3,853 research outputs found

    Nigrosine staining of wheat endosperm proteolipid patterns on starch gels

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    We have previously characterized a group of proteolipids from wheat endosperm, designated CM proteins, which are soluble in chloroformmethanol (2:1, v/v) and have a molecular weight lower than 25,000 daltons (1-3). These have been also studied by Redman and Ewart (4). The CM proteins are suitably fractionated into several components by starch gel electrophoresis at pH 3.2 (1). A sensitive staining procedure was required in connection with genetic studies of these proteins because phenotypes had to be ascertained in small endosperm fractions dissected without impairing normal germination and plant development. We report here on Nigrosine staining conditions for CM proteins under which high sensitivity and selectivity are achieve

    Intrusion analysis system using big data techniques

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    The bachelor’s thesis main objective is to develop a client-server application to monitor the activity of a system in order to detect possible intrusions by taking advantage of the capabilities of large-scale data processing engines such as Apache Spark, by having a flow of data sent to the possible clients and processing it using these techniques. The objective of the thesis is to demonstrate the knowledge acquired on this type of technologies by explaining what was accomplished and how it was accomplished. In order to complete the main objective of the thesis, the following smaller objectives are to be followed: Provide background on the selected technologies and justification on why they were chosen. Analysis of similar products available on the market. Analysis of the development environment of the application. Implementation of a C-based server that will send information to our client application. Implementation of an Apache Spark client application that connects to the C-server and cleans all the information and stores it in a distributed environment for latter visualization. Implementation of a visualization application using Apache Zeppelin to provide results of the application.Ingeniería Informátic

    Detection of flour or farina from Triticum aestivum in macaroni by starch-gel electrophoresis of water-soluble proteins

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    A water-soluble protein component, A, has been found which appears without exception at a higher concentration in Triticum aestivum than in T. durum. Quantitation of A is achieved by referring the height of densitogram peak A to the height of peak B, which corresponds to a second component that is present in all varieties studied from both species. Extreme valúes of peak height ratio (PHR) in both species are tentatively established. On the basis of these valúes, the máximum and minimum possible contents of T. aestivum in a mixture are expressed as a function of PHR. All the varieties of T. aestivum studied are detected when they contribute more than 60% to the mixture. In over 90% of all possible binary combinations between varieties of T. aestivum and T. durum, the máximum proportion of undetected T. aestivum has been 30%

    Chromosomal location of a gene that controls sterol esterification in Triticum aestivum L.

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    A previously described D genome locus (Pln) that controls sterol esterification in the wheat kernel has been assigned to the short arm of chromosome 7 D by comparison of the steryl ester phenotype of euploid kernels of Triticum aestivum variety Chinese Spring with those of the compensated nulli-tetrasomic lines and the 7 D S ditelosomic. Palmitate is the predominant ester in all but the 7 D nullisomic combinations, which have linoleate as the main ester. These lines also show a marked decrease in sterol esterification and a two-fold increase in free sterol, indicating that chromosomes 7 A and 7 B do not compensate for the loss of esterification capacity associated with 7 D

    Effects of n-butanol and filipin on membrane permeability of developing wheat endosperm with different sterol phenotypes.

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    Sterols are considered structural components of higher plant membranes on the basis of their presence in membrane-containing subcellular fractions [1—3], their effect on plant membrane permeability when added exogenously [4,5] and the sensitivity of plant cells to the polyene antibiotic filipin [6—8], which action is known to depend on the presence of sterols in the membrane (see [8]). Our recent finding of a gene that controls the free sterol level of developing wheat endosperm [9—11 ] allows to investígate whether endogenous sterol modifies membrane permeability in the same way as that added externally. We report here on the effect of «-butanol and filipin on the leakage properties of developing wheat endosperms with different genetically determined free sterol levéis

    A New method for the estimation of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in pasta products

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    An electrophoretic component ofthe chloroform-methanol (2:1) extractedproteins from common wheat endosperin is barely detected in durum wheat. This sharp interspecific difference is expressed in per cent units ofanother electrophoretic component which is present in both wheat species and designed protein ratio (PR). Macaroni production processing and/or. variations of milling yield do not significantly affect the PR. A linear relationship exists between PR and the % of common wheat in a known mixture. Tentative interspecific limits for PR are established from a survey of79 common wheat and 30 durum wheat variéties. Basedon these limits, máximum and mínimum possible common wheat contení in an unknown mixture is calculated as a funcí ion of PR

    Detección y cuantificación de harinas de trigo común ("Triticum vulgare") en sémolas y pastas alimenticias

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    El método se basa en la detección y cuantificación de un componente designado CM, del extracto cloroformo-metanol del endaspermo de trigo o de productos derivados de él, cuyo control genético radica en el cromosoma ID de •Triticum Vulgarey que por tanto no se encuentra en «T. durum». El mencionado extracto,, al que se designa proteina CM, se fracciona por electroforesis sobre gel de almidón, y e] componente CM| se estima visualmente o se cuantifica densintométricamente

    Modélisation géomatique rétrospective des paysages par évaluation multicritères et multiobjectifs

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    International audienceParmi les fonctions SIG pour la modélisation spatio-temporelle et l'aide à la décision, l'évaluation multicritères et multiobjectifs s'avèrent être particulièrement utile en ce qui concerne la reproductibilité des résultats et le paramétrage de scénarii en termes de prise de risque et de compensation. Ce travail illustre la méthodologie et les résultats obtenus pour la reconstitution probabiliste du paysage historique de la Alta Alpujarra Granadina (Sierra Nevada, Espagne) du 16ème, 18ème et 19ème siècle. L'évaluation multicritères génère des cartes de potentialité - ou d'aptitude - pour chaque usage (objectif), en l'occurrence les différentes catégories d'occupation du sol. Elle se base sur l'hypothèse qu'il existe, pour une date donnée, une série de critères spatialisés pouvant expliquer la variabilité des états de la variable (catégories d'occupation du sol), autrement dit l'aptitude pour un usage. L'évaluation multiobjectifs consiste, en tenant compte des superficies réellement occupées, à intégrer les objectifs concurrents (cartes d'aptitude monothématiques) afin de construire les cartes probabilistes d'occupation du sol historiques pour 1572, 1752 et 1855/61. Les résultats expriment la probabilité de présence d'une occupation du sol à un endroit donné selon les critères inclus dans l'analyse. Leur interprétation permet de se prononcer sur les apports et limites de la méthodologie mise en oeuvre sans pour autant autoriser une validation faute de documents historiques de comparaiso
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