55 research outputs found

    Employment management policies in single-industry towns in the light of existing issues of precarious employment

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    Purpose: The article aims to study the precarious employment in single-industry towns and to assess the effectiveness of government measures aimed at reducing it and ensuring the protection of economic and social rights of workers. Design/Methodology/Approach: It was revealed that the transition to an information-digital society, which continues to be formatted at the junction of changes in communication technologies and the motivation of employment behavior, has significantly changed the labor market in Russia. There was a massive introduction of non-standard forms of employment, which has not only positive effects, but also negative risks that are most acute in single-industry towns. To minimize these risks, it is necessary to find mechanisms to increase the economic and social security of workers with flexible employment. Findings: The paper proposes to develop an employment management policy in single-industry towns regarding the precarious employment and include measures of solving the issues related to self-employment of the population. Practical Implications: The practical results of the study can be used to develop assumptions for regional authorities to reduce precarious employment in single-industry towns. Originality / Value: The main contribution of this study is that single-industry cities should reduce inefficient “social employment” by creating highly efficient jobs and developing self-employmenpeer-reviewe

    National competitiveness as the object of indicative planning in the context of re-industrialization

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    Three years after the adoption of legislation regarding strategical planning we are able to see the first statistical results, reflecting actual conditions of regulated objects. The subject of this article is to examine the system of indicators of state economic policy, targeting to stimulate the development of economic potential with the aim to improve national economic competitiveness. The objective is the competitiveness of domestic economy as the subject of regulation. The aim is the analysis of the system of indicators on the basis of comparison of actual and planned data, detecting weakly correlated indicators and to make recommendations to correct the system of indicators. The article analyses the indicators that are being used in normative and legal documents. The authors consider long-term and medium-term targets for economic frontier development, as well as main factors that should be accounted while formulating the system of indicators for the economic potential in long- and medium-term. As the list of indicators of economic development in the strategic documents is vast, the chosen direction considers the production with high added value. The indicators considered reflect the indicative aim of scientific development, national innovation system and technology as the most important foundations for improvement of national economic competitiveness. Multidirectional trend of economic development and administration indicators has been detected. The formation of system of supplementary indicators that reflect the development of production frontier has been proposed.peer-reviewe


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    The purpose of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis of educational reforms in advanced economies and in Russia so performed differently at various instances and to identify positive and negative trends in the system of Russian education based on the results of moving to a two-tiered system of education. Research methodology: the article presents a description of the methods of theoretical research (analysis, synthesis, generalization), expressed in the consistency of the conceptual apparatus, the relationship of concepts and basic principles, ensuring the relationship between functional theoretical principles based on the reform of the Russian education system, and empirical methods (observation, measurement), providing research results based on the realities of modern reality. The systematic approach is analyzed for a qualitative study of the processes and phenomena occurring in the Russian education system, aimed at solving the following problems of professional education: development of theoretical concepts based on system principles; educational process management; substantiation of the consistency of conclusions and proposals characterizing the processes of education. Results: annually forecast the need for staffing in territorial planning, introduce a correlation in the recruitment for higher and secondary vocational education programs, revive the training system for workers and restore the prestige of secondary vocational education.  El objetivo del estudio es realizar un análisis comparativo de las reformas educativas en países con economías desarrolladas y en Rusia, llevado a cabo de manera diferente en diferentes casos, e identificar tendencias positivas y negativas en el sistema educativo ruso en función de los resultados de la transición a un sistema educativo de dos niveles. Metodología de la investigación: el artículo describe los métodos de investigación teórica (análisis, síntesis, generalización), expresados ​​en la consistencia del aparato conceptual, la relación de conceptos y principios básicos que aseguran la interconexión de los principios teórico funcionales basados ​​en la reforma. Sistema educativo ruso y métodos empíricos (observación, medición) que proporcionan resultados de investigación basados ​​en las realidades de la realidad moderna. Se utiliza un enfoque sistemático para un estudio cualitativo de los procesos y fenómenos que ocurren en el sistema educativo ruso, con el objetivo de resolver las siguientes tareas de la educación profesional: desarrollo de conceptos teóricos basados ​​en principios del sistema; gestión de procesos educativos; fundamentación de la consistencia de conclusiones y sugerencias que caracterizan los procesos de aprendizaje. Resultados: pronostica anualmente la necesidad de personal en la planificación territorial, introduce correlación en el reclutamiento para programas de educación vocacional superior y secundaria, revive el sistema de capacitación para trabajadores y restablece el prestigio de la educación vocacional secundaria.Цель исследования – провести сравнительный анализ образовательных реформ в странах с развитой экономикой и в России, проведенных по-разному в разных случаях, и выявить положительные и отрицательные тенденции в системе российского образования на основе результатов перехода к двухуровневой системе образования. Методология исследования: в статье представлено описание методов теоретического исследования (анализа, синтеза, обобщения), выраженных в согласованности концептуального аппарата, взаимосвязи концепций и базовых принципов, обеспечивающих взаимосвязь функционально-теоретических принципов на основе реформирования. российской системы образования и эмпирические методы (наблюдение, измерение), обеспечивающие результаты исследований, основанные на реалиях современной реальности. Системный подход используется для качественного изучения процессов и явлений, происходящих в российской системе образования, направленных на решение следующих задач профессионального образования: разработка теоретических концепций на основе системных принципов; управление учебным процессом; обоснование согласованности выводов и предложений, характеризующих процессы обучения. Результаты: ежегодно прогнозировать потребность в кадрах в территориальном планировании, вводить корреляцию при наборе на программы высшего и среднего профессионального образования, возрождать систему подготовки рабочих и восстанавливать престиж среднего профессионального образования

