5 research outputs found


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    A survey on the concentration of some metals and metalloids in soils of Veneto conducted on 2393 samples, of which 1363 topsoil (0-40 cm) and 1030 subsoil (70-100 cm), allowed to define the background values for the metals considered.Particularly for some metals and in areas of volcanic substrata these values were above certain threshold concentrations of contamination defined by the Italian environmental legislation. Some results of persistent organic pollutants monitoring inthe soils are reported and available.Une surveillance sur la concentration de certains métaux et métalloïdes dans les sols de la Vénétie menées sur 2393 échantillons, dont la couche arable 1363 (0-40 cm) et 1030 sous-sol (70-100 cm) a permis de définir les valeurs de fond pour les métaux considérés. En particulier pour certains métaux et dans les zones de substrats volcaniques valeurs sont au-dessus des concentrations seuils de contamination définis certains par la législation italienne sur la protection de l'environnement. Certains résultats de la surveillance des polluants organiques persistants dans le sol est disponible et rapporté.Un monitoraggio della concentrazione di metalli e metalloidi in alcuni terreni del Veneto è stato condotto mediante l’analisi di 2393 campioni, 1363 superficiali (0-40 cm) e 1030 profondi (70-100 cm); i risultati sono stati utilizzati per definire i valori di fondo per i metalli considerati. In particolare per alcuni metalli e nei suoli formatisi su substrati vulcanici tali valori sono al di sopra delle concentrazioni soglia di contaminazione definite dal Testo Unico Ambientale. Analogo monitoraggio è in corso sulla concentrazione nei suoli dei microinquinanti organici

    Humusica 1, article 5: Terrestrial humus systems and forms — Keys of classification of humus systems and forms

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    This article is an as simple as possible key of classification of terrestrial (aerobic, not submersed) topsoils (organic and organic-mineral series of soil horizons). Based on the introduction exposed in Humusica 1, article 1, and using vocabulary and definitions listed in article 4, a classification is proposed for better understanding the biological functioning of the soil, partially disclosing the process of litter digestion. Five types of terrestrial topsoils, called terrestrial humus systems, are described and illustrated with the help of photographs. Within each humus system, 3–4 humus forms are also revealed, corresponding to similar series of soil horizons generated in a relatively homogeneous environment whose range of ecological factors is not so large to overstep and cause the genesis of another different humus system. The article ends with a figure that shows the relationship between Tangel and Amphi humus systems, and a dichotomous key of classification that one can easily print and bring in the field for practicing humus classification

    Humusica 1, article 4 : Terrestrial humus systems and forms-Specific terms and diagnostic horizons

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    Knowledge of a little number of specific terms is necessary to investigate and describe humipedons. This "new vocabulary" allows individuating and circumscribing particular diagnostic horizons, which are the fundamental bricks of the humipedon. Few "components" defined by specific terms characterize a specific "humipedon horizon"; few "humipedon horizons" compose a given "humus form" and some similar "humus forms" are grouped in a functional "humus system". In this article, specific terms and humus horizons are listed and explained one by one. Field difficulties are illustrated and resolved. The aim of the article is to present in a manner as simple as possible how to distinguish in the field the soil structures allowing a morpho-functional classification of terrestrial (aerated, not submerged) humipedons