέτη του συστήματος Σιλικαλίτη-1-Βενζολίου με μια στοχαστική προσομοίωση ,την Kinetic Monte Carlo, που θα οδηγήσει στο υπολογισμό του τανυστή διάχυσης D στους 300K.Η προσομοίωση KMC είναι ένας τυχαίος περίπατος σε ένα τρισδιάστατο πλέγμα καταστάσεων που έχει προκύψει από τη Θεωρία Μεταβατικής Κατάστασης.Ο ρυθμός μετάβασης μεταξύ αυτών των καταστάσεων από την ίδια θεωρία η οποία και περιγράφεται. Το βενζόλιο προσομοιώθηκε σαν τυχαίος περιπατητής που κινέιται στο πλέγμα και η κίνησή του καθορίζεται από τις σταθερές ρυθμού μετάβασης.Ο αλγόριθμος KMC βασίζεται στην θεώρηση ότι όλο το φαινόμενο της διάχυσης διέπεται από μια σταχαστική ανέλιξη Poisson.Οι τροχιές των μορίων δεν προκύπτουν ντετερμινιστικά αλλά στοχαστικά. Οι προσομοιώσεις αυτές έγιναν για διάφορες σταθερές ρυθμού που έχουν υπολογιστεί για διαφορετικά ατομιστικά μοντέλα Σιλικαλίτη-1.Τέλος καταλήγουμε σε συμπεράσματα για τη διάχυση και την μέθοδο που χρησιμοποιήθηκε.The scope of this thesis is to study the system Silicallite-1-Benzene through a stochastic simulation, the Kinetic Monte Carlo, and as to calculate the diffusion tensor at 300K. The KMC simulation is a random walk in a three dimensional lattice of states which have been estimated by the Transition State Theory. The transition rates between these states have arisen from the same theory. Benzene is modeled as a random walker moving on the grid and the movement is determined by the transition rate constants. The KMC algorithm is based on the premise that the whole phenomenon of diffusion is governed by a stochastic Poisson process. The trajectories of particles do not result in deterministic but stochastic. The simulations were performed for different rate constants calculated for different atomistic models of Silicallite-1 (flexible or rigid). Finally we arrive at general conclusions on diffusion in Sillicalite-1 and on the method used to calculate the diffusivity.Χριστίνα-Άννα Ι. Γάτσιο

    Study of Benzene Diffusion in Silicalite-1 through Stochastic Simulations

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    65 σ.Ο σκοπός της συγκεκριμένης διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η μελέτη του συστήματος Σιλικαλίτη-1-Βενζολίου με μια στοχαστική προσομοίωση ,την Kinetic Monte Carlo, που θα οδηγήσει στο υπολογισμό του τανυστή διάχυσης D στους 300K.Η προσομοίωση KMC είναι ένας τυχαίος περίπατος σε ένα τρισδιάστατο πλέγμα καταστάσεων που έχει προκύψει από τη Θεωρία Μεταβατικής Κατάστασης.Ο ρυθμός μετάβασης μεταξύ αυτών των καταστάσεων από την ίδια θεωρία η οποία και περιγράφεται. Το βενζόλιο προσομοιώθηκε σαν τυχαίος περιπατητής που κινέιται στο πλέγμα και η κίνησή του καθορίζεται από τις σταθερές ρυθμού μετάβασης.Ο αλγόριθμος KMC βασίζεται στην θεώρηση ότι όλο το φαινόμενο της διάχυσης διέπεται από μια σταχαστική ανέλιξη Poisson.Οι τροχιές των μορίων δεν προκύπτουν ντετερμινιστικά αλλά στοχαστικά. Οι προσομοιώσεις αυτές έγιναν για διάφορες σταθερές ρυθμού που έχουν υπολογιστεί για διαφορετικά ατομιστικά μοντέλα Σιλικαλίτη-1.Τέλος καταλήγουμε σε συμπεράσματα για τη διάχυση και την μέθοδο που χρησιμοποιήθηκε.The scope of this thesis is to study the system Silicallite-1-Benzene through a stochastic simulation, the Kinetic Monte Carlo, and as to calculate the diffusion tensor at 300K. The KMC simulation is a random walk in a three dimensional lattice of states which have been estimated by the Transition State Theory. The transition rates between these states have arisen from the same theory. Benzene is modeled as a random walker moving on the grid and the movement is determined by the transition rate constants. The KMC algorithm is based on the premise that the whole phenomenon of diffusion is governed by a stochastic Poisson process. The trajectories of particles do not result in deterministic but stochastic. The simulations were performed for different rate constants calculated for different atomistic models of Silicallite-1 (flexible or rigid). Finally we arrive at general conclusions on diffusion in Sillicalite-1 and on the method used to calculate the diffusivity.Χριστίνα-Άννα Ι. Γάτσιο

