6,692 research outputs found

    Mértola in Late Antiquity: new archeological and epigraphic data

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    En Mértola se ha encontrado recientemente un considerable grupo de inscripciones paleocristianas que se asocian a dos monumentos de la Antigüedad Tardía. Uno de ellos parcialmente conocido, otro totalmente inédito. Los dos han sido objeto de excavaciones entre 2008 y 2009. Los nuevos textos epigráficos vienen a aumentar la ya numerosa colección epigráfica conocida y a reforzar la idea del uso de las lenguas griega y latina en el seno de una misma comunidad, la del puerto fluvial de Mértola, en el siglo VI d.C.Recently a new group of paleochristian inscriptions and two new monuments were found in Mértola. One of them was already known, but the other was ignored till now. Both were excavated between 2008 and 2009. The new epigraphic texts increase the large epigraphical collection already known, reinforcing the idea that both latin and greek were used within the same community, in the fluvial harbour of Mértola, in VI century a.C

    Lisbon Emoji and Emoticon Database (LEED): norms for emoji and emoticons in seven evaluative dimensions

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    The use of emoticons and emoji is increasingly popular across a variety of new platforms of online communication. They have also become popular as stimulus materials in scientific research. However, the assumption that emoji/emoticon users’ interpretations always correspond to the developers’/researchers’ intended meanings might be misleading. This article presents subjective norms of emoji and emoticons provided by everyday users. The Lisbon Emoji and Emoticon Database (LEED) comprises 238 stimuli: 85 emoticons and 153 emoji (collected from iOS, Android, Facebook, and Emojipedia). The sample included 505 Portuguese participants recruited online. Each participant evaluated a random subset of 20 stimuli for seven dimensions: aesthetic appeal, familiarity, visual complexity, concreteness, valence, arousal, and meaningfulness. Participants were additionally asked to attribute a meaning to each stimulus. The norms obtained include quantitative descriptive results (means, standard deviations, and confidence intervals) and a meaning analysis for each stimulus. We also examined the correlations between the dimensions and tested for differences between emoticons and emoji, as well as between the two major operating systems—Android and iOS. The LEED constitutes a readily available normative database (available at www.osf.io/nua4x) with potential applications to different research domains.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The choice of the reliability model of technical systems in the Mathcad package based on operational data

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    The subject of the research includes selection procedures, which allows determining the most adequate reliability model. Various goodness-of-fit tests and information criteria are objects of the research. Work objective is to select from predefined set the reliability model which represents given failure data sample best, by application of various statistical and information criteria

    Stabilized vortex solitons in layered Kerr media

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    In this letter we demonstrate the possibility of stabilizing beams with angular momentum propagating in Kerr media. Large propagation distances without filamentation can be achieved in layered media with alternating focusing and defocusing nonlinearities. Stronger stabilization can be obtained with the addition of an incoherent beam.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. We have removed the sentence "Thus, they erroneously point out to the existence of fully stabilized vortex solitons" in page 2, column 2, line 7-8, because it might be confusin

    Prevalence and Risk Factors for Latex-Fruit Syndrome in Patients with Latex Allergy

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    A associação de alergia ao látex e alergia alimentar a frutos e outros vegetais com reactividade cruzada com látex é denominada síndrome látex-frutos (SLF). Não existem estudos que avaliem factores de risco para SLF em doentes alérgicos ao látex, nomeadamente incluindo diferentes grupos populacionais de risco. Objectivo: Investigar a prevalência e factores de risco para SLF. Material e Métodos: Foram estudados 61 doentes alérgicos ao látex, com média etária de 25.9 (±16.6) anos e relação sexo M/F de 0.3/1, pertencendo a diferentes grupos de risco: 15 com espinha bífida (EB), 13 submetidos a múltiplas cirurgias sem EB e 33 profissionais de saúde (PS). A todos os doentes foram efectuados questionário, testes cutâneos por prick (TC) com aeroalergénios comuns e látex(extractos comerciais) e alimentos com reactividade cruzada descrita com látex (extractos comerciais e alimentos em natureza), IgE total sérica (AlaSTAT®, DPC) e IgE específica para látex (UniCAP®, Pharmacia Diagnostics). Definiu-se SLF se história clínica e TC para o alimento positivos. Resultados: A prevalência de SLF nos doentes alérgicos ao látex foi 28% (17). Os alimentos implicados foram castanha-71% (12), banana-47% (8), pêssego-29% (5), abacate e kiwi-24% (4),ananás, maracujá, papaia e espinafre-18% (3), ameixa, manga, melão, tomate e mandioca-12%(2), alperce, figo, uva e pimentão doce-6% (1). Os sintomas clínicos foram anafilaxia-65% (11),urticária-24% (4) e síndrome de alergia oral-12% (2). Os doentes com SLF eram na quase totalidade PS. A prevalência de SLF neste grupo foi 45% (15). Comparando PS com SLF (15) e sem SLF (18), encontrou-se relação entre SLF e níveis mais elevados de IgE específica para látex (mediana: 19.4 vs. 0.6kU/l; p=0.006). Os PS com CAP-classe ≥ 3 tinham SLF em 74%, para 26% nos PS com CAP-classe <3 (p<0.001). Idade, sexo, antecedentes pessoais e familiares de alergia, número de cirurgias, tempo de profissão, atopia e IgE total não foram identificados como factores de risco. Conclusões: A SLF afecta essencialmente os PS alérgicos ao látex, sendo frequente neste grupo; a explicação reside nos diferentes perfis de sensibilização alergénica, relacionados com a via de exposição. A sensibilização ao látex com CAP-classe ≥ 3 foi identificada como factor de risco para SLF nos PS. A SLF revelou-se na maioria dos casos por anafilaxia,realçando a importância desta síndrome potencialmente fatal

