2,343 research outputs found

    Development and characterisation of novel microsatellite loci for the baldchin groper (Choerodon rubescens) and cross-amplification in seven other labrid species

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    We describe the development and characterisation of novel microsatellite loci for the baldchin groper, Choerodon rubescens. The purpose was to identify loci that can be used to resolve uncertainties about the population (stock) structure of this fish species, which is endemic to a narrow region of the west coast of Australia and showing evidence of overfishing in some locations. Of 22 loci characterised, 12 appear to be ideally suited for population-level analyses. Utilising data obtained from four sampling locations across the distribution of C. rubescens, the total number of alleles observed at each of the 12 loci ranged from 2 to 24, while the overall values of expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.19 to 0.89. Cross-amplification of the 12 loci in seven other labrid species was often successful, especially in congeners

    Nonresonant Contributions in B->rho pi Decay

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    We consider nonresonant contributions in the Dalitz plot analysis of B->rho pi->pi^+ pi^- pi^0 decay and their potential impact on the extraction of the CKM parameter alpha. In particular, we examine the role of the heavy mesons B^* and B_0, via the process B->pi (B^*, B_0)->pi^+ pi^- pi^0, and their interference with resonant contributions in the rho-mass region. We discuss the inherent uncertainties and suggest that the effects may be substantially smaller than previously indicated.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures; minor changes, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Pelagic early life stages promote connectivity in the demersal labrid Choerodon rubescens

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    Population connectivity has profound ecological and evolutionary implications. In marine species with complex life cycles, the nature of these implications depends on both the amount of dispersal and the life-cycle stage(s) through which dispersal occurs. For demersal fishes with such life cycles, the pelagic early life stages (ELS) are generally considered the main dispersive phase, though this assumption has rarely been tested. This research investigates genetic connectivity in the reef-dwelling labrid Choerodon rubescens, which is a prized eating fish endemic to ca 1200km of the west coast of Australia. This species has demersal juveniles and adults, and pelagic ELS that are predicted to last about 25-30days. The aim of the study was to use patterns of variation at 12 microsatellite loci to test the hypothesis that C. rubescens is genetically homogeneous across its main distribution. The genetic analyses were based on samples of 26-40 individuals from six locations, which collectively span all of the areas where C. rubescens is common. The values of global FST (0.0019) and DEST (0.0010) were not significantly different from zero and Bayesian clustering indicated that all individuals belonged to a single genetic group. In addition, Mantel tests showed no evidence of isolation by distance. These results support the view that C. rubescens is genetically homogeneous over all or most of its geographic range. Since published otolith microchemistry evidence indicates that the juveniles and adults of C. rubescens are relatively sedentary, these results also imply that the pelagic ELS are the main avenue of dispersal in this species. This study highlights the value of combining the results of complementary methods for assessing the relative importance of the different life-cycle stages in dispersing a fish species. The results also have implications for the management of C. rubescens, which has shown signs of localised overfishing. Specifically, the dispersal of the ELS provides a mechanism for the recruitment of C. rubescens to non-natal reefs. Such connectivity could help this species to recover from localised depletions in abundance and ameliorate the potential evolutionary consequences of any localised overfishing, such as reductions in genetic diversity or selective responses to harvesting

    Rescattering and chiral dynamics in B\to \rho\pi decay

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    We examine the role of B^0(\bar B^0) \to \sigma \pi^0 \to \pi^+\pi^- \pi^0 decay in the Dalitz plot analysis of B^0 (\bar B^0) \to \rho\pi \to \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0 decays, employed to extract the CKM parameter \alpha. The \sigma \pi channel is significant because it can break the relationship between the penguin contributions in B\to\rho^0\pi^0, B\to\rho^+\pi^-, and B\to\rho^-\pi^+ decays consequent to an assumption of isospin symmetry. Its presence thus mimics the effect of isospin violation. The \sigma\pi^0 state is of definite CP, however; we demonstrate that the B\to\rho\pi analysis can be generalized to include this channel without difficulty. The \sigma or f_0(400-1200) ``meson'' is a broad I=J=0 enhancement driven by strong \pi\pi rescattering; a suitable scalar form factor is constrained by the chiral dynamics of low-energy hadron-hadron interactions - it is rather different from the relativistic Breit-Wigner form adopted in earlier B\to\sigma\pi and D\to\sigma\pi analyses. We show that the use of this scalar form factor leads to an improved theoretical understanding of the measured ratio Br(\bar B^0 \to \rho^\mp \pi^\pm) / Br(B^-\to \rho^0 \pi^-).Comment: 26 pages, 8 figs, published version. typos fixed, minor change

