1,592 research outputs found

    Optimal boundary geometry in an elasticity problem: a systematic adjoint approach

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    p. 509-524In different problems of Elasticity the definition of the optimal geometry of the boundary, according to a given objective function, is an issue of great interest. Finding the shape of a hole in the middle of a plate subjected to an arbitrary loading such that the stresses along the hole minimizes some functional or the optimal middle curved concrete vault for a tunnel along which a uniform minimum compression are two typical examples. In these two examples the objective functional depends on the geometry of the boundary that can be either a curve (in case of 2D problems) or a surface boundary (in 3D problems). Typically, optimization is achieved by means of an iterative process which requires the computation of gradients of the objective function with respect to design variables. Gradients can by computed in a variety of ways, although adjoint methods either continuous or discrete ones are the more efficient ones when they are applied in different technical branches. In this paper the adjoint continuous method is introduced in a systematic way to this type of problems and an illustrative simple example, namely the finding of an optimal shape tunnel vault immersed in a linearly elastic terrain, is presented.Garcia-Palacios, J.; Castro, C.; Samartin, A. (2009). Optimal boundary geometry in an elasticity problem: a systematic adjoint approach. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/654

    A large displacement structural analysis of a pipeline subjected to gravity and bouyancy forces

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    p. 489-508A nonlinear analysis of an elastic tube subjected to gravity forces and buoyancy pressure is carried out. An update lagrangian formulation is used. The structural analysis efficiency in terms of computer time and accuracy, has been improved when load stiffness matrices have been introduced. In this way the follower forces characteristics such as their intensity and direction changes can be well represented. A sensitivity study of different involved variables on the final deformed pipeline shape is carried out.Mosquera, JC.; Garcia-Palacios, J.; Samartin, A. (2009). A large displacement structural analysis of a pipeline subjected to gravity and bouyancy forces. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/654

    Non-linear response of single-molecule magnets: field-tuned quantum-to-classical crossovers

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    Quantum nanomagnets can show a field dependence of the relaxation time very different from their classical counterparts, due to resonant tunneling via excited states (near the anisotropy barrier top). The relaxation time then shows minima at the resonant fields H_{n}=n D at which the levels at both sides of the barrier become degenerate (D is the anisotropy constant). We showed that in Mn12, near zero field, this yields a contribution to the nonlinear susceptibility that makes it qualitatively different from the classical curves [Phys. Rev. B 72, 224433 (2005)]. Here we extend the experimental study to finite dc fields showing how the bias can trigger the system to display those quantum nonlinear responses, near the resonant fields, while recovering an classical-like behaviour for fields between them. The analysis of the experiments is done with heuristic expressions derived from simple balance equations and calculations with a Pauli-type quantum master equation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. B, brief report

    Tuning metamaterials by using amorphous magnetic microwires

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    In this work, we demonstrate theoretically and experimentally the possibility of tuning the electromagnetic properties of metamaterials with magnetic fields by incorporating amorphous magnetic microwires. The large permeability of these wires at microwave frequencies allows tuning the resonance of the metamaterial by using magnetic fields of the order of tens of Oe. We describe here the physical basis of the interaction between a prototypical magnetic metamaterial with magnetic microwires and electromagnetic waves plus providing detailed calculations and experimental results for the case of an array of Split Ring Resonators with Co-based microwires

    Web 2.0 en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Aplicación a la enseñanza de Economía de la Empresa

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    El uso de Internet y su evolución acelerada en el tiempo no afecta exclusivamente a las empresas, sino que su ritmo viene marcado precisamente por los que se han de considerar nuevos productores de contenido en la Red. La Universidad no puede quedarse atrás en el uso de las TIC pero tampoco puede centrarse exclusivamente en plataformas de aprendizaje on-line de sofisticación elevada –OCW, Moodle, entre otros-, pero sin otorgar poder para modificar y generar contenidos a los usuarios. La Unidad Docente de Organización de Empresas del Departamento de Economía y Gestión Forestal de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid propone el uso de plataformas Web 2.0 con el objeto de desarrollar competencias tradicionales y competencias 2.0. Estas plataformas tienen una gran acogida entre el alumnado, presentan utilidad tanto en el presente como en el futuro, y se puede utilizar como plataforma de Learning 2.0 de la Economía y Organización de Empresa

    Analysis of ecosystem services provision in the Colombian Amazon using participatory research and mapping techniques

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    Over the last two decades indigenous peoples in the lower Caquetá River basin in Colombia have experienced detrimental changes in the provision of important ecosystem services in ways that have significant implications for the maintenance of their traditional livelihoods. To assess these changes we conducted eight participatory mapping activities and convened 22 focus group discussions. We focused the analysis on two types of change: (1) changes in the location of ecosystem services provisioning areas and (2) changes in the stock of ecosystem services. The focal ecosystem services include services such as provision of food, raw materials and medicinal resources. Results from the study show that in the past two decades the demand for food and raw materials has intensified and, as a result, locations of provisioning areas and the stocks of ecosystem services have changed. We found anecdotal evidence that these changes correlate well with socio-economic factors such as greater need for income generation, change in livelihood practices and consumption patterns. We discuss the use of participatory mapping techniques in the context of marginalized and data-poor regions. We also show how this kind of information can strengthen existing ecosystem-based management strategies used by indigenous peoples in the Colombian Amazon

    Efficacy of an internet-based psychological intervention for problem gambling and gambling disorder: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Gambling Disorder is a prevalent non-substance use disorder, which contrasts with the low number of people requesting treatment. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) could help to enhance the dissemination of evidence-based treatments and considerably reduce the costs. The current study seeks to assess the efficacy of an online psychological intervention for people suffering from gambling problems in Spain. The proposed study will be a two-arm, parallel-group, randomized controlled trial. A total of 134 participants (problem and pathological gamblers) will be randomly allocated to a waiting list control group (N = 67) or an intervention group (N = 67). The intervention program includes 8 modules, and it is based on motivational interviewing, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and extensions and innovations of CBT. It includes several complementary tools that are present throughout the entire intervention. Therapeutic support will be provided once a week through a phone call with a maximum length of 10 min. The primary outcome measure will be gambling severity and gambling-related cognitions, and secondary outcome measures will be readiness to change, and gambling self-efficacy. Other variables that will be considered are depression and anxiety symptoms, positive and negative affect, difficulties in emotion regulation strategies, impulsivity, and quality of life. Individuals will be assessed at baseline, post-treatment, and 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-ups. During the treatment, participants will also respond to a daily Ecological Momentary Intervention (EMI) in order to evaluate urges to gamble, self-efficacy to cope with gambling urges, gambling urge frequency, and whether gambling behaviour occurs. The EMI includes immediate automatic feedback depending on the participant''s responses. Treatment acceptance and satisfaction will also be assessed. The data will be analysed both per protocol and by Intention-to treat. As far as we know, this is the first randomized controlled trial of an online psychological intervention for gambling disorder in Spain. It will expand our knowledge about treatments delivered via the Internet and contribute to improving treatment dissemination, reaching people suffering from this problem who otherwise would not receive help

    Temperature dependent magnetization dynamics of magnetic nanoparticles

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    Recent experimental and theoretical studies show that the switching behavior of magnetic nanoparticles can be well controlled by external time-dependent magnetic fields. In this work, we inspect theoretically the influence of the temperature and the magnetic anisotropy on the spin-dynamics and the switching properties of single domain magnetic nanoparticles (Stoner-particles). Our theoretical tools are the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation extended as to deal with finite temperatures within a Langevine framework. Physical quantities of interest are the minimum field amplitudes required for switching and the corresponding reversal times of the nanoparticle's magnetic moment. In particular, we contrast the cases of static and time-dependent external fields and analyze the influence of damping for a uniaxial and a cubic anisotropy.Comment: accepted by Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte