1,710 research outputs found

    Analisis Willingness To Pay untuk Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Air Bersih Masyarakat Sebagian Desa Sitimulyo dan Bawuran

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    Penilaian sumberdaya air di Desa Sitimulyo dan Bawuran dapat dilakukan dengan analisis kesediaan membayar atau WTP. Nilai WTP dipengaruhi oleh faktor potensi sumberdaya air dan faktor sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui jumlah kebutuhan air untuk domestik, nilai WTP rumah tangga, dan pengaruh variabel WTP rumah tangga. Metode kuantitatif digunakan dalam analisis hasil wawancara. Wawancara ditentukan dengan metode sistematik sampling. Jumlah kebutuhan air rumah tangga dihitung menggunakan rumus perhitungan konsumsi air, sedangkan nilai WTP dan variabel pengaruh dianalisis menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) rata-rata kebutuhan air domestik di sebagian Desa Sitimulyo sebanyak 63 liter/orang/hari dan Bawuran sebanyak 74 liter/orang/hari. Jumlah tersebut lebih besar dari nilai Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) sebanyak 60 liter/orang/hari. (2) Nilai WTP manfaat air sebesar Rp Rp 4.100/m3 untuk Sitimulyo dan sebesar Rp 4.300/m3 untuk Bawuran. Nilai WTP untuk keberlanjutan sumberdaya air yaitu sebesar Rp 4.100/m3 untuk Sitimulyo dan sebesar Rp 4.400/m3 untuk Bawuran. Nilai tersebut lebih besar dari WTP standar yaitu Rp 3.900/m3 dan harga air PDAM Rp 2.500/m3. (3) Variabel yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai WTP rumah tangga ialah jumlah anggota rumah tangga dan sumber air

    Empirical Comparison of Chirp and Multitones on Experimental UWB Software Defined Radar Prototype

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    This paper proposes and tests an approach for an unbiased study of radar waveforms' performances. Using the ultrawide band software defined radar prototype, the performances of Chirp and Multitones are compared in range profile and detection range. The architecture was implemented and has performances comparable to the state of the art in software defined radar prototypes. The experimental results are consistent with the simulations

    The Ciborium or Lantern Tower of Valencia Cathedral: Geometry, Construction and Stability

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    Early 18th century treatise writer Tomas Vicente Tosca1 includes in his Tratado de la montea y cortes de Canteria [On Masonry Design and Stone Cutting], what is an important documentary source about the lantern of Valencia Cathedral. Tosca writes about this lantern as an example of vaulting over cross arches without the need of buttresses. A geometrical description is followed by an explanation of the structural behavior which manifests his deep understanding of the mechanics of masonry structures. He tries to demonstrate the absence of buttresses supporting his thesis on the appropriate distribution of loads which will reduce the "empujos" [horizontal thrusts] to the point of not requiring more than the thickness of the walls to stand (Tosca [1727] 1992, 227-230). The present article2 assesses T osca' s appreciation studying how loads and the thrusts they generate are transmitted through the different masonry elements that constitute this ciborium. In order to do so, we first present a geometrical analysis and make considerations regarding its materials and construction methods to, subsequently, analyze its stability adopting an equilibrium approach within the theoretical framework of the lower bound limit analysis

    Mitigating Risks of Miseducation within Labor-Focused High-Impact Practices

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    In this thesis, I address the risks of miseducative experiences resulting from the labor-focused high-impact practices of internships and service learning/community-based learning. As high-impact practices are often considered inherently valuable, there is a need to examine these two practices under a critical action research lens in order to expose the ways in which these practices are not serving students properly. I go on to argue that issues such as unpaid internship programs taking advantage of free student labor and voluntourism existing on travel-based service learning/community-based learning programs negate the potentiality of students to experience the growth in their sense of purpose and integrity that these practices promise. To combat these risks of miseducation, I propose the intervention program SLIPSET, a campus-wide taskforce consisting of staff, faculty, students, and third-party representatives, to develop workshop programs for students, a scholarship fund to support students in need, and an outreach initiative to communicate student development needs to third-party representatives

    'It's just your imagination': Fantasy proneness and social anxiety

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    Self-imagery plays a significant role in the development and maintenance of social anxiety (Hirsch, Clark and Mathews, 2006a). As a feared social event is anticipated, negative self- images become activated and this increases the experience of anxiety (Hirsch & Holmes, 2007). These continue to be present during the social event and become reinforced by negative interpretations of self-performance as well as by the responses of others (Hirsch, Clark, Mathews & Williams, 2003). Mental imagery is a key characteristic of fantasy proneness where the ability to generate vivid imagery forms part of imaginational ability (Sanchez-Bernados & Avia, 2004). This study investigated the relationship between fantasy proneness and social anxiety. As anticipation of a feared event plays a pivotal role in social anxiety; the establishment of a positive relationship between fantasy proneness (imaginational ability) and social anxiety may shed light on the role that imagination and fantasy play in how a socially anxious person imagines a feared event, which then contributes to the experience of social anxiety. The implications of a relationship between these constructs may indicate the role which imaginational ability (fantasy proneness) could play in underlying and maintaining social anxiety. Two self-report measures (the Creative Experiences Questionnaire and the self-report version of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale) were administered to a sample of 50 non-clinical participants; 38 females and 12 males, within the age range of 19 to 52 years old. Both scales have been found to have adequate psychometric properties internationally (Fresco, Coles, Heimberg, Liebowitz, Hami, Stein and Goetz, 2001; Merckelbach, Horselenberg & Muris, 2001). Whilst no psychometric information on the use of these scales in the South African context could be found, the results of this study will contribute to the use of these scales in South Africa. The results of these scales were statistically correlated revealing that, within the research design and methodology parameters of this study, a weak, but significant, positive, relationship was found between the constructs of fantasy proneness and social anxiety. The implication of this finding is that imagination, as a cognitive process, plays a role in social anxiety. Clinically this suggests that whilst imaginative processes play a role in underlying social anxiety, they can also be utilised adaptively in cognitively countering social anxiety in a treatment context


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    Manajemen proyek IT merupakan penggabungan dari konsep manajemen proyek tradisional dengan siklus pengerjaan sistem teknologi informasi. Keberhasilan dari suatu proyek IT membutuhkan kerjasama dan komunikasi yang kuat antar anggota dari tim proyek tersebut. Untuk memperoleh teamwork yang efektif, maka harus menerapkan variabel-variabel yang dapat mempengaruh teamwork quality (TWQ) yaitu komunikasi, koordinasi, kontribusi anggota yang merata, saling mendukung, usaha, dan kohesi tim. Dimensi teamwork quality tersebut dapat menjadi acuan untuk pembuatan kuesioner yang akan dibagikan kepada responden. Pada penelitian ini, kuesioner disebarkan ke dua buah perusahaan software development. Salah satu perusahaan tersebut akan dijadikan benchmark untuk perusahaan lainnya. Kuesioner diolah menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Dimensi teamwork pada kesuksesan suatu proyek software development merupakan unsur penting sehingga dijadikan sebagai objek kajian pada faktor keberhasilan suatu proyek software development di PT X. Dengan adanya penelitian ini, maka dapat diketahui usulan seperti apa yang harus dilakukan oleh PT X agar performa tim meningkat dan agar perusahaan dapat menghindari sistem teamwork yang dapat menyebabkan kegagalan pada proyek

    El Dr. Rodolfo R. Brennner y una de sus principales obras: El Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata (INIBIOLP)

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    El Profesor Dr. Rodolfo R. Brenner es quien inició y consolidó la investigación científica en el campo de la bioquímica de los lípidos en la Argentina. A él y su grupo pionero de investigación se debe la existencia del INIBIOLP, uno de los principales institutos de investigación del país en este campo, y uno de los principales centros de formación de investigadores en bioquímica del ámbito de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP)Fil: Garda, Horacio Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnol.conicet - la Plata. Instituto de Invest.bioquimicas de la Plata
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