257 research outputs found

    Universality and quantum effects in one-component critical fluids

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    Non-universal scale transformations of the physical fields are extended to pure quantum fluids and used to calculate susceptibility, specific heat and the order parameter along the critical isochore of He3 near its liquid-vapor critical point. Within the so-called preasymptotic domain, where the Wegner expansion restricted to the first term of confluent corrections to scaling is expected valid, the results show agreement with the experimental measurements and recent predictions, either based on the minimal-substraction renormalization and the massive renormalization schemes within the Φ_d=34(n=1)\Phi\_{d=3}^{4}(n=1)-model, or based on the crossover parametric equation of state for Ising-like systems

    Critical slowing down and fading away of the piston effect in porous media

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    We investigate the critical speeding up of heat equilibration by the piston effect (PE) in a nearly supercritical van der Waals (vdW) fluid confined in a homogeneous porous medium. We perform an asymptotic analysis of the averaged linearized mass, momentum and energy equations to describe the response of the medium to a boundary heat flux. While nearing the critical point (CP), we find two universal crossovers depending on porosity, intrinsic permeability and viscosity. Closer to the CP than the first crossover, a pressure gradient appears in the bulk due to viscous effects, the PE characteristic time scale stops decreasing and tends to a constant. In infinitly long samples the temperature penetration depth is larger than the diffusion one indicating that the PE in porous media is not a finite size effect as it is in pure fluids. Closer to the CP, a second cross over appears which is characterized by a pressure gradient in the thermal boundary layer (BL). Beyond this second crossover, the PE time remains constant, the expansion of the fluid in the BL drops down and the PE ultimately fades away

    Fast heat transfer calculations in supercritical fluids versus hydrodynamic approach

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    International audienceThis study investigates the heat transfer in a simple pure fluid whose temperature is slightly above its critical temperature. We propose a efficient numerical method to predict the heat transfer in such fluids when the gravity can be neglected. The method, based on a simplified thermodynamic approach, is compared with direct numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes and energy equations performed for CO2 and SF6. A realistic equation of state is used to describe both fluids. The proposed method agrees with the full hydrodynamic solution and provides a huge gain in computation time. The connection between the purely thermodynamic and hydrodynamic descriptions is also discussed

    Master crossover functions for the one-component fluid "subclass"

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    Introducing three well-defined dimensionless numbers, we establish the link between the scale dilatation method able to estimate master (i.e. unique) singular behaviors of the one-component fluid "subclass" and the universal crossover functions recently estimated [Garrabos and Bervillier, Phys. Rev. E 74, 021113 (2006)] from the bounded results of the massive renormalization scheme applied to the..

    Granular Media under Vibration in Zero Gravity: Transition from Rattling to Granular Gas

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    We report on different experimental behaviours of granular dissipative matter excited by vibration as studied during the 43rd ESA campaign of Airbus A300-0g from CNES. The effect of g-jitter is quantified through the generation of a rattle effect. The French-European team's electromagnetic set-up is used, with 20Hz cam recording and high speed camera for a short duration (1s) during each parabola.Comment: Poudres et Grains 201

    Master crossover behavior of parachor correlations for one-component fluids

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    The master asymptotic behavior of the usual parachor correlations, expressing surface tension σ\sigma as a power law of the density difference ρLρV\rho_{L}-\rho_{V} between coexisting liquid and vapor, is analyzed for a series of pure compounds close to their liquid-vapor critical point, using only four critical parameters (βc)1(\beta_{c})^{-1}, αc\alpha_{c}, ZcZ_{c} and YcY_{c}, for each fluid. ... The main consequences of these theoretical estimations are discussed in the light of engineering applications and process simulations where parachor correlations constitute one of the most practical method for estimating surface tension from density and capillary rise measurements

    Coherent behavior of balls in a vibrated box

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    We report observations on very low density limit of one and two balls, vibrated in a box, showing a coherent behavior along a direction parallel to the vibration. This ball behavior causes a significant reduction of the phase space dimension of this billiard-like system. We believe this is because the lowest dissipation process along a non-ergodic orbit eliminates ball rotation and freezes transverse velocity fluctuations. From a two-ball experiment performed under low-gravity conditions, we introduce a "laser-like" ball system as a prototype of a new dynamical model for very low density granular matter at nonequilibrium steady state