502 research outputs found

    Risk normalization in sunlight exposure

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    The present study focuses on the understanding of whether there is a process of risk normalization, due to the use of positive illusions, in individuals who expose themselves to sunlight on the beach. A pilot study (N = 44) evidenced that the positive illusions most referred are the use of protective measures during exposition at unrecommended time. To understand whether knowledge of sunlight exposure risks and risk perception could be negatively associated, due to the use of protective measures, a questionnaire was applied to a convenience sample (N = 276). The sample was reduced in two groups that reported being exposed between 12 am and 3 pm - low protective behaviors (n = 74) and high (n = 41). Results illustrate the normalization process only in individuals who have high protection behaviors, as expected. The effect of moderating variables was also tested: mediation of the consequences of risk in time and health literacy in the relation between knowledge of risks and risk perception. Only health literacy had a significant effect, decreasing normalization. The role of knowledge of benefits was also explored. It was positively related to risk perception and this relation was moderated by mediation in time. This study suggests that it is important to a) warn that the use of protective measures during the hazardous time does not guarantee immunity, b) promote health literacy, as it can minimize risk normalization c) understand how information on risks and benefits interact to influence risk perception.O presente estudo tem como objetivo explorar a existência de um processo de normalização de risco, devido à utilização de ilusões positivas, nos indivíduos que se expõem ao sol na praia. Com base num estudo piloto (N = 44) aferiu-se que as ilusões positivas mais referidas pelos indivíduos são a utilização de medidas de proteção complementares, como o protetor solar ou a ingestão de água, ao invés da não exposição ao sol durante o horário considerado mais perigoso (12h-15h). Para compreender se a utilização destas medidas de proteção se poderia associar a um processo de normalização de risco à exposição solar, aplicouse um questionário (N = 276) a uma amostra de conveniência, que foi reduzida em dois grupos tendo por base a média dos comportamentos de proteção – baixos comportamentos de proteção (n = 74) e altos comportamentos de proteção (n = 41). Os resultados indicam que existem diferenças entre as amostras relativamente ao processo de normalização de risco. Como esperado, para os indivíduos que têm elevados comportamentos de proteção e se expõem ao sol no horário mais perigoso existe uma relação negativa entre o conhecimento de risco e a perceção de risco da exposição solar (i.e., existe normalização de risco) mas não nos indivíduos que se expõem fora desse horário. Foi também testado o efeito de variáveis moderadoras: mediação das consequências do risco no tempo e literacia em saúde na relação entre conhecimento e perceção de risco. Apenas a literacia em saúde teve um efeito significativo, tendo contrariado o efeito de normalização. Sendo que nos últimos anos se tem enfatizado também os benefícios da exposição solar, explorou-se ainda qual seria a relação entre o conhecimento de benefícios e a perceção de risco e qual o papel das variáveis moderadoras. Verificou-se a existência de uma relação positiva entre conhecimento de benefícios e perceção de risco de exposição solar, sendo esta relação moderada pela mediação das consequências do risco no tempo. Quando os indivíduos consideram que as consequências do risco são tardias, o conhecimento de benefícios associa-se a uma menor perceção de risco. Este estudo tem implicações que poderão ser relevantes para a comunicação do risco. Em particular importa: a) alertar que a utilização de medidas de proteção durante o horário mais perigoso não garante imunidade ao risco da exposição solar; b) apostar na promoção em literacia em saúde para minimizar a normalização de riscos; c) compreender como os riscos e os benefícios associados à exposição solar interagem para influenciar a perceção de risc

    Perceções e conhecimentos sobre o acolhimento familiar no contexto Português: Um estudo com uma amostra da comunidade

