345 research outputs found

    Road Embedded Traffic Actuated Turbine (RETAT)

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    The Road Embedded Traffic Actuated Turbine (RETAT) project aims to revolutionize sustainable energy solutions by harnessing the power of passing vehicles to generate electricity. This Final Design Review (FDR) encapsulates the evolution of the project, from conceptualization to the tangible realization of the Verification Prototype created by a team of mechanical engineering students. The RETAT boasts an innovative design, incorporating square steel tubing and a unique linear-to-rotational energy conversion mechanism. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the design, implementation, and testing phases, highlighting achievements, challenges, and areas for refinement. As the RETAT project strives to contribute to a cleaner, more energy-efficient future, the FDR outlines key recommendations and next steps for further development, ensuring the project\u27s readiness for real-world applications

    Smooth 3D Path Planning by Means of Multiobjective Optimization for Fixed-Wing UAVs

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    [EN] Demand for 3D planning and guidance algorithms is increasing due, in part, to the increase in unmanned vehicle-based applications. Traditionally, two-dimensional (2D) trajectory planning algorithms address the problem by using the approach of maintaining a constant altitude. Addressing the problem of path planning in a three-dimensional (3D) space implies more complex scenarios where maintaining altitude is not a valid approach. The work presented here implements an architecture for the generation of 3D flight paths for fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The aim is to determine the feasible flight path by minimizing the turning effort, starting from a set of control points in 3D space, including the initial and final point. The trajectory generated takes into account the rotation and elevation constraints of the UAV. From the defined control points and the movement constraints of the UAV, a path is generated that combines the union of the control points by means of a set of rectilinear segments and spherical curves. However, this design methodology means that the problem does not have a single solution; in other words, there are infinite solutions for the generation of the final path. For this reason, a multiobjective optimization problem (MOP) is proposed with the aim of independently maximizing each of the turning radii of the path. Finally, to produce a complete results visualization of the MOP and the final 3D trajectory, the architecture was implemented in a simulation with Matlab/Simulink/flightGear.The authors would like to acknowledge the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades for providing funding through the project RTI2018-096904-B-I00 and the local administration Generalitat Valenciana through projects GV/2017/029 and AICO/2019/055. Franklin Samaniego thanks IFTH (Instituto de Fomento al Talento Humano) Ecuador (2015-AR2Q9209), for its sponsorship of this work.Samaniego, F.; Sanchís Saez, J.; Garcia-Nieto, S.; Simarro Fernández, R. (2020). Smooth 3D Path Planning by Means of Multiobjective Optimization for Fixed-Wing UAVs. Electronics. 9(1):1-23. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics9010051S12391Kyriakidis, M., Happee, R., & de Winter, J. C. F. (2015). Public opinion on automated driving: Results of an international questionnaire among 5000 respondents. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 32, 127-140. doi:10.1016/j.trf.2015.04.014Münzer, S., Zimmer, H. D., Schwalm, M., Baus, J., & Aslan, I. (2006). Computer-assisted navigation and the acquisition of route and survey knowledge. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 26(4), 300-308. doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2006.08.001Morales, Y., Kallakuri, N., Shinozawa, K., Miyashita, T., & Hagita, N. (2013). Human-comfortable navigation for an autonomous robotic wheelchair. 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. doi:10.1109/iros.2013.6696743Krotkov, E., & Hebert, M. (s. f.). Mapping and positioning for a prototype lunar rover. Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. doi:10.1109/robot.1995.525697Rodriguez-Seda, E. J. (2014). Decentralized trajectory tracking with collision avoidance control for teams of unmanned vehicles with constant speed. 2014 American Control Conference. doi:10.1109/acc.2014.6859184Xiaoping Ren, & Zixing Cai. (2010). Kinematics model of unmanned driving vehicle. 2010 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. doi:10.1109/wcica.2010.5554512Jun, J.-Y., Saut, J.-P., & Benamar, F. (2016). Pose estimation-based path planning for a tracked mobile robot traversing uneven terrains. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 75, 325-339. doi:10.1016/j.robot.2015.09.014Li, Y., Ding, L., & Liu, G. (2016). Attitude-based dynamic and kinematic models for wheels of mobile robot on deformable slope. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 75, 161-175. doi:10.1016/j.robot.2015.10.006Mekonnen, G., Kumar, S., & Pathak, P. M. (2016). Wireless hybrid visual servoing of omnidirectional wheeled mobile robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 75, 450-462. doi:10.1016/j.robot.2015.08.008Xu, J., Wang, M., & Qiao, L. (2015). Dynamical sliding mode control for the trajectory tracking of underactuated unmanned underwater vehicles. Ocean Engineering, 105, 54-63. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2015.06.022Gafurov, S. A., & Klochkov, E. V. (2015). Autonomous Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Development Tendencies. Procedia Engineering, 106, 141-148. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2015.06.017Qi, X., & Cai, Z. (2018). Three-dimensional formation control based on nonlinear small gain method for multiple underactuated underwater vehicles. Ocean Engineering, 151, 105-114. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.01.032Ramasamy, S., Sabatini, R., Gardi, A., & Liu, J. (2016). LIDAR obstacle warning and avoidance system for unmanned aerial vehicle sense-and-avoid. Aerospace Science and Technology, 55, 344-358. doi:10.1016/j.ast.2016.05.020Zhu, L., Cheng, X., & Yuan, F.-G. (2016). A 3D collision avoidance strategy for UAV with physical constraints. Measurement, 77, 40-49. doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2015.09.006Chee, K. Y., & Zhong, Z. W. (2013). Control, navigation and collision avoidance for an unmanned aerial vehicle. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 190, 66-76. doi:10.1016/j.sna.2012.11.017Courbon, J., Mezouar, Y., Guénard, N., & Martinet, P. (2010). Vision-based navigation of unmanned aerial vehicles. Control Engineering Practice, 18(7), 789-799. doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2010.03.004Aguilar, W., & Morales, S. (2016). 3D Environment Mapping Using the Kinect V2 and Path Planning Based on RRT Algorithms. Electronics, 5(4), 70. doi:10.3390/electronics5040070Yan, F., Liu, Y.-S., & Xiao, J.-Z. (2013). Path Planning in Complex 3D Environments Using a Probabilistic Roadmap Method. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 10(6), 525-533. doi:10.1007/s11633-013-0750-9Yeh, H.-Y., Thomas, S., Eppstein, D., & Amato, N. M. (2012). UOBPRM: A uniformly distributed obstacle-based PRM. 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. doi:10.1109/iros.2012.6385875Liang, Y., & Xu, L. (2009). Global path planning for mobile robot based genetic algorithm and modified simulated annealing algorithm. Proceedings of the first ACM/SIGEVO Summit on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation - GEC ’09. doi:10.1145/1543834.1543875Liu, J., Yang, J., Liu, H., Tian, X., & Gao, M. (2016). An improved ant colony algorithm for robot path planning. Soft Computing, 21(19), 5829-5839. doi:10.1007/s00500-016-2161-7Cao, H., Sun, S., Zhang, K., & Tang, Z. (2016). Visualized trajectory planning of flexible redundant robotic arm using a novel hybrid algorithm. Optik, 127(20), 9974-9983. doi:10.1016/j.ijleo.2016.07.078Duan, H., & Qiao, P. (2014). Pigeon-inspired optimization: a new swarm intelligence optimizer for air robot path planning. International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, 7(1), 24-37. doi:10.1108/ijicc-02-2014-0005Pandey, A., & Parhi, D. R. (2017). Optimum path planning of mobile robot in unknown static and dynamic environments using Fuzzy-Wind Driven Optimization algorithm. Defence Technology, 13(1), 47-58. doi:10.1016/j.dt.2017.01.001Samaniego, F., Sanchis, J., García-Nieto, S., & Simarro, R. (2019). Recursive Rewarding Modified Adaptive Cell Decomposition (RR-MACD): A Dynamic Path Planning Algorithm for UAVs. Electronics, 8(3), 306. doi:10.3390/electronics8030306Dubins, L. E. (1957). On Curves of Minimal Length with a Constraint on Average Curvature, and with Prescribed Initial and Terminal Positions and Tangents. 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    Recursive Rewarding Modified Adaptive Cell Decomposition (RR-MACD): A Dynamic Path Planning Algorithm for UAVs

