571 research outputs found

    Links between topography, wind, deflation, lakes and dust: The case of the Bodélé Depression, Chad

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    The Bodélé Depression, Chad is the planet's largest single source of dust. Deflation from the Bodélé could be seen as a simple coincidence of two key prerequisites: strong surface winds and a large source of suitable sediment. But here we hypothesise that long term links between topography, winds, deflation and dust ensure the maintenance of the dust source such that these two apparently coincidental key ingredients are connected by land-atmosphere processes with topography acting as the overall controlling agent. We use a variety of observational and numerical techniques, including a regional climate model, to show that: 1) contemporary deflation from the Bodélé is delineated by topography and a surface wind stress maximum; 2) the Tibesti and Ennedi mountains play a key role in the generation of the erosive winds in the form of the Bodélé Low Level Jet (LLJ); 3) enhanced deflation from a stronger Bodélé LLJ during drier phases, for example, the Last Glacial Maximum, was probably sufficient to create the shallow lake in which diatoms lived during wetter phases, such as the Holocene pluvial. Winds may therefore have helped to create the depression in which erodible diatom material accumulated. Instead of a simple coincidence of nature, dust from the world's largest source may result from the operation of long term processes on paleo timescales which have led to ideal conditions for dust generation in the world's largest dust source. Similar processes plausibly operate in other dust hotspots in topographic depressions

    Hydrologie et géochimie isotopique

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    Cet ouvrage rassemble des travaux rĂ©cents dans les domaines de l'hydrologie et de la gĂ©ochimie isotopique. La premiĂšre partie explore le cycle des eaux naturelles, depuis les prĂ©cipitations jusqu'aux aquifĂšres profonds, par l'analyse des variations de la composition isotopique de l'hydrogĂšne, de l'oxygĂšne et du carbone. Des types rĂ©gionaux sont prĂ©sentĂ©s, sous diverses latitudes : Spitzberg, Bassin parisien, bassin soudano-sahĂ©lien du Niger. L'intĂ©rĂȘt de l'approche isotopique dans l'Ă©tude du changement global est illustrĂ©e en deuxiĂšme partie. Les variations hydro-climatiques de types rĂ©gionaux, en Afrique essentiellement, sont retracĂ©es par l'analyse multidisciplinaire d'enregistrements sĂ©dimentaires, dont la gĂ©ochimie isotopique constitue la clĂ© essentielle. L'homogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© du refroidissement, aux moyennes et basses latitudes, lors du dernier maximum glaciaire est dĂ©montrĂ©e par l'analyse isotopique des gaz nobles dans les eaux souterraines. La mise en Ă©vidence de l'origine organique du carbone de carbonates sĂ©dimentaires remet en question l'interprĂ©tation de certaines analyses isotopiques. La troisiĂšme partie fait rĂ©fĂ©rence aux isotopes d'origine cosmique et Ă  la production in situ de radionuclĂ©ides. Il est rappelĂ© que la datation par 14C a contribuĂ© Ă  la comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes des changements du climat au cours du dernier maximum glaciaire et depuis lors. Les limites de cette mĂ©thode et ses progrĂšs rĂ©cents font l'objet d'une synthĂšse amplement documentĂ©e. Par l'apport de donnĂ©es isotopiques, la gĂ©ochimie s'avĂšre fonder la modĂ©lisation des conditions de stabilitĂ© du rĂ©acteur de fission nuclĂ©aire fossile d'Oklo. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur

    Validation of an algorithm-based definition of treatment resistance in patients with schizophrenia

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    Large-scale pharmacoepidemiological research on treatment resistance relies on accurate identification of people with treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS) based on data that are retrievable from administrative registers. This is usually approached by operationalising clinical treatment guidelines by using prescription and hospital admission information. We examined the accuracy of an algorithm-based definition of TRS based on clozapine prescription and/or meeting algorithm-based eligibility criteria for clozapine against a gold standard definition using case notes. We additionally validated a definition entirely based on clozapine prescription. 139 schizophrenia patients aged 18–65 years were followed for a mean of 5 years after first presentation to psychiatric services in South-London, UK. The diagnostic accuracy of the algorithm-based measure against the gold standard was measured with sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV). A total of 45 (32.4%) schizophrenia patients met the criteria for the gold standard definition of TRS; applying the algorithm-based definition to the same cohort led to 44 (31.7%) patients fulfilling criteria for TRS with sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of 62.2%, 83.0%, 63.6% and 82.1%, respectively. The definition based on lifetime clozapine prescription had sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of 40.0%, 94.7%, 78.3% and 76.7%, respectively. Although a perfect definition of TRS cannot be derived from available prescription and hospital registers, these results indicate that researchers can confidently use registries to identify individuals with TRS for research and clinical practices

    Microwave Spin Control of a Tin-Vacancy Qubit in Diamond

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    The negatively charged tin-vacancy (SnV-) center in diamond is a promising solid-state qubit for applications in quantum networking due to its high quantum efficiency, strong zero phonon emission, and reduced sensitivity to electrical noise. The SnV- has a large spin-orbit coupling, which allows for long spin lifetimes at elevated temperatures, but unfortunately suppresses the magnetic dipole transitions desired for quantum control. Here, by use of a naturally strained center, we overcome this limitation and achieve high-fidelity microwave spin control. We demonstrate a pi-pulse fidelity of up to 99.51+/0.03%$ and a Hahn-echo coherence time of T2echo = 170.0+/-2.8 microseconds, both the highest yet reported for SnV- platform. This performance comes without compromise to optical stability, and is demonstrated at 1.7 Kelvin where ample cooling power is available to mitigate drive induced heating. These results pave the way for SnV- spins to be used as a building block for future quantum technologies

    Modulation of BACE1 Activity by Chemically Modified Aptamers

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    A modified DNA aptamer that binds BACE1, a therapeutic target involved in Alzheimer's disease has been developed. This ssXNA not only tightly binds to BACE1 but also inhibits its protease activity in vitro in the same range as a previously described unmodified aptamer. We report the in vitro selection of functional oligonucleotides incorporating two nucleobase modifications: 5‐chlorouracil and 7‐deazaadenine. The nucleoside analogue 5‐chloro‐2â€Č‐deoxyuridine has already been explored as a replacement for thymidine in a chemically modified genome of a bacterium. Thus, 5‐chlorouracil modification is a good candidate to support genetic transfer in vivo as well as functional activity


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    Two new species of the diatom genus Cyclostephanos Round are described from Pliocene fossil deposits in western North America. Cyclostephanos undatus is distinguished from other Cyclostephanos species by its tangentially undulate valve face; Cyclostephanos fenestratus is distinguished by its extremely shallow alveoli. This paper records previously unreported morphological detail of Cyclostephanos and speculates that structure of the punctum, labiate process and strutted process may enhance diagnosis of the freshwater genera of the Thalassiosiraceae Lebour emend. Hasle. Cyclostephanos undatus is similar to several Cyclotella species, but its external costae are raised and its alveolar morphology is similar to that of Cyclostephanos dubius (Fricke) Round. Cyclostephanos fenestratus is similar in external view to Stephanodiscus Ehrenb. However, the two species described here have flat cribra covering the mantle puncta and the labiate processes appear to lack external tubes, whereas Stephanodiscus species have domed mantle cribra and external tubes.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65645/1/j.1529-8817.1986.tb04154.x.pd
