23,328 research outputs found

    Optimally adapted multi-state neural networks trained with noise

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    The principle of adaptation in a noisy retrieval environment is extended here to a diluted attractor neural network of Q-state neurons trained with noisy data. The network is adapted to an appropriate noisy training overlap and training activity which are determined self-consistently by the optimized retrieval attractor overlap and activity. The optimized storage capacity and the corresponding retriever overlap are considerably enhanced by an adequate threshold in the states. Explicit results for improved optimal performance and new retriever phase diagrams are obtained for Q=3 and Q=4, with coexisting phases over a wide range of thresholds. Most of the interesting results are stable to replica-symmetry-breaking fluctuations.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Current legal and institutional issues in the commercialization of phosphoric acid fuel cells

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    Legal and institutional factors affecting the development and commercial diffusion of phosphoric acid fuel cells are assessed. Issues for future research and action are suggested. Perceived barriers and potential opportunities for fuel cells in central and dispersed utility operations and on-site applications are reviewed, as well as the general concept of commercialization as applied to emerging energy technologies

    Daytime lidar measurements of tidal winds in the mesospheric sodium layer at Urbana, Illinois

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    For more than 15 years lidar systems have been used to study the chemistry and dynamics of the mesospheric sodium layer. Because the layer is an excellent tracer of atmospheric wave motions, sodium lidar has proven to be particularly useful for studying the influence of gravity waves and tides on mesospheric dynamics. These waves, which originate in the troposphere and stratosphere, propagate through the mesosphere and dissipate their energy near the mesopause making important contributions to the momentum and turbulence budget in this region of the atmosphere. Recently, the sodium lidar was modified for daytime operation so that wave phenomena and chemical effects could be monitored throughout the complete diurnal cycle. The results of continuous 24 hour lidar observations of the sodium layer structure are presented alond with measurement of the semidiurnal tidal winds

    Unusual signatures of the ferromagnetic transition in the heavy Fermion compound UMn2_2Al20_{20}

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    Magnetic susceptibility results for single crystals of the new cubic compounds UT2_2Al20_{20} (T=Mn, V, and Mo) are reported. Magnetization, specific heat, resistivity, and neutron diffraction results for a single crystal and neutron diffraction and inelastic spectra for a powder sample are reported for UMn2_2Al20_{20}. For T = V and Mo, temperature independent Pauli paramagnetism is observed. For UMn2_2Al20_{20}, a ferromagnetic transition is observed in the magnetic susceptibility at TcT_c = 20 K. The specific heat anomaly at TcT_c is very weak while no anomaly in the resistivity is seen at TcT_c. We discuss two possible origins for this behavior of UMn2_2Al20_{20}: moderately small moment itinerant ferromagnetism, or induced local moment ferromagnetism.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. rev.

    Domestic source of phosphorus to sewage treatment works.

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    Phosphorus is an element essential for life. Concerns regarding long-term security of supply and issues related to eutrophication of surface waters once released into the aquatic environment have led governments to consider and apply measures for reducing the use and discharge of phosphorus. Examples of source control include legislation to reduce phosphorus use in domestic detergents. This research shows that other domestic sources of phosphorus also contribute significantly to the domestic load to sewer and that overall, domestic sources dominate loads to sewage treatment works. Estimates provided here show that although the natural diet contributes 40% of the domestic phosphorus load, other potentially preventable sources contribute significantly to the estimated 44,000 tonnes of phosphorus entering UK sewage treatment works each year. In the UK, food additives are estimated to contribute 29% of the domestic load; automatic dishwashing detergents contribute 9% and potentially increasing; domestic laundry 14%, including contributions from phosphonates, but decreasing; phosphorus dosing to reduce lead levels in tap water 6%; food waste disposed of down the drain 1%; and personal care products 1%. Although UK data is presented here, it is anticipated that similar impacts would be expected for other developed economies. Consideration of alternatives to all preventable sources of phosphorus from these sources would therefore offer potentially significant reductions in phosphorus loads to sewage treatment works and hence to the aquatic environment. Combining all source control measures and applying them to their maximum extent could potentially lead to the prevention of over 22,000 tonnes-P/year entering sewage treatment works

    Bistability in a simple fluid network due to viscosity contrast

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    We study the existence of multiple equilibrium states in a simple fluid network using Newtonian fluids and laminar flow. We demonstrate theoretically the presence of hysteresis and bistability, and we confirm these predictions in an experiment using two miscible fluids of different viscosity--sucrose solution and water. Possible applications include bloodflow, microfluidics, and other network flows governed by similar principles

    The False Promise of General Jurisdiction

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    The Supreme Court has said that general jurisdiction provides at least one clear and certain forum to sue defendants, and that assumption has begun to shape the Court’s understanding of specific jurisdiction. But that assumption is wrong. General jurisdiction does not provide a guaranteed U.S. forum for foreign defendants or in cases involving multiple defendants. And even when defendants can be sued “at home,” such cases may be (and not infrequently are) dismissed for forum non conveniens, sometimes even when no alternative forum is available.Nor is a regime reliant on a general jurisdiction backstop desirable. The Court’s narrowed version of general jurisdiction creates incentives for states to favor local defendants—as Michigan has done through choice-of-law rules that give preference to lex fori and substantive laws that favor car manufacturers. Overreliance on general jurisdiction also channels litigation to states that may not want it—a concern already voiced by Delaware courts.This essay warns against developing the law of personal jurisdiction on the assumption that general jurisdiction will guarantee an available forum in which to sue defendants. Instead, we argue that the primary engine of personal jurisdiction must remain a flexible doctrine of specific jurisdiction. Rather than hunting for new formalisms in specific jurisdiction’s relatedness requirement, the Justices should embrace specific jurisdiction’s reasonableness factors as a ready-made tool for answering their recent worries