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    [EN] A relevant task in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) flight is path planning in 3D environments. This task must be completed using the least possible computing time. The aim of this article is to combine methodologies to optimise the task in time and offer a complete 3D trajectory. The flight environment will be considered as a 3D adaptive discrete mesh, where grids are created with minimal refinement in the search for collision-free spaces. The proposed path planning algorithm for UAV saves computational time and memory resources compared with classical techniques. With the construction of the discrete meshing, a cost response methodology is applied as a discrete deterministic finite automaton (DDFA). A set of optimal partial responses, calculated recursively, indicates the collision-free spaces in the final path for the UAV flight.The authors would like to acknowledge the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for providing funding through the project DPI2015-71443-R and the local administration Generalitat Valenciana through the project GV/2017/029. Franklin Samaniego thanks IFTH (Instituto de Fomento al Talento Humano) Ecuador (2015-AR2Q9209), for its sponsorship of this work.Samaniego-Riera, FE.; Sanchís Saez, J.; Garcia-Nieto, S.; Simarro Fernández, R. (2019). Recursive Rewarding Modified Adaptive Cell Decomposition (RR-MACD): A Dynamic Path Planning Algorithm for UAVs. Electronics. 8(3):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics8030306S12183Valavanis, K. P., & Vachtsevanos, G. J. (Eds.). (2015). 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    Interregional input-ouptut system for Ecuador, 2007: methodology and results

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    In this paper, we explore the structural characteristics of the interregional input-output system developed for Ecuador for the year 2007. As part of an ongoing project that aims to develop an interregional CGE model for the country, this database was developed under conditions of limited information. It provides the opportunity to better understand the spatial linkage structure associated with the national economy in the context of its 22 provinces, 15 sectors and 60 different products. This exploratory analysis is based on the description of structural coefficients and the use of traditional input-output techniques. Finally, we further explore the spatial linkage structure by looking at the regional decomposition of final demand. It is hoped that this exercise might result in a better appreciation of a broader set of dimensions that might improve our understanding of the integrated interregional economic system in Ecuador.Interregional input-output model; Ecuador; spatial linkages

    Nivel de Aceptación Forestal en los Pobladores del Caserio de Alto el Sol y el Caserío Lambayeque en sus Actividades Productivas 2020, en las Regiones de San Martin y Cajamarca

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    La expansión de la frontera agropecuaria es la mayor responsable de la perdida de bosques naturales en nuestro país. El uso de especies forestales asociados a cultivos incrementa los beneficios ambientales, mejora la calidad del suelo, incrementa el ingreso familiar, y otros beneficios asociados a los cultivos; sin embargo, su uso e inclusión (asociación o macizo) depende del nivel de aceptación de los pobladores. El proyecto se realizó en dos caseríos con enfoque cultural, económico, y actividades productivas diferentes. Como objetivo se propuso el determinar el nivel de aceptación forestal en los pobladores de los caseríos Alto el Sol en la región San Martín y Lambayeque en la región Cajamarca. Los datos fueron obtenidos mediante una encuesta de opinión realizada a 148 pobladores, en los meses de enero y febrero del 2020. La data obtenida fue analizada, clasificada y procesada de acuerdo con lo establecido en la “Guía metodológica para la evaluación de aceptación y adopción de tecnologías agropecuarias en El Salvador”, para el cálculo del nivel de aceptación forestal se consideraron cinco indicadores: a) sistemas agroforestales (SAF), b) conocimiento local, c) ingresos, d) apoyo externo y e) mercado forestal. Los resultados muestran que el nivel de aceptación forestal en los pobladores del caserío de Alto el sol: fue alto para SAFs e ingresos, medio para conocimiento local y bajo para apoyo externo y mercado forestal. Asimismo, los pobladores del caserío Lambayeque presentan niveles de aceptación altos en SAFs, conocimiento local e ingresos; y bajo para los indicadores de apoyo externo y mercado forestal. Esto indica que ambos caseríos responden a considerables similitudes de aceptación en gran parte de los indicadores forestales analizados

    Immersive Trajectory Design Framework Using Augmented Reality

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    The field of astrodynamics currently relies on highly specialized tools for spacecraft trajectory design, resulting in intricate trajectories sometimes difficult to visualize on 2D screens. On the other hand, the intuitive interaction capabilities of augmented reality make it ideal for solving complex 3D problems that require complex spatial representations, which is key for astrodynamics and space mission planning. By implementing common and complex orbital mechanics algorithms in augmented reality, a hands-on method for designing orbit solutions and spacecraft missions is created. This effort explores the aforementioned implementation with the Microsoft Hololens 2 as well as its applications in both industry and academia. Furthermore, the collaboration between the Human Factors and Aerospace Engineering departments led to the creation of a user-friendly augmented reality system tailored for space mission planning. A user-centered design approach was explored, which involved assessing user requirements, analyzing existing processes, prototyping an AR interface, and engaging in iterative design. Moving forward, the team plans to refine and test the application\u27s front-end design through heuristic evaluations, ongoing refinement, and testing of prototypes with potential users. This is all in hopes of ensuring that the tool is user-friendly, while maintaining accuracy and applicability to higher-fidelity problems

    HCVerso3: An Open-Label, Phase IIb Study of Faldaprevir and Deleobuvir with Ribavirin in Hepatitis C Virus Genotype-1b-Infected Patients with Cirrhosis and Moderate Hepatic Impairment

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    This study evaluated the interferon-free, oral combination of deleobuvir (non-nucleoside HCV NS5-RNA-polymerase inhibitor) and faldaprevir (HCV NS3/4A-protease inhibitor) with ribavirin in patients with HCV genotype-1b and moderate (Child-Pugh B [CPB], n = 17) or mild hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh A [CPA], n = 18). Patients received faldaprevir 120 mg and deleobuvir (600 mg [CPA], 400 mg [CPB]) twice-daily with weight-based ribavirin for 24 weeks. Baseline characteristics were similar between groups. Among CPA patients, 13/18 completed treatment; discontinuations were for adverse events (AEs, n = 1), lack of efficacy (n = 3) and withdrawal (n = 1). Among CPB patients, 8/17 completed treatment; discontinuations were for AEs (n = 6), withdrawal (n = 1) and 'other' (n = 2). Sustained virologic response at post-treatment Week 12 (SVR12) was achieved by 11 (61%) CPA patients (95% confidence interval: 38.6%-83.6%) and 9 (53%) CPB patients (95% confidence interval: 29.2%-76.7%), including most CPA (11/16) patients with Week 4 HCV RNA <25 IU.mL-1 (target detected or not detected) and most CPB (8/9) patients with Week 4 HCV RNA <25 IU.mL-1 (target not detected); 0/4 CPB patients with Week 4 HCV RNA <25 IU.mL-1 (target detected) achieved SVR12. The most common AEs in both groups were nausea, diarrhoea and vomiting. Serious AEs were observed in 9 (53%) CPB patients and 1 (6%) CPA patient. Plasma trough concentrations of deleobuvir and faldaprevir were not substantially different between the CPA and CPB groups. In conclusion, in this small study the safety and efficacy profiles for 24 weeks of treatment with faldaprevir+deleobuvir+ribavirin in patients with mild or moderate hepatic impairment were consistent with the safety and efficacy profile of this regimen in non-cirrhotic patients. Faldaprevir+deleobuvir+ribavirin resulted in SVR12 in 53-61% of patients: proportions achieving SVR4 but not SVR12 were higher than in non-cirrhotic patients and overall response rates were lower than rates reported with other all-oral regimens in patients with cirrhosis

    Effect of torrefaction temperature on properties of Patula pine

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    The objective of this work was to study the effect of torrefaction temperature on properties of patula pine (Pinus patula) wood that could be of interest for further thermochemical processing. Torrefaction temperature was varied from 200 to 300 °C for 30 minutes using a batch spoon type reactor. Raw and torrefied materials were characterized for proximate and ultimate analyses, thermogravimetry, and pyrolysis gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). Results showed that torrefied pine has greater higher heating value and chemical exergy due to the reduction of O/C and H/C ratios. Compared with raw biomass, the material torrefied at 200 and 250 °C did not present significant changes  in chemical composition and thermal behavior. Conversely, material torrefied at 300 °C did show important changes in both chemical composition and thermal behavior. Py-GC/MS results suggested that the main constituents of biomass, i.e., hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin, suffer a progressive thermal degradation with increase in torrefaction temperature

    Psychometric network analysis of the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4) in Paraguayan general population

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    Background: Depression and anxiety are two of the most prevalent and disabling mental disorders worldwide, both in the general population and in outpatient clinical settings. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the psychometric properties of the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4) based on network analysis metrics. Methods: A total of 911 Paraguayans (23.71% women and 76.29% men; mean age 31.25 years, SD = 10.63), selected by non-probabilistic convenience sampling, participated in the study. Network analysis was used to evaluate the internal structure, reliability, and measurement invariance between men and women. Results: The results revealed that the PHQ-4 is a unidimensional measure through Exploratory Graph Analysis (EGA). Reliability, through structural consistency, identified that 100% of the time, only a single dimension was obtained, and all items remained stable, as they were always replicated within the empirical dimension. The unidimensional structure has shown evidence of configural invariance; therefore, the network structure functioned equally among the different sex groups. Conclusion: The PHQ-4 presented optimal preliminary evidence of validity based on its internal structure, reliability, and invariance between sexes. Therefore, it may be useful as an accurate and brief measure of anxiety and depressive symptoms in the Paraguayan context

    Interregional input-ouptut system for Ecuador, 2007: methodology and results

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    In this paper, we explore the structural characteristics of the interregional input-output system developed for Ecuador for the year 2007. As part of an ongoing project that aims to develop an interregional CGE model for the country, this database was developed under conditions of limited information. It provides the opportunity to better understand the spatial linkage structure associated with the national economy in the context of its 22 provinces, 15 sectors and 60 different products. This exploratory analysis is based on the description of structural coefficients and the use of traditional input-output techniques. Finally, we further explore the spatial linkage structure by looking at the regional decomposition of final demand. It is hoped that this exercise might result in a better appreciation of a broader set of dimensions that might improve our understanding of the integrated interregional economic system in Ecuador