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    O acolhimento familiar é uma medida de promoção e proteção para crianças e jovens em perigo considerada preferencial pela sua colocação num contexto familiar, que lhes proporciona um melhor nível de desenvolvimento e bem-estar. Porém, em Portugal verifica-se uma predominância significativa da medida de acolhimento residencial, sendo que apenas um número reduzido de crianças e jovens se encontra integrado em acolhimento familiar (i.e., cerca de 3%), sendo o número de famílias de acolhimento insuficiente face às necessidades do sistema. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo passa por explorar os conhecimentos e as perceções acerca da medida de acolhimento familiar e das famílias de acolhimento de uma amostra da comunidade portuguesa (n=404, 55% do sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre os 26 e os 72 anos), assim como, por explorar os preditores da intenção em se tornar família de acolhimento. Os resultados demonstraram conhecimentos significativos acerca do acolhimento familiar, assim como, perceções, maioritariamente, positivas acerca da referida medida e das famílias de acolhimento, ainda que se tenham verificado algumas dúvidas e opiniões ambíguas. Adicionalmente, os resultados indicaram que as perceções positivas acerca das famílias de acolhimento (p=.002), estar numa relação de intimidade (p=.082) e ser do sexo feminino (p=.052) estão positivamente associadas à intenção em se tornar família de acolhimento. Os resultados serão discutidos à luz da literatura neste domínio, sendo também identificadas implicações para a prática profissional. Uma maior disseminação e contacto com as famílias de acolhimento é fundamental com vista ao recrutamento e seleção de novas famílias de acolhimento.Foster care is a preferable alternative care context for abused and neglected children, which enhances their development and well-being. However, in Portugal there is a significant predominance of residential care, and only a small number of children and teenagers is placed in foster care (i.e., around 3%). Also, the number of foster families is lacking to cover the needs. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore public knowledge and perceptions of foster care and foster families through a Portuguese community sample (n=404, 55% female, aged between 26 and 72 years old), as well as, to identify the predictors of the intention to become a foster family. In general, the results showed that participants have significant knowledge about foster care and mostly positive perceptions about foster care and families, although there were some doubts and ambiguous opinions. Additionally, the results showed that positive perceptions about foster families (p=.002), having an intimate relationship (p=.082) and being female (p=.052) are positively associated with greater intention to become a foster family. The results will be discussed in the light of the literature, and implications for professional practice will also be identified. Greater dissemination and contact with foster families are essential to recruit and select new foster families

    Risk perception normalization of sunlight exposure

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    Health organizations recommend avoiding direct sunlight exposure usually between 11 am and 5 pm. Nevertheless, it is common to see people on the beach during all day. This study focuses on understanding if sunlight exposure risk might be normalized. Risk normalization is a process by which people minimize a perceive threat to psychologically cope with it, frequently by using positive illusions. A pilot study (N = 44) suggests that the positive illusions most referred to explain exposition at unrecommended hours are the use of protective measures. To explore if knowledge of sunlight exposure risk and risk perception were negatively associated, illustrating risk normalization, a questionnaire was applied to a convenience sample (N = 276). This effect was found among those individuals that exposed themselves to sunlight between 12 am and 3 pm and reported a use of protective measures that was above the average. Furthermore, health literacy moderated the negative relation between knowledge and risk perception. This study suggests that it is important communicating that the use of protective measures during unrecommended hours does not guarantee protection, promoting health literacy, as it can minimize risk normalization, and understanding how information on risks and benefits interacts to influence risk perception

    Exploiting the antiparasitic activity of naphthalimides derivatives

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    A set of 1,8-naphtalimides derivatives were synthesized and tested against three protozoans that cause important human diseases: Leishmaniainfantum, Trypanosomabrucei and Trypanosomacruzi. Additionally, toxicity was determined by growth inhibition of THP-1 derived macrophages. The results suggest that chemical modifications in the carbon chain linking the naphthalimide and the substituting groups have different effects in the parasites. This work should provide new insights new insights for the design and optimization of more potent and directed naphthalimide derivatives against these organisms.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreements No.602773 (Project KINDRED). L.G. was supported by the Fundaçãopara a Ciência e Tecnologia through grant SFRH/BD/81604/2011.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreements No.602773 (Project KINDRED). Thanks are due also to the NMR Portuguese network (PTNMR, BrukerAvance III 400Univ. Minho), and FCT and FEDER for financial support to CQ/UM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Presupuestos sensibles al género en el marco de la cooperación UE-AL. Un estudio internacional comparado

