52 research outputs found


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi a determinação dos compostos fenólicos relacionados com a cor e com o sabor residual dos pedúnculos de clones de cajueiro anão precoce. As antocianinas e os taninos foram determinados por cromatografia em papel e, para identificação de lipídios fenólicos desenvolveuse metodologia simples e eficiente, utilizando cromatografia em camada delgada. As antocianidinas foram os principais flavonóides encontrados nas películas dos pedúnculos de caju. Dentre estes, a delfinidina foi encontrada em todos os clones, enquanto que a pelargonidina mostrouse intensa nos clones EMBRAPA 51 (vermelho) e CP 76 (avermelhado), não tendo sido encontrada no clone CP 06 (amarelo). A quercetina foi o único flavonol identificado, produzindo manchas intensas nos cromatogramas do clone CP 76. Nos sucos integrais foi encontrado um tanino condensado, associado ao sabor adstringente. No extrato etéreo dos mesmos sucos foi encontrado o ácido anacárdico, associado ao sabor residual, que permanece no suco mesmo após clarificação com gelatina. Abstract The objective of this research was the determination of phenolic compounds associated with color and residual taste in cashew apples through simple and accessible techniques. Anthocyanidins were the most abundant flavonoids found in cashewapple peels by paper chromatography. Delphinidin was found in all the clones, whereas pelargonidin was intense in EMBRAPA 51 (red) and CP 76 (reddish), and was not found in CP 06 (yellow). Only quercetin was identified as flavonol, producing intense spots in the chromatogram of clone CP 76. In all juices, condensed tannins associated with astringency were found. In ether extract of the same juices, the anacardic acid was detected, which may be associated to the residual taste, that remains in the juice even after clarification with gelatin

    Composição química volátil, em diferentes estádios de maturação, de manga 'Tommy Atkins' produzida no Vale do São Francisco

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    The effect of the maturation stages on the volatile chemical composition of mango fruit cv. Tommy Atkins, cultivated in São Francisco Valley, was investigated using SPME. GC/MS and GC-FID analysis allowed the identification of 32 compounds, consisting mainly of monoterpenes. δ-3-Carene was the major component in all the stages, while α-terpinolene, trans-β-caryophyllene e α-pinene succeded each other as the second most abundant constituent, during the ripening. The aroma of the ripe fruit was characterized by presence of short-chain ethyl esters (C2-C6), whereas the green mango contained the highest concentration of δ-3-carene. Furthermore, some terpenes were detected exclusively at one of the stages

    Desempenho de genótipos de bananeira com resistência à sigatoka-negra no Nordeste brasileiro

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth and the production of banana plants with resistance to black leaf streak disease (BLSD), in comparison with the performance of traditional cultivars susceptible to the disease. Twenty cultivars were planted at the Jaguaribe-Apodi plateau, in Northeastern Brazil: 15 with resistance to BLSD, namely Pacovan Ken, PV42-68, BRS Vitória, BRS Japira, BRS Preciosa, BRS Garantida, Thap Maeo, BRS Tropical, BRS Platina, BRS Maravilha, FHIA 02, FHIA 18, Galil 18, Caipira, and Buccaneer; and five susceptible to the disease, namely Williams, Grande Naine, Pacovan, Prata Anã, and Maçã. Banana growth and production of bunches were evaluated during three successive cycles. 'BRS Tropical' and 'Caipira' can replace 'Maçã', which is very susceptible to Fusarium wilt. The BRS Maravilha, BRS Platina, FHIA 02, FHIA 18, and Galil 18 cultivars show adequate height and high yield potential, being alternatives to the traditional Prata subgroup. The Buccaneer cultivar is an alternative to the susceptible cultivars of the Cavendish subgroup and can be explored in an irrigated agrosystem.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento e a produção de bananeiras com resistência à sigatoka-negra, em comparação ao desempenho de cultivares tradicionais suscetíveis à doença. Vinte cultivares foram plantadas no planalto Jaguaribe-Apodi, no Nordeste do Brasil: 15 com resistência à sigatoka-negra, a saber, Pacovan Ken, PV42-68, BRS Vitória, BRS Japira, BRS Preciosa, BRS Garantida, Thap Maeo, BRS Tropical, BRS Platina, BRS Maravilha, FHIA 02, FHIA 18, Galil 18, Caipira e Buccaneer; e cinco suscetíveis à doença, a saber, Williams, Grande Naine, Pacovan, Prata Anã e Maçã. O crescimento e a produção de cachos das bananeiras foram avaliados durante três ciclos sucessivos. 'BRS Tropical' e 'Caipira' podem substituir 'Maçã', que é bastante suscetível à murcha de Fusarium. As cultivares BRS Maravilha, BRS Platina, FHIA 02, FHIA 18 e Galil 18 apresentam porte adequado e alto potencial de rendimento, sendo alternativas ao tradicional subgrupo Prata. Já a cultivar Buccaneer é alternativa às cultivares suscetíveis do subgrupo Cavendish e pode ser explorada em agrossistema irrigado

    Snacks em barra à base de batata doce, com alegação de propriedades nutricionais: desenvolvimento, caracterização nutricional e sensorial

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    The demand for foods with nutritional claims has increased lately, with cereal bars gaining ground in the market. Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea potatoes Lam) are a food with high energy value, a source of carbohydrates, considered an excellent food option for those who exercise. In this work, the objective was to develop and characterize nutritionally and sensorially snack bars based on sweet potato. Sweet potatoes (var. Jerimum and var. Real) and snacks (SB Jerimum and SB Real) were evaluated for their proximate composition, total dietary fiber content – FDT, soluble fiber – FDS, insoluble fiber – FDI and carotenoids totals; texture and sensorial (global acceptance and the attributes appearance, color, flavor and texture; diagnosis of attributes (sweet potato flavor, sweet taste, crunchiness, firmness/hardness, juiciness and stickiness; and purchase intention. Jerimum sweet potatoes and Real differed from each other in terms of nutritional composition, with emphasis on the Jerimum variety, which presented higher levels of FDT (3.21%), FDS (1.50%) and carotenoids (13.95 mg.100-1), which also reflected in higher concentrations of these nutrients in SB Jerimum snacks. However, the protein content (6.13%) and FDI (31%) were higher in SB Real. The sensory acceptance range for the attributes was “I liked it a little ” on the hedonic scale. Sweet potatoes of the Jerimum and Real varieties are excellent raw material options for developing products with nutritional claim, with a high content of carotenoids, dietary fiber and attractive sensory acceptability.A demanda por alimentos com alegações nutricionais tem aumentado ultimamente, sendo  as barras de cereais produtos que vêm ganhando espaço no mercado. A batata-doce (Ipomoea batatas Lam) é um alimento de alto valor energético, fonte de carboidrato, considerada uma excelente opção de alimento para praticantes de exercício físico. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se desenvolver e caracterizar  nutricionalmente e sensorialmente snacks em barra à base de  batata-doce. As batatas-doces (var. Jerimum e var. Real) e os snacks (SB Jerimum e SB  Real) foram avaliados quanto à sua composição centesimal, teores de fibra dietética total – FDT, fibra solúvel – FDS, fibra  insolúvel – FDI e carotenoides totais; textura instrumental e análise sensorial (aceitação global e dos atributos  aparência, cor, sabor e textura; diagnóstico dos atributos sabor de batata-doce, gosto  doce, crocância, firmeza, suculência e adesividade; e intenção de compra) . As  batatas-doces Jerimum e Real diferiram entre si quanto à composição nutricional, com  destaque para a var. Jerimum que apresentou maiores teores de FDT (3,21%), FDS  (1,50%) e carotenoides (13,95 mg.100-1), o que também refletiu em maiores concentrações desses nutrientes no snacks SB Jerimum. No entanto, o teor de proteínas (6,13%) e FDI  (31%) foram maiores na SB Real. A faixa de aceitação sensorial para os atributos foi de  “gostei pouco” na escala hedônica. As batatas-doces das variedades Jerimum  e Real são ótimas opções de matéria-prima para desenvolvimento de produtos com alegação nutricional, com rico teor de carotenoides, fibras dietéticas e atrativa aceitabilidade sensorial

    Perfil sensorial de misturas de café com leite em pó e sua aceitabilidade e preferência na Região Nordeste

