11 research outputs found

    Struktur Organisasi Kelembagaan Penanaman Modal di Kota Bandung

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    In Act No. 23 of 2014 on Regional Government, where there mention of the obligatory functions and affairs of choice, where one obligatory This is an investment, then in Government Regulation No. 38 Year 2007 on the dealings between the central government, provincial government and district / city government, a local government authority is in the field of investment, government Bandung, capital investment is obligatory and one local government authority is placed in the structure organization Bappeda Bandung is in the Investment Sector, is of course contrary to the Law No. 23 Year 2014 and Government Regulation No. 38 of 2007. This paper provides the organizational structure of institu-tional investment in the city of Bandung.Dalam Undang-Undang Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah dise-butkan mengenai urusan wajib dan urusan pilihan, dimana salah satu urusan wajib ini adalah pena-naman modal, kemudian dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 38 Tahun 2007 tentang Pembagian urusan antara pemerintah pusat, pemerintah provinsi, dan pemerintah kabupaten/kota, salah satu kewenangan pemerintah daerah adalah dalam bidang penanaman modal, di pemerintahan Kota Bandung, penanaman modal yang merupakan urusan wajib dan salah satu kewenangan pemerintah daerah ditempatkan dalam struktur organisasi Bappeda Kota Bandung yaitu pada Bidang Pena-naman Modal, ini tentu saja berseberangan dengan UU No. 32 Tahun 2004/UU No. 23 Tahun 2014 dan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 38 Tahun 2007. Artikel ini berisi tentang struktur organisasi kelem-bagaan penanaman modal di Kota Bandung

    Strategi Pengembangan Investasi di Sekitar Pelabuhan Perikanan Tipe B di Jawa Barat

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    Jawa Barat memiliki dua Pelabuhan Perikanan Tipe B yaitu Pelabuhan Perikanan Kejawanan (Cirebon) dan Pelabuhan Perikanan Pelabuhan Ratu (Sukabumi). Saat ini kondisi investasi di sekitar pelabuhan belum mengoptimalkan seluruh potensi yang ada sehingga diperlukan upaya-upaya pengembangan investasi di pelabuhan tersebut. Penelitian bertujuan: 1) mengidentifikasi keragaan infrastruktur, ekonomi, kebijakan investasi dan potensi sumberdaya investasi di sekitar Pelabuhan Perikanan Tipe B di Jawa Barat; 2) mrumuskan strategi dan kebijakan pengembangan investasi di sekitar Pelabuhan Perikanan Tipe B. Kajian dilaksanakan Bulan Maret-November Tahun 2011, di Pelabuhan Ratu (Kabupaten Sukabumi) dan Pelabuhan Perikanan Kejawanan (Kota Cirebon). Data sekunder dikumpulkan dari instansi terkait, dan data primer dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal), Fokus Group Discussion (FGD), serta survey wawancara dengan pengelola pelabuhan. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif, dan analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat). Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa investasi di sekitar pelabuhan lebih berkembang di Pelabuhan Ratu dibanding dengan PPN Kejawanan. Kondisi ini tidak terlepas dari perbedaan jarak ke permukiman penduduk dan sejarah pembentukan pelabuhan. Pelabuhan Ratu lebih dekat ke permukiman dan merupakan pengembangan dari pelabuhan yang sudah ada sejak dulu sehingga para nelayan secara budaya sudah terbiasa berlabuh di pelabuhan tersebut, sedangkan pelabuhan Kejawanan relatif baru dan relatif jauh dari pemukiman, sementara nelayan cenderung lebih suka berlabuh pada pelabuhan yang lebih dekat dengan permukiman mereka. Ada beberapa strategi yang dapat dirumuskan untuk pengembangan investasi di sekitar Kejawanan dan Pelabuhan Ratu antara lain : (1) Pengembangan penanaman modal secara terpadu dan terintegrasi dalam bentuk pendekatan bidang USAha unggulan; (2) Pengembangan iklim USAha yang kondusif; (3) Investasi pemerintah untuk perbaikan infrastruktur di zona industri, pariwisata dan pertanian; (4) Optimalisasi fungsi BPPM dalam proses pengembangan penanaman modal (perencanaan-evaluasi); (5) Pengembangan promosi dan teknologi informasi; (6) Pelatihan petugas dan tenaga kerja secara berkala

    Teachers’ Encounter of Online Learning: Challenges and Support System

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    The pandemic of COVID-19 situation has converted the teaching and learning process from face-to-face interaction in the classroom into virtual classroom environment. This condition caused challenges for many parties, including teachers as the main agent in the classroom. This study is intended to find out the teachers’ barriers and supports in conducting online learning. A descriptive qualitative method design through an open-ended questionnaire was chosen. Interview were also used to triangulate the data. Twenty-one teachers from sub-urban areas in Cimahi and Bandung were selected as the participants. The findings revealed three issues becoming teachers' challenges, namely, technology, course content, and students. In the first issue, the classic problem of online learning occurred, which was internet connectivity. The second problem was that the teachers had obstacles in making adjustments to design, deliver, and follow-up the material. Then the last issue was the students’ participation as well as technological access. Regarding the supports, the teachers had gained back up from the government, school, and parent in conducting online learning. Furthermore, this study recommended three optional solutions to help the teacher facing their barriers in virtual teaching, in terms of students’ participation in online learning, learning materials, and facilities in supporting the learning activities


