163 research outputs found
Variabilidad de peso vivo: Efectos sobre el rendimiento y la gestión de los cebaderos porcinos
publishedTomo I . Sección: Sistemas Ganaderos-Economía y Gestión. Sesión: Conejos, abejas, peces y cerdos. Ponencia nº 2
Identification of the bHLH Factor Math6 as a Novel Component of the Embryonic Pancreas Transcriptional Network
Background: Basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors play important roles in differentiation processes during embryonic development of vertebrates. In the pancreas, the atonal -related bHLH gene Neurogenin3 (Neurog3) controls endocrine cell fate specification in uncommitted progenitor cells. Therefore, it is likely that Neurog3-regulated factors will have important functions during pancreatic endocrine cell differentiation. The gene for the atonal -related bHLH factor Math6 was recognized as a potential target of Neurog3 in a genomic scale profiling during endocrine differentiation. Herein we have explored the role of Math6 during endocrine pancreas development. Results: We demonstrate that the Math6 gene is a direct target of Neurog3 in vitro and that, during mouse development, Math6 is expressed in both endocrine and exocrine pancreatic precursor cells. We have investigated the role of Math6 in endocrine differentiation by over-expressing this factor in pancreatic duct cells. Math6 possesses intrinsic transcriptional repressor activity and, in contrast to Neurog3 it does not induce the endocrine differentiation program; however, it can modulate some of the pro-endocrine functions of Neurog3 in this system. In addition, we show that Math6 is broadly expressed in mouse embryonic tissues and its expression is induced by tissue-specific bHLH genes other than Neurog3. Furthermore, inactivation of the Math6 gene in the mouse results in early embryonic lethality demonstrating an essential role of this factor in organismal development. Conclusions: These data demonstrate that Math6 is a novel component of the pancreatic transcriptional network during embryonic development and suggest a potential role for Math6 as a modulator of the differentiation program initiated by the pro-endocrine factor Neurog3. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that Math6 is indispensable for early embryonic development and indicate a more widespread function for this factor in tissue-specific differentiation processes that are dependent on class II bHLH genes
Short communication : Preweaning socialization and environmental enrichment affect short-term performance after regrouping in commercially reared pigs
On-farm practices like premature weaning and frequent regrouping induce stress to pigs. Early socialization or environmental enrichment in piglets reduce weaning stress, as suggested in previous studies. Little research with both effects and in commercial settings was found. The aim was to investigate the effects of preweaning socialization and environmental enrichment on life-long performance in 661 Danbred pigs. Two treatments were distinguished during the suckling period: control (CON, 24 litters) and enriched (ENR, 24 litters). Control piglets were raised in barren farrowing pens; ENR piglets were provided with six enrichment objects from birth, and two neighboring litters were socialized from Day (D) 14. Pigs were regrouped on D25 (weaning) and D71 (fattening), while keeping the same treatment. Individual body weight was recorded on D1, 14, 23, 27, 31, 38, 69, 79, and after slaughter (carcass weight, CW). Pigs were slaughtered in six batches. Estimated slaughter weight (ESW) was calculated by CW × 1.25. Body weight, CW, and average daily gain (ADG) were analyzed by linear mixed models. Slaughter age was analyzed by Wilcox Rank-Sum test. Body weight and ESW were adjusted to non-linear models to obtain the predicted growth curves of CON and ENR, from birth to the targeted market weight (TMW, 105 kg). Average daily gain during the suckling, nursery, and fattening periods, and from birth to slaughter, did not differ between treatments. However, ADG of ENR when moving pigs from farrowing to nursery (4-day period) and from nursery to fattening (10-day period), revealed a better performance than CON (+ 20.6 g/day, P = 0.02; + 53 g/day, P = 0.03, respectively). Enriched pigs tended to be slaughtered 2.8 days earlier than CON (P = 0.08). On the other hand, the predicted growth curves showed a non-significant 2-day window of reaching TMW between treatments (P = 0.23). Results suggested that enriching the neonatal environment improved the short-term performance after regrouping, and may benefit the life-long performance by reducing time to reach TMW
The nursing profession has an image stereotyped by society; the vision of the paradigm of the categorization dominating their training. That is the reason why it is interesting to know what the nurses think about their own discipline through the study of the elements of the nursing methaparadigm while comparing whether or not the specialty of the area modifies our perspective. Objective: To analyze and compare the nurse perspective on the elements of the metaparadigm among surgical nurses and medical nurses. Method: Comparative, observational, cross-sectional study. Using a questionnaire of our own elaboration between April - May, 2006. Results: 40 nurses of the surgical area and 61 of the medical area. Age 38±9 in surgery, 34,5±9 in medicine. Years of work experience: 16±11 and 12±8. Henderson Model guided their training. For the most part, they identify themselves with nursing definitions based on Henderson, health based on Erickson, environment based on Roy and Henderson and person founded on Travelbee. Conclusions: The nursing areas studied do not modify the perspective on the elements of the methaparadigm. El descanso nocturno es imprescindible para el bienestar físico y psíquico de toda persona y una inadecuada cobertura de esta necesidad influye negativamente en el paciente y altera su calidad de vida. El insomnio definido como ”una deficiencia persistente en la cantidad del sueño que afecta a la normal actividad y bienestar del individuo” es una queja frecuente entre los pacientes hospitalizados; motivo que justifica la necesidad de una atención especial a este problema. Nos planteamos como objetivos identificar qué factores afectan en el descanso nocturno y saber si el personal de enfermería conoce estos factores. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en las unidades de hematología y oncología durante el mes de marzo de 2008. Para recoger los datos elaboramos una encuesta para los pacientes y otra para el personal de enfermería. El 91% de la muestra respondió que se despertaba durante la noche en el hospital y el 40% lo hace más de tres veces. Los factores que más alteran el descanso del paciente son los factores psicológicos (preocupación por la enfermedad, por la familia y el aburrimiento durante la hospitalización). Como conclusiones destacamos que tanto enfermería como pacientes coinciden en que no se duerme en el hospital. El personal de enfermería demostró tener una buena percepción de las causas principales de insomnio de los pacientes. Ambos han coincidido en cómo los factores psicológicos influyen en el patrón de reposo/sueño. Por ello sería importante que el personal de enfermería dedicara especial atención al manejo de los factores psicológicos a través de distintas técnicas
Generation of a Conditional Allele of the Transcription Factor Atonal Homolog 8 (Atoh8)
Atonal Homolog 8 (Atoh8) is a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor that is highly conserved across species and expressed in multiple tissues during embryogenesis. In the developing pancreas, Atoh8 is expressed in endocrine progenitors but declines in hormone-positive cells, suggesting a role during early stages of the endocrine differentiation program. We previously generated a whole-body Atoh8 knockout but early lethality of null embryos precluded assessment of Atoh8 functions during organ development. Here we report the generation of a conditional Atoh8 knockout mouse strain by insertion of two loxP sites flanking exon 1 of the Atoh8 gene. Pancreas-specific Atoh8 knockout (Atoh8 Δpanc) mice were obtained by mating this strain with a Pdx1-Cre transgenic line. Atoh8 Δpanc mice were born at the expected mendelian ratio and showed normal appearance and fertility. Pancreas weight and gross pancreatic morphology were normal. All pancreatic cell lineages were present, although endocrine δ (somatostatin) cells were modestly augmented in Atoh8 Δpanc as compared to control neonates. This increase did not affect whole-body glucose tolerance in adult knockout animals. Gene expression analysis in embryonic pancreases at the time of the major endocrine differentiation wave revealed modest alterations in several early endocrine differentiation markers. Together, these data argue that Atoh8 modulates activation of the endocrine program but it is not essential for pancreas formation or endocrine differentiation in the mouse. Given the ubiquitous expression pattern of Atoh8, the availability of a mouse strain carrying a conditional allele for this gene warrants further studies using temporally regulated Cre transgenic lines to elucidate time or cell-autonomous functions of Atoh8 during development and in the adult
Descriptive study of production factors affecting performance traits in growing-finishing pgis in Spain.
