114 research outputs found

    Study on Marine Sandwave Dynamics

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    Geoid, ellipsoid, land levelling, mean sea level, lowest astronomical tide, are reference levels used by hydrographers. From survey to chart production, hydrography operational techniques, require precise levelling of chart datum with reference to one of these levels. This presupposes in one hand, precise definitions and, in the other, a critical assessment of consistency with general reference level requirements: stability, accessibility, precision.Geoide, elipsoide, nivelaciôn terrestre, nivel medio del mar, menor marea astronômica, son niveles de referenda utilizados por los higrôgrafos. Desde el levantamiento hasta la producciôn de la carta nâutica, las técnicas hidrogrâficas operacionales requieren una précisa definicion del datum de la carta con referenda a uno de estos niveles. Esto presupone por una parte, précisas definiciones y, por la otra, una critica valoraciôn de la consistencia con los requerimientos de niveles de referenda generales: estabilidad, accesibilidad, precision.Géoïde, ellipsoïde, nivellement terrestre, niveau moyen, niveau des plus basses mers, sont autant de références utilisés en hydrographie. Les techniques mises en oeuvre lors des travaux hydrographiques, depuis les levés jusqu’à la confection des cartes marines, nécessitent la cotation du zéro hydrographique par rapport à l’une ou l’autre de ces références. Cela suppose d’une part des définitions précises, d'autre part une évaluation critique des critères de conformité relatifs à toute référence, à savoir: stabilité, accessibilité, précision

    Innovations in Marine Cartography at SHOM

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    Morphodynamique d'une dune sous-marine du détroit du pas de Calais

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    National audienceMorphodynamics of an undersea sandwave of the Dover Straits. This paper investigates the dynamics of sandwaves in relationship with tidal currents and weather conditions. The studied sandwaves are located in the Dover Straits and are covered by megaripples. These megaripples have migration speeds of 1 mh−1 and slopes of 34◦, suggesting the potential for avalanches to occur along the flanks of the sandwave. Tidal cycles without reversing currents were observed during stormy weather.Wind-induced currents lead to a unidirectionalmigration of megaripples and sandwaves.Well-defined areas without megaripples were observed and correlated with an increase in sandwave height.We propose interpretations for understanding sandwave saturation and migratio

    Long term evolution and internal architecture of a high-energy banner ridge from seismic survey of Banc du Four (Western Brittany, France)

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    International audienceThe recent completion of a coupled seismic and swath bathymetric survey, conducted across the sand ridge system of the Banc du Four located on the Atlantic continental shelf of Brittany (Mer d’Iroise, France), provided new data for the study of the long term evolution of deep tidal sand ridges. Five seismic units are distinguished within the ridge, separated by pronounced major bounding surfaces. The basal unit is interpreted to be shoreface deposits forming the core of the ridge. It is overlaid by a succession of marine sand dunes fields forming the upper units. Sandwave climbing, which combines progradation and accretion, is the major process controlling the growth of the ridge. The elevation of the preserved dune foresets reaches values of about 20–30 m within the ridge. The foresets indicate a combination of giant dunes characterized by numerous steep (up to 20°) clinoforms corresponding to a high-energy depositional environment. Moreover, the presence of scour pits linked to the 3D geometries of giant dunes allow the growth of bedforms migrating oblique to the orientation of giant dune crest lines. All of the radiocarbon ages of the biogenic surficial deposits of the Banc du Four range from 10,036 to 2748 cal years B.P. and suggest the Banc du Four has grown during the last sea-level rise. The apparent absence of recent surface deposits could be caused by a change in benthic biogenic productivity or the non-conservation of recent deposits. In contrast, the presence of relatively old sands at the top of the ridge could be explained by the reworking and leakage of the lower units that outcrop locally at the seabed across the ridge. Moreover, the long-term evolution of the ridge appears strongly controlled by the morphology of the igneous basement. The multiphase accretion of the ridge is closely linked to the presence of a residual tidal current eddy, consecutive with the progressive flooding of the coastal promontories and straits that structured the igneous basement.Therefore, the Banc du Four should be thought of as a representative example of a large-scale high-energy banner bank

