870 research outputs found

    Migración de los servidores opina y reactivos (moodle) de la Facultad de Ingeniería en Ciencias Aplicadas al Cloud privado de la Universidad Técnica del Norte en la plataforma Openstack

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    Diseñar en el ámbito de la innovación tecnológica, el proceso de alojamiento del servidor OPINA Y REACTIVOS (Moodle) de la Facultad de Ingeniería en Ciencias Aplicadas al cloud privado, bajo los lineamientos de la plataforma OpenStack, con el fin de aportar a la mejora de la prestación del servicio a los usuarios de la Institución Educativa.Migrar servidores al cloud computing es el tema principal que aborda este documento, la finalidad de la adopción del cloud computing como tecnología, es la de aprovechar las ventajas que representa su adopción con respecto al modelo tradicional del uso de servidores dedicados. La plataforma libre y de código abierto conocida como OpenStack diseñada para brindar Infraestructura como servicio (IaaS), es la encargada del despliegue del cloud privado implementado en la Universidad Técnica del Norte específicamente en la Facultad de Ingeniería en Ciencias Aplicadas (FICA). La plataforma OpenStack proporciona hardware virtualizado, solución para disminuir la subutilización de los servidores y aprovechar otras ventajas, mismas que se explicaran a medida que se adentre en la lectura de este documento. Al emplear la solución IaaS OpenStack para la migración del servidor OPINA (Gestor de Encuestas) y REACTIVOS (Moodle) es posible acondicionar las instancias o máquinas virtuales como se desee y en medida de las necesidades, es decir, se puede elegir el número de vCPU, la cantidad de memoria RAM, capacidad de disco, la arquitectura, el sistema operativo y otros parámetros que están bajo el control del usuario, además se puede instalar, configurar o eliminar programas, sin necesidad de movilizarse al lugar donde se encuentran los servidores, estas acciones pueden ser ejecutadas desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento, el único requisito es disponer de una conexión a Internet

    Escala de atitude face á multiculturalidade na escola: validação e propriedades psicomé-tricas numa amostra chilena

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    The increasing number of immigrant students on the Chilean educational system stresses the importance of study teachers’ attitudes to multiculturality in schools settings. Nevertheless, there is a lack of adequate measurement instruments to apply on Chilean population. The aim of this work was to validate the Attitude to Multiculturality at School Scale (León del Barco et al., 2007) on a Chilean sample, composed by N=160 teachers. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the unifactorial model had the best fit to the data. Correlation analysis revealed significant relations between attitude to multiculturality at school, perceived out-group threat and prejudice. Linear regression analysis showed that perceived threat and prejudice explained 42% of the attitude to multiculturality at school variability, supporting criterion validity.Aunque el aumento del alumnado inmigrante en Chile subraya la importancia de estudiar actitudes de los docentes hacia la multiculturalidad, existe un déficit de instrumentos de medida para ser aplicados a la población local. El objetivo de este estudio es validar la Escala de Actitudes hacia la Multiculturalidad en la Escuela (León del Barco et al., 2007) en una muestra compuesta por N=160 profesores chilenos. Se estableció que el modelo unifactorial presenta el mejor ajuste a los datos, y se determinó la existencia de relaciones significativas entre la actitud hacia la multiculturalidad, la amenaza exogrupal percibida y el prejuicio. Los análisis de regresión lineal señalan que la amenaza exogrupal percibida y el prejuicio, explican el 42% de la variabilidad de la actitud hacia la multiculturalidad, apoyando la validez de criterio de la escala.L’augmentation des étudiants immigrants dans le système éducatif chilien souligne l’importance d’études l’attitude des professeurs à l’égard de la multiculturalité en milieu scolaire. Néanmoins, il n’existe pas d’instruments de mesure adéquats à appliquer à la population chilienne. Le but de ce travail était de valider l’échelle d’attitude envers la multiculturalité à l’école (León del Barco et al., 2007) sur un échantillon chilien composé de N = 160 enseignants. Une analyse factorielle confirmatoire a montré que le modèle uni factoriel correspondait le mieux aux données. L’analyse de corrélation a révélé des relations significatives entre l’attitude envers la multiculturalité à l’école, la menace de l’exogroupe et le préjugé. Une analyse de régression linéaire a montré que la menace et le préjugé perçus expliquaient 42% de l’attitude vis-à-vis de la variabilité multiculturelle à l’école, étayant ainsi la validité du critère.O incremento dos estudantes imigrantes no sistema educativo chileno enfatiza a importância de pesquisar as atitudes dos docentes face á multiculturalidade em contextos escolares. Porém, existe um déficit de instrumentos de medição a serem aplicados à população local. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi validar a Escala de Atitude face á Multiculturalidade na Escola (León del Barco et al., 2007), numa amostra composta por N = 160 professores chilenos.. O modelo unifatorial apresenta o melhor ajuste aos dados. Os resultados confirmam a existência de relações significativas entre a atitude face á multiculturalidade, a percepção de ameaça exogrupal e o preconceito. As análises de regressão linear indicam que a ameaça exogrupal e o preconceito explicam 42% da variabilidade da atitude face á multiculturalidade, apoiando a validade de critério da escala

    Social and environmental analysis of the basin of Arniqueiras´ stream in the Federal District

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    O Distrito Federal se apresenta com muitas peculiaridades no que diz respeito às questões urbanas e ambientais. Pelas questões urbanas, a dicotomia entre o planejamento e a ocupação desordenada do solo. Estas controvérsias trouxeram uma série de problemas ambientais e sócioambientais que afetam a todo o conjunto da população. Um dos modelos de expansão urbana adotado no Distrito Federal é a criação de condomínios horizontais, os quais, em sua imensa maioria, foram constituídos de maneira irregular e sem qualquer preocupação ambiental, com significativa transformação das paisagens e impactos ambientais negativos. Este trabalho procura discutir as questões socioambientais em uma área de expansão urbana no Distrito Federal, com o objetivo de realizar uma análise geográfica integrada Assim, a bacia hidrográfica do córrego Arniqueiras no Distrito Federal foi selecionada, em função de apresentar aspectos pertinentes a esta realidade. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe Federal District presents many peculiarities in respect to the urban and environmental questions. For the urban questions, the dichotomy between the planning and the disordered occupation of the ground. These controversies had brought a series of social and environmental problems that affect the set of the population. One of the models of adopted urban expansion in the Federal District is the creation of horizontal properties jointly owned, which, in its immense majority, had been constituted in irregular way and without any environmental concern, with significant transformation them negative landscapes and ambient impacts. This work looks for to argue the social and environmental questions in an area of urban expansion in the Federal District, with the objective to carry through a integrated geographic analysis, the river basin of the Arniqueiras stream in the Federal District was selected, in function to present pertinent aspects to this reality

    Tumor Escape Phenotype in Bladder Cancer Is Associated with Loss of HLA Class I Expression, T-Cell Exclusion and Stromal Changes

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    Cancer eradication and clinical outcome of immunotherapy depend on tumor cell immunogenicity, including HLA class I (HLA-I) and PD-L1 expression on malignant cells, and on the characteristics of the tumor microenvironment, such as tumor immune infiltration and stromal reaction. Loss of tumor HLA-I is a common mechanism of immune escape from cytotoxic T lymphocytes and is linked to cancer progression and resistance to immunotherapy with the inhibitors of PD-L1/PD-1 signaling. Here we observed that HLA-I loss in bladder tumors is associated with T cell exclusion and tumor encapsulation with stromal elements rich in FAP-positive cells. In addition, PD-L1 upregulation in HLA-I negative tumors demonstrated a correlation with high tumor grade and worse overall- and cancer-specific survival of the patients. These changes define common immuno-morphological signatures compatible with cancer immune escape and acquired resistance to therapeutic interventions across different types of malignancy. They also may contribute to the search of new targets for cancer treatment, such as FAP-expressing cancer-associated fibroblasts, in refractory bladder tumors.ISCIII Research Institute co-financed by the European Union (FED-ER-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) (RETIC RD 06/020, RD09/0076/00165PI14/01978, PI16/00752, Q2827015E, PI17/00197, PT17/0015/0041) and by the Junta de Andalucía in Spain (Groups CTS-143, CTS-695, CTS3952, CVI-4740).AbbottSpanish Research Institute IDI-URO, Madri

    Development of lactoferrin-loaded liposomes for the management of dry eye disease and ocular inflammation

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    Dry eye disease (DED) is a high prevalent multifactorial disease characterized by a lack of homeostasis of the tear film which causes ocular surface inflammation, soreness, and visual disturbance. Conventional ophthalmic treatments present limitations such as low bioavailability and side effects. Lactoferrin (LF) constitutes a promising therapeutic tool, but its poor aqueous stability and high nasolacrimal duct drainage hinder its potential efficacy. In this study, we incorporate lactoferrin into hyaluronic acid coated liposomes by the lipid film method, followed by high pressure homogenization. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles were evaluated in vitro and ex vivo. Cytotoxicity and ocular tolerance were assayed both in vitro and in vivo using New Zealand rabbits, as well as dry eye and anti-inflammatory treatments. LF loaded liposomes showed an average size of 90 nm, monomodal population, positive surface charge and a high molecular weight protein encapsulation of 53%. Biopharmaceutical behaviour was enhanced by the nanocarrier, and any cytotoxic effect was studied in human corneal epithelial cells. Developed liposomes revealed the ability to reverse dry eye symptoms and possess anti-inflammatory efficacy, without inducing ocular irritation. Hence, lactoferrin loaded liposomes could offer an innovative nanotechnological tool as suitable approach in the treatment of DED.FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(2017SGR1477)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Memoria histórica y derechos humanos en Concepción-Chile: lugares e imaginarios locales vividos.

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    Objective: to inquire into historical memory´s representation forms trough four places of political repression during civic-military dictatorship (1973-1990), in the city of Concepción-Chile: the Catholic Cathedral, “Ester Roa Rebolledo” Stadium, the memorial “Homage to disappeared prisoner students” and “Bahamondes’ police station”. This work considers the nexus between memory and territory from the main assumption that territory produces different memory forms extrapolated to other territories. Methodology: qualitative from a documentary strategy (archival research, primary and secondary written sources analysis and photography). Results: the Catholic Cathedral and the Memorial configure memory sites, promoting ethic, political and religious forms of memory. By contrast, the Stadium turns to be an invisibilized place, whereas in the case of the Bahamondes’ police station, intentional denial has hindered its recognition as a memory site. Conclusions: The main conclusion is that the recent historical its alluding to a varied cartography composed by ethic, religious and political dimensions.[A1]  [A1]Hacer los ajustes según sugerencias al resumen en españolObjetivo: indagar desde un enfoque histórico en las formas de representación de la memoria reciente desde cuatro sitios vinculados a la represión política durante la dictadura cívico-militar (1973-1990) en la ciudad de Concepción-Chile: la Catedral de Concepción, el Estadio Municipal “Ester Roa Rebolledo”, el Memorial “Homenaje a los estudiantes detenidos desaparecidos” y el “Cuartel Bahamondes”. El nexo entre memoria y territorio se aborda desde el supuesto que éste último configura diferentes formas de memoria extrapolables a otros territorios. Método: Cualitativo documental, que considera investigación de archivos, análisis de fuentes primarias y secundarias escritas e imágenes fotográficas. Resultados: la Catedral y el Memorial se configuran como sitios de memoria por cuanto promueven formas de memoria éticas, políticas y religiosas. En cambio, el Estadio Municipal corresponde a un lugar de memoria invisibilizado, y en el caso del Cuartel, su condición de lugar intencionadamente negado dificulta su reconocimiento como sitio de memoria. Conclusiones: La memoria histórica reciente vinculada a los espacios configura una variada cartografía que abarca dimensiones éticas, estéticas, religiosas y políticas

    HCV-coinfection is related to an increased HIV-1 reservoir size in cART-treated HIV patients: a cross-sectional study

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    In HIV-1/HCV-coinfected patients, chronic HCV infection leads to an increased T-lymphocyte immune activation compared to HIV-monoinfected patients, thereby likely contributing to increase HIV-1 reservoir that is the major barrier for its eradication. Our objective was to evaluate the influence of HCV coinfection in HIV-1 viral reservoir size in resting (r) CD4+ T-cells (CD25-CD69-HLADR-). Multicenter cross-sectional study of 97 cART-treated HIV-1 patients, including 36 patients with HIV and HCV-chronic co-infection without anti-HCV treatment, 32 HIV patients with HCV spontaneous clearance and 29 HIV-monoinfected patients. rCD4+ T-cells were isolated and total DNA was extracted. HIV viral reservoir was measured by Alu-LTR qPCR. Differences between groups were calculated with a generalized linear model. Overall, 63.9% were men, median age of 41 years and Caucasian. Median CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocytes were 725 and 858 cells/mm3, respectively. CD4+ T nadir cells was 305 cells/mm3. Proviral HIV-1 DNA size was significantly increased in chronic HIV/HCV-coinfected compared to HIV-monoinfected patients (206.21 ± 47.38 vs. 87.34 ± 22.46, respectively; P = 0.009), as well as in spontaneously clarified HCV co-infected patients when compared to HIV-monoinfected individuals (136.20 ± 33.20; P = 0.009). HIV-1/HCV co-infected patients showed a larger HIV-1 reservoir size in comparison to HIV-monoinfected individuals. This increase could lead to a greater complexity in the elimination of HIV-1 reservoir in HIV-1/HCV-coinfected individuals, which should be considered in the current strategies for the elimination of HIV-1 reservoir.The authors thank all the patients for their participation. Financial support was provided by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III to VB (PI15CIII/00031), by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness to MC (SAF2016–78480-R) and The SPANISH AIDS Research Network RD16CIII/0002/0001, RD16CIII/0002/0002 and RD16/0025/0013 - ISCIII – FEDER. MRLP is supported by ISCIII - Subdirección General de Evaluacion and European Funding for Regional Development (FEDER) (PIE 13/00040 and RD12/0017/0017 RETIC de SIDA). C.P. is supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) (grant number SFRH/BPD/77448/2011 is part of the EDCTP2 programme supported by the European Union). V.B., A.F.R. and N.R. are supported by the Miguel Servet programme from Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (ISCIII) (grant number CP13/00098, CP14/CIII/00010 and CP14/00198, respectively).S

    Modification of BRCA1-associated breast cancer risk by HMMR overexpression

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    Breast cancer risk for carriers of BRCA1 pathological variants is modified by genetic factors. Genetic variation in HMMR may contribute to this effect. However, the impact of risk modifiers on cancer biology remains undetermined and the biological basis of increased risk is poorly understood. Here, we depict an interplay of molecular, cellular, and tissue microenvironment alterations that increase BRCA1-associated breast cancer risk. Analysis of genome-wide association results suggests that diverse biological processes, including links to BRCA1-HMMR profiles, influence risk. HMMR overexpression in mouse mammary epithelium increases Brca1-mutant tumorigenesis by modulating the cancer cell phenotype and tumor microenvironment. Elevated HMMR activates AURKA and reduces ARPC2 localization in the mitotic cell cortex, which is correlated with micronucleation and activation of cGAS-STING and non-canonical NF-kappa B signaling. The initial tumorigenic events are genomic instability, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, and tissue infiltration of tumor-associated macrophages. The findings reveal a biological foundation for increased risk of BRCA1-associated breast cancer. The effect of hyaluronan-mediated motility receptor (HMMR) expression in BRCA1-associated breast cancer risk remains unknown. Here, HMMR overexpression induces the activation of cGAS-STING and non-canonical NF-kappa B signalling, instigating an immune permissive environment for breast cancer development

    Informing research priorities for immature sea turtles through expert elicitation

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    Although sea turtles have received substantial focus worldwide, research on the immature life stages is still relatively limited. The latter is of particular importance, given that a large proportion of sea turtle populations comprises immature individuals. We set out to identify knowledge gaps and identify the main barriers hindering research in this field. We analyzed the perceptions of sea turtle experts through an online survey which gathered their opinions on the current state of affairs on immature sea turtle research, including species and regions in need of further study, priority research questions, and barriers that have interfered with the advancement of research. Our gap analysis indicates that studies on immature leatherback Dermochelys coriacea and hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricata turtles are lacking, as are studies on all species based in the Indian, South Pacific, and South Atlantic Oceans. Experts also perceived that studies in population ecology, namely on survivorship and demography, and habitat use/behavior, are needed to advance the state of knowledge on immature sea turtles. Our survey findings indicate the need for more inter-disciplinary research, collaborative efforts (eg data-sharing, joint field activities), and improved communication among researchers, funding bodies, stakeholders, and decision-makers