822 research outputs found

    Primeros datos sobre la estratigrafía de la región Chiclana de Segura-río Madera (Zona Prebética, provincia de Jaén)

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    La presente nota es un avance sobre las características estratigráficas de un sector de la Zona Prebética. Fundamentalmente se estudian las series mesozoicas estableciendo sus correlaciones. Sobre el Paleozoico de la Meseta se depositan diferentes formaciones de aguas someras con frecuentes cambios de facies y, como en todos los bordes de la Meseta, caracterizadas por una influencia continental en la sedimentación que se traduce en la existencia de episodios marinos y continentales de mayor o menor amplitud. Se incluye un esquema geológico de conjunto

    Estudio estratigráfico del sector centro-oriental de Sierra Arana (Cordilleras Béticas)

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    En este artículo se da a conocer la serie estratigráfica de Sierra Arana establecida con el máximo detalle y basada en el estudio de la macro y microfauna. La serie tipo que se va a describir comienza en la base del Lías y termina en el Nummulítico. Esto en cuanto a terrenos que han tomado parte activa en la orogenia. Como terrenos claramente postorogénicos existen : Neogeno y depósitos cuaternarios

    An interference-resilient IIoT solution for measuring the effectiveness of industrial processes

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    The development and deployment of the so-called Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) have significantly increased the control and monitoring capabilities of companies, and thus their potential productivity. In this paper, we propose the use of Raspberry Pi devices in industrial environments to mea-sure productivity parameters. Our proposal can economically and efficiently gather data related with the availability and productivity of industrial machinery. However, since low-cost devices are prone to suffer the negative effects of electromagnetic interferences, we additionally propose an alternative to prevent signal alterations caused by them. More specifically, we propose a filtering mechanism called Smart Coded Filter (SCF), which eliminates wrong signals caused by electromagnetic interferences, and, therefore, highly improves the accuracy when estimating the availability metric. Results obtained demonstrate that our low-cost device provided with the SCF completely ignores 100% of wrong availability data, while reducing up to 70% the number of records stored into the database

    A new ornithopod dinosaur from the Santonian of Northern Patagonia (Rincón de los Sauces, Argentina)

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    In recent decades, the Argentinian ornithopod record – which includes eight species that have been described – has increased as a result of the discovery of diverse new bone remains from the Upper Cretaceous. The area near the town of Rincón de los Sauces (Neuquén Province) presents rich fossiliferous outcrops that have provided new ornithopod remains. These bones are from two units: the Plottier and Bajo de la Carpa formations. In the latter, several isolated postcranial bones and a partial articulated skeleton (MAU-Pv-CO-596) have been found. The holotype of Mahuidacursor lipanglef gen. et sp. nov. (MAU-Pv-CO-596) comes from the Cerro Overo site (Santonian, Upper Cretaceous). The skeleton preserves elements from the cervical and dorsal series, the pectoral girdle and the right forelimb. It corresponds to a medium-bodied ornithopod with a gracile general appearance. Histological analysis suggests that the specimen was a sexually mature but not fully grown individual. Some distinctive characters present in Mahuidacursor, such as the strongly bowed humeral shaft and the weakly developed deltopectoral crest, are shared with other South American basal ornithopods. A phylogenetic analysis including Mahuidacursor within a large ornithischian dataset was performed. The results show Mahuidacursor to be a basal ornithopod recovered within a polytomy along with Notohypsilophodon and the clade Elasmaria (Talenkauen + Macrogryphosaurus)

    Mediation criteria for interactive serious games aimed at improving learning in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

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    The PASS intelligence theory (Planning, Attention-Arousal, Simultaneous and Successive) was used together with Feuerstein’s mediation model to develop a system of categories for mediation in educational games. This system was used to analyze and improve the design of interactive games that can enhance mediation in learning, particularly in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). To this end, interactive games designed for a tabletop device were evaluated within an educational context. 27 children (3–14 years old), who had been diagnosed with ADHD, took part. The tabletop has an intuitive system that allows children to interact directly with objects with which they are familiar, providing opportunities for play and communication. These games were evaluated by the participant observation of individual and group playing experiences, interviews, and two focus groups. The results show that mediation recommendations can be useful in the design of the games. They also confirm the need to improve the adaptability of the games to enable children with ADHD to mediate, plan, and focus their attention. With the aid of a facilitator, the mediating function of learning-games can therefore be applied in the development of the executive functions that are key to learning

    Guidelines to design tangible tabletop activities for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most frequent neurodevelopmental disorders among children. In spite of this, there is a lack of HCI research specifically devoted to these children. This paper describes efforts to transfer previous experience with other neurodiverse children in the field of tangible tabletops to ADHD children. The results of evaluation sessions carried out in conjunction with an ADHD association, complemented with an in-depth study of their special characteristics and needs, have led to a set of guidelines oriented to the design of tangible tabletop activities. These guidelines are mostly general and applicable to the design of any interactive application oriented to ADHD children. They are also appropriate for applications for other neurodiverse children or, in fact, any child from a more inclusive perspective

    Evidence for the activity and paleoseismicity of the Padul fault (Betic Cordillera, southern Spain)

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    There is evidence of recent tectonic activity in the proximity of Padul, in the central sector of the Betic Cordillera. The principal active fault in this region is the Padul normal fault, running NW-SE, which displays spectacular geomorphological and structural features owing to its recent activity. However, there is no evidence of earthquakes of moderate-high magnitude occurring in this area during the historical or the instrumental period. In the vicinity of Padul we identified various soft-sediment deformation structures produced by liquefaction which we attributed to seismic shocks of a moderate-high magnitude. These structures are situated in detritic sediments, intercalated with layers of peat, which have enabled dating of these paleoearthquakes to the late Pleistocene (approx. 30,000 to 35,000 yr BP). Moreover, field observations in sediments of alluvial fans in the vicinity of the Padul fault, together with a retrodeformation analysis of an outcrop, enabled various deformation events to be dated to the recent Quaternary period

    A new primitive Neornithischian dinosaur from the Jurassic of Patagonia with gut contents

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    We describe a new species of an ornithischian dinosaur, Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. The specimen, consisting in an almost complete skull and incomplete postcranium was collected from the marine-deltaic deposits of the Los Molles Formation (Toarcian-Bajocian), being the first reported dinosaur for this unit, one of the oldest from Neuquén Basin, and the first neornithischian dinosaur known from the Jurassic of South America. Despite showing a general stegosaurian appearance, the extensive phylogenetic analysis carried out depicts Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. as a basal ornithopod, suggesting that both Thyreophora and neornithischians could have achieved significant convergent features. The specimen was preserved articulated and with some of its gut content place in the middle-posterior part of the thoracic cavity. Such stomach content was identified as seeds, most of them belonging to the Cycadales group. This finding reveals a possible and unexpected role of this ornithischian species as seed-dispersal agent

    Las fallas y pliegues recientes y activos de la parte centro-oriental de las Zonas Internas de la Cordillera Bética

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    The most recent tectonic structures of the central-eastern Internal Zones of the Betic Cordillera (from 3.1ºW to 1.7ºW and to the south of 37.525ºN) include fault and folds developed from the Late Miocene onwards, which are related to N-S/NW-SE directed continental collision and moderate thickening of a crust that is relatively hot at depth. In this setting, E-W to WSW-ENE folds, with locally associated E-W transpressive right-lateral and reverse faults, favoured the emersion of the northern Alborán basin palaeomargin and the progressive intramontane basin disconnection. The NNE-SSW to NE-SW trending regional left-lateral Palomares and Carboneras fault zones are dominant structures in the easternmost part of the cordillera. In addition, NW-SE to WNWESE trending normal and oblique-slip normal faults are widespread. The collision is still active and continues to drive active folds and faults, some probably being the likely source of moderate-sized earthquakes. The Campo de Dalías and surrounding sectors, deformed by active ENE-WSW folds and NW-SE to WNW-ESE oblique-slip normal faults, are probably the sites with the largest concentration of significant earthquakes during recent years. Moderate-magnitude earthquakes (Mw 5.0 to 6.5) have occurred there at fairly regular intervals, in 1804, 1910, and 1994. Toward the east, NW-SE trending normal faults extending from Almería to the Tabernas basin deform the Quaternary rocks with associated moderate seismicity (the 2002 Gergal Mw 4.7 earthquake, and possibly the 1894 Nacimiento earthquake, felt with intensity VII). In the Sorbas-Vera basin, the Palomares fault zone is also responsible for moderate-sized earthquakes (1518 Vera earthquake). In the Almanzora corridor, NW-SE to WNW-ESE trending Lúcar-Somontín faults also could be considered one of the possible source of moderate-magnitude seismicity (1932 Lúcar, Mw 4.8 earthquake felt with intensity VIII). Toward the east, between Albox and Partaloa, several small reverse faults and associated compressive structures deform Quaternary alluvial and fluvial sediments. Although some of these folds reveal a slow and progressive deformation from the Middle Pleistocene onwards, some of these reverse fault segments that deform the western Huércal-Overa basin could host the 1972 NW Partaloa, mbLg 4.8 earthquake, felt with intensity VII.Las estructuras tectónicas más recientes que deforman la parte centro-oriental de las Zonas Internas de Cordillera Bética (entre 3.1º y 1.7ºO y al sur de 37.525ºN) son fallas y pliegues que comenzaron a formarse aproximadamente en el Mioceno superior en un contexto de colisión continental N-S/NO-SE y moderado engrosamiento cortical. En este marco tectónico, pliegues y fallas transpresivas dextras e inversas de direcciones E-O/OSO-ENE favorecieron la emersión del borde norte de la paleocuenca de Alborán y la progresiva desconexión de pequeñas cuencas intramontañosas. Además, comenzaron a formarse las grandes zonas de falla de Palomares y Carboneras, con direcciones NNE-SSO y NE-SO respectivamente y movimientos sinistros, que también han condicionado la evolución de la Cordillera Bética oriental desde el Mioceno superior. Algunas fallas con salto normal/normal-oblicuo y trazas NO-SE/ONO-ESE también se han desarrollado ampliamente en toda la zona de estudio. La colisión, aún activa, permite que algunos pliegues y fallas continúen propagándose en la actualidad, eventualmente causando terremotos con magnitudes moderadas. El Campo de Dalías y los sectores adyacentes, deformados por pliegues activos de direcciones ENE-OSO y fallas NO-SE/ONOESE normales-oblicuas, probablemente representan la zona con mayor concentración de terremotos importantes (Mw 5.0-6.5) con eventos recurrentes en 1804, 1910 y 1994. Al este del Campo de Dalías, una amplia zona de falla normal se extiende en dirección NO-SE desde Almería hasta la cuenca de Tabernas. Esta zona de falla muestra evidencias de funcionamiento durante el Cuaternario y tiene sismicidad moderada asociada a su terminación septentrional (el terremoto de Gergal en 2002 con Mw 4.7; y posiblemente el terremoto de Nacimiento en 1894 con intensidad VII). La zona de falla de Palomares es también responsable de terremotos moderados en la Cuenca de Sorbas-Vera (terremoto de Vera en 1518). En la parte central del corredor del Almanzora, alguno de los segmentos de falla normal que se extienden entre Lúcar y Somontín podría ser responsable del terremoto de Lúcar, en 1932 (Mw 4.8 e intensidad VIII). Al este, entre Albox y Partaloa, se han descrito fallas inversas y pliegues asociados que deforman sedimentos cuaternarios. Aunque algunas de estas estructuras muestran evidencias de funcionamiento lento y progresivo durante el Cuaternario, el terremoto de Partaloa en 1972 (mbLg 4.8 e intensidad VII) pudo ser causado por la actividad de cualquiera de estos segmentos de falla inversa que deforman la parte occidental de la cuenca de Huércal-Overa