The objective of this study was to build up a data set including productive performance and production factors data of growing-finishing (GF) pigs in Spain in order to perform a representative and reliable description of the traits of Spanish growing-finishing pig industry. Data from 764 batches from 452 farms belonging to nine companies (1,157,212 pigs) were collected between 2008 and 2010 through a survey including five parts: general, facilities, feeding, health status and performance. Most studied farms had only GF pigs on their facilities (94.7%), produced ‘industrial’ pigs (86.7%), had entire male and female (59.5%) and Pietrain-sired pigs (70.0%), housed between 13-20 pigs per pen (87.2%), had 50% of slatted floor (70%), single-space dry feeder (54.0%), nipple drinker (88.7%) and automatic ventilation systems (71.2%). A 75.0% of the farms used three feeding phases using mainly pelleted diets (91.0%), 61.3% performed three or more antibiotic treatments and 36.5% obtained water from the public supply. Continuous variables studied had the following average values: number of pigs placed per batch, 1,515 pigs; initial and final body weight, 19.0 and 108 kg; length of GF period, 136 days; culling rate, 1.4%; barn occupation, 99.7%; feed intake per pig and fattening cycle, 244 kg; daily gain, 0.657 kg; feed conversion ratio, 2.77 kg kg-1 and mortality rate, 4.3%. Data reflecting the practical situation of the Spanish growing and finishing pig production and it may contribute to develop new strategies in order to improve the productive and economic efficiency of GF pig units
The valproate prescription pattern for female mental healthcare users of reproductive age
Background: Sodium valproate (valproate) that is used both as an anti-epileptic and a mood stabiliser is teratogenic in pregnancy. A Dear Health Care Professional Letter (DHCPL) issued in December 2015 recommended the avoidance of sodium valproate prescription in women of childbearing age (WOCBA) and pregnant women.
Aim: This study aimed to describe the prescription pattern of valproate in female mental healthcare users (MHCUs).
Setting: Regional hospital psychiatry department in King Dinizulu Hospital Complex, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal.
Methods: This was a descriptive, retrospective chart review of female in- and out-patient aged 12–55 years who were receiving a valproate prescription for mental illness between 01 January 2018 and 31 December 2020.
Results: Of the 158 females who received valproate during the study period, 15 (9.5%) had it tapered off while 143 (90.5%) were continued. Only 19% of all the patients had documented counselling regarding valproate, 19 (12%) had documented contraceptive use, and six (3.8%) continued its use at any point during pregnancy. The most frequently prescribed dose range was 800 mg – 1499 mg/day (n = 111, 70.7%) and the most common psychiatric indication was a psychotic disorder.
Conclusion: This study showed that prescription of valproate in female MHCUs still occurs in practice in a referral centre in South Africa despite the guidelines outlining management of those of reproductive age on valproate. The prescription pattern and monitoring of valproate were poorly documented in relation to the guideline.
Contribution: This study highlights the lack of adherence to recommendations regarding the prescription of valproate in WOCBA and the need for improved documentation of the indications, consent and counselling
Efecto del nivel de alimentación en la parte media de la gestación sobre el rendimiento de las cerdas nulíparas
Management factors affecting mortality, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio of grow-finishing pigs
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of animal management and farm facilities on total feed intake (TFI), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and mortality rate (MORT) of grower-finishing pigs. In total, 310 batches from 244 grower-finishing farms, consisting of 454 855 Pietrain sired pigs in six Spanish pig companies were used. Data collection consisted of a survey on management practices (season of placement, split-sex by pens, number of pig origins, water source in the farm, initial or final BW) and facilities (floor, feeder, ventilation or number of animals placed) during 2008 and 2009. Results indicated that batches of pigs placed between January and March had higher TFI (P=0.006), FCR (P=0.005) and MORT (P=0.03) than those placed between July and September. Moreover, batches of pigs placed between April and June had lower MORT (P=0.003) than those placed between January and March. Batches which had split-sex pens had lower TFI (P=0.001) and better FCR (P<0.001) than those with mixed-sex in pens; pigs fed with a single-space feeder with incorporated drinker also had the lowest TFI (P<0.001) and best FCR (P<0.001) in comparison to single and multi-space feeders without a drinker. Pigs placed in pens with <50% slatted floors presented an improvement in FCR (P<0.05) than pens with 50% or more slatted floors. Batches filled with pigs from multiple origins had higher MORT (P<0.001) than those from a single origin. Pigs housed in barns that performed manual ventilation control presented higher MORT (P<0.001) in comparison to automatic ventilation. The regression analysis also indicated that pigs which entered to grower-finisher facilities with higher initial BW had lower MORT (P<0.05) and finally pigs which were sent to slaughterhouse with a higher final BW presented higher TFI (P<0.001). The variables selected for each dependent variable explained 61.9%, 24.8% and 20.4% of the total variability for TFI, FCR and MORT, respectively. This study indicates that farms can increase growth performance and reduce mortality by improving farm facilities and/or modifying management practices
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