889 research outputs found

    Oral vinorelbine and cisplatin with concomitant radiotherapy in stage III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): A feasibility study

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    Background: Concurrent chemoradiotherapy has improved survival in inoperable stage III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). This phase I trial was performed in order to establish a dose recommendation for oral vinorelbine in combination with cisplatin and simultaneous radiotherapy. Patients and Methods: Previously untreated patients with stage IIIB NSCLC received concurrent chemoradiotherapy with 66 Gy and 2 cycles of cisplatin and oral vinorelbine which was administered at 3 different levels (40, 50 and 60 mg/m(2)). This was to be followed by 2 cycles of cisplatin/vinorelbine oral consolidation chemotherapy. The study goal was to determine the maximal recommended dose of oral vinorelbine during concurrent treatment. Results: 11 stage IIIB patients were entered into the study. The median radiotherapy dose was 66 Gy. Grade 3-4 toxicity included neutropenia, esophagitis, gastritis and febrile neutropenia. The dose-limiting toxicity for concurrent chemoradiotherapy was esophagitis. 9 patients received consolidation chemotherapy, with neutropenia and anemia/thrombocytopenia grade 3 being the only toxicities. The overall response was 73%. Conclusion: Oral vinorelbine 50 mg/m(2) (days 1, 8, 15 over 4 weeks) in combination with cisplatin 20 mg/m2 (days 1-4) is the recommended dose in combination with radiotherapy (66 Gy) and will be used for concurrent chemoradiotherapy in a forthcoming phase III trial testing the efficacy of consolidation chemotherapy in patients not progressing after chemoradiotherapy

    Comparación de la estructura y rendimientos ganaderos en sistemas de producción tradicional y ecológico de bovino en Extremadura. Comparison of the structure and livestock yields in traditional production systems and ecological bovine Extremadura

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    The paper analyzes the structure and performance of beef cattle farms in Extremadura: Conventional (n = 50), Organic with no sales of organic products (n = 37) and Organic farms with sales of organic products (n = 11). Regarding stocking rate levels, no significant differences were observed among groups. By contrast, significant differences among the three types of farms regarding racial structure (p <0.05). Similarly, significant differences were found (p <0.1) in relation to farm's area, cattle's reproductive management and performance. The study highlights the similarity between conventional and organic cattle production in Extremadura. This fact could allow a smooth transition of conventional farms to the organic production model

    A workflow system as an information support to companies operating in the area of sustainable construction

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    Doktorska disertacija obravnava področje dostopnosti informacij, pomembnih za odločanje o izbiri storitev in proizvodov pri prenovi stavbe. Te so pogosto neurejene in razpršene po celotnem spletu ter zapisane v različnih formatih. Posledično je lahko iskanje želenih informacij zelo zamudno in nepregledno. Informacije lahko zajamemo v delotoku, ki predstavlja zaporedje povezanih storitev, izvajanih v primerno orkestriranih korakih. Osnovna hipoteza trdi, da lahko model informacijskega sistema delotokov zajame visoko stopnjo ključnih informacij in znanj na področju trajnostne gradnje in načrtovanja ter kot tak predstavlja primerno informacijsko podporo gradbenim podjetjem in investitorjem. Potrebe po informacijski podpori ugotavljamo s pomočjo raziskave med ključnimi deležniki na področju gradbeništva. Rezultati izvedene raziskave razkrivajo velike potrebe po dostopu do urejenih informacij in kažejo na veliko pripravljenosti deležnikov za sodelovanje ter medsebojno deljenje informacij. Izdelan je pregled obstoječih rešitev in dognanj na omenjenem področju. Predstavljen je trajnosten pogled na stavbe s pregledom najbolj razširjenih in aktualnih pristopov trajnostnega ocenjevanja stavb, ki razkriva razlike pri pripisovanju teže posameznim trajnostnim vidikom. V nadaljevanju izdelamo pregled stanja slovenskega stavbnega fonda, ki razkriva, da je velika večina stavb potencialno potrebnih prenove. Predstavljene so tudi semantične tehnologije, ki omogočajo izdelavo naprednih informacijskih sistemov in ki jih zato uporabimo v nadaljnjem delu. V nadaljevanju dela je predstavljen razvoj prototipa informacijskega sistema, ki temelji na delotokih. Opisana je zasnova arhitekture informacijskega sistema, model sprejemanja odločitev in razvita ontologija, ki podpira zapis informacij v delotoke in hrambo informacij v pripadajoči podatkovni bazi OWL/RDF. V zaključnem delu je predstavljena validacija prototipa informacijskega sistema, ki kaže, da smo uspeli zadostiti opredeljenim zahtevam. Postavljena hipoteza je torej potrjena.The research presented in this thesis is concerned with the accessibility of information on the world web, crucial for the decision making process regarding products and services required for building refurbishment. This information is often dispersed, poorly structured and written in various formats. As a consequence, information search on the web can be extremely time-consuming and difficult to carry out. The information can be sequenced in a workflow consisting of a series of interconnected services which are executed in orchestrated steps. The research hypothesis postulates that the workflow information system model is able to encompass a large proportion of key information and knowledge from the sustainable construction field. As such, it represents efficient information support to potential clients and construction contracting companies. Information support requirements of various stakeholders from the construction sector were identified by using a survey. The obtained results exhibit a clear need for structured information, as well as a significant willingness of stakeholders to share the information. An overview of the existing solutions and accomplishments in sustainable construction is presented. The concept of sustainability assessment is presented, along with an overview of the most frequently employed approaches for the sustainability assessment of buildings, which reveals differences in assigning relative importance to individual sustainability aspects. An overview of the Slovenian residential building fund is carried out. It shows that the majority of residential building stock is in need of refurbishment. Further, semantic technologies that enable the establishment of advanced information systems are presented. The second part presents the development of a workflow-based prototype information system. The design of the information system architecture is presented, together with the decision making model and the ontology that supports information recording into workflows and data storage into the OWL/RDF database. The validation of the information system is presented in the concluding part. It is shown that the system requirements defined in the beginning of the research were achievedthe initial hypothesis is therefore confirmed

    Molecular and phenotypic characterisation of paediatric glioma cell lines as models for preclinical drug development.

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    Although paediatric high grade gliomas resemble their adult counterparts in many ways, there appear to be distinct clinical and biological differences. One important factor hampering the development of new targeted therapies is the relative lack of cell lines derived from childhood glioma patients, as it is unclear whether the well-established adult lines commonly used are representative of the underlying molecular genetics of childhood tumours. We have carried out a detailed molecular and phenotypic characterisation of a series of paediatric high grade glioma cell lines in comparison to routinely used adult lines

    Brain metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma: clinical features and prognostic factors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Brain metastases (BM) from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are extremely rare and are associated with a poor prognosis. The aim of this study was to define clinical outcome and prognostic determinants in patients with BM from HCC.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Between January 1994 and December 2009, all patients with HCC and BM treated in Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center were retrospectively reviewed. Univariate and multivariate survival analyses were performed to identify possible prognostic factors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Forty-one patients were diagnosed with BM from HCC, an incidence of 0.47%. The median age at diagnosis of BM was 48.5 years. Thirty-three patients (80.5%) developed extracranial metastases at diagnosis of BM, and 30 patients (73.2%) had hepatitis B. Intracranial hemorrhage occurred in 19 patients (46.3%). BM were treated primarily either with whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT; 5 patients), stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS; 7 patients), or surgical resection (6 patients). The cause of death was systemic disease in 17 patients and neurological disease in 23. Patients in a high RPA (recursive partitioning analysis) class, treated with conservatively and without lung metastases, tended to die from neurological disease. Median survival after the diagnosis of BM was 3 months (95% confidence interval: 2.2-3.8 months). In multivariate analysis, the presence of extracranial metastases, a low RPA class and aggressive treatment, were positively associated with improved survival.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>BM from HCC is rare and associated with an extremely poor prognosis. However, patients with a low RPA class may benefit from aggressive treatment. The clinical implication of extracranial metastases in HCC patients with BM needs further assessment.</p

    Characteristics of the Early Immune Response Following Transplantation of Mouse ES Cell Derived Insulin-Producing Cell Clusters

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    Background The fully differentiated progeny of ES cells (ESC) may eventually be used for cell replacement therapy (CRT). However, elements of the innate immune system may contribute to damage or destruction of these tissues when transplanted. Methodology/Principal Findings Herein, we assessed the hitherto ill-defined contribution of the early innate immune response in CRT after transplantation of either ESC derived insulin producing cell clusters (IPCCs) or adult pancreatic islets. Ingress of neutrophil or macrophage cells was noted immediately at the site of IPCC transplantation, but this infiltration was attenuated by day three. Gene profiling identified specific inflammatory cytokines and chemokines that were either absent or sharply reduced by three days after IPCC transplantation. Thus, IPCC transplantation provoked less of an early immune response than pancreatic islet transplantation. Conclusions/Significance Our study offers insights into the characteristics of the immune response of an ESC derived tissue in the incipient stages following transplantation and suggests potential strategies to inhibit cell damage to ensure their long-term perpetuation and functionality in CRT

    Study of Bc+B_c^+ decays to the K+Kπ+K^+K^-\pi^+ final state and evidence for the decay Bc+χc0π+B_c^+\to\chi_{c0}\pi^+

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    A study of Bc+K+Kπ+B_c^+\to K^+K^-\pi^+ decays is performed for the first time using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb1\mathrm{fb}^{-1} collected by the LHCb experiment in pppp collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 77 and 88 TeV. Evidence for the decay Bc+χc0(K+K)π+B_c^+\to\chi_{c0}(\to K^+K^-)\pi^+ is reported with a significance of 4.0 standard deviations, resulting in the measurement of σ(Bc+)σ(B+)×B(Bc+χc0π+)\frac{\sigma(B_c^+)}{\sigma(B^+)}\times\mathcal{B}(B_c^+\to\chi_{c0}\pi^+) to be (9.83.0+3.4(stat)±0.8(syst))×106(9.8^{+3.4}_{-3.0}(\mathrm{stat})\pm 0.8(\mathrm{syst}))\times 10^{-6}. Here B\mathcal{B} denotes a branching fraction while σ(Bc+)\sigma(B_c^+) and σ(B+)\sigma(B^+) are the production cross-sections for Bc+B_c^+ and B+B^+ mesons. An indication of bˉc\bar b c weak annihilation is found for the region m(Kπ+)<1.834GeV ⁣/c2m(K^-\pi^+)<1.834\mathrm{\,Ge\kern -0.1em V\!/}c^2, with a significance of 2.4 standard deviations.Comment: All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://lhcbproject.web.cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/LHCbProjectPublic/LHCb-PAPER-2016-022.html, link to supplemental material inserted in the reference

    Optimization of Immunoglobulin Substitution Therapy by a Stochastic Immune Response Model

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    Background: The immune system is a complex adaptive system of cells and molecules that are interwoven in a highly organized communication network. Primary immune deficiencies are disorders in which essential parts of the immune system are absent or do not function according to plan. X-linked agammaglobulinemia is a B-lymphocyte maturation disorder in which the production of immunoglobulin is prohibited by a genetic defect. Patients have to be put on life-long immunoglobulin substitution therapy in order to prevent recurrent and persistent opportunistic infections. Methodology: We formulate an immune response model in terms of stochastic differential equations and perform a systematic analysis of empirical therapy protocols that differ in the treatment frequency. The model accounts for the immunoglobulin reduction by natural degradation and by antigenic consumption, as well as for the periodic immunoglobulin replenishment that gives rise to an inhomogeneous distribution of immunoglobulin specificities in the shape space. Results are obtained from computer simulations and from analytical calculations within the framework of the Fokker-Planck formalism, which enables us to derive closed expressions for undetermined model parameters such as the infection clearance rate. Conclusions: We find that the critical value of the clearance rate, below which a chronic infection develops, is strongly dependent on the strength of fluctuations in the administered immunoglobulin dose per treatment and is an increasing function of the treatment frequency. The comparative analysis of therapy protocols with regard to the treatment frequency yields quantitative predictions of therapeutic relevance, where the choice of the optimal treatment frequency reveals a conflict of competing interests: In order to diminish immunomodulatory effects and to make good economic sense, therapeutic immunoglobulin levels should be kept close to physiological levels, implying high treatment frequencies. However, clearing infections without additional medication is more reliably achieved by substitution therapies with low treatment frequencies. Our immune response model predicts that the compromise solution of immunoglobulin substitution therapy has a treatment frequency in the range from one infusion per week to one infusion per two weeks

    Human RNA Polymerase II-Association Factor 1 (hPaf1/PD2) Regulates Histone Methylation and Chromatin Remodeling in Pancreatic Cancer

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    Change in gene expression associated with pancreatic cancer could be attributed to the variation in histone posttranslational modifications leading to subsequent remodeling of the chromatin template during transcription. However, the interconnected network of molecules involved in regulating such processes remains elusive. hPaf1/PD2, a subunit of the human PAF-complex, involved in the regulation of transcriptional elongation has oncogenic potential. Our study explores the possibility that regulation of histone methylation by hPaf1 can contribute towards alteration in gene expression by nucleosomal rearrangement. Here, we show that knockdown of hPaf1/PD2 leads to decreased di- and tri-methylation at histone H3 lysine 4 residues in pancreatic cancer cells. Interestingly, hPaf1/PD2 colocalizes with MLL1 (Mixed Lineage Leukemia 1), a histone methyltransferase that methylates H3K4 residues. Also, a reduction in hPaf1 level resulted in reduced MLL1 expression and a corresponding decrease in the level of CHD1 (Chromohelicase DNA-binding protein 1), an ATPase dependent chromatin remodeling enzyme that specifically binds to H3K4 di and trimethyl marks. hPaf1/PD2 was also found to interact and colocalize with CHD1 in both cytoplasmic and nuclear extracts of pancreatic cancer cells. Further, reduced level of CHD1 localization in the nucleus in hPaf1/PD2 Knockdown cells could be rescued by ectopic expression of hPaf1/PD2. Micrococcal nuclease digestion showed an altered chromatin structure in hPaf1/PD2-KD cells. Overall, our results suggest that hPaf1/PD2 in association with MLL1 regulates methylation of H3K4 residues, as well as interacts and regulates nuclear shuttling of chromatin remodeling protein CHD1, facilitating its function in pancreatic cancer cells