1,315 research outputs found

    DZ Cha: a bona fide photoevaporating disc

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    DZ Cha is a weak-lined T Tauri star (WTTS) surrounded by a bright protoplanetary disc with evidence of inner disc clearing. Its narrow \Ha line and infrared spectral energy distribution suggest that DZ Cha may be a photoevaporating disc. We aim to analyse the DZ Cha star + disc system to identify the mechanism driving the evolution of this object. We have analysed three epochs of high resolution optical spectroscopy, photometry from the UV up to the sub-mm regime, infrared spectroscopy, and J-band imaging polarimetry observations of DZ Cha. Combining our analysis with previous studies we find no signatures of accretion in the \Ha line profile in nine epochs covering a time baseline of 20\sim20 years. The optical spectra are dominated by chromospheric emission lines, but they also show emission from the forbidden lines [SII] 4068 and [OI] 6300A˚\,\AA that indicate a disc outflow. The polarized images reveal a dust depleted cavity of 7\sim7 au in radius and two spiral-like features, and we derive a disc dust mass limit of M_\mathrm{dust} 80 \MJup) companions are detected down to 0\farcs07 (8\sim 8 au, projected). The negligible accretion rate, small cavity, and forbidden line emission strongly suggests that DZ Cha is currently at the initial stages of disc clearing by photoevaporation. At this point the inner disc has drained and the inner wall of the truncated outer disc is directly exposed to the stellar radiation. We argue that other mechanisms like planet formation or binarity cannot explain the observed properties of DZ Cha. The scarcity of objects like this one is in line with the dispersal timescale (105\lesssim 10^5 yr) predicted by this theory. DZ Cha is therefore an ideal target to study the initial stages of photoevaporation.Comment: A&A in press, language corrections include

    Characterizing HR3549B using SPHERE

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    Aims. In this work, we characterize the low mass companion of the A0 field star HR3549. Methods. We observed HR3549AB in imaging mode with the the NIR branch (IFS and IRDIS) of SPHERE@VLT, with IFS in YJ mode and IRDIS in the H band. We also acquired a medium resolution spectrum with the IRDIS long slit spectroscopy mode. The data were reduced using the dedicated SPHERE GTO pipeline, purposely designed for this instrument. We employed algorithms such as PCA and TLOCI to reduce the speckle noise. Results. The companion was clearly visible both with IRDIS and IFS.We obtained photometry in four different bands as well as the astrometric position for the companion. Based on our astrometry, we confirm that it is a bound object and put constraints on its orbit. Although several uncertainties are still present, we estimate an age of ~100-150 Myr for this system, yielding a most probable mass for the companion of 40-50MJup and T_eff ~300-2400 K. Comparing with template spectra points to a spectral type between M9 and L0 for the companion, commensurate with its position on the color-magnitude diagram.Comment: Accepted by A&A, 13 pages, 10 Figures (Figures 9 and 10 degraded to reduce the dimension

    Exploring dust around HD142527 down to 0.025" / 4au using SPHERE/ZIMPOL

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    We have observed the protoplanetary disk of the well-known young Herbig star HD 142527 using ZIMPOL Polarimetric Differential Imaging with the VBB (Very Broad Band, ~600-900nm) filter. We obtained two datasets in May 2015 and March 2016. Our data allow us to explore dust scattering around the star down to a radius of ~0.025" (~4au). The well-known outer disk is clearly detected, at higher resolution than before, and shows previously unknown sub-structures, including spirals going inwards into the cavity. Close to the star, dust scattering is detected at high signal-to-noise ratio, but it is unclear whether the signal represents the inner disk, which has been linked to the two prominent local minima in the scattering of the outer disk, interpreted as shadows. An interpretation of an inclined inner disk combined with a dust halo is compatible with both our and previous observations, but other arrangements of the dust cannot be ruled out. Dust scattering is also present within the large gap between ~30 and ~140au. The comparison of the two datasets suggests rapid evolution of the inner regions of the disk, potentially driven by the interaction with the close-in M-dwarf companion, around which no polarimetric signal is detected.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Shadows cast on the transition disk of HD 135344B. Multiwavelength VLT/SPHERE polarimetric differential imaging

