9,081 research outputs found

    Origin of the peculiar eccentricity distribution of the inner cold Kuiper belt

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    Dawson and Murray-Clay (2012) pointed out that the inner part of the cold population in the Kuiper belt (that with semi major axis a<43.5 AU) has orbital eccentricities significantly smaller than the limit imposed by stability constraints. Here, we confirm their result by looking at the orbital distribution and stability properties in proper element space. We show that the observed distribution could have been produced by the slow sweeping of the 4/7 mean motion resonance with Neptune that accompanied the end of Neptune's migration process. The orbital distribution of the hot Kuiper belt is not significantly affected in this process, for the reasons discussed in the main text. Therefore, the peculiar eccentricity distribution of the inner cold population can not be unequivocally interpreted as evidence that the cold population formed in-situ and was only moderately excited in eccentricity; it can simply be the signature of Neptune's radial motion, starting from a moderately eccentric orbit. We discuss how this agrees with a scenario of giant planet evolution following a dynamical instability and, possibly, with the radial transport of the cold population.Comment: in press in Icaru

    Stabilization of solitons of the multidimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation: Matter-wave breathers

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    We demonstrate that stabilization of solitons of the multidimensional Schrodinger equation with a cubic nonlinearity may be achieved by a suitable periodic control of the nonlinear term. The effect of this control is to stabilize the unstable solitary waves which belong to the frontier between expanding and collapsing solutions and to provide an oscillating solitonic structure, some sort of breather-type solution. We obtain precise conditions on the control parameters to achieve the stabilization and compare our results with accurate numerical simulations of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. Because of the application of these ideas to matter waves these solutions are some sort of matter breathers

    Durabilidad del hormigón. programa de investigación del IETcc

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    [ES] El comportamiento de los morteros y hormigones sometidos a la acción de ambientes agresivos naturales (atmósferas; terrenos; aguas —puras, con componentes disueltos, residuales, de mar—, etc.) ha sido objeto.de numerosos trabajos como consecuencia de la gran cantidad de obras construidas a base de hormigón, en masa y armado, las cuales han sufrido lesiones de consideración que, en determinados casos, supusieron fracasos resonantes como consecuencia de la descomposición experimentada; de aquí, que sea un tema que ha preocupado y sigue interesando a los profesionales, no sólo desde un punto de vista tecnológico o constructivo sino científico, para conocer las causas que producen la destrucción de dichas^ obras y poder tomar, en su caso, las medidas oportunas.Peer reviewe

    Stable propagation of pulsed beams in Kerr focusing media with modulated dispersion

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    We propose the modulation of dispersion to prevent collapse of planar pulsed beams which propagate in Kerr-type self-focusing optical media. As a result, we find a new type of two-dimensional spatio-temporal solitons stabilized by dispersion management. We have studied the existence and properties of these solitary waves both analytically and numerically. We show that the adequate choice of the modulation parameters optimizes the stabilization of the pulse.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Optics Letter

    Airflow and Thermal Behavior within Peaches Packaging Box Using Computational Fluid Dynamics - A Preliminary Study

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    Post-harvest cold storage of peaches is an essential element to maintain the quality of the fruits without any loss. This work aims to present a CFD model, to predict airflow patterns and temperature profiles in ventilated packaging systems, during the forced-air cooling of Peaches stored in a cold chamber. Transient CFD simulations are performed for the chamber containing four ventilated boxes and the evaluation of the results show that the temperature removal near the vent holes and the hand holes is relatively high when compared to other regions of the packaging box. This preliminary study reveals the airflow behavior develop an uneven temperature distribution within the box. To overcome the flaws, future work is focused on modifying the vent hole design to improve the airflow phenomenon to maintain the temperature homogeneity throughout the box. Keywords: Peach, Computational fluid dynamics, Airflow, Heat transfer, Packagin

    The good bank: preference of banking institutions based on perceptions of corporate environmental and social causes

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    Introduction: This study aims to contribute to understanding factors that explain consumers' preferences for banking institutions. We specifically explored the roles of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)—targeted primarily at Environmental causes and secondarily at Social causes—on corporate image (CI), consumer satisfaction (CS) and consumer loyalty (CL). We tested whether integrating a CSR description with an emphasis on environmental causes into the bank marketing strategy would positively affect CI, CS and CL. We also inspected the effect of online banking vs. direct human contact, and perception of price fairness, as well as that of the consumers' demographic variables. Methods: A survey was carried out online, with 322 international respondents recruited through social networks. Participants were randomly directed to one of eight different bank conditions, each combining descriptions where Environmental and social CSR, Price fairness, and direct human contact with the clients varied. After reading the bank description participants filled out a questionnaire that addressed their perception of the bank's CI and their projections of CS and CL. Results and discussion: Results indicated that participants favored the banks that included CSR as part of their description, with the perception of price fairness being the second critical factor in the respondents' CI, CS, and CL. Direct human contact vs. remote banking did not play a role in the participant's ratings of the bank, which is in line with more current studies. We concluded that businesses in the banking sector enhance their global reputation when investing in environmental and social CSR. The question What makes banks attractive to consumers? was addressed to us by a consumer's awareness association preceding our decision to conduct a study on the topic. Studies on the banking sector report that banks have succeeded over the years in attracting and retaining customers, due to factors that encompass a strong brand name and investment in the brand image (Zhang, 2015), the perceptions of quality and functionality of their mobile digital services (e.g., AlSoufi and Ali, 2014; Mbama et al., 2018), the perceived value of human contact provided by traditional banking services versus time-effectiveness, lower costs and saved time provided by fintech (e.g., Mainardes et al., 2023) and loyalty incentives such as rewards in purchases or programs that foster customers feelings of status (e.g., Chaabane and Pez, 2017). However, the brand image per se, and the emotions that the customer associates with it, have a powerful direct effect on intentions of consumer loyalty (Ou and Verhoef, 2017) and thereby on the brand's continuous profit.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inventory Of Seagrass Types In Talise Waters, Best Likupang District, North Minahasa, North Sulawesi

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    Seagrasses are the only group of flowering plants (Angiosperms) that live permanently in shallow coastal waters and play a key ecological role. Seagrasses are widely distributed in coastal waters around the world where the substrate and depth are suitable for growth. This research was conducted in the waters of Talise Island, Tambun Village, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province. carried out using the cruising survey method. The data taken was carried out when the water conditions were in the dead moon phase, where the water experienced the lowest receding. Overall, 5 species of seagrass were found.Keywords: Seagrass; ecological role; Talise Island.AbstrakLamun (seagrass) adalah satu-satunya kelompok tumbuhan berbunga (Angiospermae) yang hidup secara tetap di lingkungan perairan pantai yang dangkal dan merupakan kunci dalam peranan ekologis. Lamun tersebar luas di perairan pantai di seluruh dunia yang substrat serta kedalaman cocok bagi pertumbuhannya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Perairan Pulau Talise, Kampung Tambun, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei jelajah. Data yang diambil, dilakukan pada saat kondisi perairan pada fase bulan mati, dimana air mengalami surut terendah. secara keseluruhan ditemukan jenis-jenis lamun sebanyak 5 spesies.Kata kunci: Lamun; Peranan ekologis; Pulau Talise
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