24 research outputs found

    Social support in newly diagnosed people living with HIV: expectations and satisfaction along time, predictors, and mental health correlates

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    Social support usually decreases following HIV diagnosis, and decreased support is related to worsening mental health. We investigated the evolution of social support after HIV diagnosis and its relationship to anxiety, depression, and resilience, and sought to develop a social support prediction model. There were 119 newly diagnosed Spanish speakers who participated in this longitudinal study, completing measures of social support, internalized stigma, disclosure concerns, degree of disclosure, coping, anxiety, depression, and resilience. Bivariate associations and multiple regression analyses were performed. Results showed that the highest levels of support arose from friends, health care providers, and partners, and that social support decreased following diagnosis. Subsequent social support was negatively predicted by avoidance coping and positively by approach coping, steady partnership, and disclosure. It was significantly associated with decreased anxiety and depression and higher resilience. Interventions should seek to promote mental health in people living with HIV by increasing social suppor

    Psychological Impact and Associated Factors During the Initial Stage of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Among the General Population in Spain

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    The outbreak of COVID-19 in Spain started at the end of February. By 9th April 2020 Spain was the second country in confirmed cases and in deaths. On March 14, 2020, the Spanish Government declared the state of alarm to limit viral transmission. During such state, citizens must stay confined at home with few justified exceptions. This whole situation drastically changed the life of the population, which can cause a wide range of psychosocial impacts. This study explored the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the general adult population (N = 3055) during the first stages of the outbreak in Spain, as well as their anxiety, stress and depression levels. We also examined the extent to which the following variables were associated to participants’ mental health: (1) demographics; (2) degree of concern about the pandemic; (3) environmental conditions during the home confinement, (4) changes in daily life as a consequence of the pandemic; (5) contact with the COVID-19 disease; (6) actual and perceived severity of the crisis; (7) information about the COVID-19, (8) perceived health status and (9) leisure activities conducted within the last 24 h. Our results show that Spanish consider the current COVID-19 health crisis as fairly severe, and the majority felt that the COVID-19 crisis had greatly impacted on their daily life, including changes in their daily routines and cancelation of important activities. About 36% of the participants reported moderate to severe psychological impact, 25% showed mild to severe levels of anxiety, 41% reported depressive symptoms, and 41% felt stressed. Women, young, and those who that lost their job during the health crisis showed the strongest negative psychological symptoms. What worried Spaniards the most was the likelihood of suffering an economic crisis derived from the pandemic. We found factors associated with better mental health, such as being satisfied with the information received about the health crisis, conducting leisure activities, and the perception of being in good health. These findings can be used to design psychological interventions to help coping with COVID-19 pandemic, both in Spain and other countries

    Nueva ley de eutanasia en España. Actualidad y contribuciones desde la psicología de la salud

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    En 2021 es legalizada la práctica de la eutanasia en España, incorporándose a la cartera de servicios del Sistema Nacional de Salud, convirtiéndose en una alternativa para adultos con una enfermedad terminal y elevado sufrimiento. Las personas que demandan esta práctica enfrentan malestares biop-sicosociales y espirituales y dificultades a lo largo del proceso, jugando la psicología un papel clave en su atención. Surge la necesidad de elaborar programas de intervención interdisciplinares adaptados al contexto español, basados en la experiencia y el saber científico acumulado en otros países donde esta práctica ya se encontraba legislada. La Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual, la Terapia Centrada en el Sentido y la Terapia de Dignidad se encuentran entre las intervenciones más desarrolladas para la atención de los momentos finales de la vida, aunque sus resultados precisan mayor replicación. El Sistema Nacional de Salud constituye el escenario óptimo para implementar estas intervenciones, siendo necesario fortalecer a la Psicología de la Salud para que esta pueda asumir esta tarea en adecuadas condiciones.In 2021, euthanasia was legalized in Spain and integrated into the National Health System ́s servi-ces, thus becoming a new alternative for terminally ill adults with great suffering. People demanding this practice endure biopsychosocial and spiritual distress along the process, and so Psychology plays a key role in their care. There is therefore a demand for interdisciplinary intervention programs, adap-ted to the Spanish context, and based in previous experience and the scientific knowledge collected in other countries where this practice was already legislated. The Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Mea-ning Centered Therapy and Dignity Therapy are amongst the end-of-life interventions more developed; however their results need more replication. The National Health System constitutes an optimal setting in order to implement these programs, being necessary to strengthen the Health Psychology, so it can assume this task with adequate condition

    Prediction of post-traumatic growth in the face of the COVID-19 crisis based on resilience, post-traumatic stress and social participation: A longitudinal study

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    The COVID-19 crisis has generated a severe and negative psychological impact worldwide. Despite this, it is also possible to experience post-traumatic growth (PTG). This study aimed to longitudinally explore the prevalence of PTG in the Spanish population and test a predictive model for PTG from resilience, post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), and participation in social activities. Data were collected longitudinally in March, July, and November 2020 via an online survey. About 20% of the sample showed moderate-high levels of PTG, with no significant differences over time. The predictive model explained 19% of the variance in PTG, showing that the inverse relation between resilience and PTG was mediated by PTSS. Additionally, participation in social activities acted as a predictor of PTG. Women, young people, those who had lost their job and people who had experienced COVID-19 symptoms or the loss of a loved one presented higher PTG. Thus, people have experienced positive changes (PTG), but these did not protect them from adverse symptomatology (PTSS)

    The posttraumatic growth inventory-short form (PTGI-SF): A psychometric study of the spanish population during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    People can experience posttraumatic growth (PTG) when faced with potentially traumatic events. One of the most widely-used instruments to measure PTG is the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory-Short Form (PTGI-SF). However, it has not been validated for the Spanish population. This study explored the psychometric properties of the PTGI-SF in adults living in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since it is a global disaster, two items were added to assess communal PTG. The participants were adult inhabitants of Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic (N = 855). They completed the PTGI-SF in July 2020, along with the Impact of Event Scale - Revised to measure symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). They also rated the degree to which they perceived the COVID-19 crisis as being severe. In November 2020, 592 participants once again completed the PTGI-SF. The factorial validity o was tested by Structural Equations Modeling (SEM). McDonald's ω coefficients were calculated to test internal consistency. The Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was obtained to assess test-retest reliability. Sensitivity and criterion-related validity were assessed by exploring the association of the PTGI-SF scores with gender, age, PTSD symptoms, and perceived severity. Results indicated good psychometric properties for an eight-item, four-factor structure of the inventory in terms of structural validity, reliability, sensitivity and criterion-related validity. These factors were: Relating to Others, Personal Strength, Spiritual Change, and Life Value and Opportunities. Communal PTG overlapped with social PTG, and therefore it was not included. Cultural differences need to be addressed when measuring PTG, especially in terms of spiritual growth

    La estructura factorial del Inventario de Crecimiento Postraumático en padres de niños críticamente enfermos

