286 research outputs found

    Noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation modulates spatial memory in young healthy adults

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    So far, so good… Similar fitness consequences and overall energetic costs for short and long-distance migrants in a seabird

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    Although there is a consensus about the evolutionary drivers of animal migration, considerable work is necessary to identify the mechanisms that underlie the great variety of strategies observed in nature. The study of differential migration offers unique opportunities to identify such mechanisms and allows comparisons of the costs and benefits of migration. The purpose of this study was to compare the characteristics of short and long-distance migrations, and fitness consequences, in a long-lived seabird species. We combined demographic monitoring (survival, phenology, hatching success) of 58 Northern Gannets (Morus bassanus) breeding on Bonaventure Island (Canada) and biologging technology (Global Location Sensor or GLS loggers) to estimate activity and energy budgets during the non-breeding period for three different migration strategies: to the Gulf of Mexico (GM), southeast (SE) or northeast (NE) Atlantic coast of the U.S. Survival, timing of arrival at the colony and hatching success are similar for short (NE, SE) and long-distance (GM) migrants. Despite similar fitness consequences, we found, as expected, that the overall energetic cost of migration is higher for long-distance migrants, although the daily cost during migration was similar between strategies. In contrast, daily maintenance and thermoregulation costs were lower for GM migrants in winter, where sea-surface temperature of the GM is 4-7o C warmer than SE and NE. In addition, GM migrants tend to fly 30 min less per day in their wintering area than other migrants. Considering lower foraging effort and lower thermoregulation costs during winter for long-distance migrants, this suggests that the energetic benefits during the winter of foraging in the GM outweigh any negative consequences of the longer-distance migration. These results support the notion that the costs and benefits of short and long-distance migration is broadly equal on an annual basis, i.e. there are no apparent carry-over effects in this long-lived bird species, probably because of the favourable conditions in the furthest wintering area

    Why and How Physical Activity Promotes Experience-Induced Brain Plasticity

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    Adult hippocampal neurogenesis is an unusual case of brain plasticity, since new neurons (and not just neurites and synapses) are added to the network in an activity-dependent way. At the behavioral level the plasticity-inducing stimuli include both physical and cognitive activity. In reductionistic animal studies these types of activity can be studied separately in paradigms like voluntary wheel running and environmental enrichment. In both of these, adult neurogenesis is increased but the net effect is primarily due to different mechanisms at the cellular level. Locomotion appears to stimulate the precursor cells, from which adult neurogenesis originates, to increased proliferation and maintenance over time, whereas environmental enrichment, as well as learning, predominantly promotes survival of immature neurons, that is the progeny of the proliferating precursor cells. Surprisingly, these effects are additive: boosting the potential for adult neurogenesis by physical activity increases the recruitment of cells following cognitive stimulation in an enriched environment. Why is that? We argue that locomotion actually serves as an intrinsic feedback mechanism, signaling to the brain, including its neural precursor cells, increasing the likelihood of cognitive challenges. In the wild (other than in front of a TV), no separation of physical and cognitive activity occurs. Physical activity might thus be much more than a generally healthy garnish to leading “an active life” but an evolutionarily fundamental aspect of “activity,” which is needed to provide the brain and its systems of plastic adaptation with the appropriate regulatory input and feedback

    Marked changes in megafauna composition of the North Sea require multidisciplinary collabrations: an historical overview

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    Checklist of works in the exhibition "Robert Rauschenberg Prints: Selections from Dallas and Fort Worth Collections," December 21, 1986-March 15, 1987 held at the Dallas Museum of Art

    How does a generalist seabird species use its marine habitat? The case of the kelp gull in a coastal upwelling area of the Humboldt Current

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    Indexación:Scopus.The distribution of kelp gulls (Larus dominicanus) was studied by ship-based transect counts in the SE Pacific Ocean off Chile, South America. Some 96-98% of the kelp gulls were in a band less than 20 km from the coast, mainly near the breeding colony on Pájaros Island and the City of Coquimbo. Abundance did not change significantly among years, but was influenced significantly by distance to land. Principal component analysis yielded two components that jointly explain 53% of the standardized variance. The first (explaining 36% of the variance) includes distance to the nearest coast and water depth, the second (17%) associates with the presence of fishing vessels. The results suggest that the stability of the summer distribution of kelp gulls is generated by the large and semi-permanent offer of food at fish markets and city sewage works, as well as the location of the breeding colonies. Further analysis on other temporal scales (seasonal, decadal) associated with reproductive or non-reproductive changes within the population and/or ENSO cycles will be necessary to confirm the multiscale stability of the pattern described. © 2007 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Published by Oxford Journals. All rights reserved.https://academic-oup-com.recursosbiblioteca.unab.cl/icesjms/article/64/7/1348/72823

    AP2Îł: a new player on adult hippocampal neurogenesis regulation

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    Since the recognition that the mammalian brain retains the ability to generate newborn neurons with functional relevance throughout life, the matrix of molecular regulators that govern adult neurogenesis has been the focus of much interest. In a recent study published in Molecular Psychiatry, we demonstrate Activating Protein 2Îł (AP2Îł), a transcription factor previously implicated in cell fate determination in the developing cortex, as a novel player in the regulation of glutamatergic neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus. Using distinct experimental approaches, we showed that AP2Îł is specifically present in a subpopulation of transient amplifying progenitors, where it acts as a crucial promoter of proliferation and differentiation of adult-born glutamatergic granule neurons. Strikingly, deficiency of AP2Îł in the adult brain compromises the generation of new glutamatergic neurons, with impact on the function of cortico-limbic circuits. Here, we share our view on how AP2Îł integrates the transcriptional orchestration of glutamatergic neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus, and consequently, how it emerges as a novel molecular candidate to study the translation of environmental pressures into alterations of brain neuroplasticity in homeostatic, but also in neuropathological contexts.Bial Foundation (427/14); Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020); European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) (projects NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013 e NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000023); Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The impact of fishing of marine birds

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    Birds are the most conspicuous, wide-ranging, and easily studied organisms in the marine environment. They can be both predators and scavengers, and they can be harmed by and can benefit from fishing activities. The effects of fishing on birds may be direct or indirect. Most direct effects involve killing by fishing gear, although on a lesser scale some fishing activities also disturb birds. Net fisheries and hook fisheries have both had serious negative effects at the population level. Currently, a major negative impact comes from the by-catch of albatrosses and petrels in long-lines in the North Pacific and in the Southern Ocean. High seas drift nets have had, prior to the banning of their use, a considerable impact on seabirds in the northern Pacific, as have gillnets in south-west Greenland, eastern Canada, and elsewhere. Indirect effects mostly work through the alteration in food supplies. Many activities increase the food supply by providing large quantities of discarded fish and wastes, particularly those from large, demersal species that are inaccessible to seabirds, from fishing vessels to scavengers. Also, fishing has changed the structure of marine communities. Fishing activities have led to depletion of some fish species fed upon by seabirds, but may also lead to an increase in small fish prey by reducing numbers of larger fish that may compete with birds. Both direct and indirect effects are likely to have operated at the global population level on some species. Proving the scale of fisheries effects can be difficult because of confounding and interacting combinations with other anthropogenic effects (pollution, hunting, disturbance) and oceanographic factors. Effects of aquaculture have not been included in the revie

    Comparison of methods for a landscape-scale assessment of the cultural ecosystem services associated with different habitats

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    Cultural ecosystem services (CES) are widely acknowledged as important but are often neglected by ecosystem service assessments, leading to a representational bias. This reflects the methodological challenges associated with producing robust and repeatable CES valuations. Here we provide a comparative analysis of three approaches for non-monetary valuation of CES, namely a structured survey, participatory GIS (PGIS) and GPS tracking methods. These were used to assess both recreation and aesthetic value of habitats within the New Forest National Park, UK. The association of CES with habitats enabled results of all three methods to be visualised at the landscape scale using maps, strengthening their value to conservation management. Broadleaved woodland and heathland habitats were consistently valued highly for both CES, whereas agricultural land tended to be associated with low values. Results obtained by the different methods were positively correlated in 6 out of 10 comparisons, indicating a degree of consistency between them. The spatial distribution of CES values at the landscape scale was also generally consistent between the three methods. These results highlight the value of comparative analyses of CES for identifying robust results, providing a way forward for their inclusion in land management decision-making

    Tracking long-distance migration to assess marine pollution impact

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    Animal tracking provides new means to assess far-reaching environmental impacts. In the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, a long-distance migrant, the northern gannet (Morus bassanus) suffered the highest oiling among beach-wrecked birds recovered. Analysis of bird-borne tracking data indicated that 25 per cent of their North American population from multiple colonies in eastern Canada migrated to the pollution zone. Findings contrasted sharply with available mark-recapture (band recovery) data. The timing of movement into and out of the Gulf indicates that immature birds would have absorbed most oil-induced mortality. Consequently, one of two outcomes is likely: either a lagged (likely difficult to assess) population decrease, or an undetectable population response buffered by age-related life-history adaptations. Tracking research is especially useful when little information on animal distributions in pollution zones is available, as is the case in the Gulf of Mexico. Ongoing research highlights current risks and conservation concerns
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