984 research outputs found

    Potential distribution range of invasive plant species in Spain

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    Success of invasive species has been frequently estimated as the present distribution range size in the introduced region. However, the present distribution range is only a picture of the invasion for a given time step and do not inform on the potential distribution range of the species. Based on niche-based models we used climatic, geographic and landscape information on the present distribution range for 78 major plant invaders in Spain to estimate and map their potential distribution range. We found a positive relationship between present and potential distribution of species. Most of the species have not yet occupied half of their potential distribution range. Sorghum halepense and Amaranthus retroflexus have the widest potential distribution range. Sorghum halepense and Robinia pseudoacacia have the highest relative occupancy (i.e. proportion of potential distribution range currently occupied). Species with a larger minimum residence time have, on average, higher relative occupancy. Our study warns managers that it might be only a matter of time that currently localized invasive species reach their potential area of distribution

    Obres al convent de Bellpuig (1507-1635)

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    Apunts d'escultura del segle XVII a la Segarra i la Plana de Lleida

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    Escultura del Renaixement i Barroc a l'església d'Agramunt

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    Defensar el lector, ajudar a crear opinió

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    Els Escarabatxeres, una família d'escultors (1656-1710)

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    Una imatge d'alabastre per a un retaule barroc a Poblet

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    Curiositats arquitectòniques d'època moderna al Pla d'Urgell

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    The reality of space exploration: A complete integral approach of space mission design

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    The exploration of space is known by many of us through different ways, yet all from very diverse fields which appear to have no linkage at all. We know what topics space exploration deals with, like engineering, astrophysics, planetary science, or economics among others, but we do not know how they are correlated in a mission. Thus, there is a lack of knowledge on how space missions are put together, the different aspects that are considered and how they are approached. Hence, the goal of this project is to provide a framework that encapsulates the entire process of analyzing and designing space missions, offering a holistic view of space mission design rather than a local view of a specific field within it. The present work is not only from the engineering point of view but rather from an interdisciplinary approach, in which the work shows that space exploration entails much more than just engineering (Management, Astrophysics, Planetary science, Astrobiology, Economics). The linkages within these different fields involved in space exploration missions, like the ones mentioned above, will be revealed as well as their contribution to the mission. Along the project, the reader is guided to design a space exploration mission departing from the questioning of exploration (which is a current hot topic) recognizing the importance of exploration, understanding the actuality of the sector, and finally starting with a vague idea of a mission, up until designing, building a team, setting protocols, estimating costs, etc., ultimately designing a mission to Mars