    Diagnóstico molecular de hipercolesterolemia familiar: uma ferramenta importante para a estratificação do risco cardiovascular

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    Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is associated with an increased risk of premature coronary heart disease. Molecular identification of these patients can reduce the burden of mortality from cardiovascular disorders simply by the correct identification of the disease early in life, followed by counseling and appropriate lifestyle modifications, and therapeutic measures when required. Recent studies show that, in Portugal, this disease is severely under-diagnosed. After more than 10 years of research through the Portuguese FH Study, it is now possible to translate the original research results into clinical application. AIMS: The main aims of the present work were to determine whether clinical characterization is sufficient to identify these individuals at high risk of developing CHD and to evaluate the clinical applicability of molecular diagnosis for FH. METHODS: All patients described in this study were recruited for the Portuguese FH Study. The diagnostic criteria used to select the index patients were adapted from the Simon Broome Heart Research Trust. To analyze the usefulness of the molecular diagnosis, graphs of total and LDL cholesterol values by age were constructed for 622 possible FH patients. The lipid profile of patients genetically identified as having FH, before and under medication, were analyzed to assess whether these patients were receiving appropriate treatment. The data are shown separately for children and adults and for female and male propositi (index cases and hypercholesterolemic relatives), both with and without a detectable mutation in the LDLR gene. RESULTS: The Portuguese FH Study has already genetically identified 404 individuals (171 index patients and 233 relatives) among more than one thousand individuals sent for study. A total of 78 different mutations in the LDLR gene were found in 171 index patients, 2 different mutations were found in the apoB gene of 4 patients and 2 patients had a unique PCSK9 mutation. Statistical analysis revealed that there are significant differences between total cholesterol (p < 0.001) and apoB (p = 0.026) values in the group of children (male and female) with and without a mutation in LDLR. For female children LDL values were also significantly different (p < 0.001) between subgroups but for male children this difference did not reach statistical significance. In adult women there is a statistically significant difference for total cholesterol (p = 0.049), LDL cholesterol (p = 0.031) and apoB (p = 0.003) values in the subgroups with and without a LDLR mutation. In adult males there is a statistical difference for total cholesterol (p = 0.002). LDL cholesterol (p = 0.003) and apoB (p = 0.0023) in subgroups with and without an LDLR mutation. Nevertheless there was considerable dispersion of values and individually it is not possible to distinguish between patients with and without a mutation in the LDLR gene, based only on lipid profile. CONCLUSIONS: By analysis of the clinical data of 696 possible FH patients, the present report shows evidence that clinical characterization is not sufficient to distinguish between patients with genetic or environmental dyslipidemia, and so molecular diagnosis is useful in clinical practice, allowing correct identification of FH patients and their relatives, and the early implementation of therapeutic measures to reduce the elevated cardiovascular risk of these patients. In general, molecular diagnosis of FH is feasible and could be obtained in 1-2 months if the technology is available. In Portugal the test will be offered to the population by our Institute at a cost of about 500 euros, like many other genetic tests or exams such as nuclear magnetic resonance

    Motives, frequency and attitudes toward emoji and emoticon use

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    Electronic Mediated Communication (EMC) has become highly prevalent in our daily lives. Many of the communication formats used in EMC are text-based (e.g., instant messaging), and users often include visual paralinguistic cues in their messages. In the current study, we examined the usage of two of such cues - emoji and emoticons. Specifically, we compared self-reported frequency of use, as well as attitudes (6 bipolar items, e.g., “fun” vs. “boring”) and motives for their usage (9 motives, e.g., “express how I feel to others”). We also examined these indicators according to age and gender. Overall, participants (N = 474, 72.6% women; Mage = 30.71, SD = 12.58) reported using emoji (vs. emoticons) more often, revealed more positive attitudes toward emoji usage, and identified more with motives to use them. Moreover, all the ratings were higher among younger (vs. older) participants. Results also showed that women reported to use emoji (but not emoticons) more often and expressed more positive attitudes toward their usage than men. However, these gender differences were particularly evident for younger participants. No gender differences were found for emoticons usage. These findings add to the emerging body of literature by showing the relevance of considering age and gender, and their interplay, when examining patterns of emoji and emoticons use.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Avaliação do Desempenho do Teste de Rastreio de Alergia Alimentar FP5® (DPC-Amerlab)