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    The protoplanetary disk around the F-type star HD 135344B (SAO 206462) is in a transition stage and shows many intriguing structures both in scattered light and thermal (sub-)millimeter emission which are possibly related to planet formation processes. We study the morphology and surface brightness of the disk in scattered light to gain insight into the innermost disk regions, the formation of protoplanets, planet-disk interactions traced in the surface and midplane layers, and the dust grain properties of the disk surface. We have carried out high-contrast polarimetric differential imaging (PDI) observations with VLT/SPHERE and obtained polarized scattered light images with ZIMPOL in R- and I-band and with IRDIS in Y- and J-band. The scattered light images reveal with unprecedented angular resolution and sensitivity the spiral arms as well as the 25 au cavity of the disk. Multiple shadow features are discovered on the outer disk with one shadow only being present during the second observation epoch. A positive surface brightness gradient is observed in the stellar irradiation corrected images in southwest direction possibly due to an azimuthally asymmetric perturbation of the temperature and/or surface density by the passing spiral arms. The disk integrated polarized flux, normalized to the stellar flux, shows a positive trend towards longer wavelengths which we attribute to large aggregate dust grains in the disk surface. Part of the the non-azimuthal polarization signal in the Uphi image of the J-band observation could be the result of multiple scattering in the disk. The detected shadow features and their possible variability have the potential to provide insight into the structure of and processes occurring in the innermost disk regions.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 20 pages, 15 figure

    Variable dynamics in the inner disk of HD 135344B revealed with multi-epoch scattered light imaging

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from American Astronomical Society via the DOI in this record.MB acknowledges funding from ANR of France under contract number ANR-16-CE31-0013 (Planet Forming Disks). SP acknowledges support from CONICYTGemini grant 32130007. SK acknowledges support from an STFC Rutherford fellowship (ST/J004030/1) and an ERC Starting Grant (Grant Agreement No. 639889)

    High-contrast imaging constraints on gas giant planet formation - The Herbig Ae/Be star opportunity

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    Planet formation studies are often focused on solar-type stars, implicitly considering our Sun as reference point. This approach overlooks, however, that Herbig Ae/Be stars are in some sense much better targets to study planet formation processes empirically, with their disks generally being larger, brighter and simply easier to observe across a large wavelength range. In addition, massive gas giant planets have been found on wide orbits around early type stars, triggering the question if these objects did indeed form there and, if so, by what process. In the following I briefly review what we currently know about the occurrence rate of planets around intermediate mass stars, before discussing recent results from Herbig Ae/Be stars in the context of planet formation. The main emphasis is put on spatially resolved polarized light images of potentially planet forming disks and how these images - in combination with other data - can be used to empirically constrain (parts of) the planet formation process. Of particular interest are two objects, HD100546 and HD169142, where, in addition to intriguing morphological structures in the disks, direct observational evidence for (very) young planets has been reported. I conclude with an outlook, what further progress we can expect in the very near future with the next generation of high-contrast imagers at 8-m class telescopes and their synergies with ALMA.Comment: Accepted by Astrophysics and Space Science as invited short review in special issue about Herbig Ae/Be stars; 12 pages incl. 5 figures, 2 tables and reference

    Disk Evolution Study Through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS): Scattered light detection of a possible disk wind in RY Tau

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    Disk winds are an important mechanism for accretion and disk evolution around young stars. The accreting intermediate-mass T-Tauri star RY Tau has an active jet and a previously known disk wind. Archival optical and new near-infrared observations of the RY Tau system show two horn-like components stretching out as a cone from RY Tau. Scattered light from the disk around RY Tau is visible in near-infrared but not seen at optical wavelengths. In the near-infrared, dark wedges that separates the horns from the disk, indicating we may see the scattered light from a disk wind. We use archived ALMA and SPHERE/ZIMPOL I-band observations combined with newly acquired SPEHRE/IRDIS H-band observations and available literature to build a simple geometric model of the RY Tau disk and disk wind. We use Monte Carlo radiative transfer modelling \textit{MCMax3D} to create comparable synthetic observations that test the effect of a dusty wind on the optical effect in the observations. We constrain the grain size and dust mass needed in the disk wind to reproduce the effect from the observations. A model geometrically reminiscent of a dusty disk wind with small micron to sub-micron size grains elevated above the disk can reproduce the optical effect seen in the observations. The mass in the obscuring component of the wind has been constrained to 1×109MM5×108M1\times10^{-9} M_{\odot} \leq M \leq 5\times10^{-8} M_{\odot} which corresponds to a lower limit mass loss rate in the wind of about 1×108Myr1\sim 1\times10^{-8}M_{\odot}\mathrm{yr}^{-1}. While an illuminate dust cavity cannot be ruled out without measurements of the gas velocity, we argue that a magnetically launched disk wind is the most likely scenario.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure