18 research outputs found

    Degradation analysis of thin film photovoltaic modules under outdoor long term exposure in Spanish continental climate conditions.

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    The present study analyses the degradation of thin film photovoltaic modules corresponding to four technologies: a-Si:H, a-Si:H/µc-Si:H, CIS and CdTe, under 5 years of outdoor long term exposure in Leganés, Spain. The period of outdoor exposure ranges from January 2011 to December 2015. The degradation rate and the stabilization period are analysed by using two different techniques. Moreover, the evolution of the fill factor and performance ratio is assessed. The CdTe module was found to have the highest degradation rate:-4.45 %/year, while the CIS module appears to be the most stable with a degradation rate of -1.04 %/year. The a-Si:H and a-Si:H/µc-Si:H modules present stabilization periods of 24 and 6 months respectively. The CdTe module degrades significantly for a period of 32 months, while the CIS module is the least degraded PV specimen over the whole experimental campaign.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Study of degradation and evaluation of model parameters of micromorph silicon photovoltaic modules under outdoor long term exposure in Jaen, Spain

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    The analysis of the degradation of tandem Micromorph thin-film photovoltaic (TFPV) modules and its impact on the output power of a PV array under outdoor long term exposure located in Jaen (Spain) is addressed in this work. Furthermore, the evolution of main solar cell model parameters is evaluated by means of parameters extraction techniques from monitored data of the PV system in real operation of work. The degradation rate and the stabilization period of micromorph TFPV modules are evaluated. The analysis of the degradation rate, together to results obtained for the evolution of each of the solar cell model parameters along the outdoor long-term exposure allow a better understanding of changes in performance of micromorph TFPV modules and the behavior of the output power of the PV generator.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Experiencias interuniversitarias de transferencia de tecnología en el campo de la energía solar fotovoltaica

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    Se presentan las experiencias de transferencia de tecnología en el campo de la energía solar fotovoltaica del grupo de investigación I+DEA de la Universidad de Jaén (España) con la Universidad del Valle (Guatemala) y con la Universidad Politécnica de El Salvador (El Salvador). Estos trabajos se han desarrollado dentro Programa para la Cooperación Internacional dentro del Ámbito Universitario financiados por la Consejería de Presidencia de la Junta de Andalucía. Debido a la disparidad de dinámicas de trabajo e intereses científicos de las universidades receptoras, se plantearon temáticas de trabajo diferenciadas para cada uno de los proyectos. En la Universidad del Valle, la actuación se centro en el desarrollo de control de calidad de los elementos que componen una instalación fotovoltaica autónoma. Con la Universidad Politécnica de El Salvador, el objetivo era dar a conocer la tecnología de conexión a la red de sistemas fotovoltaicos, de escasa difusión en países iberoamericanos, y la redacción de una normativa que fomente y ayude a la instalación de este tipo de sistemas en el país. A lo largo del texto, se describen las motivaciones que dieron lugar a estas propuestas, el nivel de cumplimento de los objetivos marcados y la problemática surgida durante la ejecución de los mismos.In this paper, two tranfer technmology experiences in photovoltaic solar energy are presented. First one experience has been carried out between Research Group I+DEA from University of Jaén from Spain and University del Valle from Guatemala. In this work, a simple laboratory able to carry out a quality control of all the elements integrated in a stand alone pv system has been implemented in Guatemala. In the second one experience have participated Research Group I+DEA and Universidad Politécnica de El Salvador. A pv grid connected system of 1 kW has been installed and integrated in El Salvador. With this project, we pretend to promote the use of this type of technology and to put the first steps to get a norms to regulate the connection to the grid of this type of installations. All of theses works have been financed by Andalusian government.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Experiencias interuniversitarias de transferencia de tecnología en el campo de la energía solar fotovoltaica

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    Se presentan las experiencias de transferencia de tecnología en el campo de la energía solar fotovoltaica del grupo de investigación I+DEA de la Universidad de Jaén (España) con la Universidad del Valle (Guatemala) y con la Universidad Politécnica de El Salvador (El Salvador). Estos trabajos se han desarrollado dentro Programa para la Cooperación Internacional dentro del Ámbito Universitario financiados por la Consejería de Presidencia de la Junta de Andalucía. Debido a la disparidad de dinámicas de trabajo e intereses científicos de las universidades receptoras, se plantearon temáticas de trabajo diferenciadas para cada uno de los proyectos. En la Universidad del Valle, la actuación se centro en el desarrollo de control de calidad de los elementos que componen una instalación fotovoltaica autónoma. Con la Universidad Politécnica de El Salvador, el objetivo era dar a conocer la tecnología de conexión a la red de sistemas fotovoltaicos, de escasa difusión en países iberoamericanos, y la redacción de una normativa que fomente y ayude a la instalación de este tipo de sistemas en el país. A lo largo del texto, se describen las motivaciones que dieron lugar a estas propuestas, el nivel de cumplimento de los objetivos marcados y la problemática surgida durante la ejecución de los mismos.In this paper, two tranfer technmology experiences in photovoltaic solar energy are presented. First one experience has been carried out between Research Group I+DEA from University of Jaén from Spain and University del Valle from Guatemala. In this work, a simple laboratory able to carry out a quality control of all the elements integrated in a stand alone pv system has been implemented in Guatemala. In the second one experience have participated Research Group I+DEA and Universidad Politécnica de El Salvador. A pv grid connected system of 1 kW has been installed and integrated in El Salvador. With this project, we pretend to promote the use of this type of technology and to put the first steps to get a norms to regulate the connection to the grid of this type of installations. All of theses works have been financed by Andalusian government.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Experiencias interuniversitarias de transferencia de tecnología en el campo de la energía solar fotovoltaica

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    Se presentan las experiencias de transferencia de tecnología en el campo de la energía solar fotovoltaica del grupo de investigación I+DEA de la Universidad de Jaén (España) con la Universidad del Valle (Guatemala) y con la Universidad Politécnica de El Salvador (El Salvador). Estos trabajos se han desarrollado dentro Programa para la Cooperación Internacional dentro del Ámbito Universitario financiados por la Consejería de Presidencia de la Junta de Andalucía. Debido a la disparidad de dinámicas de trabajo e intereses científicos de las universidades receptoras, se plantearon temáticas de trabajo diferenciadas para cada uno de los proyectos. En la Universidad del Valle, la actuación se centro en el desarrollo de control de calidad de los elementos que componen una instalación fotovoltaica autónoma. Con la Universidad Politécnica de El Salvador, el objetivo era dar a conocer la tecnología de conexión a la red de sistemas fotovoltaicos, de escasa difusión en países iberoamericanos, y la redacción de una normativa que fomente y ayude a la instalación de este tipo de sistemas en el país. A lo largo del texto, se describen las motivaciones que dieron lugar a estas propuestas, el nivel de cumplimento de los objetivos marcados y la problemática surgida durante la ejecución de los mismos.In this paper, two tranfer technmology experiences in photovoltaic solar energy are presented. First one experience has been carried out between Research Group I+DEA from University of Jaén from Spain and University del Valle from Guatemala. In this work, a simple laboratory able to carry out a quality control of all the elements integrated in a stand alone pv system has been implemented in Guatemala. In the second one experience have participated Research Group I+DEA and Universidad Politécnica de El Salvador. A pv grid connected system of 1 kW has been installed and integrated in El Salvador. With this project, we pretend to promote the use of this type of technology and to put the first steps to get a norms to regulate the connection to the grid of this type of installations. All of theses works have been financed by Andalusian government.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Contribución al desarrollo de aplicaciones fotovoltáicas en edificios

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    La presente Tesis Doctoral pretende contribuir a incrementar la confianza de la sociedad en las aplicaciones fotovoltaicas en edificios (AFE, en lo sucesivo) a través de varias aportaciones concretas. Tras una breve introducción a las AFE, la Tesis Doctoral comienza proponiendo un método para estimar el cambio que se operaría en el escenario energético y medioambiental de un área urbana tras una incorporación masiva de técnicas solares en los edificios de dicha área. El método se aplica concretamente al caso del Centro Histórico de la ciudad de Jaén. Posteriormente se presentan gráficos y tablas orientadas tanto a predecir el comportamiento energético como a dimensionar el inversor de una AFE. Obtenidas mediante simulación por ordenador, los gráficos y tablas propuestos son validados por tres casos reales de estudio. A continuación, la Tesis Doctoral centra su atención en el estudio detenido de un caso de estudio de AFE: el proyecto "Pérgola Fotovoltaica". Aquí se analiza el comportamiento del sistema durante dos años de monitorización y se recogen las lecciones aprendidas durante ese tiempo. El presente trabajo se cierra recogiendo las conclusiones del mismo y sugiriendo algunas líneas futuras de investigación como posible continuación de esta Tesis Doctoral

    Analysis of current and voltage indicators in grid connected PV (photovoltaic) systems working in faulty and partial shading conditions

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    To ensure the optimization of the energy generated by grid connected PV (photovoltaic) systems is necessary to plan a strategy of automatic fault detection. The analysis of current and voltage indicators have demonstrated effectiveness in the detection of permanent faults in the PV array in real time as short-circuits or open circuits present in the system. In this paper, the analysis of the evolution of these indicators is focused on the detection of temporary faults due to partial shade on the PV array or disconnection of the inverter in case of grid fluctuations of voltage or frequency to prevent islanding. These situations can be identified by observation of the evolution of both indicators and power losses due to these effects can be evaluated from them. The analysis and experimental validation were carried out in two grid connected PV systems in Spain and Algeria.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Study on analytical modelling approaches to the performance of thin film PV modules in sunny inland climates

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    This work is aimed at verifying that analytical modelling approaches may provide an estimation of the outdoor performance of TF (thin film) PV (photovoltaic) technologies in inland sites with sunny climates with adequate accuracy for engineering purposes. Osterwald's and constant fill factor methods were tried to model the maximum power delivered and the annual energy produced by PV modules corresponding to four TF PV technologies. Only calibrated electrical parameters at STC (standard test conditions), on-plane global irradiance and module temperature are required as inputs. A 12-month experimental campaign carried out in Madrid and Ja en (Spain) provided the necessary data. Modelled maximum power and annual energy values obtained through both methods were statistically compared to the experimental ones. In power terms, the RMSE (root mean square error) stays below 3.8% and 4.5% for CdTe (cadmium telluride) and CIGS (copper indium gallium selenide sulfide) PV modules, respectively, while RMSE exceeds 5.4% for a-Si (amorphous silicon) or a-Si:H/mc-Si PV modules. Regarding energy terms, errors lie below 4.0% in all cases. Thus, the methods tried may be used to model the outdoor behaviour of the a-Si, a-Si:H/mc-Si, CIGS and CdTe PV modules tested e ordered from the lowest to the highest accuracy obtained e in sites with similar spectral characteristics to those of the two sites considered.Peer Reviewe

    Analysis of current and voltage indicators in grid connected PV (photovoltaic) systems working in faulty and partial shading conditions

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    To ensure the optimization of the energy generated by grid connected PV (photovoltaic) systems is necessary to plan a strategy of automatic fault detection. The analysis of current and voltage indicators have demonstrated effectiveness in the detection of permanent faults in the PV array in real time as short-circuits or open circuits present in the system. In this paper, the analysis of the evolution of these indicators is focused on the detection of temporary faults due to partial shade on the PV array or disconnection of the inverter in case of grid fluctuations of voltage or frequency to prevent islanding. These situations can be identified by observation of the evolution of both indicators and power losses due to these effects can be evaluated from them. The analysis and experimental validation were carried out in two grid connected PV systems in Spain and Algeria.Peer Reviewe

    Degradation analysis of thin film photovoltaic modules under outdoor long term exposure in Spanish continental climate conditions.

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    The present study analyses the degradation of thin film photovoltaic modules corresponding to four technologies: a-Si:H, a-Si:H/µc-Si:H, CIS and CdTe, under 5 years of outdoor long term exposure in Leganés, Spain. The period of outdoor exposure ranges from January 2011 to December 2015. The degradation rate and the stabilization period are analysed by using two different techniques. Moreover, the evolution of the fill factor and performance ratio is assessed. The CdTe module was found to have the highest degradation rate:-4.45 %/year, while the CIS module appears to be the most stable with a degradation rate of -1.04 %/year. The a-Si:H and a-Si:H/µc-Si:H modules present stabilization periods of 24 and 6 months respectively. The CdTe module degrades significantly for a period of 32 months, while the CIS module is the least degraded PV specimen over the whole experimental campaign.Peer Reviewe