    Observation and Modeling of the Equilibrium Slope Response of a High-Energy Meso-Macrotidal Sandy Beach

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    Beach slope is a critical parameter to, e.g., beach safety, wave reflection at the coast and longshore transport rate. However, it is usually considered as a time-invariant and profile-average parameter. Here, we apply a state-of-the-art equilibrium model to hindcast beach slope variability from the time scales of days to years at the high-energy meso-macrotidal sandy beach of Truc Vert, southwest France. We use 9 years of bimonthly beach surveys to compute beach slope time series at different elevations. Results show that beach slope exhibits an equilibrium response with contrasting behaviors along two distinct areas of the beach profile. From 0 to 2 m above mean sea level, which is located under the berm crest, a slope response predominantly at the storm time scale is observed. The beach slope steepens under low energy waves, with the equilibrium model explaining up to 40% of the observed beach slope variability. In contrast, from 2.5 to 4 m above mean sea level, which is above the berm crest, the beach slope steepens under high-energy waves. Within this region of the beach profile, the response time scale increases upwards from seasonal (~2.5 m) to seasonal (~4 m), with the model explaining up to 65% of the observed beach slope variability. Such behaviors are found to be enforced by the berm dynamics developing from the end of the winter to early autumn, providing new perspectives to model and predict beach slope on sandy beaches

    Influence de l'arrangement granulaire d'un sédiment polydisperses sur le seuil de mise en mouvement

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    La prédiction du transport d'un mélange de particules de plusieurs tailles est un point sensible d'une représentation de la dynamique sédimentaire sur de nombreux faciès en rivière ou en mer. Afin de déterminer les processus critiques qui régissent la mise en mouvement de tels mélanges et de quantifier leur contributions, des essais ont été réalisés dans un petit canal à courant. Ils ont porté sur des échantillons reconstitués, formés de sables naturels lithoclastiques bien triés ou de mélanges sableux bimodaux. L'objectif est d'observer et de quantifier les différences de comportement à l'entrainement entre un sédiment unimodal et un sédiment mélangé. Les résultats obtenus sont comparés à une sélection de formulations issues de la littérature. La série de tests a permis de mettre en évidence quelques processus particuliers du début du transport sédimentaire multiclasse dans un écoulement stationnaire. La granulométrie utilisée s'étend des sables fins aux sables très grossiers. Des paramètres du mélange tels que le rapport de taille des particules, le taux de saturation des échantillons par les grains dont la taille est la plus fine ou la porosité influent sur la modulation de la contrainte de frottement critique. Les comparaisons mesures / formules ont mis en évidence la difficulté de prédire le seuil de mise en mouvement des particules d'un mélange hétérométrique. Par conséquent, l'incertitude sur la granulométrie transportée s'accroît lorsque le frottement est proche du frottement critique d'une certaine classe de taille

    Enhanced Graph Rewriting Systems for Complex Software Domain

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    International audienceMethodologies for correct by construction reconfigurations can efficiently solve consistency issues in dynamic software architecture. Graph-based models are appropriate for designing such architectures and methods. At the same time, they may be unfit to characterize a system from a non functional perspective. This stems from efficiency and applicability limitations in handling time-varying characteristics and their related dependencies. In order to lift these restrictions, an extension to graph rewriting systems is proposed herein. The suitability of this approach, as well as the restraints of currently available ones, are illustrated, analysed and experimentally evaluated with reference to a concrete example. This investigation demonstrates that the conceived solution can: (i) express any kind of algebraic dependencies between evolving requirements and properties; (ii) significantly ameliorate the efficiency and scalability of system modifications with respect to classic methodologies; (iii) provide an efficient access to attribute values; (iv) be fruitfully exploited in software management systems; (v) guarantee theoretical properties of a grammar, like its termination

    Sedimentologie du Brioverien superieur de Normandie et du Maine

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    SIGLECNRS T 58407 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc
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