4,550 research outputs found

    The information professionals in the Algarve region: a study of the users perspective

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    In this article it is presented the research carried out in the South of Portugal (region of Algarve) with the general objective to know the users perspective about the information services (public libraries and archives) and their professionals and afterwards define a marketing strategy to improve the image of these services. After the literature review it was decided to apply a questionnaire (quantitative approach) to the users and non-users of archives and libraries of the region. The data collected were analysed and although the perspectives of the users were very good there is the need to develop a marketing campaign to show the non-user the information services potentiality.CIDHEUS-UE/FC

    Changing family models in Spain: the impact of the sociodemographic factors

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    Abstract During the last few decades, there has been an increasing international recognition of the studies related to the analysis of the family models change, the focus being the determinants of the female employment and the problems related to the work family balance (Lewis, 2001; Petit & Hook, 2005Saraceno, Crompton & Lyonette, 20062008; Pfau-Effinger, 2012). The majority of these studies have been focused on the analysis of the work-family balance problems as well as the effectiveness of the family and gender policies in order to encourage female employment (Korpi et al., 2013). In Spain, special attention has been given to the family policies implemented, the employability of women and on the role of the father in the family (Flaquer et al., 2015; Meil, 2015); however, there has been far less emphasis on the analysis of the family cultural models (González and Jurado, 2012; Crespi and Moreno, 2016). The purpose of this paper is to present some of the first results on the influence of the socio-demographic factors on the expectations and attitudes about the family models. This study offers an analytical reflection upon the foundation of the determinants of the family ambivalence in Spain from the cultural and the institutional dimension. This study shows the Spanish family models of preferences following the Pfau-Effinger (2004) classification of the famiy living arrangements. The reason for this study is twofold; on the one hand, there is confirmed the scarcity of studies that have focused their attention on this objective in Spain; on the other hand, the studies carried out in the international context have confirmed the analytical effectiveness of researching on the attitude and value changes to explain the meaning and trends of the family changes. There is also presented some preliminary results that have been obtained from the multinomial analysis related to the influence of the socio-demographic factors on the family model chosen by the individuals in Spain (father and mother working full time; mother part-time father full-time; mother not at work father full-time; mother and father part-time). 3 The database used has been the International Social Survey Programme: Family and Changing Gender Roles IV- ISSP 2012-. Spain is the only country of South Europe that has participated in the survey. For this reason it has been considered as a representative case study.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Policy analysis: Does the WFD works with regard to CEC in aquatic environments? Case study: The Netherlands

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    The problematic of Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CEC) in the European Union (EU) surface water has been reported over the last decades as well as CEC’s potential impact on human health and the environment. The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC; WFD) is the main EU Directive for the protection of aquatic environments since it came in force. This Directive requires the monitoring of 45 priority substances regarding their environmental quality standards in order to achieve the good chemical status of water bodies until 2027. The last revision of the WFD in 2015 showed that Member States have not met the targets yet. The present dissertation aims to analyse whether WFD has been efficient enough to protect the aquatic ecosystems against CEC and evaluate if the environmental objectives will be complied until its last revision. The Netherlands was used as the case study. Interviews were carried out to 13 employees of the different layers in the Dutch water management system. Based on results obtained, it was concluded that the WFD has been the main European water legislation used to protect the aquatic environment from the occurrence of CEC in the last years. The Directive have created awareness and encourages Member States to take actions, however, some issues were identified. The conclusion is that WFD has not been efficient enough in the protection of aquatic environments against CEC. Although it is difficult to predict its success in 2027, two possible scenarios were identified. In the end, it was suggested a consistent assessment of CEC in aquatic environments, connection of WFD goals with EU’s chemicals regulations, collaboration between all interested parties and an integrated strategy to WFD implementation in the Member States

    Emotional processes in job search: does outplacement change them?

