147 research outputs found

    Prevención de riesgos laborales en la Administración de Justicia

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    Este TFG, está centrado en la prevención de riesgos laborales en la Administración de Justicia, a la cual me encuentro unida tras años de estudio y de desempeño de mi actual puesto de trabajo. En él, se estudiarán los distintos tipos de riesgos laborales que se existen en el día a día de nuestro trabajo y su prevención, pero antes se hará referencia a la prevención de riesgos laborales en la Administración Pública. Analizaremos los riesgos de seguridad, higiene, ergonomía y psicosociología, haciendo especial hincapié en estos últimos. Por último, se hará referencia a los Planes de Actuación frente al Covid-19, en la Administración Pública en general, y en la Administración de Justicia en particular.Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humano

    Eficacia de ejercicios de Kegel vs ejercicios de Kegel combinado con otros tratamientos para el control de la incontinencia urinaria. Revisión sistemática

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    La incontinencia urinaria (IU) es la pérdida involuntaria de orina por, entre otras causas, la disminución de tono muscular del suelo pélvico. En España afecta a un 7,25% de las mujeres entre 25 y 64 años. Existen varios tipos, siendo la más conocida la IU de esfuerzo. Esta condición lleva asociada factores de riesgo como sobrepeso, sexo, edad o tabaquismo. Se ha evaluado la eficacia de los ejercicios de Kegel aislados frente a su combinación con otros tratamientos para el abordaje de la sintomatología y otros aspectos de la IU; así como con identificar el rol enfermero en el proceso. Se ha llevado a cabo una revisión sistemática cuya bibliografía se encontró en las bases de datos Dialnet, Scielo, PubMed y Cochrane utilizando la búsqueda: “urinary incontinence AND pelvic floor exercises”. Se aplicaron filtros, criterios de inclusión y de exclusión y lectura crítica. Se han utilizado 27 artículos para la elaboración de la revisión sistemática. Se ha evaluado la eficacia de los ejercicios de Kegel de forma autónoma, los ejercicios de Kegel con apoyo y los ejercicios de Kegel combinados con otros tratamientos para los síntomas y mejora de la calidad de vida de las pacientes. Como conclusión, los ejercicios de Kegel se muestran eficaces para los síntomas y mejora de la calidad de vida de las mujeres con IU, especialmente si se realizan con apoyo. Además, si se combinan con otros tratamientos su eficacia aumenta. La enfermería desempeña un papel crucial en el manejo de la IU.Grado en Enfermerí

    Turismo y vino en La Rioja: la ruta del vino por La Rioja Alta

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    La viticultura es una actividad arraigada a La Rioja desde hace mucho timepo, al igual que la cultura del vino, elemento clave y diferenciador en la Comunidad de La Rioja. Además en dicha Comunidad, este tipo de turismo denominado enoturismo es popular entre los turistas. En este trabajo se explican los conceptos más importantes para entender este turismo alternativo. El capítulo 1 se centra en el enoturismo, el 2 en La Rioja y en el capítulo 3 es exclusivo de la Ruta del Vino de la Rioja Alta, explicando: los pueblos más importantes con sus respectivas bodegas, enotecas, museos, gastronomía y actividades complementarias.Grado en Turism

    Geobook : una aplicación para el geoposicionamiento social en la nube

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    En los últimos años se ha incrementado el uso generalizado de las nuevas tecnologías como una nueva forma de comunicación. Las redes sociales son una herramienta esencial en el día a día de las personas unido a los sistemas de geoposicionamiento global que ofrecen la posibilidad de geolocalizar personas y cosas. El desarrollo de este proyecto se basa en la creación de una aplicación mashup que integre estos dos conceptos en una aplicación de Facebook con el fin de analizar el potencial de estas tecnologías y proporcionar a los usuarios la capacidad de aplicar herramientas de geolocalización en una red social. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In recent years the widespread use of new technologies as a new form of communication has increased. Social networks are an essential tool for people’s daily interactions. Additionally, ubiquitous global geo systems, offers users the ability to geolocate people, places and objects. The purpose of this project is to integrate these two technologies into a mashup within Facebook in order to analyze the potential of these technologies and provide users with the ability to apply geospatial tools to a social network experience.Ingeniería Informátic

    Metodología para el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un servicio de TIC

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    En este trabajo se presenta la metodología propuesta para el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de servicios de TIC, aplicado para nuevos servicios o ajustes de los servicios actuales implementados en el área de Canales de Atención al Cliente de la Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones y Cesantías Protección, para el Canal de Internet. Esta metodología se implementa para optimizar el proceso y las actividades que se ejecutan durante las etapas de levantamiento, planeación, diseño, desarrollo y divulgación de estos servicios. Un buen levantamiento de requisitos es decisivo para el éxito de un servicio con calidad, evitando reprocesos o ajustes futuros.In this document, the proposed methodology for the design, development and implementation of ICT services, applied to new services or adjustments of current services implemented in the area of Customer Channel Administrator of Pension Funds and Severance Protection for the Internet Channel. This methodology is implemented to optimize each of the steps to be executed during the stages of Survey, Planning, Design, Development and Dissemination of these services, since a good survey of requirements is critical to the success of a service quality avoid future rework or adjustments

    Analysis of resolution in feedback signals for hardware-in-the-loop models of power converters

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    One of the main techniques for debugging power converters is hardware-in-the-loop (HIL), which is used for real-time emulation. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) are the most common design platforms due to their acceleration capability. In this case, the widths of the signals have to be carefully chosen to optimize the area and speed. For this purpose, fixed-point arithmetic is one of the best options because although the design time is high, it allows the personalization of the number of bits in every signal. The representation of state variables in power converters has been previously studied, however other signals, such as feedback signals, can also have a big influence because they transmit the value of one state variable to the rest, and vice versa. This paper presents an analysis of the number of bits in the feedback signals of a boost converter, but the conclusions can be extended to other power converters. The purpose of this work is to study how many bits are necessary in order to avoid the loss of information, but also without wasting bits. Errors of the state variables are obtained with di erent sizes of feedback signals. These show that the errors in each state variable have similar patterns. When the number of bits increases, the error decreases down to a certain number of bits, where an almost constant error appears. However, when the bits decrease, the error increases linearly. Furthermore, the results show that there is a direct relation between the number of bits in feedback signals and the inputs of the converter in the global error. Finally, a design criterion is given to choose the optimum width for each feedback signal, without wasting bit

    LOCOFloat: A low-cost floating-point format for FPGAs.: Application to HIL simulators

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    One of the main decisions when making a digital design is which arithmetic is going to be used. The arithmetic determines the hardware resources needed and the latency of every operation. This is especially important in real-time applications like HIL (Hardware-in-the-loop), where a real-time simulation of a plant—power converter, mechanical system, or any other complex system—is accomplished. While a fixed-point gets optimal implementations, using considerably fewer resources and allowing smaller simulation steps, its use is very restricted to very specific applications, as its design effort is quite high. On the other side, IEEE-754 floating-point may have resolution problems in case of the 32-bit version, and excessive hardware usage in case of the 64-bit version. This paper presents LOCOFloat, a low-cost floating-point format designed for FPGA applications. Its key features are soft normalization of the results, using significand and exponent fields in two’s complement. This paper shows the implementation of addition, subtraction and multiplication of the proposed format. Both IEEE-754 versions and LOCOFloat are compared in this paper, implementing a HIL model of a buck converter. Although the application example is a HIL simulator, other applications could take benefit from the proposed format. Results show that LOCOFloat is as accurate as 64-bit floating-point, while reducing the use of DSPs blocks by 84%

    AC mains synchronization loop for precalculated-based PFC converters using the output voltage measure

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    Common implementations of power factor correction include sensors for the input and output voltages and the input current. Many alternatives have been considered to reduce the number of sensors, especially the current sensor. One strategy is to precalculate the duty cycles that must be applied to every ac main, so the system only needs to synchronize them with the input voltage, and include a simple output voltage loop. The main problem with this approach is the sensibility to any synchronization error, because the input current is not measured, so its evolution is not continuously corrected. This paper shows how the synchronization error alters the current and the power factor, and it proposes several methods to detect and correct this error. All methods use the output voltage ADC, which is already used to control the output voltage, so the cost of the system is not increased. This technique can also be applied to any current sensorless PFC converter, because they are usually affected by leading or lagging currents, so the synchronization can be modified to reduce these effects. Results show that the implementation of this synchronization loop keeps a high-power factor under a wide synchronization error range, while the added logic is not significant.This research was funded by Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad grant number TEC2013-43017-R

    Routing Topologies of Wireless Sensor Networks for Health Monitoring of a Cultural Heritage Site

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    This paper provides a performance evaluation of tree and mesh routing topologies of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in a cultural heritage site. The historical site selected was San Juan Bautista church in Talamanca de Jarama (Madrid, Spain). We report the preliminary analysis required to study the effects of heating in this historical location using WSNs to monitor the temperature and humidity conditions during periods of weeks. To test which routing topology was better for this kind of application, the WSNs were first deployed on the upper floor of the CAEND institute in Arganda del Rey simulating the church deployment, but in the former scenario there was no direct line of sight between the WSN elements. Two parameters were selected to evaluate the performance of the routing topologies of WSNs: the percentage of received messages and the lifetime of the wireless sensor network. To analyze in more detail which topology gave the best performance, other communication parameters were also measured. The tree topology used was the collection tree protocol and the mesh topology was the XMESH provided by MEMSIC (Andover, MA, USA). For the scenarios presented in this paper, it can be concluded that the tree topology lost fewer messages than the mesh topology.The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness supported this research under grant numbers BIA2009-14395-C04-01 and TEC2012-38402-C04-03. The present study was also funded under project CGL2010-19554. S. Aparicio benefited from funding provided by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) through its Post-graduate Studies Council’s post-doctoral specialisation programme (JAE-Doc). Researcher Martínez-Garrido’s was supported by an International Programme for Recruiting Talent (PICATA) predoctoral fellowship awarded by the Moncloa Campus of International Excellence (UPM-UCM, CSIC). J. Ranz benefited from a FPI grant BES-2010-038826 of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI