1,690 research outputs found

    Diseño e implementación de un software para obtención de potencia y torque por el método de aceleración libre en un smartphone con protocolo OBD II para la carrera de Ingeniería Automotriz.

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    El objetivo de este trabajo de titulación fue diseñar e implementar un software para obtención de potencia y torque por el método de aceleración libre en un smartphone con protocolo OBD II. Para obtener el valor del momento de inercia k, se realizó varias pruebas para ajustarlo en un valor ideal, se inició con un valor de 0.071 [kg-m2] pero no se obtuvo los resultados esperados de los parámetros de interés, luego se asumió el valor 0.08 [kg-m2] pero no se obtuvo un buen ajuste, hasta que se determinó que el valor 0.078 [kg-m2] que entrega valores muy similares para ambos métodos (dinamómetro y software). Para establecer la confiabilidad de los resultados se aplicó la determinación del número de pruebas requerido y se realizó usando el método estadístico con un nivel de confianza del 95.45% y un margen de error de más menos 5% y se llegó a determinar que para obtener esa confiabilidad era necesario realizar 6 pruebas. Las pruebas obtenidas en el banco dinamométrico de rodillos de potencia efectiva se realizaron sin factor de corrección a una altura estimada de 2700 [m.s.n.m] donde se encuentra el CCICEV. Los resultados de la investigación sugieren que: la precisión en la obtención de los resultados depende en gran medida del ajuste del valor del momento de inercia. El valor del momento de inercia para el motor de 4 cilindros, tipo atmosférico de encendido provocado de Volkswagen Gol, versión Plus estilo 2014 fue de 0.078 [kg-m2]. En la comparación del método de dinamómetro con el del software por aceleración libre se obtuvo resultados próximos, lo que indica que, el software es confiable para evaluar estos parámetros. Se recomienda involucrarse con el método para poder utilizarlo como una línea de diagnóstico en un mantenimiento preventivo del motor de combustión interna.The objective of this degree work was to design and implement a software to obtain power and torque by the free acceleration method in a smartphone with OBD II protocol. In order to obtain the moment of inertia k, several tests were carried out to adjust it to an ideal value, it started with a value of 0.071 [kg-m2] but the expected results of parameters of interest, were not obtained, then the value was assumed 0.08 [kg-m2] but a good adjustment was not obtained, until it was determined that the value 0.078 [kg-m2] gives very similar values for both methods (dynamometer and software). To establish the reliability of the results, the determination of the number of tests required was applied and it was carried out using the statistical method with a confidence level of 95.45% and an error margin of 5% and it was determined that to obtain this reliability it was necessary to perform 6 tests. The tests obtained in the chassis dynamometer of effective power rollers were carried out without a correction factor at an estimated height of 2700 [m.s.n.m] where the CCICEV (Centre for technology transference for training and research in vehicle emissions control) is located. The results of the research suggest that: the precision in obtaining the results depends on a great extent on the adjustment of the inertia moment value. The value of the inertia moment for the 4-cylinder engine, atmospheric type of ignition caused by Volkswagen golf, version plus style 2014 was 0.078 [kg-m2]. In the comparison of the dynamometer method with the software it is reliable to evaluate these parameters. It is recommended to be involved with the method in order to use it as a diagnosis line in a preventive maintenance of the internal combustion engine

    Are fit indices really fit to estimate the number of factors with categorical variables?: some cautionary findings via Monte Carlo Simulation

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    This paper is not the copy of record and may not exactly replicate the authoritative document published in the APA journal. Please do not copy or cite without author's permission. The final article is available, upon publication, at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/met0000064An early step in the process of construct validation consists of establishing the fit of an unrestricted "exploratory" factorial model for a prespecified number of common factors. For this initial unrestricted model, researchers have often recommended and used fit indices to estimate the number of factors to retain. Despite the logical appeal of this approach, little is known about the actual accuracy of fit indices in the estimation of data dimensionality. The present study aimed to reduce this gap by systematically evaluating the performance of 4 commonly used fit indices-the comparative fit index (CFI), the Tucker-Lewis index (TLI), the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), and the standardized root mean square residual (SRMR)-in the estimation of the number of factors with categorical variables, and comparing it with what is arguably the current golden rule, Horn's (1965) parallel analysis. The results indicate that the CFI and TLI provide nearly identical estimations and are the most accurate fit indices, followed at a step below by the RMSEA, and then by the SRMR, which gives notably poor dimensionality estimates. Difficulties in establishing optimal cutoff values for the fit indices and the general superiority of parallel analysis, however, suggest that applied researchers are better served by complementing their theoretical considerations regarding dimensionality with the estimates provided by the latter metho

    Searching for G: A New evaluation of SPM-LS dimensionality

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    There has been increased interest in assessing the quality and usefulness of short versions of the Raven’s Progressive Matrices. A recent proposal, composed of the last twelve matrices of the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM-LS), has been depicted as a valid measure of g. Nonetheless, the results provided in the initial validation questioned the assumption of essential unidimensionality for SPM-LS scores. We tested this hypothesis through two di erent statistical techniques. Firstly, we applied exploratory graph analysis to assess SPM-LS dimensionality. Secondly, exploratory bi-factor modelling was employed to understand the extent that potential specific factors represent significant sources of variance after a general factor has been considered. Results evidenced that if modelled appropriately, SPM-LS scores are essentially unidimensional, and that constitute a reliable measure of g. However, an additional specific factor was systematically identified for the last six items of the test. The implications of such findings for future work on the SPM-LS are discusse

    Bi-factor exploratory structural equation modeling done right: using the SLiDapp application

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    Background: Due to its fl exibility and statistical properties, bi-factor Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (bi-factor ESEM) has become an often-recommended tool in psychometrics. Unfortunately, most recent methods for approximating these structures, such as the SLiD algorithm, are not available in the leading software for performing ESEM (i.e., Mplus). To resolve this issue, we present a novel, user-friendly Shiny application for integrating the SLiD algorithm in bi-factor ESEM estimation in Mplus. Thus, a two-stage framework for conducting SLiDbased bi-factor ESEM in Mplus was developed. Method: This approach was presented in a step-by-step guide for applied researchers, showing the utility of the developed SLiDApp application. Using data from the Open-Source Psychometrics Project (N = 2495), we conducted a bi-factor ESEM exploration of the Generic Conspiracist Beliefs Scale. We studied whether bi-factor modelling was appropriate and if both general and group factors were related to each personality trait. Results: The application of the SLiD algorithm provided unique information regarding this factor structure and its ESEM structural parameters. Conclusions: The results illustrated the usefulness and validity of SLiD-based bi-factor ESEM, and how the proposed Shiny app could make it eaiser for applied researchers to use these methodsThis work was supported by Grant FPU15/ 03246 from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (Spain), by the Cátedra de Modelos y Aplicaciones Psicométricos (Instituto de Ingeniería del Conocimiento and Autonomous University of Madrid) and by Grant PSI2017-85022-P from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain) and Fondo Social Europe

    Exploratory bi-factor analysis with multiple general factors

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    Exploratory bi-factor analysis (EBFA) is a very popular approach to estimate models wherespecific factors are concomitant to a single, general dimension. However, the models typic-ally encountered in fields like personality, intelligence, and psychopathology involve morethan one general factor. To address this circumstance, we developed an algorithm (GSLiD)based on partially specified targets to perform exploratory bi-factor analysis with multiplegeneral factors (EBFA-MGF). In EBFA-MGF, researchers do not need to conduct independentbi-factor analyses anymore because several bi-factor models are estimated simultaneously inan exploratory manner, guarding against biased estimates and model misspecification errorsdue to unexpected cross-loadings and factor correlations. The results from an exhaustiveMonte Carlo simulation manipulating nine variables of interest suggested that GSLiD outper-forms the Schmid-Leiman approximation and is robust to challenging conditions involvingcross-loadings and pure items of the general factors. Thereby, we supply an R package(bifactor) to make EBFA-MGF readily available for substantive research. Finally, we useGSLiD to assess the hierarchical structure of a reduced version of the Personality Inventoryfor DSM-5 Short Form (PID-5-SF)This research was supported by Grant PSI2017-85022-P (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spain) and the UAM IIC Chair Psychometric Models and Application

    Dimensionality assessment of ordinal variable: An evaluation of classic and modern methods

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    Tesis doctoral inédita, leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Psicología. Departamento de Psicología Social y Metodología. Fecha de lectura: 13 de julio de 201

    The GENIE System: classifying documents by combining mixed-techniques

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    Today, the automatic text classification is still an open problem and its implementation in companies and organizations with large volumes of data in text format is not a trivial matter. To achieve optimum results many parameters come into play, such as the language, the context, the level of knowledge of the issues discussed, the format of the documents, or the type of language that has been used in the documents to be classified. In this paper we describe a multi-language rule-based pipeline system, called GENIE, used for automatic document categorisation. We have used several business corpora in order to test the real capabilities of our proposal, and we have studied the results of applying different stages of the pipeline over the same data to test the influence of each step in the categorization process. The results obtained by this system are very promising, and in fact, the GENIE system is already being used on real production environments with very good results

    Análisis hidráulico para el rediseño de la cámara de bombeo de aguas residuales del sector galagarza, Ica – 2021

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    La presente investigación aborda el análisis hidráulico para el rediseño de una cámara de bombeo de aguas residuales ubicada en el sector Galagarza, Ica, cuya capacidad se encuentra mermada debido al alcance de su vida útil y a daños ocasionados por el fenómeno del Niño Costero. La investigación es no experimental, transeccional, de nivel descriptivo, teniendo como población al número de personas que hacen uso del sistema de aguas residuales. Tal población fue proyectada a futuro de acuerdo al periodo de diseño de las instalaciones, siguiendo los lineamientos del Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones en cuanto a dotación de agua y consideraciones del funcionamiento de la cámara. Para el cálculo de dimensiones y selección de los elementos del sistema se realizaron comparaciones de diversos escenarios críticos, a fin de observar el comportamiento para cada caso y seleccionar el más eficiente. Se obtuvo una cámara de 8.86 m3, de sección circular, para tratar un caudal mínimo de 8.14 l/s y un caudal máximo de 40.68 l/s, para lo cual se hace necesario emplear una bomba con potencia aproximada de 50 Hp que pueda impulsar un caudal de 53.81 l/s. El costo de implementación se estimó en S/ 1,590,776.09

    Dimensionality assessment in bifactor structures with multiple general factors: a network psychometrics approach

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    The accuracy of factor retention methods for structures with one or more general factors, like the ones typically encountered in fields like intelligence, personality, and psychopathology, has often been overlooked in dimensionality research. To address this issue, we compared the performance of several factor retention methods in this context, including a network psychometrics approach developed in this study. For estimating the number of group factors, these methods were the Kaiser criterion, empirical Kaiser criterion, parallel analysis with principal components (PAPCA) or principal axis, and exploratory graph analysis with Louvain clustering (EGALV). We then estimated the number of general factors using the factor scores of the first-order solution suggested by the best two methods, yielding a “second-order” version of PAPCA (PAPCA-FS) and EGALV (EGALV-FS). Additionally, we examined the direct multilevel solution provided by EGALV. All the methods were evaluated in an extensive simulation manipulating nine variables of interest, including population error. The results indicated that EGALV and PAPCA displayed the best overall performance in retrieving the true number of group factors, the former being more sensitive to high cross-loadings, and the latter to weak group factors and small samples. Regarding the estimation of the number of general factors, both PAPCA-FS and EGALV-FS showed a close to perfect accuracy across all the conditions, while EGALV was inaccurate. The methods based on EGA were robust to the conditions most likely to be encountered in practice. Therefore, we highlight the particular usefulness of EGALV (group factors) and EGALV-FS (general factors) for assessing bi-factor structures with multiple general factorsThis research was supported by Grant PSI2017-85022-P (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spain) and the UAM IIC Chair Psychometric Models and Applications. Luis Eduardo Garrido is supported by Grant 2018-2019-1D2-085 from the Fondo Nacional de Innovación Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDOCYT) of the Dominican Republic. The results of this work were presented in the XVII Congress of the Spanish Association of Methodology for the Social Sciences (AEMCCO XVII) and the manuscript was published as a preprint in the psyarxiv repository at https://psyarxiv.com/2ujdk