256 research outputs found

    Capacitive effects and memristive switching in three terminal multilayered MoS<inf>2</inf>devices

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    We report on the electrical properties of gated two-terminal multilayered molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) memristor devices having a planar architecture. The approach based on highly dispersed MoS2 flakes drop cast onto a bottom gated Si/SiO2 (100nm) wafer containing metal Pd contact electrodes yields devices that exhibit a number of complex properties including memristive and capacitive effects as well as multiple non-zero-crossing current-voltage hysteresis effects. The devices also show a reaction to a varying gate bias. An increasingly positive gate led to the devices displaying a linear ohmic I-V response while an increasingly negative gate bias drove the system to behave more memristive with a widening hysteresis loop

    Effect of cholecalciferol on unsaturated model membranes

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    Vitamin D plays an important role in many physiological processes, particularly calcium and phosphorous homeostasis. The biochemistry of vitamin D is also complex, encompassing a range of active molecules that may be either endogenous or dietary in origin. The role of lipids and fats in the production, processing and use of vitamin D is an interesting one, with a relative paucity of model studies into the interactions of vitamin D with lipidic systems such as micelles and vesicles. Here, we have studied the effect of vitamin D3 in simple unsaturated phospholipid systems. We used NMR and FTIR spectroscopy to investigate the effect of increasing vitamin D concentration on the structure and dynamics of the lipid chains and interfacial region. In order to link these model studies with more complex biomimetic environments, we compare results in the presence of buffer and vitamin D binding protein. We have also used DLS to determine that vitamin D3-DOPC vesicles can retain their size distribution for varying amounts of time in different conditions. We find that the acyl chain region of vitamin D3-DOPC membranes are generally disordered, and that the addition of buffer and/or protein alters the properties of the interfacial region

    Adipose Tissue Differs and Correlates to Carbohydrate Metabolism and Proinflammatory Adipokines by Level of Spinal Cord Injury

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    Quality of survival: a new concept framework to assess the quality of prolonged life in cancer

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    Background: Improved cancer care means that more patients are surviving longer, but there is a need to examine how well patients survive. We conducted an exploratory analysis of a new conceptual framework termed ‘quality of survival’ (QoS) that delineates the quality of patients’ experience. Methods: This project included an electronic database search to investigate the survivorship landscape and to create a visual QoS map and semi-structured interviews with patients (n = 35), clinicians (n = 40), and payers (n = 7) to support the QoS map. QoS was discussed in the context of two tumor types, metastatic non-small cell lung cancer and metastatic melanoma. Results: Despite increased long-term survival, no specific definition of QoS exists. Patients reported many impacts that affect QoS, clinicians viewed QoS as relevant to treatment decisions, and payers felt it could help communicate different aspects relevant to the patient. Four interconnected QoS dimensions were developed (quality of life, survival, side effects, and economic impact), which vary in importance along the care continuum. Conclusion: QoS is a patient-centric concept that could help decision-making and patient communication. The QoS map could provide a framework to monitor patient experience and help patients frame what treatment attribute is most important to them at any point in the cancer continuum

    Reorganization of mental health services: from institutional to community-based models of care.

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    Mental health services in the Eastern Mediterranean Region are predominantly centralized and institutionalized, relying on scarce specialist manpower. This creates a major treatment gap for patients with common and disabling mental disorders and places an unnecessary burden on the individual, their family and society. Six steps for reorganization of mental health services in the Region can be outlined: (1) integrate delivery of interventions for priority mental disorders into primary health care and existing priority programmes; (2) systematically strengthen the capacity of non-specialized health personnel for providing mental health care; (3) scale up community-based services (community outreach teams for defined catchment, supported residential facilities, supported employment and family support); (4) establish mental health services in general hospitals for outpatient and acute inpatient care; (5) progressively reduce the number of long-stay beds in mental hospitals through restricting new admissions; and (6) provide transitional/bridge funding over a period of time to scale up community-based services and downsize mental institutions in parallel

    Patterns of treatment seeking behavior for mental illnesses in Southwest Ethiopia: a hospital based study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Early recognition of the signs and symptoms of mental health disorders is important because early intervention is critical to restoring the mental as well as the physical and the social health of an individual. This study sought to investigate patterns of treatment seeking behavior and associated factors for mental illness.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A quantitative, institution-based cross sectional study was conducted among 384 psychiatric patients at Jimma University Specialized Hospital (JUSH) located in Jimma, Ethiopia from March to April 2010. Data was collected using a pretested WHO encounter format by trained psychiatric nurses. Data was analyzed using SPSS V.16.</p> <p>Result</p> <p>Major depression disorder 186 (48.4%), schizophrenia 55 (14.3%) and other psychotic disorders 47 (12.2%) were the most common diagnoses given to the respondents. The median duration of symptoms of mental illness before contact to modern mental health service was 52.1 weeks. The main sources of information for the help sought by the patients were found to be family 126 (32.8%) and other patients 75 (19.5%). Over a third of the patients 135 (35.2%), came directly to JUSH. Half of the patients sought traditional treatment from either a religious healer 116 (30.2%) or an herbalist 77 (20.1%) before they came to the hospital. The most common explanations given for the cause of the mental illness were spiritual possession 198 (51.6%) and evil eye 61 (15.9%), whereas 73 (19.0%) of the respondents said they did not know the cause of mental illnesses. Nearly all of the respondents 379 (98.7%) believed that mental illness can be cured with modern treatment. Individuals who presented with abdominal pain and headache were more likely to seek care earlier. Being in the age group 31-40 years had significant statistical association with delayed treatment seeking behavior.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>There is significant delay in modern psychiatric treatment seeking in the majority of the cases. Traditional healers were the first place where help was sought for mental illness in this population. Most of the respondents claimed that mental illnesses were caused by supernatural factors. In contrast to their thoughts about the causes of mental illnesses however, most of the respondents believed that mental illnesses could be cured with biomedical treatment. Interventions targeted at improving public awareness about the causes and treatment of mental illness could reduce the delay in treatment seeking and improve treatment outcomes.</p

    The pathways to psychiatric care: a cross-cultural study

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    This paper describes the referral pathways taken by 1554 patients newly referred to the mental health services in 11 countries, and documents factors associated with delays in referral. The pathways in centres relatively well provided with psychiatric staff were dominated by general practitioners and to a lesser extent hospital doctors: the relatively less well resourced centres showed a variety of pathways with native healers often playing an important part. Delays were remarkably short in all centres regardless of psychiatric resources, but in some centres we found longer delays on pathways involving native healers. Somatic problems were a common presentation in all centres, and in some centres there was a tendency for patients presenting with somatic problems to have longer delays than those with symptoms of depression or anxiety. The implications of these findings are discussed in the context of an ongoing programme of WHO research activities aimed at improving the quality of mental illness care available in community setting

    Widespread sex differences in gene expression and splicing in the adult human brain

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    There is strong evidence to show that men and women differ in terms of neurodevelopment, neurochemistry and susceptibility to neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disease. The molecular basis of these differences remains unclear. Progress in this field has been hampered by the lack of genome-wide information on sex differences in gene expression and in particular splicing in the human brain. Here we address this issue by using post-mortem adult human brain and spinal cord samples originating from 137 neuropathologically confirmed control individuals to study whole-genome gene expression and splicing in 12 CNS regions. We show that sex differences in gene expression and splicing are widespread in adult human brain, being detectable in all major brain regions and involving 2.5% of all expressed genes. We give examples of genes where sex-biased expression is both disease-relevant and likely to have functional consequences, and provide evidence suggesting that sex biases in expression may reflect sex-biased gene regulatory structures

    Non-invasive single-cell biomechanical analysis using live-imaging datasets

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    The physiological state of a cell is governed by a multitude of processes and can be described by a combination of mechanical, spatial and temporal properties. Quantifying cell dynamics at multiple scales is essential for comprehensive studies of cellular function, and remains a challenge for traditional end-point assays. We introduce an efficient, non-invasive computational tool that takes time-lapse images as input to automatically detect, segment and analyze unlabeled live cells; the program then outputs kinematic cellular shape and migration parameters, while simultaneously measuring cellular stiffness and viscosity. We demonstrate the capabilities of the program by testing it on human mesenchymal stem cells (huMSCs) induced to differentiate towards the osteoblastic (huOB) lineage, and T-lymphocyte cells (T cells) of naïve and stimulated phenotypes. The program detected relative cellular stiffness differences in huMSCs and huOBs that were comparable to those obtained with studies that utilize atomic force microscopy; it further distinguished naïve from stimulated T cells, based on characteristics necessary to invoke an immune response. In summary, we introduce an integrated tool to decipher spatiotemporal and intracellular dynamics of cells, providing a new and alternative approach for cell characterization

    Assessing Asthma Symptoms in Adolescents and Adults : Qualitative Research Supporting Development of the Asthma Daily Symptom Diary

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    We thank the members of the US Food and Drug Administration’s Qualification Review Team for their feedback during the development of the ADSD. Source of financial support: Funding for this research was provided by the following PRO Consortium member firms: Actelion; Amgen; AstraZeneca; Boehringer-Ingelheim; Forest Laboratories; Genentech; GlaxoSmithKline; Ironwood Pharmaceuticals; Janssen, Merck, Sharp & Dohme Corp.; Novartis; Pfizer; and Sanofi. In addition, Critical-Path Institute’s PRO Consortium is supported by Critical-Path Public-Private Partnerships (grant no. 1U18FD005320) from the US Food and Drug Administration.Peer reviewedPublisher PD