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    Jawa Barat memiliki dua Pelabuhan Perikanan Tipe B yaitu Pelabuhan Perikanan Kejawanan (Cirebon) dan Pelabuhan Perikanan Pelabuhan Ratu (Sukabumi). Saat ini kondisi investasi di sekitar pelabuhan belum mengoptimalkan seluruh potensi yang ada sehingga diperlukan upaya-upaya pengembangan investasi di pelabuhan tersebut. Penelitian bertujuan: 1) mengidentifikasi keragaan infrastruktur, ekonomi, kebijakan investasi dan potensi sumberdaya investasi di sekitar Pelabuhan Perikanan Tipe B di Jawa Barat; 2) mrumuskan strategi dan kebijakan pengembangan investasi di sekitar Pelabuhan Perikanan Tipe B. Kajian dilaksanakan Bulan Maret-November Tahun 2011, di Pelabuhan Ratu (Kabupaten Sukabumi) dan Pelabuhan Perikanan Kejawanan (Kota Cirebon). Data sekunder dikumpulkan dari instansi terkait, dan data primer dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal), Fokus Group Discussion (FGD), serta survey wawancara dengan pengelola pelabuhan. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif, dan analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat). Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa investasi di sekitar pelabuhan lebih berkembang di Pelabuhan Ratu dibanding dengan PPN Kejawanan. Kondisi ini tidak terlepas dari perbedaan jarak ke permukiman penduduk dan sejarah pembentukan pelabuhan. Pelabuhan Ratu lebih dekat ke permukiman dan merupakan pengembangan dari pelabuhan yang sudah ada sejak dulu sehingga para nelayan secara budaya sudah terbiasa berlabuh di pelabuhan tersebut, sedangkan pelabuhan Kejawanan relatif baru dan relatif jauh dari pemukiman, sementara nelayan cenderung lebih suka berlabuh pada pelabuhan yang lebih dekat dengan permukiman mereka. Ada beberapa strategi yang dapat dirumuskan untuk pengembangan investasi di sekitar Kejawanan dan Pelabuhan Ratu antara lain : (1) Pengembangan penanaman modal secara terpadu dan terintegrasi dalam bentuk pendekatan bidang usaha unggulan; (2) Pengembangan iklim usaha yang kondusif; (3) Investasi pemerintah untuk perbaikan infrastruktur di zona industri, pariwisata dan pertanian; (4) Optimalisasi fungsi BPPM dalam proses pengembangan penanaman modal (perencanaan-evaluasi); (5) Pengembangan promosi dan teknologi informasi; (6) Pelatihan petugas dan tenaga kerja secara berkala

    Drug Allergy Clinical Characteristics in Pediatrics

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    Background: A drug allergy causes a morbidity and a mortality due to its various range of clinical manifestation. Unfortunately, a study  focusing in pediatric drug allergy is insufficient, especially in Bandung. Thus, this study is conducted to determine the clinical characteristic of pediatric drug allergy in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung.Methods: This study was a retrospective descriptive study using medical records of pediatric drug allergy patients between 2010–2015 in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung taken with total sampling method. The variables were patient age, gender, causative drug, and clinical manifestation. Clinical manifestation was then divided into exanthem, urticaria, erythema multiforme, Steven-Johnson’s syndrome/toxic epidemiolytic necrosis (SJS/TEN), and fixed drug eruption (FDE). Results: Out of 101 patients, only 71 were included in the study due to incomplete medical records of the rest. There were 34 (47.89%) males and 37 (52.11%) females. Patients’ age ranged from 1–18 years old with the mean of 7.4 years old. The most common clinical manifestation was SJS/TEN with 25 (35.21%) patients, followed by exanthem with 22 (30.98%) patients. The most common suspected causative drug was non-steriodal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAID) (24%), followed with penicillin (21%).Conclusions: Most common manifestation of pediatric drug allergy in female is SJS/TEN, meanwhile in male is exanthema. Steven-Johnson’s syndrome/toxic epidemiolytic necrosis mostly occurs at the age group of 12–18 years old, and exanthema at the age group of 0–3 years old. This condition is mostly caused by NSAID and penicillin.DOI: 10.15850/amj.v4n2.109

    The role of knowledge management and sharing in cooperatives practices toward National Economic Recovery in the COVID-19 pandemic era