    Psychological, physiological and biochemical indicators of female professional basketball players and ski runners

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    Objective: comparison of psychological, physiological and biochemical markers in female basketball players and ski runners. Materials and methods: we investigated 8 female basketball players and 12 ski runners. For this we used questionnaire «Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes», maximal bicycle ergometer endurance exercise test and biochemical analysis of venous blood. Results: we showed that female basketball players had, in comparison with ski runners, higher levels of sports stress, injury susceptibility - but also had higher self-efficacy values. Basketball players had higher average height, body mass and percentage of body fat, and higher oxygen pulse at rest. At the same time, they had lower efficacy and maximal oxygen consumption in maximal bicycle ergometer endurance exercise test. Female basketball players had lower plasma aspartate aminotransferase and total protein levels. Conclusions: we conclude that observed differences between female basketball players and ski runners were caused by differences in the initial selection criteria for basketball and ski running. Those initial dissimilarities were further reinforced by differences in typical physical tasks and demands, specific for their respective sports. Training regimens and other factors of the preparatory process also added to the differences observed between groups

    Dynamics of the anaerobic threshold of ski racers throughout the annual training cycle

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    To study the dynamics of cardiorespiratory parameters in the anaerobic threshold zone of ski racers throughout the annual training cycle. Materials and methods: 300 examinations of 49 professional ski racers of I category and candidate masters of sports (aged from 15 to 32 years, mean age - 19,7±1,3 (M±m)) were carried out in the breath-by-breath mode on an Oxycon Pro ergospirometric system (Erich Jaeger). Maximal oxygen consumption (MOC: absolute and per kilogram of body weight) was detected during pass-fail test. Heart rate (HR), oxygen consumption (VO2), oxygen pulse and maximal load were registered in the anaerobic threshold zone. Difference between the actual and theoretically calculated HR, VO2 percentage (relate to maximal oxygen consumption) was calculated. Results: pulse increase in the anaerobic threshold zone by 20% prolonged aerobic activity of ski racers and increased maximal aerobic load by 20%. Conclusions: the most favorable values of cardiorespiratory parameters were registered during the preparation period, and the least - during the competition period. This fact requires correction of the training process and rehabilitation

    Externalities in the Formation of the Digital Space

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    The Internet of Things can be called a new direction of integration into the world space; it is a kind of paradigm for using cyberspace in the concept of calculating physical objects with built-in interaction technology or with the external environment. A company’s use of the concept of the Internet of Things as a phenomenon can limit the economic and social process that separates the needs of human participation from the part of actions and operations.Новым направлением интеграции в мировое пространство можно назвать Интернет вещей, это своего рода парадигма использования киберпространства в концепции расчета физических объектов со встроенной технологией взаимодействия или с внешней средой. Использование компанией концепции Интернета вещей как явления может ограничить экономический и социальный процесс, который отделяет потребности человеческого участия от части действий и операций

    Ways to Integrate the Sphere of Culture into the Russian Economy

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    10995/27938В статье обоснованы, основные виды интеграции в индустрии культуры: вертикальная интеграция между хозяйствующими субъектами, находящимися на различных этапах создания цепочки ценности; горизонтальная интеграция происходит между организациями, находящимися на той же стадии производственного процесса; диагональная интеграция между субъектами индустрии культуры предполагает создание неких объединяющих союзов, работающих в различных производственных процессах, сотрудничающих с целью создания или реализации комплекса услуг; мультисекторная, полисекторальная и мультимедийная интеграция, в ходе которой субъекты индустрии культуры подчиняют субъектов рынка в связанных с ними зонах производства услуг культуры, зачастую чтобы усилить перекрестное продвижение товаров и услуг.The article substantiates the main types of integration in the cultural industry: vertical integration between economic entities at different stages of creating a value chain; horizontal integration occurs between organizations at the same stage of the production process; diagonal integration between cultural industry entities involves the creation of certain unifying unions working in different production processes, cooperating to create or implement a set of services; multisectoral, multisectoral, and multimedia integration, in which cultural industry actors subordinate market actors in their associated cultural service production areas, often to enhance cross-promotion of goods and services.Статья выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта №19-010-01004/21 «Разработка организационно-экономических и финансовых механизмов поддержки и стратегического развития индустрии культуры в регионах России».The article is financially supported by The Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research within the framework of the scientific project №19-010-01004/21 «Development of organizational, economic and financial mechanisms to support and strategic development of the cultural industry in the regions of Russia»

    Integration Patterns in the Russian Cultural Industry

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    The article examines the need to introduce new and clarify existing concepts of the conceptual apparatus of the cultural industry, which will complement the scientific understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the functioning of the Russian cultural industry. In relation to the Russian ultural industry, it is proposed to use a new aspect of the interpretation of efficiency, supplemented by new non-economic meanings. Efficiency is proposed to be considered as a combination of values – consumer (economic), non-consumer and externality. Non-consumer/ non-economic / non-commercial value not related to the market of goods/works/services, but related to the intangible market of ideas is aimed at obtaining the values of existence (heritage is necessary even if there is no possibility of personal consumption); the values of opportunity (potential for future consumption); the value of a testamentary gift (legacy for future generations). All the proposed types of efficiency are interpreted in the time-speed interval of production/consumption/evaluation.В статье исследуется необходимость введения новых и уточнения уже существующих понятий понятийного аппарата индустрии культуры, которые дополнят научное представление о преимуществах и недостатках функционирования индустрии культуры России. Применительно к индустрии культуры России предлагается использовать новый аспект трактовки эффективности, дополненный новыми внеэкономическими смыслами. Эффективность предлагается рассматривать как комбинацию ценностей – потребительской (экономической), непотребительской и экстерналии. Непотребительская/ внеэкономическая/ внекоммерческая ценность не относящаяся к рынку товаров/работ/услуг, а относящаяся к нематериальному рынку идей направленна на получение ценностей существования (наследие необходимо даже если нет возможности личного потребления); ценностей возможности (потенциальная возможность потребления будущем); ценность завещательного дара (наследие для последующих поколений). Все предлагаемые виды эффективности трактуются во временном скоростном промежутке производства/потребления/оценки.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ, проект «Разработка организационно-экономических и финансовых механизмов поддержки и стратегического развития индустрии культуры в регионах России» № 19-010-01004/21.The research was carried out with the financial support of the RFBR, the project «Development of organizational, economic and financial mechanisms for supporting and strategic development of the cultural industry in the regions of Russia» No. 19-010-01004/21

    Terahertz generation by means of ZnGeP2 large aperture photoconductive antenna

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    The generation of terahertz (THz) radiation using a ZnGeP2 (ZGP) large-aperture photoconductive antenna (PCA) was demonstrated. The semiconductors were excited above and below the bandgap (400 and 800 nm) by a femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser. The THz pulse waveform generated by the ZGP antenna was measured using a time-domain spectroscopy technique. The antenna’s THz pulse energy dependence on the optical pump energy was measured, and saturation fluence and carrier mobility were estimated. The ZGP and a chemical vapor deposited ZnSe-based PCA were compared