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    In spite of the existing literature on this topic, the role that outplacement counseling performs within job search process is still unknown, namely regarding the effect it has on the psychological processes that precede job search behaviours. This study aims to analyze the relationship between some emotion-linked variables within the process of finding a new job by offering a comparison between unemployed individuals that had formal outplacement support versus no structured support. Results suggest a partial moderating effect of outplacement, once it interacts with some relationships in the overall research model. Psychological capital was found to be an inert variable; anxiety and depression were found to be related with emotional regulation variables and, in outplacement model, cognitive reappraisal was found to positively related with anxiety that, in turn, positively act on job search behaviours. Self-efficacy was the foremost predictor of job search as well as a mediator of psychological capital and, only in non-outplacement group, of depression’s relationship with job search behaviours. The contributions of these results for human resources professionals and outplacement counselors are discussed and supported with suggestions for future research.Apesar da literatura existente sobre este tópico, o papel que o Outplacement realiza no âmbito do processo de procura de emprego permanece desconhecido, nomeadamente no que concerne ao efeito que este tem nos processos psicológicos que precedem comportamentos de procura de emprego. Este estudo pretende analisar a relação entre certas variáveis emocionais dentro do processo de encontrar um novo trabalho, oferecendo, para tal, uma comparação entre indivíduos desempregados que tiveram apoio formal de Outplacement versus sem apoio estruturado. Resultados sugerem um efeito de moderação parcial do outplacement, uma vez que este interage com algumas relações no nosso modelo geral de investigação. O capital psicológico revelou ser uma variável inerte; ansiedade e depressão demonstraram estar relacionadas com as variáveis de regulação emocional e, no modelo de outplacement, a reavaliação cognitiva relacionou-se positivamente com ansiedade que, por seu turno, actuou positivamente nos comportamentos de procura de emprego. Autoeficácia foi o preditor mais importante da procura de emprego, bem como mediador da relação entre capital psicológico e, apenas no grupo não-outplacement, da depressão com os comportamentos de procura de emprego. Os contributos destes resultados para profissionais de recursos humanos e consultores de outplacement são discutidos e suportados com sugestões para investigação futura


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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal descrever e analisar aspectos envolvidos no processo de qualificação dos servidores técnico-administrativos de uma universidade multicampi - a Universidade Estadual Paulista “Julio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP”. A partir de uma percepção relacionada à atuação dos órgãos de recursos humanos da instituição, mais voltada às questões burocráticas em detrimento das atividades destinadas ao desenvolvimento dos servidores, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida em dez Unidades Universitárias da Unesp e evidenciou a ausência de elementos fundamentais para a implementação de um processo permanente de qualificação do corpo técnico-administrativo como um adequado aparato burocrático e a atuação estratégica do órgão central de recursos humanos

    Caracterização fenotípica e genotípica de doentes com espondilite anquilosante

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    Mestrado em Biologia Molecular e CelularA espondilite anquilosante (EA) é uma doença reumática inflamatória crónica (comprometimento do aparelho músculo-esquelético), que afeta o esqueleto axial e, em menor grau, articulações periféricas e órgãos extra-articulares. A lombalgia noturna, a rigidez matinal e, em fases mais avançadas da doença, a incapacidade funcional são as queixas mais frequentes. A EA aparece como uma doença isolada na maioria dos casos. Porém, em alguns casos, pode estar associada a uma doença chamada psoríase ou a doenças inflamatórias intestinais. A EA afecta sobretudo adultos jovens, ou seja, em idade ativa. A prevalência da doença é muito variável, entre 10-20 casos/100.000 habitantes, consoante a prevalência do alelo HLA-B27 nas populações (1-18%, consoante as etnias e as diferentes séries da literatura), já que a doença associa-se em 85-95% dos casos ao HLA-B27. Recentemente, estudos genómicos de pacientes com EA identificaram e validaram outros loci, além do HLA-B27, envolvidos na patogénese dessa doença. Tais genes são a aminopeptidase 1 do retículo endoplasmático (ERAP-1), o recetor interleucina 23 (IL-23R), o recetor IL-1 (IL-1RII) e dois loci que codificam genes desconhecidos. Esta doença pode interferir com a atividade profissional e ter importantes repercussões psicoafectivas e sócio-económicas. Este trabalho tem como objectivo estudar EA, através da caracterização fenotípica e genotípica, relacionando regiões do genoma específicas com suscetibilidade à EA.Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory rheumatic disease that affects the axial skeleton and, to a lesser extent, peripheral joints and extra-articular organs. Nocturnal back pain, morning stiffness and, in more advanced stages of the disease, functional disability are the most frequent complaints. AS appears as a primary disease in most cases. However, in some cases, it could be associated with a disease called psoriasis or inflammatory bowel diseases. AS affects primarily young adults or in working age. The prevalence of the disease varies greatly between 10-20 cases per 100,000 in habitants , according to the prevalence of HLA - B27 allele in populations ( 1-18 % depending on the ethnic groups and different literature series ) , since the disease is associated with in 85-95 % of cases with HLA B27 . Recently, genomic studies of patients with EA identified and validated other loci in addition to the HLA-B27 involved in the pathogenesis of this disease. Such genes are aminopeptidase one of the endoplasmic reticulum (ERAP -1), interleukin 23 receptor (IL- 23R), the IL-1 receptor (IL- 1RII) and two other loci that encode genes with unknown function. This disease can interfere with professional activities and have important psychoaffective and socio - economic repercussions. This work aims to study EA by phenotypic and genotypic characterization, relating specific regions of the genome with susceptibility to AS

    Overtravels: a business plan that aims to change the portuguese holiday paradigm

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    Tourism is a rapidly increasing sector, and ecotourism is its fastest-growing component, mainly where it is feasible to explore the area freely. The Portuguese consumer seeks meaningful experiences to have fun while also being challenged, taking charge of his travels and holidays. Furthermore, customers seek more environmentally responsible trips and the opportunity to visit natural places and interact with the environment. The following thesis intends to be a business plan for Overtravels, a camping and overlanding retail firm. This company will be more than just a merchandise distributor. Overtravels aspires to be a go-to resource for campers, overlanders, and motorhome owners, a place where they can get everything they need, backed up by excellent and knowledgeable customer service. Overtravels is the best place to find the products customers need to allow an independent and exclusive camping experience. It differentiates by providing an impeccable and thrilling customer experience, by providing an extensive range of camping, caravanning, and overland niche products, meeting the consumer's value for money requirements, making the desired products available in the country, and increasing the availability of the desired products.O turismo é um setor em rápido crescimento, e o ecoturismo é seu componente de crescimento mais rápido, principalmente onde é viável explorar a área livremente. O consumidor português procura experiências significativas em que se divirta ao mesmo tempo que é desafiado, proporcionando viagens e férias inesquecíveis. Além disso, os clientes procuram viagens mais ambientalmente responsáveis e a oportunidade de visitar lugares naturais e interagir com o meio ambiente. A tese a seguir pretende ser um plano de negócios para a Overtravels, uma empresa de retalho de produtos de campismo e overland. Esta organização será mais do que apenas uma distribuidora de mercadorias, a Overtravels aspira ser um recurso de referência para campistas, overlanders e proprietários de autocaravanas, um lugar onde possam obter tudo o que precisam, apoiado por um serviço de atendimento ao cliente excelente e experiente. Overtravels é o melhor lugar para encontrar os produtos de que os clientes precisam para permitir uma experiência de acampamento independente e exclusiva. Ele se diferencia por proporcionar uma experiência impecável e emocionante ao cliente, por oferecer uma ampla gama de produtos de camping, caravanismo e overlanding, atendendo às necessidades de custo-benefício do consumidor, disponibilizando os produtos desejados em Portugal

    Does diversity in top management teams contribute to organizational performance? The response of IBEX 35 companies

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    This study contributes to the spread of theoretical and empirical knowledge regarding the Upper Echelons Theory, considering the training and demographic diversity in the Top Management Team (TMT) as a singular characteristic of each company, in our case those belonging to the IBEX35 index. Taking into account the skills of the members, a greater financial performance is expected. Once we obtained the statistical results, we concluded that the inclusion of women in the TMT increased Net Sales and EBITDA. Features such as age, training and nationality are also examined in this work.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Stable propagation of pulsed beams in Kerr focusing media with modulated dispersion

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    We propose the modulation of dispersion to prevent collapse of planar pulsed beams which propagate in Kerr-type self-focusing optical media. As a result, we find a new type of two-dimensional spatio-temporal solitons stabilized by dispersion management. We have studied the existence and properties of these solitary waves both analytically and numerically. We show that the adequate choice of the modulation parameters optimizes the stabilization of the pulse.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Optics Letter