42 research outputs found

    Sustainable one-pot immobilization of enzymes in/on metal-organic framework materials

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    peer-reviewedThe industrial use of enzymes generally necessitates their immobilization onto solid supports. The well-known high affinity of enzymes for metal-organic framework (MOF) materials, together with the great versatility of MOFs in terms of structure, composition, functionalization and synthetic approaches, has led the scientific community to develop very different strategies for the immobilization of enzymes in/on MOFs. This review focuses on one of these strategies, namely, the one-pot enzyme immobilization within sustainable MOFs, which is particularly enticing as the resultant biocomposite Enzyme@MOFs have the potential to be: (i) prepared in situ, that is, in just one step; (ii) may be synthesized under sustainable conditions: with water as the sole solvent at room temperature with moderate pHs, etc.; (iii) are able to retain high enzyme loading; (iv) have negligible protein leaching; and (v) give enzymatic activities approaching that given by the corresponding free enzymes. Moreover, this methodology seems to be near-universal, as success has been achieved with different MOFs, with different enzymes and for different applications. So far, the metal ions forming the MOF materials have been chosen according to their low price, low toxicity and, of course, their possibility for generating MOFs at room temperature in water, in order to close the cycle of economic, environmental and energy sustainability in the synthesis, application and disposal life cycle

    Mesoporous silicas with tunable morphology for the immobilization of laccase

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    Siliceous ordered mesoporous materials (OMM) are gaining interest as supports for enzyme immobilization due to their uniform pore size, large surface area, tunable pore network and the introduction of organic components to mesoporous structure. We used SBA-15 type silica materials, which exhibit a regular 2D hexagonal packing of cylindrical mesopores of uniform size, for non-covalent immobilization of laccase. Synthesis conditions were adjusted in order to obtain supports with different particle shape, where those with shorter channels had higher loading capacity. Despite the similar isoelectric points of silica and laccase and the close match between the size of laccase and the pore dimensions of these SBA-15 materials, immobilization was achieved with very low leaching. Surface modification of macro-/mesoporous amorphous silica by grafting of amine moieties was proved to significantly increase the isoelectric point of this support and improve the immobilization yield. © 2014 by the authors.The authors thank the Spanish Government for financial support through the project MAT 2012-31127, and Ramiro Martinez (Novozymes, Spain) for his kind help with the supply of laccase. V. G. acknowledges Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte for a FPU PhD fellowship. We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)Peer Reviewe

    Estudio de las rutas moleculares implicadas en la acción de la melatonina sobre la calcio-calmodulina kinasa II de los espermatozoides

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    La melatonina es una hormona sintetizada principalmente en la glándula pineal que está implicada en la regulación de muchos procesos biológicos, entre los que se encuentra la reproducción estacional en algunos mamíferos. A nivel celular, la melatonina puede llevar a cabo sus efectos regulatorios a través de dos vías: bien por la unión a receptores específicos de membrana, denominados MT1 y MT2, o bien atravesando directamente la membrana plasmática. En el espermatozoide ovino se ha descrito que la melatonina modula la capacitación espermática (conjunto de cambios bioquímicos y biofísicos que necesita sufrir un espermatozoide para adquirir capacidad fecundante), de forma que añadida a concentraciones altas (1 M) tiene un efecto descapacitante. Dado que la enzima calcio-calmodulina proteín-kinasa II (CaMKII) también está implicada en la capacitación espermática, el objetivo principal de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la melatonina, y de un agonista y un antagonista de los receptores de la misma, sobre la capacitación espermática y sobre los niveles y la activación por modificaciones postraduccionales de la CaMKII en espermatozoides ovinos. Para ello, espermatozoides ovinos seleccionados por swim-up se incubaron durante 3 horas en condiciones capacitantes (39 C, 5 % de CO2 y 100 % humedad) en medio TALP (control), en un medio con agentes elevadores del AMPc (cocktail), en medio cocktail con melatonina a una concentración 1 M, y con un agonista (8M-PDOT) o un antagonista (4P-PDOT) de los receptores de melatonina añadidos a diferentes concentraciones (1 M y 10 nM). Tras la incubación se evaluó la motilidad, viabilidad y estado de capacitación mediante tinción con clorotetraciclina y fosforilación en residuos de tirosina evaluados por western-blot. El análisis de los cambios en los niveles de CaMKII y su isoforma CaMKIIα se realizaron mediante un inmunoensayo ELISA y la identificación y cuantificación de las modificaciones post-traduccionales en CaMKII se realizó mediante western-blot. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la incubación con melatonina o su agonista a una concentración 1 M aumentó el porcentaje de espermatozoides no capacitados (PEn conclusión, este trabajo sugiere que la melatonina ejercería su acción descapacitante a través de la unión a sus receptores de membrana, pero no modificaría los niveles o la activación de la enzima CaMKII por medio de modificaciones post-traduccionales, al menos mediante fosforilación.<br /

    Efecto de la melatonina sobre la Ca2+/Calmodulina proteín-kinasa II de los espermatozoides ovinos

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    La melatonina es una hormona que se sintetiza principalmente en la glándula pineal y que regula muchos procesos fisiológicos, como la reproducción estacional. A nivel celular es capaz de aumentar los niveles de calcio intracelular en células somáticas y unirse a la proteína calmodulina. Esto inhibe la formación del complejo calcio/calmodulina, que regula la actividad de la enzima calcio/calmodulina proteín-quinasa II (CaMKII). Dado que tanto el aumento de los niveles de calcio como la actividad de CaMKII están implicados en la capacitación espermática (conjunto de cambios que debe sufrir un espermatozoide para adquirir capacidad fecundante), en el presente trabajo se planteó la hipótesis de que la melatonina podría modular la capacitación espermática ovina a través de la enzima CaMKII. Así, los objetivos de este estudio fueron investigar el efecto de la melatonina sobre los niveles y distribución del calcio intracelular, identificar la presencia de la proteína CaMKII en el espermatozoide ovino y evaluar los cambios en la concentración de la misma en espermatozoides ovinos incubados en condiciones capacitantes. Para ello, espermatozoides ovinos seleccionados por swim-up se incubaron durante 3 horas en condiciones capacitantes (39 °C y 5% de CO2) en medio TALP (control), y con dos concentraciones de melatonina (100 pM y 1 µM). Tras la incubación se evaluó la motilidad, viabilidad, y estado de capacitación de las muestras. Los cambios en la concentración y distribución de calcio intracelular se evaluaron mediante citometría de flujo con las sondas Fluo-4 AM y Rhod-5N AM. Finalmente, la identificación y cuantificación de CaMKII se realizó mediante Western Blot en proteínas espermáticas extraídas tras la capacitación in vitro. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la melatonina a una concentración 1 µM es capaz de aumentar el porcentaje de espermatozoides vivos con altos niveles de calcio tras tres horas de incubación en condiciones capacitantes, sin afectar negativamente a la funcionalidad espermática. Además, la presencia de melatonina en el medio parece aumentar los niveles de CaMKII y de una de sus isoformas (CaMKIIα) en el espermatozoide de morueco. En conclusión, este trabajo sugiere que la melatonina podría regular el proceso de capacitación espermática aumentando los niveles de la enzima CaMKII, aunque las implicaciones que puede tener esto en su activación o actividad todavía no están esclarecidas

    From Biomarkers to Models in the Changing Landscape of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Evolve or Become Extinct

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    hronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is an extremely heterogeneous disease. With the advent of oral targeted agents (Tas) the treatment of CLL has undergone a revolution, which has been accompanied by an improvement in patient’s survival and quality of life. This paradigm shift also affects the value of prognostic and predictive biomarkers and prognostic models, most of them inherited from the chemoimmunotherapy era but with a different behavior with Tas. This review discusses: (i) the role of the most relevant prognostic and predictive biomarkers in the setting of Tas; and (ii) the validity of classic and new scoring systems in the context of Tas. In addition, a critical point of view about predictive biomarkers with special emphasis on 11q deletion, novel resistance mutations, TP53 abnormalities, IGHV mutational status, complex karyotype and NOTCH1 mutations is stated. We also go over prognostic models in early stage CLL such as IPS-E. Finally, we provide an overview of the applicability of the CLL-IPI for patients treated with Tas, as well as the emergence of new models, generated with data from patients treated with Tas

    La adaptación de materiales docentes de marketing para estudiantes con necesidades especiales. Proyecto Speaking Library

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    Este trabajo presenta la experiencia docente de una Red multidisciplinar de investigadores (Red I+Do+i), en la que han participado profesorado y estudiantes. El objetivo principal de la experiencia docente “Speaking Library” es tiene una doble vertiente. Por un lado, generar documentos de trabajo especializados en investigación en docencia y en materias curriculares relevantes para el alumnado, así como en soportes más accesibles, atractivos y útiles para la comunidad educativa. Se ha tenido especial interés en los estudiantes con Necesidades Específicas de Apoyo Educativo (NEAE) y en este sentido la creación de materiales ha sido fundamentalmente audiovisual. Por otro lado, la gestión dichos materiales a través de repositorios universitarios (Universidad de Alicante y Universidad Miguel Hernández) y de un canal docente de YouTube (canal IDOi), para su ulterior difusión nacional e internacional a las distintas bases de datos y portales adecuados (OCW, blogs UA, VUALA, Blogs externos, etc.) que facilitarán su consulta. Los resultados y reflexiones finales presentan varios documentos convertidos a un formato amigable, visual y valioso para los estudiantes con NEAE, a la vez que se ha diseñado un protocolo de actuación para la elaboración de los mismos y creado un canal docente en YouTube