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    The National Economic Recovery (NER) Program is one of the responses initiated by the government in Indonesia's economic recovery due to the impact of COVID-19, the target is to reduce the activities of affected communities, including cooperatives. One of the priority aspects for the program to run well and smoothly is the role of institutions in knowledge management and process sharing. This paper examines the role of knowledge management and sharing in cooperatives with qualitative limitations at the knowledge process level, knowledge design level, strategic interaction level, social participation level, academic and scientific ecosystem level, and network and partnership level. A qualitative description becomes a research method with secondary data in the form of a comparison of cooperatives in 2019–2021 as a representation before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 secondary data for 20 months from April 2020 to September 2022 in Indonesia dynamically also support sharpening the analysis. The source of cooperative data is from the publications of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, while the source of COVID-19 data comes from the publication of the COVID-19 Task Force. The analysis is carried out by building qualitative aspects into quantitative ones that can be formulated in the form of cooperative applications. The result is that the application of the knowledge process level, knowledge design level, strategic interaction level, social participation level, academic and scientific ecosystem level, and network and partnership level can improve decision-making, capture, share, and measure institutional knowledge for the success of the NER Program


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kota Tasikmalaya dimana masih ditemukan adanya kelemahan sistem pengendalian Intern oleh Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) tahun 2010 - 2014.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi dan profesionalisme terhadap kualitas audit aparat inspektorat. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan total sampling karena pertimbangan tertentu dalam pengambilan sampel. Data penelitian ini meliputi data primer yang diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada 48 orang responden di Inspektorat Kota Tasikmalaya. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh dari motivasi dan profesionalisme terhadap kualitas audit sebesar 43%. Berdasarkan penelitian ini disarankan agar motivasi aparat Inspektorat Kota Tasikmalaya lebih di optimalkan lagi agar dapat meningkatan kualitas audit yang ada di Inspektorat Tasikmalaya

    The decreased of Streptococcus Mutans growth after topical application of phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate paste

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    Casein Phosphopeptide-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (CPP-ACP) paste is a topical application substance that consisted of a series of milk derivative peptide as a result of phosphorylation and has an antibacterial activity. The objective of this research was to find out the difference of Streptococcus mutans growth before and after CPP-ACP paste given topically to child's teeth. The method of the research was a quasi-experiment. Research samples were 10 students of MI Al Falah Islamic Boarding School, Jatinangor, West Jawa Indonesia and collected with purposive sampling technique. This research used dental plaque from child's teeth before and after applicated by CPP-ACP paste. The plaque was cultivated in selective media Tryptone Yeast Cysteine Sucrose Bacitracin (TYCSB) with repeated twice. Streptococcus mutans colony in TYCSB were counted by Stuart colony counter and statistically analyzed based on paired t-test. The results showed the average of Streptococcus mutans growth before applicated CPP-ACP paste was 57.05, whereas after applicated CPP-ACP paste for 1 days was 9.4; for 3 days was 2.85, and for 14 days was 1.7 colony. The research concluded that there was a decrease of Streptococcus mutans growth in isolate plaque after CPP-ACP paste topically given to child's teeth

    Traditional Subsistence Farming of Smallholder Agroforestry Systems in Indonesia: A Review

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    Agroforestry has been practiced for decades and is undoubtedly an important source of income for Indonesian households living near forests. However, there are still many cases of poverty among farmers due to a lack of ability to adopt advanced technology. This literature review aims to identify the characteristics and factors causing the occurrence of agricultural subsistence and analyze its implications for the level of farmer welfare and the regional forestry industry. The literature analysis conducted reveals that small land tenure, low literacy rates, and lack of forest maintenance are the main causes of the subsistence of small agroforestry farmers. Another reason is that subsistence-oriented agroforestry practices are considered a strong form of smallholder resilience. All of these limitations have implications for low land productivity and high-sawn timber waste from community forests. To reduce the subsistence level of farmers, government intervention is needed, especially in providing managerial assistance packages, capital assistance, and the marketing of forest products. Various agroforestry technologies are available but have not been implemented consistently by farmers. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an integrated collaboration between researchers, farmers, and regionally owned enterprises (BUMD) to increase access to technology and markets. Although it is still difficult to realize, forest services, such as upstream–downstream compensation and carbon capture, have the potential to increase farmer income. © 2022 by the authors

    Traditional Subsistence Farming of Smallholder Agroforestry Systems in Indonesia: A Review

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    Agroforestry has been practiced for decades and is undoubtedly an important source of income for Indonesian households living near forests. However, there are still many cases of poverty among farmers due to a lack of ability to adopt advanced technology. This literature review aims to identify the characteristics and factors causing the occurrence of agricultural subsistence and analyze its implications for the level of farmer welfare and the regional forestry industry. The literature analysis conducted reveals that small land tenure, low literacy rates, and lack of forest maintenance are the main causes of the subsistence of small agroforestry farmers. Another reason is that subsistence-oriented agroforestry practices are considered a strong form of smallholder resilience. All of these limitations have implications for low land productivity and high-sawn timber waste from community forests. To reduce the subsistence level of farmers, government intervention is needed, especially in providing managerial assistance packages, capital assistance, and the marketing of forest products. Various agroforestry technologies are available but have not been implemented consistently by farmers. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an integrated collaboration between researchers, farmers, and regionally owned enterprises (BUMD) to increase access to technology and markets. Although it is still difficult to realize, forest services, such as upstream–downstream compensation and carbon capture, have the potential to increase farmer income