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    Los presupuestos sensibles al género han sido impulsados en diversos países con el fin de reducir brechas de género al distribuir y orientar de manera más adecuada y equitativa los fondos públicos. Si bien las primeras experiencias datan de la década del 80, la Declaración y Plataforma para la Acción de Beijing adoptadas en septiembre de 1995 en el marco de Naciones Unidas, representó un punto de inflexión para el avance de este tipo de medidas dado que se instó explícitamente a los Estados a adoptar la perspectiva de género en el ámbito presupuestario. El presente trabajo pretende realizar una contribución al estudio de los presupuestos sensibles al género, en particular analizando las experiencias de Argentina, Brasil, Estado de Guanajuato y COSEFIN, y la contribución del programa Eurosocial, financiado por la Unión Europea. De esta manera, se busca conocer cómo se ha desarrollado el proceso de implementación de tales presupuestos en el contexto referido. El valor de esta investigación radica en que se pone el foco de atención en dicho proceso, a partir del análisis de la información documental existente en los archivos de las instituciones estudiadas y de la recogida de datos primarios a través del desarrollo de entrevistas a las personas expertas que han tenido un importante rol en las iniciativas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Comparative context analysis of codon pairs on an ORFeome scale

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    Codon context is an important feature of gene primary structure that modulates mRNA decoding accuracy. We have developed an analytical software package and a graphical interface for comparative codon context analysis of all the open reading frames in a genome (the ORFeome). Using the complete ORFeome sequences of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Candida albicans and Escherichia coli, we show that this methodology permits large-scale codon context comparisons and provides new insight on the rules that govern the evolution of codon-pair context

    Nivel de conocimiento sobre cáncer oral en los estudiantes de odontología de la Universidad Científica del Sur

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    ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the level of knowledge about oral cancer of third, fourth and fifth year students of the professional career of dentistry at the Southern Scientific University in 2020. Materials and methods: A questionnaire was carried out on knowledge of oral cancer to 166 students who were in the third, fourth and fifth year of dentistry. This questionnaire consisted of 24 multiple-choice questions about epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and complications. Results: A significant association was found between the level of knowledge about the etiopathogenesis of oral cancer and the year of study. Conclusion: Third-year students had the highest percentage in relation to the level of knowledge about etiopathogenesis.Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el nivel de conocimiento sobre cáncer oral de estudiantes de tercero, cuarto y quinto año de la carrera profesional de odontología en la Universidad Científica del Sur en el año 2020. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un cuestionario sobre conocimientos de cáncer oral a 166 alumnos que cursaban tercero, cuarto y quinto año de la carrera de odontología. Este cuestionario consistió en 24 preguntas de opción múltiple acerca de epidemiología, etiopatogenia, diagnóstico, tratamiento y complicaciones sobre cáncer oral. Resultados: Se encontró una asociación significativa entre el nivel de conocimiento sobre etiopatogenia del cáncer oral y el año de estudio. Conclusión: Los alumnos de tercer año tuvieron el mayor porcentaje en relación a nivel de conocimiento sobre etiopatogenia

    Upper gastrointestinal bleeding during the COVID-19 pandemic; particularities of diagnosis and therapy

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    SARS-COV 2 recently caused a global pandemic, with the first case being reported in Romania in February 2020. Important restrictive measures were imposed, so that the addressability of patients to medical services decreased. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding had more severe forms of evolution at the time of presentation, which required additional methods of diagnosis and treatment. This is a retrospective study performed on 268 patients, which aims to evaluate the type and effectiveness of different treatment methods for upper gastrointestinal bleeding during the COVID 19 pandemic. Severity assessment was performed by measuring the Rockall score and additional methods of diagnosis. The association of COVID-19 with upper gastrointestinal bleeding can lead to much more severe outcomes for the patient, so treatment must be sustained and fast established. If the initial therapeutic methods fail, the other available therapeutic measures should be introduced progressively and without delay to achieve the best possible outcomes

    Factores asociados a la presencia del cáncer gástrico en pacientes del servicio de oncología del hospital regional docente clínico quirúrgico Daniel Alcides Carrion, Huancayo – 2019

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    La investigación es un estudio de tipo prospectivo, transversal, de diseño correlacional transversal, cuyo objetivo fue determinar factores asociados a la presencia de cáncer gástrico. El estudio se llevó a cabo en pacientes del servicio de Oncología del Hospital Regional Docente Clínico Quirúrgico Daniel Alcides Carrión, tuvo como población 130 pacientes y una muestra de 60 pacientes elegidos de manera aleatoria, en los cuales se aplicó una encuesta, utilizada como técnica de recolección de datos y el cuestionario como instrumento. El estudio dio a conocer que el factor nutricional (OR 3,000), el factor hábitos actividad física (OR 3.455) y el factor antecedentes patológicos (OR 4,000) están asociados con la presencia del cáncer gástrico en los pacientes del servicio de oncología del Hospital Regional Docente Clínico Quirúrgico Daniel Alcides Carrión.Tesis de segunda especialida

    Premature or small for gestational age discrimination: international multicenter trial protocol for classification of the low-birth-weight newborn through the optical properties of the skin

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    © Zilma Reis, Gabriela Vitral, Rodney Guimarães, Juliano Gaspar, Enrico Colosimo, Sergio Taunde, Nilza Mussagy, Rita Rosado Santos, Diogo Ayres-De-Campos, Roberta Romanelli. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols (http://www.researchprotocols.org), 14.07.2020. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in JMIR Research Protocols, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on http://www.researchprotocols.org, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.Background: A low birth weight is an independent risk factor for adverse infant outcomes and a predictor of chronic disease in adulthood. In these situations, differentiating between prematurity and small for gestational age (SGA) or simultaneous conditions is essential to ensuring adequate care. Such diagnoses, however, depend on reliable pregnancy dating, which can be challenging in developing countries. A new medical optoelectronic device was developed to estimate gestational age (GA) at birth based on newborn skin reflection. Objective: This study will aim to evaluate the device's ability to detect prematurity or SGA, or both conditions simultaneously as well as predict short-term pulmonary complications in a cohort of low-birth-weight newborns. Methods: This study protocol was designed for a multicenter cohort including referral hospitals in Brazil and Mozambique. Newborns weighing 500-2500 g will be eligible for inclusion with the best GA available, considering the limited resources of low-income countries. Comparator-GA is based on reliable last menstrual period dating or ultrasound assessment before 24 weeks' gestation. Estimated GA at birth (Test-GA) will be calculated by applying a novel optoelectronic device to the newborn's skin over the sole. The average difference between Test-GA and Comparator-GA will be analyzed, as will the percentage of newborns who are correctly diagnosed as preterm or SGA. In addition, in a nested case-control study, the accuracy of skin reflection in the prediction of prematurity-related respiratory problems will be evaluated. The estimated required sample size is 298 newborns. Results: Teams of health professionals were trained, and standard operating procedures were developed following the good practice guidelines for the clinical investigation of medical devices for human participants. The first recruitment started in March 2019 in Brazil. Data collection is planned to end in December 2020, and the results should be available in March 2021. Conclusions: The results of this clinical study have the potential to validate a new device to easily assess postnatal GA, supporting SGA identification when pregnancy dating is unreliable or unknown.This research was supported by a Grand Challenges Exploration grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Grant No. OPP1128907, Contract; http://www.gatesfoundation.org/) and the Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa de Minas Gerais, Brazil (Grant Nos AUC-00032-15 and PPM 0247/16; http://www.fapemig.br/en/; nonprofit sector). This study is funded by Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Grand Challenges Canada’s programs, Government of Canada – Toronto, Canada (Grant No. R-ST-POC-1807-13515).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio