2,595 research outputs found

    La psicología del deporte y sus relaciones con otras ciencias del deporte

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    La evolución de la Psicología del Deporte hasta la actualidad ha conllevado la existencia de modificaciones dinámicas en las esferas de relaciones con las distintas áreas de la psicología -por un lado- y de relaciones con las demás Ciencias del Deporte, por otro. Así, podemos hablar de la existencia de dos distintas galaxias de relaciones, centrada una en la Psicología del Deporte y la otra en el propio hecho deportivo, que ofrecen panoramas interactivos distintos. Esta evolución -y sus fases- han producido distintos fenómenos de demarcación y consolidación en los dos ámbitos considerados, que se han visto complementados con la existencia de movimientos globalizadores o integradores, opuestos a movimientos sincretistas y centrípetas. Otro aspecto considerado es la integración de los conocimientos provinientes de otras ciencias (u otras áreas psicológicas) en la Psicología del Deporte (mediante la amalgamación, la asimilación o la acomodación). Por último, también se considera la forma de integración de los conocimientos provinientes de la práctica , la actividad profesional o la investigación en el paradigma científico o académicoThe current evolution of the Sport Psychology has conducted to the existence of dynamic changes into the relationships between the different psychology fields (clinics, psychobiology, social psychology), and between the Sport Psychology and the rest of the sport sciences. After this, we can determine two different galaxies: first); one galaxy centered on the Sport Psychology; and, second); another galaxy centered on the sportive event itself. This evolution -and their phases- has determined the phenomena of the development of «boundaries» (in the early moments of the creation of the Sport Psychology) and -after- the consolidation of that psychology field.. These two phases are complemented with the existence of global and integrative motions, opposed to synchronic and solely sport psychology-centered issues. Also, we analyze the needing of the integration of the knowledges obtained from different sports sciences (or from other psychology fields) by means processes of the amalgamation, the assimilation or the accommodation of the new scientific facts into the Sport Psychology. At last, we study also the ways to integrate the most empirical and professional knowledges into the scientific and universitary current paradigm of the Sport Psycholog

    Ciències mèdiques i ciències de l'educació: una interacció amb història

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    The INTEGRAL-OMC Scientific Archive

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    The Optical Monitoring Camera (OMC) on-board the INTEGRAL satellite has, as one of its scientific goals, the observation of a large number of variable sources previously selected. After almost 6 years of operations, OMC has monitored more than 100 000 sources of scientific interest. In this contribution we present the OMC Scientific Archive (http://sdc.laeff.inta.es/omc/) which has been developed to provide the astronomical community with a quick access to the light curves generated by this instrument.We describe the main characteristics of this archive, as well as important aspects for the users: object types, temporal sampling of light curves and photometric accuracy.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. "Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics V" Proceedings of the VIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA) held in Santander, July 7-11, 200

    Esglésies del Baix Vallès d'origen romànic

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    Deu imatges d'esglésies vallesanes de l'entorn de Mollet, els orígens de les quals es remunten a l'Alta Edat Mitjana. Els originals d'aquestes imatges, obra de Jordi Mas, s'han realitzat amb la tècnica pictòrica de l'aquarel·la. Cada imatge s'acompanya d'una síntesi de trajectòria històrica d'aquests edificis de culte. I precedint-les hem sintetitzat alguns trets significatius del context històric en el qual s'emmarquen els orígens d'aquests temples : en uns territoris recuperats als sarraïns, pagesos i senyors malden per fer realitat el projecte d'una Catalunya en construcció, on l'església tindrà un paper molt destaca

    Transferencia de conocimiento. Del modelo transaccional al relacional

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    Este artículo pretende hacer un balance sintético de algunas de las lecciones principales que se derivan de la floreciente literatura de los últimos años de estudios sobre la trasferencia de conocimiento y, especialmente, sobre las relaciones universidad-empresa, dada la relevancia que está adquiriendo el debate sobre el papel de la universidad en el desarrollo económico. El texto se organiza de la siguiente forma. Tras una introducción, el apartado 2 está destinado al análisis de los vínculos de cooperación entre universidad y empresa, con un especial acento en el estudio de los canales relacionales para la transferencia de conocimiento. El apartado 3 examina el papel de los centros tecnológicos en la transferencia de conocimiento. El artículo finaliza con un apartado de conclusione

    Los relatos de mujeres viajeras ¿Una mirada crítica sobre el colonialismo? Isabelle Eberhardt (1877-1904)

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    WOMEN'S TRAVEL NARRATIVES. A CRITICAL GAZE ON COLONIALISM? iSABELLE EBERHARDT (1877-1904) - The aim of this paper is to analyse the life and works of a woman travel writer, Isabelle Eberhardt and to set it within the context of the recent scholarship related to travel narrative, orientalism and gender. In effect, in his important work on orientalism, Said argued that the Orient is an European construct serving an image of the Other that not only defines the Other but also identifies the self as Western. Nevertheless, Said's contribution neglects the heterogenity of colonial discourse and conceals the roles played by women in the colonization process as well as in its representation. On the contrary, recent feminist scholarship focus on the role of European women as cultural agents in the formation of imperial relations and explores women's complicity with colonialism as well as their resistance to it. But most of the research on women travellers has been carried out by English-speaking authors on english-speaking women travellers. This paper, then, tries to contribute to this field by recovering a marginal voice coming from a different place:Isabelle Eberhardt was born in Geneva (although she was of Russian origin), travelled to Tunisia and Algeria and wrote in french. The complex dynamics of complicity and resistance in Western women is very clear in the case of Isabelle. On one hand, she has the reputation of being "an enemy of France" but, on the other, she is central to the colonial encounter. Isabelle transgresses European norms of gender and civilization by dressing as an Arab and embracing Islam, but her self-exploration was made possible by French colonial power, and in the end, she became a player in French imperial politics. The ambivalence towards colonialism that we can observe in Isabelle's life and works (as in many other women travellers) openly questions the notion of simple Otherness as presented in Said's work. The intersection of colonial and gender discourses involves a shifting subject positioning, whereby Western women can simultaneously constitute center and periphery, identity and alterity. Therefore, this paper hopefully shows that for the study of colonialism it is important to focus on narratives coming from the margins as they provide new perspectives which can destabilize established conceptions on the colonial relationship

    What firms don’t know can hurt them: Overcoming a lack of information on technology

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    The availability of information on technology is a key factor in the innovation process. Firms that lack such information thereby face a major barrier to innovation. Yet little is known about the types of companies that lack this information. This paper examines what characterises firms that lack information on technology and analyses how innovative companies can overcome this gap in their knowledge. Empirical analysis was conducted with the Panel of Technological Innovation (PITEC), based on the information from the Spanish version of the Community Innovation Survey (CIS). The analysis leads to three principal conclusions. First, a large number of firms perceive the lack of information on technology as a barrier to innovation. Second, there are notable sector differences in the way firms perceive this barrier: High-tech firms perceive lower levels of this barrier. Third, not all sources of information on technology are equally effective at overcoming this barrier. The most useful sources are consultants, commercial laboratories and private R&D institutes

    What type of innovative firms acquire knowledge intensive services and from which suppliers?

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    Knowledge intensive services (KIS) and, in particular, R&D services contribute significantly to innovation in firms. The objective of this paper is to find out which characteristics of firms explain the acquisition of R&D services and to analyse whether there are differences depending on the typology of the supplier (universities, technology centres and consulting firms). Three main conclusions emerge from the econometric estimations. Firstly, the results show that size and age matter in the decision to buy R&D services, but these characteristics of firms do not have any particular influence in the decision to choose a specific supplier. Secondly, our results are consistent with the relevance that the literature gives to human capital in absorbing external knowledge. The variables used to control for human skills have a positive effect on the decision to buy R&D services. On the contrary, the estimates of other variables that capture internal knowledge base suggest that there is a substitution process between internal R&D activities and acquiring R&D services. Thirdly, innovation policy has a significant influence on the decision to acquire R&D services
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