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    Coffee is a product of great importance in the global economy and new drinks have been developed based on its beans to please more and more the taste of consumers. This work aimed to evaluate the sensory profile of five commercial brands of coffee and milk powder and its acceptability and preference in the Northeast region of Brazil. Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA), ranking preference test and overall acceptance test (hedonic scale) were applied. The samples showed distinct sensory profile and acceptability, with the descriptors “color of the powder”, “color of the beverage”, “coffee odor”, “coffee flavor” and “sweetness” the most important to differentiate samples. However, it was not possible to establish the preference drivers, as samples with similar sensory profiles presented opposite acceptability, that is, while one is most preferred; the other was the least preferred. This may indicate that there are attributes which have not been measured and which may be responsible for the preference. Thus, it is recommended that, in a later QDA study, the descriptors for coffee flavor and their specific notes should be more detailed.O café é um produto de grande importância na economia mundial e novas bebidas têm sido desenvolvidas à base do grão para agradar cada vez mais o paladar dos consumidores. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar o perfil sensorial de cinco marcas comerciais de misturas de café com leite em pó e sua aceitabilidade e preferência na região Nordeste. Para tanto, foram aplicados a Análise Descritiva Quantitativa (ADQ) e testes afetivos de ordenação-preferência e aceitação global (escala hedônica), respectivamente. As amostras apresentaram perfil sensorial e aceitabilidade distintos, sendo os descritores “cor da mistura em pó”, “cor da bebida”, “odor de café”, “sabor de café” e “doçura” os mais relevantes para diferenciar as amostras. No entanto, não foi possível estabelecer os condutores de preferência, pois amostras de perfil sensorial semelhante apresentaram aceitabilidades opostas, ou seja, enquanto uma foi a preferida, a outra foi a menos preferida, enquanto amostras com mesmo nível de aceitação apresentaram perfis diferentes. Isso pode indicar que existem atributos que não foram medidos e que podem ser responsáveis pela preferência. Dessa forma, recomenda-se que, em um estudo posterior de ADQ, os descritores de sabor de café e suas notas específicas sejam mais detalhados

    Acceptance of banana cultivars resistant to Black Sigatoka by the consumer market of Northeast Brazilian region

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    The Black Sigatoka Disease is devastating to traditional banana cultivars. In Brazil, resistant cultivars are being developed but if the consumer's preference is not taken into account, the breeding program may not succeed. In this research the acceptability of four resistant cultivars was accessed in the Northeastern Brazilian region and compared to four commercial varieties. Two groups of consumers participated: young adults and housewives. Hedonic scale was applied to external appearance of bunches, global acceptance and acceptance of fruits' attributes (appearance without peel, aroma, flavor and texture). Preference and purchase intent were also evaluated. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Preference Mapping. Women and young adults showed similar opinions. 'Preciosa' and 'Pacovan Ken' cultivars showed to be the most promising ones. 'Preciosa' can already substitute the commercial 'Prata' and 'Pacovan' cultivars without impairing their global acceptability, but 'Pacovan Ken' still needs to be improved regarding its appearance.O Mal da Sigatoka Negra é devastador para as cultivares tradicionais de banana. No Brasil, cultivares resistentes estão sendo desenvolvidas, mas se a preferência do consumidor não for considerada, o programa de melhoramento pode falhar. Neste trabalho, a aceitabilidade de quatro cultivares resistentes foi acessada no Nordeste brasileiro e comparada a quatro variedades comerciais. Dois grupos de consumidores participaram: adultos jovens e donas de casa. Escala hedônica foi aplicada para aparência externa dos cachos, aceitação global e aceitação por atributos dos frutos (aparência sem a casca, aroma, sabor e textura), além de testes de preferência e intenção de compra. Os dados foram submetidos à ANOVA e Mapa de Preferência Interno. Mulheres e jovens mostraram opiniões semelhantes. As cultivares 'Preciosa' e 'Pacovan Ken' mostraram ser as mais promissoras, sendo que a primeira já pode substituir as cultivares comerciais 'Prata' e 'Pacovan' sem prejudicar a sua aceitabilidade, mas a 'Pacovan Ken' ainda precisa ser melhorada quanto à aparência.948954Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Alternative Protein and Fiber-based Cheese and Hamburger Analogues: Meeting Consumer Demand for Differentiated Plant-based Products

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    The importance of functionality in food has led to the development of a potential market for ingredients such as dietary fiber and alternative proteins, expanding their insertion in beverages and cheese and meat analogues. Alternative proteins include various production processes aimed at the plant, fermentative, and cell culture products. There is a worldwide trend of innovative products made by combining technologies to reach this market niche. Embrapa has developed plant-based products, such as milk, cheese, and hamburger analogues, based on babassu coconut and cashew nuts, freeze-dried cashew fiber, and alternative proteins, such as chickpeas, lentils, and the microalgae Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis). The babassu coconut cheese analogue was processed by crushing the kernels to obtain the water-soluble extract, pasteurizing, fermenting by mixed cultures and heating the water-soluble extract fermented with soy, starch, agar, and salt to form the dough, followed by packaging and storage at 4°C. The hamburger analogues based on freeze-dried cashew fiber, lentils, or chickpeas, and freeze-dried Spirulina microalgae were added with other ingredients used in traditional hamburgers, followed by molding and freezing at -18 oC. The hamburger analogue had a protein content of 14-18% on a dry basis, and the babassu coconut analogue was 4.17%, and both achieved a sensory acceptance of 7 on the 9-point hedonic scale. The products achieved purchase intention values of 3.7 and 4.0 respectively, showing market potential to meet the demand of consumers looking for functional and tasty foods