    Application of new indicators to assess the quality of antimicrobial use in intensive care units

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    This study explored the feasibility of a bundle of indicators aimed at assessing the quality of antimicrobial use in intensive care units (ICUs) through an observational prospective study spanning 12 quarters (January 2019-December 2021) in a 1290-bed teaching hospital in Spain. Members of the antimicrobial stewardship programme team selected the indicators to analyse the quality of antimicrobial use based on consumption data from a list proposed in a previous study. Antimicrobial use in the ICU was measured as defined daily dose (DDD) per 100 occupied bed-days. Trends and points of change were analysed with segmented regression. The intravenous macrolides/intravenous respiratory fluoroquinolones ratio in the ICU increased progressively, although not significantly, by 11.14% per quarter, likely related to prioritization of the use of macrolides in serious community-acquired pneumonia and the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. A remarkable upward trend of 2.5% per quarter was detected in the anti-methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus/anti-methicillin-resistant S. aureus agents ratio in the ICU, which could be explained by the low prevalence of methicillin-resistant S. aureus at the study centre. Patterns of amoxicillin-clavulanic acid/piperacillin-tazobactam ratio and diversification of anti-pseudomonal beta-lactams showed an increment in use over the study. The use of these novel indicators provides additional information for the current analysis of DDD. Implementation is feasible, and led to the detection of patterns that agree with local guidelines and cumulative antibiogram reports, and foster targeted improvement actions within antimicrobial stewardship programmes.A.B.G. receives financial support from Subprograma Juan Rodés, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Subdirección General de Redes y Centros de Investigación Cooperativa, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spain (JR21/00017). G.P. receives a grant from the Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades, Junta de Andalucía, Spain (Grant PAIDI2020/POSTDOC_21_00831). L.H. and M.M. receive financial support from Subprograma Río Hortega, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Subdirección General de Redes y Centros de Investigación Cooperativa, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spain (CM19/00152 and CM21/00115).Peer reviewe

    Red I+Do+i. Investigación Docencia e Innovación & Speaking Library II

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    En la RED IDOi seguimos inquietándonos por las necesidades formativas actuales, promoviendo la renovación curricular y metodológica. En nuestro afán para contribuir en la creación de un espacio para generar buenas prácticas que contribuyan a mejorar la eficacia de los resultados obtenidos en las actividades de investigación en docencia universitaria y desarrollo tecnológico, este curso académicos hemos dado un paso más en ampliar y mejorar la ‘Speaking Library’ de materiales docentes y de investigación. Para conseguir esta meta hemos apoyado propuestas ya existentes y, lanzado alguna nueva, que han dado accesibilidad al intercambio de experiencias por parte de docentes y discentes. Hemos seguido elaborando y experimentando tanto con el uso de las TICs (Moodle, MOOC), como con los materiales curriculares y la enseñanza personalizada. En definitiva ha sido un curso académico dedicado al diseño, desarrollo e innovación del currículo que ha tenido en cuenta, sobre todo, parámetros de accesibilidad que garantizan la igualdad de oportunidades

    Role of the first WHO mutation catalogue in the diagnosis of antibiotic resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the Valencia Region, Spain: a retrospective genomic analysis

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    9 páginas, 2 figuras, 1 tablaBackground: In June, 2021, WHO published the most complete catalogue to date of resistance-conferring mutations in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Here, we aimed to assess the performance of genome-based antimicrobial resistance prediction using the catalogue and its potential for improving diagnostics in a real low-burden setting. Methods: In this retrospective population-based genomic study M tuberculosis isolates were collected from 25 clinical laboratories in the low-burden setting of the Valencia Region, Spain. Culture-positive tuberculosis cases reported by regional public health authorities between Jan 1, 2014, and Dec 31, 2016, were included. The drug resistance profiles of these isolates were predicted by the genomic identification, via whole-genome sequencing (WGS), of the high-confidence resistance-causing variants included in the catalogue and compared with the phenotype. We determined the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the isolates with discordant resistance profiles using the resazurin microtitre assay. Findings: WGS was performed on 785 M tuberculosis complex culture-positive isolates, and the WGS resistance prediction sensitivities were: 85·4% (95% CI 70·8–94·4) for isoniazid, 73·3% (44·9–92·2) for rifampicin, 50·0% (21·1–78·9) for ethambutol, and 57·1% (34·0–78·2) for pyrazinamide; all specificities were more than 99·6%. Sensitivity values were lower than previously reported, but the overall pan-susceptibility accuracy was 96·4%. Genotypic analysis revealed that four phenotypically susceptible isolates carried mutations (rpoB Leu430Pro and rpoB Ile491Phe for rifampicin and fabG1 Leu203Leu for isoniazid) known to give borderline resistance in standard phenotypic tests. Additionally, we identified three putative resistance-associated mutations (inhA Ser94Ala, katG Leu48Pro, and katG Gly273Arg for isoniazid) in samples with substantially higher MICs than those of susceptible isolates. Combining both genomic and phenotypic data, in accordance with the WHO diagnostic guidelines, we could detect two new multidrug-resistant cases. Additionally, we detected 11 (1·6%) of 706 isolates to be monoresistant to fluoroquinolone, which had been previously undetected. Interpretation: We showed that the WHO catalogue enables the detection of resistant cases missed in phenotypic testing in a low-burden region, thus allowing for better patient-tailored treatment. We also identified mutations not included in the catalogue, relevant at the local level. Evidence from this study, together with future updates of the catalogue, will probably lead in the future to the partial replacement of culture testing with WGS-based drug susceptibility testing in our setting. Funding: European Research Council and the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia.This project received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program Grant 101001038 (TB-RECONNECT; awarded to IC), from Ministerio de Ciencia (Spanish Government) Project PID2019-104477RB-I00 (awarded to IC), and from Generalitat Valenciana Project AICO/2018/113 (awarded to IC). AMG-M is funded by a Formación deProfesorado Universitario grant programme (FPU19/04562) from Ministerio de Universidades (Spanish Government). IC is also supported by the European Commission–NextGenerationEU, through Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Global Health Platform (PTI Salud Global). We thank all the members of the Valencia RegionTuberculosis Working Group

    Effectiveness of Fosfomycin for the Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli Bacteremic Urinary Tract Infections

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    IMPORTANCE The consumption of broad-spectrum drugs has increased as a consequence of the spread of multidrug-resistant (MDR) Escherichia coli. Finding alternatives for these infections is critical, for which some neglected drugs may be an option. OBJECTIVE To determine whether fosfomycin is noninferior to ceftriaxone or meropenem in the targeted treatment of bacteremic urinary tract infections (bUTIs) due to MDR E coli. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This multicenter, randomized, pragmatic, open clinical trial was conducted at 22 Spanish hospitals from June 2014 to December 2018. Eligible participants were adult patients with bacteremic urinary tract infections due to MDR E coli; 161 of 1578 screened patients were randomized and followed up for 60 days. Data were analyzed in May 2021. INTERVENTIONS Patients were randomized 1 to 1 to receive intravenous fosfomycin disodium at 4 g every 6 hours (70 participants) or a comparator (ceftriaxone or meropenem if resistant; 73 participants) with the option to switch to oral fosfomycin trometamol for the fosfomycin group or an active oral drug or pa renteral ertapenem for the comparator group after 4 days. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome was clinical and microbiological cure (CMC) 5 to 7 days after finalization of treatment; a noninferiority margin of 7% was considered. RESULTS Among 143 patients in the modified intention-to-treat population (median [IQR] age, 72 [62-81] years; 73 [51.0%] women), 48 of 70 patients (68.6%) treated with fosfomycin and 57 of 73 patients (78.1%) treated with comparators reached CMC (risk difference, -9.4 percentage points; 1-sided 95% CI, -21.5 to infinity percentage points; P = .10). While clinical or microbiological failure occurred among 10 patients (14.3%) treated with fosfomycin and 14 patients (19.7%) treated with comparators (risk difference, -5.4 percentage points; 1-sided 95% CI. -infinity to 4.9; percentage points; P = .19), an increased rate of adverse event-related discontinuations occurred with fosfomycin vs comparators (6 discontinuations [8.5%] vs 0 discontinuations; P = .006). In an exploratory analysis among a subset of 38 patients who underwent rectal colonization studies, patients treated with fosfomycin acquired a new ceftriaxone-resistant or meropenem-resistant gram-negative bacteria at a decreased rate compared with patients treated with comparators (0 of 21 patients vs 4 of 17 patients [23.5%]; 1-sided P = .01). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE This study found that fosfomycin did not demonstrate noninferiority to comparators as targeted treatment of bUTI from MDR E coli; this was due to an increased rate of adverse event-related discontinuations. This finding suggests that fosfomycin may be considered for selected patients with these infections