20 research outputs found

    User guide for WIACX: A transonic wind-tunnel wall interference assessment and correction procedure for the NTF

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    A three dimensional transonic Wind-tunnel Interference Assessment and Correction (WIAC) procedure developed specifically for use in the National Transonic Facility (NTF) at NASA Langley Research Center is discussed. This report is a user manual for the codes comprising the correction procedure. It also includes listings of sample procedures and input files for running a sample case and plotting the results

    Wall interference assessment and corrections

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    Wind tunnel wall interference assessment and correction (WIAC) concepts, applications, and typical results are discussed in terms of several nonlinear transonic codes and one panel method code developed for and being implemented at NASA-Langley. Contrasts between 2-D and 3-D transonic testing factors which affect WIAC procedures are illustrated using airfoil data from the 0.3 m Transonic Cryogenic Tunnel and Pathfinder 1 data from the National Transonic Facility. Initial results from the 3-D WIAC codes are encouraging; research on and implementation of WIAC concepts continue

    Psychometric properties of the Spanish PID-5 in a clinical and a community sample

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    The Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) measures the trait part (Criterion B) of the alternative model for personality disorders proposed in Section III of DSM-5. Although its psychometric properties have proven adequate thus far, evidence is limited in other languages and in clinical samples. The Spanish PID-5 was examined in two samples comprising 446 clinical and 1,036 community subjects. Facet scales showed good internal consistency in both samples (median α = .86 and .79) and were unidimensional under exploratory and confirmatory approaches. They were also able to distinguish between clinical and community subjects with a mean standardized difference of z = 0.81. All facets except for Risk Taking were unipolar, such that the upper poles indicated pathology and the lower poles reflected normality, rather than the opposite pole of abnormality. The entire PID-5 hierarchical structure, from one to five factors, was confirmed in both samples with Tucker’s congruence coefficients over .95

    Pedal Edema as an Indicator of Early Heart Failure in the Community

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    Job file for the creation/design of stained glass from either the Charles J. Connick Studio (1912-1945) or the Charles J. Connick Associates studio (1945-1986). The job file contains a job number, location information, date of completion, size, contact information, price, and a description of the project. This particular job file contains information on a job located at: Denver, Colorado. Saint Luke's Episcopal Church


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    The Salado River Basin region is the most important livestock breeding area inArgentina, wherethe Lotus species has been traditionally cultivated as forages.Nearly 60% of their land surface is dominated by salt-affected soils with severeconstraints for crop cultivation. In order to cope with that limitation, farmers haveutilized species such as non-native L. tenuis (ex- Lotus glaber), which shows a verygood adaptation. As a result, inter-seeding of L. tenuis has been proposed as astrategy of choice for improving forage production in marginal areas. The increasein soil quality by these means is achieved by an increment of the organic mattercontent, improvement of soil fertility as well as microbial biodiversity. Thus, theintroduction of L. tenuis and/or other Lotus genotypes could have enormousbenefits for similar constrained lands around the world. We are developing anintegrated analysis of the changes that occur in soils under legume production. Wewill not only analyze the microbial diversity associated, but also soil physical andchemical characteristics and the impact of different legume-microbes associationon mitigation of GHG emissions. In addition, we are identifying the main geneticdeterminants associated with interesting agronomic traits such as plant toleranceagainst biotic and abiotic stresses and the content of condensed tannins. Our futureand present research will build a solid base for the improvement of agronomicallyimportantspecies and the development of better strategies for the management ofconstrained lands such as the lowlands in the Argentinean Pampas

    Delineating the motor phenotype of SGCE-myoclonus dystonia syndrome

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    Objective: To perform phenotype and genotype characterization in myoclonus-dystonia patients and to validate clinical rating tools. Method: Two movement disorders experts rated patients with the Burke-Fahn-Marsden and Unified-Myoclonus rating scales using a video-recording protocol. Clinimetric analysis was performed. SGCE mutations were screened by Sanger sequencing and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. Results: 48 patients were included and 43/48 rated. Mean age at assessment was 12.9±10.5 years (range 3–51) and 88% were ≤18 years of age. Myoclonus was a universal sign with a rostro-caudal severity-gradient. Myoclonus increased in severity and spread to lower limbs during action tests. Stimulus-evoked myoclonus was observed in 86.8% cases. Dystonia was common but mild. It had a focal distribution and was action-induced, causing writer's cramp (69%) and gait dystonia (34%). The severity of both myoclonus and dystonia had a strong impact on hand writing and walking difficulties. The Unified Myoclonus Rating scale showed the best clinimetric properties for the questionnaire, action myoclonus and functional subscales, and exceeded the Burke-Fahn-Marsden scale in its utility in assessing functional impairment in MDS patients. Twenty-one different SGCE mutations were identified in 45/48 patients, eleven being novel (most prevalent p. Val187*, founder mutation in Canary Islands). Conclusion: This study quantifies the severity of the motor phenotype in SGCE-myoclonus dystonia syndrome, with a special focus on children, and identifies disabilities in gross and fine motor tasks that are essential for childhood development. Our results contribute to the knowledge of SGCE-related MDS in the early stage of evolution, where disease-modifying therapies could be initiated in order to prevent long-term social and physical burdens. © 2020 Elsevier Lt

    Câncer do reto médio: avaliação do procedimento cirúrgico

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    A conduta no tratamento cirúrgico do câncer do reto médio é ainda controversa. Vários procedimentos cirúrgicos foram avaliados, retrospectivamente, em noventa doentes operados durante o período de fevereiro de 1990 a junho de 1997. Deste total, 43 (47,7%) doentes eram do sexo feminino e 47 (52,3%) do masculino. A idade variou entre 20 e 90 anos, com média de 60,2 anos. Os principais sintomas e sinais foram puxo e tenesmo, hematoquesia e emagrecimento. O tempo decorrido desde o início dos sintomas até o diagnóstico variou de dois a 24 meses, com média de 7,5 meses. A amputação abdômino-perineal do reto foi realizada em 17 doentes (18,8%) e a complicação mais freqüente foi a deiscência da ferida perineal, em 47% dos casos. Um doente (1,1 %) foi submetido a proctocolectomia total, evoluindo sem intercorrências. A operação de Hartmann foi feita em 26 doentes (28,8%), ocorrendo 7,6% de morbidade e 7,6% de mortalidade, em virtude de complicações clínicas. Em 26 doentes (28,8%), foi realizada ressecção anterior seguida de anastomose. Em dez (11,1%), foi realizada anastomose manual e não houve complicações. Nos outros 16 (17,7%) foi feita anastomose mecânica, havendo três deiscências e um óbito, relacionado a complicações clínicas. Em oito doentes (8,8%), foi realizada ressecção com abaixamento coloanal, ocorrendo 50% de complicações, devido à necrose e à retração do cólon abaixado. Houve apenas um óbito relacionado à complicação cirúrgica. Em 12 doentes (13,3%) não foi efetuada a ressecção do tumor, em decorrência de precárias condições clínicas dos mesmos e falta de critérios de ressecabilidade da lesão. Concluímos que o procedimento cirúrgico adequado no tratamento do câncer do reto médio depende de estadiamento criterioso, considerando o grau de diferenciação celular, a presença de metástase, a condição local do tumor, a situação clínica do doente e a experiência da equipe cirúrgica