    Principales fallas activas de las Cuencas de Granada y Guadix-Baza (Cordillera Bética)

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    The Granada and Guadix-Baza Basins, the largest Neogene-Quaternary intramontane basins of the Betic Cordillera (southern Spain), undergo active deformation with an associated moderate level of seismic activity. This deformation is controlled by a NNWSSE compressive regime and an approximate orthogonal tensional regime. The compression produced N70ºE to E-W folds of several scales, the Sierra Nevada antiform being the largest one. The tension is accommodated mainly by NW-SE active normal faults, the most notable being the Baza Fault, in the Guadix-Baza Basin, and the Granada, Sierra Elvira-Dílar and Padul-Dúrcal Faults, in the Granada Basin. In addition, other active faults with different orientations also exist, such as the Alfahuara-Botardo and the Galera faults in the Guadix-Baza Basin, and the Huenes, Obéilar-Pinos Puente and N of Sierra Tejeda Faults in the Granada Basin. Moreover, in several sectors, the presence of orthogonal normal fault sets suggests alternating trends or even radial extension. Slip rates of these active faults, based on geologic markers, vary between 0.06 and 0.5 mm/year. Estimates for the maximum expected magnitude of earthquakes caused by these faults vary between MW 6.0 and 7.0. The N of Sierra Tejeda and the Baza Faults, the largest faults in the Granada and Guadix-Baza Basins, respectively, have the greatest seismic potential. They could cause events up to a magnitude of MW 6.5-7.0, although their reference earthquakes, computed for a return period of 475 years, are on the order of MW 5.0-5.5.Las Cuencas de Granada y Guadix-Baza, las mayores cuencas intramontañosas del Neógeno y Cuaternario de la Cordillera Bética (sur de España), experimentan una deformación activa y tienen asociada una actividad sísmica moderada. La deformación está controlada por una compresión NNO-SSE y una tensión aproximadamente perpendicular. La compresión ha formado pliegues de dirección N70ºE a E-O de muy diferentes tamaños, siendo el antiforme de Sierra Nevada el mayor. La tensión se acomoda sobre todo por fallas normales NO-SE, siendo las más notables de ellas la falla de Baza, en la cuenca de Guadix-Baza, y las de Granada, Sierra Elvira-Dílar y Padul-Dúrcal, en la cuenca de Granada. Además, existen otras fallas activas con diferentes orientaciones, tales como la de Alfahuara-Botardo y la de Galera en la cuenca de Guadix-Baza y las de Huenes, Obéilar-Pinos Puente y norte de Sierra Tejeda en la cuenca de Granada. Además, en varios sectores, la presencia de juegos de fallas ortogonales sugiere cambios en el elipsoide de esfuerzos e incluso una extensión radial. Las tasas de desplazamiento de estas fallas activas, calculadas a partir de marcadores geológicos, varían entre 0,06 y 0,5 mm/año. La estimación del potencial sísmico indica que la máxima magnitud esperable de los terremotos producidos por estas fallas varía entre MW 6,0 y 7,0. La falla del N de Sierra Tejeda y la de Baza, las mayores respectivamente en las Cuencas de Granada y Guadix-Baza, tienen el mayor potencial sísmico. Podrían causar eventos con magnitudes del orden de MW 6,5-7,0, aunque sus terremotos de referencia para un periodo de retorno de 475 años son del orden de MW 5,0-5,5