11 research outputs found
CAVASS: A Computer-Assisted Visualization and Analysis Software System
The Medical Image Processing Group at the University of Pennsylvania has been developing (and distributing with source code) medical image analysis and visualization software systems for a long period of time. Our most recent system, 3DVIEWNIX, was first released in 1993. Since that time, a number of significant advancements have taken place with regard to computer platforms and operating systems, networking capability, the rise of parallel processing standards, and the development of open-source toolkits. The development of CAVASS by our group is the next generation of 3DVIEWNIX. CAVASS will be freely available and open source, and it is integrated with toolkits such as Insight Toolkit and Visualization Toolkit. CAVASS runs on Windows, Unix, Linux, and Mac but shares a single code base. Rather than requiring expensive multiprocessor systems, it seamlessly provides for parallel processing via inexpensive clusters of work stations for more time-consuming algorithms. Most importantly, CAVASS is directed at the visualization, processing, and analysis of 3-dimensional and higher-dimensional medical imagery, so support for digital imaging and communication in medicine data and the efficient implementation of algorithms is given paramount importance
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Assessing the quality of models of the ambient solar wind
In this paper we present an assessment of the status of models of the global Solar Wind in the inner heliosphere. We limit our discussion to the class of models designed to provide solar wind forecasts, excluding those designed for the purpose of testing physical processes in idealized configurations. In addition, we limit our discussion to modeling of the ‘ambient’ wind in the absence of coronal mass ejections. In this assessment we cover use of the models both in forecast mode and as tools for scientific research. We present a brief history of the development of these models, discussing the range of physical approximations in use. We discuss the limitations of the data inputs available to these models and its impact on their quality. We also discuss current model development trends
Anggit Margaret, C9407031 2011. Profil Wisatawan Museum
Radya Pustaka Surakarta. Program Studi Diploma III Usaha Perjalanan
Wisata Fakultas Sastra Dan Seni Rupa Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.
Penelitian tugas akhir ini mengkaji tentang Profil Wisatawan di
Museum Radya Pustaka Surakarta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengetahui dari daerah mana saja wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Museum
Radya Pustaka, bagaimana ciri-ciri wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Museum
Radya Pustaka serta harapan-harapan yang diinginkan wisatawan terhadap
Museum Radya Pustaka.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data
dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan narasumber wisatawan yang berkujung
di Museum Radya Pustaka Surakarta tempat penulis melakukan penelitian,
serta studi pustaka dan studi dokumen guna menambah sumber data.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Sebagian besar wisatawan
yang datang berasal dari Semarang sebesar 32%. (2) Mayoritas wisatawan
yang berkunjung ke Museum Radya Pustaka berusia antara 17-25 tahun dan
kebanyakan dari mereka adalah pelajar atau mahasiswa dengan prosentase
52%. (3) Sebagian besar wisatawan yang datang ke Museum Radya Pustaka
adalah bertujuan untuk melakukan penelitian yaitu sebesar 34%. (4) Harapan
wisatawan yang berkunjung terhadap kelangsungan Museum Radya Pustaka
sebagian besar adalah agar ditingkatkan lagi pengelolaan dan keamanan
museum, agar kejadian hilangnya benda-benda koleksi museum tidak terulang
lagi dikemudian hari.
Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini bahwa wisatawan yang berkujung
ke Museum Radya Pustaka Surakarta mayoritas berasal dari Semarang,
mayoritas berusia 17-25 tahun dan kebanyakan dari mereka adalah berprofesi
sebagai pelajar dan mahasiswa. Kebanyakan wisatawan yang datang bertujuan
untuk melakukan penelitian, serta harapan wisatawan terhadap Museum
Radya Pustaka adalah supaya lebih ditingkatkan lagi pengelolaan dan
keamanan museum
Sweet-Tasting Ionic Conjugates of Local Anesthetics and Vasoconstrictors
Local anesthetics are widely utilized in dentistry, cosmetology, and medicine. Local anesthesia is essential to providing a pain-free experience during dental and local surgeries as well as cosmetic procedures. However, the injection itself may produce discomfort and be a source of aversion. A novel approach toward the taste modulation of local anesthetics is proposed, in which the anesthetics of the “-caine” family serve as cations and are coupled with anionic sweeteners such as saccharinate and acesulfamate. Ionic conjugates of vasoconstrictor epinephrine such as epinephrine saccharinate and epinephrine acesulfamate have also been synthesized. Novel ionic conjugates were developed using anion exchange techniques. Reported compounds are sweet-tasting and are safe to use both topically and as injections