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    Background: Posttraumatic growth (PTG) was conceptualized as consisting of changes in three broad dimensions; Self, interpersonal relationships, and philosophy of life. The aim of this study is to analyze the factor structure of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) in a sample of parents whose children had survived a critical hospitalization in order to consider the structural validity of the PTGI scores for this population and to report our understanding of PTG as a construct. Methods: 143 parents completed the PTGI 6 months after their child’s discharge from pediatric intensive care. The PTGI scores’ factor structure was studied through confi rmatory factor analyses (CFA) of different models supported in prior research, followed by an exploratory principal component analysis (PCA). Results: Prior models tested through CFA did not provide an acceptable fi t for our data. Through exploratory PCA, three components emerged that explained 73.41% of the variance; personal growth, interpersonal growth and transpersonal growth. Subsequent CFAs on this three-factor model showed that a bifactor model had the best fi t. Conclusion: Although the PTGI scores have shown slightly different factor structures among diverse populations, the three dimensions initially theorized appear to be robust, which supports the structural validity of its scoresAntecedentes: el crecimiento postraumático (CPT) se defi nió originalmente como la ocurrencia de cambios en tres dimensiones: personal, relaciones interpersonales y filosofía de vida. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la estructura factorial de las puntuaciones del Inventario de Crecimiento Postraumático (PTGI) en una muestra de padres cuyos hijos sobrevivieron a una hospitalización en cuidados intensivos pediátricos para explorar la validez estructural en esta población e incrementar nuestra comprensión de este fenómeno. Método: 143 padres completaron el PTGI 6 meses después del alta de su hijo de cuidados intensivos. La estructura factorial de las puntuaciones en el PTGI se estudió mediante análisis factoriales confi rmatorios (AFC) de los diferentes modelos que habían emergido en estudios previos, seguido de un análisis exploratorio de componentes principales (ACP). Resultados: los modelos previos no proporcionaron un ajuste aceptable a nuestros datos. Mediante ACP emergieron tres componentes que explicaron el 73,41% de la varianza; crecimiento personal, crecimiento interpersonal y crecimiento transpersonal. Posteriores AFCs de este último modelo mostraron que un modelo bifactor obtuvo el mejor ajuste. Conclusión: aunque las puntuaciones del PTGI haya mostrado estructuras factoriales distintas en diferentes poblaciones, las tres dimensiones originalmente teorizadas son consistentes, lo que apoya su validez estructura

    ADHAD and intelligence in a clinical sample: comparison of the intellectual profile of the WISC-IV between subjects with ADHD and Learning Disorder

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    El trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad (TDAH) se caracteriza por un patrón persistente de inatención y/o hiperactividad/ impulsividad que interfiere negativamente con el desarrollo y el normal funcionamiento social, académico y ocupacional de quien lo padece. La literatura revisada muestra que no hay diferencias significativas en el Cociente de Inteligencia Total entre personas con TDAH y la población con desarrollo típico, pero el rendimiento en las pruebas Memoria de Trabajo y Velocidad de Procesamiento es menor. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer si existen diferencias en el perfil intelectual, medido con el WISC-IV, en una muestra clínica de 234 niños con TDAH y de 230 niños con Trastorno del Aprendizaje (TA), con el objetivo de favorecer la realización del diagnóstico diferencial entre ambos. Los resultados mostraron que ni los niños con TDAH ni con TA tenían una inteligencia más baja de lo esperado.Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity that negatively interferes with the development and the normal social, academic, and occupational functioning of those who suffer from it. The reviewed literature shows that there are no significant differences in the Total Intelligence Quotient between individuals with ADHD and the population with typical development, but performance in the Work Memory and Processing Speed tests is lower. The objective of this study is to find out if there are differences in the intellectual profile, measured with the WISC-IV, in a clinical sample of 234 children with ADHD and 230 children with Learning Disorder (AT), with the aim of improving the differential diagnosis ability. The results showed that neither children with ADHD nor those with AT scored lower than expected on intelligence

    Coping in Newly Diagnosed, Spanish-Speaking Men Who Have Sex with Men and Live with HIV : A Bayesian Approach

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    The use of coping strategies depends on the type of adversity, and HIV infection creates different difficult situations to cope with. However, most coping questionnaires do not consider its situational character. This study sought to analyze coping and its effectiveness in the case of newly diagnosed HIV-positive Spanish-speaking men who have sex with men (MSM), for which a short form of the Situated Coping Questionnaire for Adults (SCQA) was validated in this population. 115 such diagnosed Spanish-speaking MSM (mostly from Spain and Latin America) completed the SCQA along with anxiety, depression, health-related resilience, and disclosure measures. Four models were compared through Bayesian structural equation modeling to test factorial validity; reliability coefficients were obtained, and criterion validity was ascertained via correlation analyses. The model considering the type of situation was superior to the rest, reliability was adequate, and coping strategies were shown to be related to anxiety, depression, resilience, and degree of disclosure. The short form of the SCQA is a valid means of assessing situated coping among Spanish-speaking HIV-positive MSM and, when used with other measurement tools, can be informative about coping effectiveness