    Optical to Planar X-ray Mouse Image Mapping in Preclinical Nuclear Medicine Using Conditional Adversarial Networks

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    In the current work, a pix2pix conditional generative adversarial network has been evaluated as a potential solution for generating adequately accurate synthesized morphological X-ray images by translating standard photographic images of mice. Such an approach will benefit 2D functional molecular imaging techniques, such as planar radioisotope and/or fluorescence/bioluminescence imaging, by providing high-resolution information for anatomical mapping, but not for diagnosis, using conventional photographic sensors. Planar functional imaging offers an efficient alternative to biodistribution ex vivo studies and/or 3D high-end molecular imaging systems since it can be effectively used to track new tracers and study the accumulation from zero point in time post-injection. The superimposition of functional information with an artificially produced X-ray image may enhance overall image information in such systems without added complexity and cost. The network has been trained in 700 input (photography)/ground truth (X-ray) paired mouse images and evaluated using a test dataset composed of 80 photographic images and 80 ground truth X-ray images. Performance metrics such as peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), structural similarity index measure (SSIM) and Fréchet inception distance (FID) were used to quantitatively evaluate the proposed approach in the acquired dataset

    Evaluation of the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score as a screening tool for undiagnosed type 2 diabetes and dysglycaemia among early middle-aged adults in a large-scale European cohort. The Feel4Diabetes-study

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    Frequency of family meals and food consumption in families at high risk of type 2 diabetes : the Feel4Diabetes-study

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    A family meal is defined as a meal consumed together by the members of a family or by having> 1 parent present during a meal. The frequency of family meals has been associated with healthier food intake patterns in both children and parents. This study aimed to investigate in families at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes across Europe the association (i) between family meals' frequency and food consumption and diet quality among parents and (ii) between family meals' frequency and children's food consumption. Moreover, the study aimed to elucidate the mediating effect of parental diet quality on the association between family meals' frequency and children's food consumption. Food consumption frequency and anthropometric were collected cross-sectionally from a representative sample of 1964 families from the European Feel4Diabetes-study. Regression and mediation analyses were applied by gender of children. Positive and significant associations were found between the frequency of family meals and parental food consumption (beta = 0.84; 95% CI 0.57, 1.45) and diet quality (beta = 0.30; 95% CI 0.19, 0.42). For children, more frequent family meals were significantly associated with healthier food consumption (boys, beta = 0.172, p < 0.05; girls, beta = 0.114, p< 0.01). A partial mediation effect of the parental diet quality was shown on the association between the frequency of family meals and the consumption of some selected food items (i.e., milk products and salty snacks) among boys and girls. The strongest mediation effect of parental diet quality was found on the association between the frequency of family breakfast and the consumption of salty snacks and milk and milk products (62.5% and 37.5%, respectively) among girls. Conclusions: The frequency of family meals is positively associated with improved food consumption patterns (i.e., higher intake of fruits and vegetables and reduced consumption of sweets) in both parents and children. However, the association in children is partially mediated by parents' diet quality. The promotion of consuming meals together in the family could be a potentially effective strategy for interventions aiming to establish and maintain healthy food consumption patterns among children