16 research outputs found

    Application of serex-analysis for identification of human colon cancer antigens

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    Copyright © Experimental Oncology, 2015. Background: Colorectal, lung and breast tumors are the most devastating and frequent malignances in clinical oncology. SEREX-analysis of colon cancer leads to identification of more than hundred antigens which are potential tumor markers. With idea that immunoscreening with pool of allogeneic sera is more productive for antigen isolation, SEREX-analysis was applied to four cases of stages II-IV primary colon tumor and 22 new antigens were isolated. Objective: To characterize 22 primary colon cancer antigens isolated by SEREXtechnique. Materials and Methods: Allogenic screening, real-time PCR analysis. Results: After allogeneic immunoscreening, for 5 of 22 (22%) isolated antigens were confirmed colon cancer restricted serological profile solely positive for 14% of tested colon cancer sera. Through these five antigens, KY-CC-17/β-actin has cytoskeleton function; KY-CC-14/ACTR1A and KY-CC-19/TSGA2 participate in chromosome segregation; KY-CC-12/FKBP4 regulates steroid receptor function and KY-CC-15/PLRG1 is a component of spliceosome complex. For the last four antigens tested were found aberrant mRNA expression in some cases of colon tumor. Conclusion: The exploration of identified antigens may define suitable targets for immunotherapy or diagnostic of colon cancer

    A Fluorescence Reporter Model Defines “Tip-DCs” as the Cellular Source of Interferon β in Murine Listeriosis

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    Production of type I interferons, consisting mainly of multiple IFNα subtypes and IFNβ, represents an essential part of the innate immune defense against invading pathogens. While in most situations, namely viral infections, this class of cytokines is indispensable for host survival they mediate a detrimental effect during infection with L. monocytogenes by rendering macrophages insensitive towards IFNγ signalling which leads to a lethal bacterial pathology in mice. Due to a lack of suitable analytic tools the precise identity of the cell population responsible for type I IFN production remains ill-defined and so far these cells have been described to be macrophages. As in general IFNβ is the first type I interferon to be produced, we took advantage of an IFNβ fluorescence reporter-knockin mouse model in which YFP is expressed from a bicistronic mRNA linked by an IRES to the endogenous ifnb mRNA to assess the IFNβ production on a single cell level in situ. Our results showed highest frequencies and absolute numbers of IFNβ+ cells in the spleen 24 h after infection with L. monocytogenes where they were located predominately in the white pulp within the foci of infection. Detailed FACS surface marker analyses, intracellular cytokine stainings and T cell proliferation assays revealed that the IFNβ+ cells were a phenotypically and functionally further specialized subpopulation of TNF and iNOS producing DCs (Tip-DCs) which are known to be essential for the early containment of L. monocytogenes infection. We proved that the IFNβ+ cells exhibited the hallmark characteristics of Tip-DCs as they produced iNOS and TNF and possessed T cell priming abilities. These results point to a yet unappreciated ambiguous role for a multi-effector, IFNβ producing subpopulation of Tip-DCs in controlling the balance between containment of L. monocytogenes infection and effects detrimental to the host driven by IFNβ

    Covalent Aurora A regulation by the metabolic integrator coenzyme A

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    Aurora A kinase is a master mitotic regulator whose functions are controlled by several regulatory interactions and post-translational modifications. It is frequently dysregulated in cancer, making Aurora A inhibition a very attractive antitumor target. However, recently uncovered links between Aurora A, cellular metabolism and redox regulation are not well understood. In this study, we report a novel mechanism of Aurora A regulation in the cellular response to oxidative stress through CoAlation. A combination of biochemical, biophysical, crystallographic and cell biology approaches revealed a new and, to our knowledge, unique mode of Aurora A inhibition by CoA, involving selective binding of the ADP moiety of CoA to the ATP binding pocket and covalent modification of Cys290 in the activation loop by the thiol group of the pantetheine tail. We provide evidence that covalent CoA modification (CoAlation) of Aurora A is specific, and that it can be induced by oxidative stress in human cells. Oxidising agents, such as diamide, hydrogen peroxide and menadione were found to induce Thr 288 phosphorylation and DTT-dependent dimerization of Aurora A. Moreover, microinjection of CoA into fertilized mouse embryos disrupts bipolar spindle formation and the alignment of chromosomes, consistent with Aurora A inhibition. Altogether, our data reveal CoA as a new, rather selective, inhibitor of Aurora A, which locks this kinase in an inactive state via a “dual anchor” mechanism of inhibition that might also operate in cellular response to oxidative stress. Finally and most importantly, we believe that these novel findings provide a new rationale for developing effective and irreversible inhibitors of Aurora A, and perhaps other protein kinases containing appropriately conserved Cys residues

    Septicaemia models using Streptococcus pneumoniae and Listeria monocytogenes: understanding the role of complement properdin

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae and Listeria monocytogenes, pathogens which can cause severe infectious disease in human, were used to infect properdin-deficient and wildtype mice. The aim was to deduce a role for properdin, positive regulator of the alternative pathway of complement activation, by comparing and contrasting the immune response of the two genotypes in vivo. We show that properdin-deficient and wildtype mice mounted antipneumococcal serotype-specific IgM antibodies, which were protective. Properdin-deficient mice, however, had increased survival in the model of streptococcal pneumonia and sepsis. Low activity of the classical pathway of complement and modulation of FcÎłR2b expression appear to be pathogenically involved. In listeriosis, however, properdin-deficient mice had reduced survival and a dendritic cell population that was impaired in maturation and activity. In vitro analyses of splenocytes and bone marrow-derived myeloid cells support the view that the opposing outcomes of properdin-deficient and wildtype mice in these two infection models is likely to be due to a skewing of macrophage activity to an M2 phenotype in the properdin-deficient mice. The phenotypes observed thus appear to reflect the extent to which M2- or M1-polarised macrophages are involved in the immune responses to S. pneumoniae and L. monocytogenes. We conclude that properdin controls the strength of immune responses by affecting humoral as well as cellular phenotypes during acute bacterial infection and ensuing inflammation

    Listeria monocytogenes as a probe of immune function

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    Application of serex-analysis for identification of human colon cancer antigens

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    Copyright © Experimental Oncology, 2015. Background: Colorectal, lung and breast tumors are the most devastating and frequent malignances in clinical oncology. SEREX-analysis of colon cancer leads to identification of more than hundred antigens which are potential tumor markers. With idea that immunoscreening with pool of allogeneic sera is more productive for antigen isolation, SEREX-analysis was applied to four cases of stages II-IV primary colon tumor and 22 new antigens were isolated. Objective: To characterize 22 primary colon cancer antigens isolated by SEREXtechnique. Materials and Methods: Allogenic screening, real-time PCR analysis. Results: After allogeneic immunoscreening, for 5 of 22 (22%) isolated antigens were confirmed colon cancer restricted serological profile solely positive for 14% of tested colon cancer sera. Through these five antigens, KY-CC-17/β-actin has cytoskeleton function; KY-CC-14/ACTR1A and KY-CC-19/TSGA2 participate in chromosome segregation; KY-CC-12/FKBP4 regulates steroid receptor function and KY-CC-15/PLRG1 is a component of spliceosome complex. For the last four antigens tested were found aberrant mRNA expression in some cases of colon tumor. Conclusion: The exploration of identified antigens may define suitable targets for immunotherapy or diagnostic of colon cancer

    Application of serex-analysis for identification of human colon cancer antigens

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    Copyright © Experimental Oncology, 2015. Background: Colorectal, lung and breast tumors are the most devastating and frequent malignances in clinical oncology. SEREX-analysis of colon cancer leads to identification of more than hundred antigens which are potential tumor markers. With idea that immunoscreening with pool of allogeneic sera is more productive for antigen isolation, SEREX-analysis was applied to four cases of stages II-IV primary colon tumor and 22 new antigens were isolated. Objective: To characterize 22 primary colon cancer antigens isolated by SEREXtechnique. Materials and Methods: Allogenic screening, real-time PCR analysis. Results: After allogeneic immunoscreening, for 5 of 22 (22%) isolated antigens were confirmed colon cancer restricted serological profile solely positive for 14% of tested colon cancer sera. Through these five antigens, KY-CC-17/β-actin has cytoskeleton function; KY-CC-14/ACTR1A and KY-CC-19/TSGA2 participate in chromosome segregation; KY-CC-12/FKBP4 regulates steroid receptor function and KY-CC-15/PLRG1 is a component of spliceosome complex. For the last four antigens tested were found aberrant mRNA expression in some cases of colon tumor. Conclusion: The exploration of identified antigens may define suitable targets for immunotherapy or diagnostic of colon cancer

    Application of serex-analysis for identification of human colon cancer antigens

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    Copyright © Experimental Oncology, 2015. Background: Colorectal, lung and breast tumors are the most devastating and frequent malignances in clinical oncology. SEREX-analysis of colon cancer leads to identification of more than hundred antigens which are potential tumor markers. With idea that immunoscreening with pool of allogeneic sera is more productive for antigen isolation, SEREX-analysis was applied to four cases of stages II-IV primary colon tumor and 22 new antigens were isolated. Objective: To characterize 22 primary colon cancer antigens isolated by SEREXtechnique. Materials and Methods: Allogenic screening, real-time PCR analysis. Results: After allogeneic immunoscreening, for 5 of 22 (22%) isolated antigens were confirmed colon cancer restricted serological profile solely positive for 14% of tested colon cancer sera. Through these five antigens, KY-CC-17/β-actin has cytoskeleton function; KY-CC-14/ACTR1A and KY-CC-19/TSGA2 participate in chromosome segregation; KY-CC-12/FKBP4 regulates steroid receptor function and KY-CC-15/PLRG1 is a component of spliceosome complex. For the last four antigens tested were found aberrant mRNA expression in some cases of colon tumor. Conclusion: The exploration of identified antigens may define suitable targets for immunotherapy or diagnostic of colon cancer