    Athlete experiences of disordered eating in sport

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    To date, research into disordered eating in sport has focused on the prevalence and the identification of putative risk factors. Findings suggest that elite female athletes participating in sports with a focus on leanness or aesthetics are at greatest risk. A paucity of research remains as to the period after onset and how existing sufferers manage their illness over time. In line with the principles of interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), this study 'gives voice' to four athletes who have experienced disordered eating, documenting their personal accounts and interpreting these accounts from a psychological perspective. In‐depth, semi‐structured interviews were conducted and verbatim transcripts were analysed according to the procedures of IPA. Three superordinate themes emerged from the data: the struggle to disclose, social support needs and identity challenges. Athletes' stories provided rich descriptions of their subjective disordered eating experiences. Their accounts give critical insight into the impact of eating disturbance on the lives of athletes. Future research should continue to identify athletes with existing eating problems in order to improve understanding as to how such individuals can best be helped

    Acute effects of cannabinoids on addiction endophenotypes are moderated by genes encoding the CB1 receptor and FAAH enzyme

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    Understanding genetic factors that contribute to cannabis use disorder (CUD) is important, but to date, findings have been equivocal. Single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the cannabinoid receptor 1 gene (CNR1; rs1049353 and rs806378) and fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) gene (rs324420) have been implicated in CUD. Their relationship to addiction endophenotypes such as cannabis‐related state satiety, the salience of appetitive cues, and craving after acute cannabinoid administration has not been investigated. Forty‐eight cannabis users participated in a double‐blind, placebo‐controlled, four‐way crossover experiment where they were administered treatments in a randomized order via vaporization: placebo, Δ9‐tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) (8 mg), THC + cannabidiol (THC + CBD) (8 + 16 mg), and CBD (16 mg). Cannabis‐related state satiety, appetitive cue salience (cannabis and food), and cannabis craving were assessed each day. Participants were genotyped for rs1049353, rs806378, and rs324420. Results indicated that CNR1 rs1049353 GG carriers showed increased state satiety after THC/THC + CBD administration in comparison with placebo and reduced the salience of appetitive cues after THC in comparison with CBD administration; A carriers did not vary on either of these measures indicative of a vulnerability to CUD. CNR1 rs806378 CC carriers showed greater salience to appetitive cues in comparison with T carriers, but there was no evidence for changes in state satiety. FAAH rs324420 A carriers showed greater bias to appetitive cues after THC, in comparison with CC carriers. FAAH CC carriers showed reduced bias after THC in comparison with CBD. No SNPs modulated craving. These findings identify candidate neurocognitive mechanisms through which endocannabinoid system genetics may influence vulnerability to CUD

    Women, anger, and aggression an interpretative phenomenological analysis

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    This study reports a qualitative phenomenological investigation of anger and anger-related aggression in the context of the lives of individual women. Semistructured interviews with five women are analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. This inductive approach aims to capture the richness and complexity of the lived experience of emotional life. In particular, it draws attention to the context-dependent and relational dimension of angry feelings and aggressive behavior. Three analytic themes are presented here: the subjective experience of anger, which includes the perceptual confusion and bodily change felt by the women when angry, crying, and the presence of multiple emotions; the forms and contexts of aggression, paying particular attention to the range of aggressive strategies used; and anger as moral judgment, in particular perceptions of injustice and unfairness. The authors conclude by examining the analytic observations in light of phenomenological thinking
