38 research outputs found

    Unknotting Numbers are not Realized in Minimal Projections for a Class of Rational Knots

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    In previous results, Bleiler and Nakanishi produced an example of a knot where the unknotting number was not realized in a minimal projection of the knot. Bernhard generalied this example to an infi{}nite class of examples with Conway notation (2j+1,1,2j)\left(2j+1,1,2j\right) with j ≥\geq 2. In this paper we examine the entire class of knots given in Conway notation by (2j + 1, 2k + 1, 2j) where j ≥\geq 1 and k ≥\geq 0 and we determine that a large class of knots of this form have the unknotting number not realized in a minimal projection. We also produce an infi{}nite class of two component links with unknotting number gap arbitrarily large

    Chaotic Examples in Low-Dimensional Topology

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    Abstract. Our earlier paper provide

    Topology and Chaos

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    Abstract. We discuss some basic topological techniques used in the study of chaotic dynamical systems. This paper is partially motivated by a talk given by the second author at the 7th international summer school and conference Chaos 2008: Let's Face Chaos Through Nonlinear Dynamic