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    Introdução: A utilização dos testes de rastreio para detecção de IgE específica sérica para diversos alergénios tem sido discutida, sendo invariavelmente aceite a sua utilidade no que diz respeito aos aeroalergénios, não tendo sido ainda suficientemente estabelecida a eficiência dos testes correspondentes destinados à detecção de alergénios alimentares, como acontece com o FP5® da Diagnostic Products Corporation (contendo mistura de clara de ovo, leite, bacalhau, trigo,soja e amendoim). Objectivo: Avaliar o desempenho do teste FP5®, determinando a sua sensibilidade, especificidade e comparação com os métodos de detecção das correspondentes IgE específicas isoladas. Material e métodos: Foi incluída uma amostra aleatória de 54 soros de crianças com alergia alimentar e com determinações de IgE específica positivas para um ou mais dos alimentos testados pelo FP5® - grupo de estudo; foi seleccionado um grupo controlo de 27 amostras de sangue de crianças sem alergia alimentar e em que a determinação de IgE específica para todos os alimentos incluídos no painel em estudo foi negativa. Em ambos os grupos foi efectuada determinação da concentração de IgE específica sérica (kU/l) para FP5®, F1 (clara de ovo), F2 (leite), F3 (bacalhau), F4 (trigo), F13 (soja) e F14 (amendoim), pelo método de quimioluminiscência Immulite®2000. O valor de cut-off considerado foi de 0,35 kU/l. Resultados: Foram testados 81 soros encontrando-se os seguintes parâmetros do teste: sensibilidade=88,9%, especificidade =100%, valor predictivo positivo=100%, valor predictivo negativo=81,8%,eficiência=92,6%. Considerando cada uma das IgE específicas do painel, verificou-se que em todos os soros com determinações positivas para F3, F4, F13 e F14, o FP5® foi também positivo; no caso dos alergénios F1 e F2, observaram-se 3 resultados discrepantes para cada (falsos-negativos). Correlacionando os resultados do FP5® (quantitativos) e o somatório das correspondentes IgE específicas, obtivemos um coeficiente de 0.99, p<0.001. Conclusões: De acordo com os resultados obtidos, verifica-se que o teste de rastreio estudado apresenta boa sensibilidade e eficiência, eexcelente especificidade. De salientar ainda que se trata de um teste que envolve significativa rentabilização de recursos económicos, quando comparado com a determinação das correspondentes IgE específicas isoladas. Concluímos tratar-se de um método cuja utilidade poderá ser considerada na abordagem inicial do doente com suspeita de alergia alimentar IgE mediada, no âmbito dos cuidados de saúde primários

    Hydrogel 3D in vitro tumor models for screening cell aggregation mediated drug response

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    Hydrogel-based 3D in vitro models comprising tumor ECM-mimetic biomaterials exhibit superlative potential as preclinical testing platforms for drug discovery and bioperformance screening. However, during hydrogel design and testing stages, the ideal selection between cancer cell laden 3D models or spheroid embedded hydrogel platforms remains to be elucidated. Selecting a disease-mimicking cellular arrangement within ECM hydrogels is paramount for anti-cancer therapeutics performance evaluation and may lead to differential outcomes. To investigate the effects assigned to varying cellular-arrangement, we developed dense 3D spheroid microtumors and cell-laden MG-63 osteosarcoma platforms embedded in GelMA and Matrigel ECM-mimetic scaffolds. These platforms enabled cancer cells/3D microtissues maturation and lorlatinib drug performance screening. Initial 3D spheroids assembly via the liquid overlay technique, resulted in the fabrication of dense cellular aggregates with reproducible size, morphology and necrotic core formation, thus mimicking the native tumor. Upon in vitro maturation, MG-63 spheroids encapsulated in hydrogel scaffolds exhibited significantly higher invasion and drug resistance than their cell laden hydrogel counterparts. Such data reveals inherent physiological and drug response variances among randomly distributed osteosarcoma cells and 3D spheroid-laden hydrogels. Overall, this highlights the importance of evaluating different cellular aggregation states when designing ECM-mimetic hydrogels for in vitro tumor modeling and high-throughput screening of anti-cancer therapeutics.publishe