379 research outputs found

    Calidad de vida en salud del adulto mayor de un programa Nacional de Asistencia Solidaria. La Banda de Shilcayo, 2021

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    La presente investigación se realizó con el objetivo de determinar la calidad de vida en salud del adulto mayor que pertenece a un Programa Nacional de Asistencia Solidaria en La Banda de Shilcayo. Esta investigación es de tipo cuantitativa básica con diseño no experimental descriptivo simple. La muestra estuvo constituida por 83 adultos mayores. Se utilizó el cuestionario de salud SF- 36. Los resultados fueron: La calidad de vida en salud física de los adultos mayores es regular (57.8%) y de nivel malo (21.7%). Respecto a la dimensión en salud física, el 47.0% de los adultos mayores obtienen una función física de nivel malo y el 37.3% nivel regular. La salud mental en su mayoría es percibida por los adultos mayores como de nivel malo (59%) y nivel regular (49%)

    Palm species richness, latitudinal gradients, sampling effort, and deforestation in the Amazon region

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    Palms are most diverse in warm and humid regions near the equator. Though palms remain relatively well conserved, they are under increasing pressure from deforestation. Here, we analyze patterns of palm species richness relative to latitudinal gradient, sampling effort, and deforestation in the Amazon, and compare patterns of richness and floristic similarity among Amazonian sub-regions. We built a database of 17,310 records for 177 species. The areas with the greatest richness were in the western, central and northeastern Amazon, principally at latitudes 0-5ºS. Species richness and the number of records were highly correlated (R2=0.76, P2000 km2) were found in the southern and eastern Amazon of Brazil, which coincide with low richness and gaps in records. Similarity analyzes resulted in two groups of sub-regions: the first included the Amazon s.s., the Andes and the Guiana, while the second included the Plateau and Gurupi. We conclude that the highest species richness is at low latitudes, and observed richness is affected by sampling effort and is vulnerable to deforestation. Therefore, areas with low species richness, especially areas with data deficiency, need to be further studied for a better understanding of their patterns of diversity and richness.

    Evaluación de la imagen de marca del Hotel Rio Cumbaza-Tarapoto-2018

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    El presente trabajo monográfico titulado “Evaluación de la imagen de marca del hotel Rio Cumbaza-Tarapoto-2018”, tiene como objetivo general evaluar la imagen de marca del hotel Rio Cumbaza, para ello se tuvo como base la información obtenida que realizó el hotel. El personal del hotel se encargó de realizar una encuesta a sus clientes mas no, de desarrollar la tabulación de los resultados obtenidos del trabajo de campo. Por esta razón, se decidió realizar la evaluación de la imagen de marca según los aportes teóricos de Lambin, Galluci y Sicuerllo (2008) quienes identificaron tres factores determinantes de la imagen de marca, los cuales se aplicó la encuesta formulada por el personal de hotel de acuerdo a las dimensiones de la variable materia de estudio, la escala de medición que se aplicó fue la escala ordinal a través de la escala de Likert, describiendo la información por capítulos, para el análisis de los datos eso utilizo tablas y figuras estadísticas, concluyendo que el hotel Rio Cumbaza, tiene una buena imagen de marca desde la perspectiva de los clientes, la mayoría de ellos tienen una buena percepción del hotel Rio Cumbaza, haciendo que esta tenga una buena imagen y mantenga un prestigio ante la sociedad.The present monographic work entitled "Evaluation of the brand image of the Rio Cumbaza-Tarapoto-2018 hotel", has as its general objective to evaluate the brand image of the Rio Cumbaza hotel, for this the information obtained by the hotel was based on. The hotel staff was responsible for conducting a survey of their clients but not to develop the tabulation of the results obtained from the field work. For this reason, it was decided to carry out the assessment of the brand image according to the theoretical contributions of Lambin, Galluci and Sicuerllo (2008) who identified three determining factors of the brand image, which was applied the survey made by the hotel staff according to the dimensions of the variable subject of study, the scale of measurement that was applied was the ordinal scale through the Likert scale, describing the information by chapters, for the analysis of the data that I use tables and statistical figures, concluding that the Rio Cumbaza hotel has a good brand image from the perspective of the clients, most of them have a good perception of the Rio Cumbaza hotel, making it have a good image and maintain a prestige before society.Trabajo de suficiencia profesionalAp

    Origen Market

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación se propone la creación de un Marketplace de alimentos orgánicos y naturales llamado Origen Market que satisface la necesidad de un público con tendencia a una vida saludable y con conciencia social. Este proyecto de negocio está dirigido a satisfacer al segmento de mujeres de 50 a 69 años de edad del nivel socioeconómico A, B y C de Lima Metropolitana. Asimismo, se propone la implementación de herramientas de marketing digital mediante la estrategia de diferenciación, relaciones públicas y el posicionamiento SEM. Además, se desarrolló una campaña de Marketing mediante una landing page, el cual obtuvo un resultado positivo que indica un interés de los clientes en cuidar su salud mediante productos orgánicos y naturales. Se proyecta ingresos a través de comisiones del 12% por la venta de cada producto, asimismo, por la venta de paquetes de suscripción premium en base a tres categorías: plata, oro y diamante, según la necesidad de cada productor. Además, se muestra resultados de evaluación económica y financiera, a través de estados financieros, flujo de caja y punto de equilibrio. El análisis económico del proyecto es viable debido a su valor presente neto de 223,253 soles y una tasa interna de retorno de 48%. Con este proyecto se busca crear un canal de ventas para los agroproductores que están dispuestos a invertir en un medio digital para llegar a clientes que tienen un estilo de vida saludable y con conciencia social.This research proposes the creation of a marketplace of organic and natural foods called Origin Market that meets the need of a public with a tendency to a healthy life and social awareness. This business project is aimed at satisfying the segment of women between 50 and 69 years of age from socioeconomic levels A, B and C in Metropolitan Lima. It also proposes the implementation of digital marketing tools through the strategy of differentiation, public relations and SEM positioning. In addition, a marketing campaign was developed through a landing page, which obtained a positive result indicating an interest by clients in taking care of their health through organic and natural products. Income is projected through commissions of 12% for the sale of each product, as well as for the sale of premium subscription packages based on three categories: silver, gold and diamond, according to the needs of each producer. In addition, economic and financial evaluation results are shown, through financial statements, cash flow and break-even point. The economic analysis of the project is viable due to its net present value of 223,253 soles and an internal rate of return of 48%. This project seeks to create a sales channel for agricultural producers who are willing to invest in a digital medium to reach clients who have a healthy lifestyle and social awareness.Trabajo de investigació

    Aprovechamiento de residuos mineros para la fabricación de nuevos materiales

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    El consumo actual de recursos minerales es muy elevado, conllevando una elevada generación de residuos durante su explotación y procesado industrial. La utilización de estos residuos como materia prima representa una alternativa tecnológica de gestión de residuos que permite minimizar los vertederos y valorizar el residuo. vitrocerámicos y nuevos materiales cementantes. Son posibles aplicaciones de estos residuos. Se presentan investigaciones realizadas con diversos residuos mineros como materias primas para la fabricación de vidrio, vitrocerámica y materiales cementantes. Con ello se pretenden ofrecer soluciones para la reducción de la contaminación ambiental producida por la actividad minera e industrial, obteniendo un beneficio económico. Además, así se reducen la necesidad de nuevas extracciones. Se han investigado escombreras y colas procedentes de las minas de diferentes enclaves mineros, tanto europeos como sudamericanos. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la composición de muchos residuos mineros es adecuada para fabricar vidrios y vitrocerámicas comerciales. Estos nuevos materiales retienen los elementos contaminantes en su estructura y evitan la contaminación ambiental de los vertederos y los residuos. también estos residuos conjuntamente con residuos de la demolición y construcción se tilizan para obtener materiales cementantes sustitutos del cemento PortlandPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Acoustic properties of agroforestry waste orange pruning fibers reinforced polypropylene composites as an alternative to laminated gypsum boards

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    The present paper investigates the acoustic properties of natural fiber reinforced composites. Fibers from orange tree pruning were obtained and subject to different treatments in order to obtain mechanical, thermomechanical and chemi-thermomechanical pulps. These pulps were used as reinforcement for a polypropylene matrix. The obtained composite materials were submitted to acoustical tests in an impedance tubes device. The transmission losses obtained against the fiber content were obtained and discussed. Latter it was researched the influence of the fiber treatments on the soundproof characteristics. A numerical method was used to preview the acoustic insulation of the materials against the sound frequency. Finally the results were compared with that of the most usual lightweight soundproof solutions. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Reixach, R.; Rey Tormos, RMD.; Alba Fernández, J.; Arbat, G.; Espinach, FX.; Mutjé, P. (2015). Acoustic properties of agroforestry waste orange pruning fibers reinforced polypropylene composites as an alternative to laminated gypsum boards. Construction and Building Materials. 77:124-129. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2014.12.041S1241297

    Advanced trajectory generator for two carts with RGB-D sensor on circular rail

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    This paper presents a motorised circular rail that generates the motion of two carts with an RGB-D sensor each. The objective of both carts' trajectory generation is to track a person's physical rehabilitation exercises from two points of view and his/her emotional state from one of these viewpoints. The person is moving freely his/her position and posture within the circle drawn by the motorised rail. More specifically, this paper describes the calculation of trajectories for safe motion of the two carts on the motorised circular rail in detail. Lastly, a study case is offered to show the performance of the described control algorithms for trajectory generation.- This work was partially supported by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) / European Regional Development Fund (FEDER, UE) under DPI2016-80894-R grant

    Peptide gel in a scaffold as a composite matrix for endothelial cells

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    [EN] The performance of a composite environment with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) has been studied to provide an in vitro proof of concept of their potential of being easily vascularized. These cells were seeded in 1 mm thick scaffolds whose pores had been filled with a self-assembling peptide gel, seeking to improve cell adhesion, and viability of these very sensitive cells. The combination of the synthetic elastomer poly(ethyl acrylate), PEA, scaffold and the RAD16-I peptide gel provides cells with a friendly ECM-like environment inside a mechanically resistant structure. Immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry and scanning electron microscopy were used to evaluate the cell cultures. The presence of the self-assembling peptide filling the pores of the scaffolds resulted in a truly 3D nanoscale context mimicking the extracellular matrix environment, and led to increased cells survival, proliferation as well as developed cell-cell contacts. The combined system consisting of PEA scaffolds and RAD16-I, is a very interesting approach as seems to enhance endothelization, which is the first milestone to achieve vascularized constructs. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A: 103A: 3293-3302, 2015.Contract grant sponsor: European Commission FP7 project RECATABI; contract grant number: NMP3-SL-2009-229239 Contract grant sponsor: Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion; contract grant numbers: MAT2011-28791-C03-02 and -03 Contract grant sponsor: Spanish Ministry of Education through M. Arnal-Pastor; contract grant number: FPU 2009-1870Martínez Ramos, C.; Arnal Pastor, MP.; Vallés Lluch, A.; Monleón Pradas, M. (2015). Peptide gel in a scaffold as a composite matrix for endothelial cells. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. 103(10):3293-3302. https://doi.org/10.1002/jbm.a.35462S329333021031